Showing posts with label Etc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etc. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Prison Nicknames Revealed, "Boom, Rokk Boy, Big Nose," Etc.

Aaron Hernandez went by a slew of nicknames during his time behind bars — including “AA,” “Chico,” and “Big Nose” … this according to official prison documents obtained by TMZ Sports.  Among the nicknames…  — Boom — Rokk Boy –…


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Recap: Poconos, Puppies, Etc.

On Kate Plus 8 Season 5 Episode 3, the controversial mother of eight and her gargantuan-ass brood went on more adventures together.

If you thought it was just Kate and the kids going away, you were wrong. She even decided it would be best to take the two dogs with them on the trip. 

Yeah, that was always going to be difficult with her big brood, but she went with it. The drama started pretty much immediately when it emerged that the family almost left without the dogs. 

One of the more odd developments was that Kate played lifeguard to her children, even though she could not swim. Surely, there must be some health and safety laws against that. 

Leah was quick to call her mother out about her lack of swimming skills, and the fact she did not even help her daughter out. 

“My goodness, you’re not very much help,” said Leah. That kid definitely gets that wit from her mother. 

Heck, Kate still did not quite understand the tubing incident, so she decided the best course of action was to scream as loud as she possibly could. 

It was typical Kate. She reacts by screaming when she finds something difficult. Even her kids were quick to point out that she was over-dramatic about everything. 

Maybe it’s time Kate sat down and watched her TV shows back to find out how everyone really feels about her. There’s a thought. 

When the family tried their hand at archery, Kate was so desperately trying to play the cool mom role, but her kids were anything but impressed when it came to picking teams. 

Hannah had the best response to the way Kate was trying to pick the teams.

“Mom, you’re trying to make this fun. But no one wants to be on your team, so this isn’t fun,” Hannah said. 

Basically, the kids were talking about how bad Kate was at everything throughout the trip. It was sad, but Kate does act pretty juvenile at the best of times. 

The only fun the kids seemed to have was when they were trashing their mother and that’s pretty sad. 

At one point, Kate even had to eat alone. She put it down to her having sore ears, but something tells me the kids just wanted a break from her complaining at them for the slightest thing. 

At the end, Kate recapped the trip and acted like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, we believe you, Kate!

What did you think of the trip?

Sound off below in the comments!


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Jill & Derick Dillard on Missionary Life: Lots of Rape, Murder, Etc.!

Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard discuss the potential dangers they face as Christian missionaries on tonight"s all new Counting On.

Long story short: They"re not in Arkansas anymore.

Yes, there is crime anywhere you go in the world today, but it"s worse in El Salvador, where people get sexually assaulted all the time.

So says Derick in a preview for Counting On Season 3 Episode 2, and while he seems to have a good handle on it, it"s clearly unnerving.

Jill Duggar admits below that she and Derick do feel uneasy when hearing about their neighborhood"s high incidence of violent crime.

"It"s risky here," she says in the sneak peek below.

"We stand out as Americans, so definitely we"re higher risk," the 25-year-old mom to Israel, 16 months, tells the TLC cameras.

"You have to talk about things," says the second eldest Duggar daughter, "that probably a lot of couples wouldn"t talk about back in the States."

Those things, she says, include the unthinkable.

"We"ve been married almost two years … we have a little baby," she tells the camera in a joint sit-down with her spouse. 

"If we were back in the States, we wouldn"t be talking about, "Now if you die, what am I supposed to do from there?""

"If you don"t come home after you are supposed to [at] this hour, then what do I do?" It"s hard to talk about those things," Jill adds.

At the same time, it"s good experience: "It"s also good for us to [know] like, if something happened, what I"m supposed to do."

Also, they insist that it"s all worth it.

Dillard says that the good they"re doing to help the locals, and humanity as a whole, helps him push any concerns to the back of his mind.

"I do love my life here," he says.

"There"s not another place in the world I"d rather be right now, but there"s obviously times when I"m going to miss my life in America."

There"s also the Zika virus issue.

While rumors that Jill Duggar is pregnant have not come to fruition, fans have openly wondered if pregnant Jessa Duggar is at risk of Zika.

For the most part, it"s the violence that concerns them most of all, rather than the mosquito-borne illness and its side effects.

Previously, Derick also spoke about the preponderance of crime that permeates live in the impoverished third world country.

"There are a lot of dangerous realities that do come with living in a place like Central America," Derick said of their life there.

"Kidnappings, rape, murder," Dillard lamented, "those are just the realities that everyone here has to face on a daily basis."

Derick"s point that there is more lawlessness and violent crime in many South and Central American countries than in the US is valid.

Still, some fans were upset that he would take this opportunity to bemoan the prevalence of sexual assault in El Salvador.

On TV, and while his own wife was sitting right there.

Jill was, after all, molested by her older brother Josh Duggar, along with several of her sisters when they were younger.

Obviously, it"s not the same. We recognize that.

But for all the lip service paid to the seriousness of Josh"s crimes, the Duggars don"t seem to get the seriousness of this, either.

Like it or not, the fact that they live with a child molester who evaded the authorities with the help of his parents taints a lot of things.

If they really internalized that, it might change a lot.

They can"t erase what happened, but perhaps Derick would think twice before making comments like this, even if his intentions aren"t bad.

Maybe we"re reading too much into this one comment, but considering the context and the lasting impact of sex crimes on women?

It"s worth thinking and talking about. That"s all.

Anyway, check out the sneak preview below:

Jill duggar and derick dillard on missionary life so much rape k

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 1 Episode 2 Recap: Divas, Queens, Etc.

After a premiere that introduced us to Bravo’s newest stars, what did The Real Housewives of Potomac Season 1 Episode 2 have in store?

If you watch The Real Housewives of Potomac online, you will learn that in Potomac, it’s all about the etiquette … or the lack thereof.

Seriously, that is the defining, overarching theme of the show.

Last night, the cast members clashed over political and racial issues, and taught us the difference between Classy and Potomac Classy.

Charrise Jackson Jordan and Gizelle Bryant’s beef remained strong, with the former claiming that the latter ruined her birthday. Standard.

The stars’ feelings toward Gizelle are quickly becoming a wedge issue between them, but that’s far from the only issue at hand here.

Katie Rost noted that, “on top of being biracial, I’m Jewish,” and gave Hebrew names to her kids, complete with a huge party to celebrate.

She didn’t feel respected at such a glorious event, however.

Meanwhile, Karen Huber reflected on her family’s complicated past with her opinionated Aunt Dot, who is basically the epitome of classy.

Among other words some people might be inclined to use.

Finally, Ashley Darby threw her “Sip With Socialites” event, leading to plenty of gossip among the cast regarding her much older husband.

Not that she cared. Even if they think she is “easy.”

Follow the links above to see the episode for yourself from start to finish and tell us: Are you loving The Real Housewives of Potomac?