Showing posts with label Puppies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Puppies. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Meghan Markle Wants to Murder Puppies and Wear Their Fur as a Coat, Evil Half-Sister Implies

According to Samantha Grant, Meghan Markle is an awful person who wants to inflict harm on as many as 101 dogs, prior to using their fur as a very expensive and very inhumane coat.

Talk about a harsh accusation!

But it’s one that Markle’s half-sister made late last week as part of her latest Twitter rant against The Duchess of Sussex.

This time around, Grant took Markle to task for reportedly failing to wish their father a happy birthday.

And she did so on Markle’s very own birthday in an attempt to shame her publicly for her inaction.

“Happy Birthday Meg! It would be so lovely and appropriate of you to send DAD a BELATED birthday card for his July 18th [cake emoji] @KensingtonRoyal Cheers!” Samantha tweeted on Friday.

Earlier that same day, Grant shared an Elle article that stated Meghan and Prince Harry “are rumored to be taking a step away from the media spotlight,” writing:

“OK so Cruella Deville [sic] is retreating LOL…Let me know how that works out for you.”


Cruella de Vil, of course, is the villain in the Disney story 101 Dalmatians

The name itself is a pun of the words cruel and devil.

In all versions of this tale, the glamorous London heiress kidnaps dozens and dozens of puppies in order tomato a fur coat out of their corpses.

She’s just terrible all around, which is the same point Samantha has been trying to make about Markle for months now.


For those not in the know, Grant and Markle share the same father, but a different mother.

They are 17 years apart in age and barely knew each other growing up. They barely know each other right now.

Nevertheless, Samantha has used every opportunity at her disposal to slam the heck out of her half-sibling ever since Markle shot into the spotlight as Harry’s girlfriend.

She’s jealous and she’s desperate for attention.

In mid-July, Grant told Markle that she’d be responsible for their dad’s death if Thomas Markle passes away any time soon.

(Thomas, rememeber, skipped the Royal Wedding due to heart problems and due to a scandal in which he got paid by paparazzo to snap pictures of him.)

In another recent tweet, Grant called Meghan, “Witchy Poo.”

Samantha also made a public plea for Meghan to reunite with their dad, saying on ITV’s Good Morning Britain last month:

“He’s very worried about her given the distance and the inability to have live communication, so he just needs to know that she’s well, she’s happy, she’s OK and to touch bases, so I hope they get to do that soon.”

This same father has also trashed Markle to the press, while claiming responsibility for everything that makes her special.

It’s remarkable that Meghan has taken the high road throughout these attempts at worldwide shaming.

She’s supposedly asked for help from the Queen in shutting her dad up, but she has mostly remained silent and just been content with her unique life and special husband.

She really does seem pretty wonderful.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

LaVar Ball and Sons Get 3 Rottweiller Puppies

Bow wow wow yippee yo yippie yay — LaVar Ball got his soon-to-be Lithuania bound sons some new playmates … 3 Rottweiller puppies. TMZ Sports got video of Lavar, LiAngelo, LaMelo and leaving Petco in Chino Hills, CA as they toted out…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Adam Lind: Using Steroids and Killing Puppies?!

Things aren’t looking good for Adam Lind.

Well, they were never looking good — he’s always been an enormous jackass with zero redeeming qualities, but, you know, meth doesn’t help.

In April, we learned that he’d failed a court-appointed drug test, and that he’d been found with a “substantial” amount of meth in his system.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, we recently learned that the drug test was done just before he went to pick up his younger daughter, Paislee, for the weekend.

Meaning that Adam believed it was an OK choice to be on meth around his kid.

Thanks to that terrible decision, Adam’s custody and visitation rights for Paislee are suspended indefinitely, and we imagine Chelsea Houska will follow suit for her daughter with Adam, Aubree.

If she hasn’t already, that is.

It’s all just such a horrific story, but now, against all odds, it’s getting worse.

In newly revealed court documents, we’re now discovering that Taylor Halbur, Adam’s ex and the mother of Paislee, went to court to make a request in her custody agreement with Adam.

Apparently Adam was asking for unsupervised time with Paislee, but Taylor asked a judge to deny the request because he’s “a dangerous person.”

According to the papers, “His life has spun out of control ever since he found fame, or infamy for that matter, on a television series run on MTV called Teen Mom 2.”

Don’t we know it …

“He has come to view himself as a person above the law, above social norms and above all rules,” the papers added.

Thanks to these horrifying documents, we now know that Taylor believes Adam has “serious anger issues.”

She even claimed that “Upon information and belief, when we were dating and lived together, he killed two of my puppies.”

“There was also another relationship that he was in, where he may have killed that person’s dog. If you hurt a dog, you will hurt a child!”

Well, according to most psychologists, if you hurt a dog, you could turn out to be a serial killer, but yeah, he could definitely hurt a kid, too.

And if memory serves, Chelsea’s had a dog or two disappear without a trace — could Adam have been responsible?!

Taylor also said that “I myself have seen many needles strewn around his home. Others have posted pictures of the Plaintiff with needles.”

The issue, she said, is steroids — no real surprise there.

But just when you think it gets any worse …

“One time,” Taylor recounted, “he tried to get a cell phone from me that was in my pocket.”

“In an attempt to get a cell phone out of my pocket he knocked me and our infant daughter to the ground. He did not seem to care that he had almost harmed an infant child.”

She also said that while “very high on steroids,” he once slammed her against a wall and screamed at her.

What an absolute nightmare, right?

It’s clear that Adam has no business being around children — it was clear even before we first heard a whisper about meth.

Hopefully Taylor can take custody from him for good now, and Chelsea can do the same for Aubree.

After knowing all that we know now, we can’t imagine being able to stomach seeing Adam at all, let alone seeing him with those poor girls.


Monday, June 19, 2017

Kim Kardashian"s New Puppies for North and Penelope Look Like Micro Pomeranians, BUT ...

Kim Kardashian seemed to go all micro when she bought 2 Pomeranians for her daughter and niece, but turns out she took a much safer route. Kim posted this pup pic, showing off the pooches she got North and Penelope. Micro Poms — which…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Literally, Just 29 Photos of Golden Retriever Puppies

This is a very simple photo gallery.

It features loads and loads of cute Golden Retriever puppies; sleeping, playing, drinking from a Starbucks cup… just looking generally adorable.

As if there was any other way for these dogs to look, right?!?

Prepare to simple die of cuteness in 3… 2… 1…

1. He’s Sleeping!


We want to wake him up and play, but we also want to sit and stare!

2. Red, White and… CUTE!

Red white and cute

Snuggle him close during fireworks. He’ll probably get scared.

3. Being This Precious is Serious Business

Being this precious is serious business

Very, very serious.

4. Don’t You Want to Play With Me?

Dont you want to play with me

I’ll help you forget it’s so cold out here.

5. It’s a Puppuccino!

Its a puppuccino

You’ve earned this, fella.

6. Look at That Face!

Look at that face

And those tiny paws!

View Slideshow

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Recap: Poconos, Puppies, Etc.

On Kate Plus 8 Season 5 Episode 3, the controversial mother of eight and her gargantuan-ass brood went on more adventures together.

If you thought it was just Kate and the kids going away, you were wrong. She even decided it would be best to take the two dogs with them on the trip. 

Yeah, that was always going to be difficult with her big brood, but she went with it. The drama started pretty much immediately when it emerged that the family almost left without the dogs. 

One of the more odd developments was that Kate played lifeguard to her children, even though she could not swim. Surely, there must be some health and safety laws against that. 

Leah was quick to call her mother out about her lack of swimming skills, and the fact she did not even help her daughter out. 

“My goodness, you’re not very much help,” said Leah. That kid definitely gets that wit from her mother. 

Heck, Kate still did not quite understand the tubing incident, so she decided the best course of action was to scream as loud as she possibly could. 

It was typical Kate. She reacts by screaming when she finds something difficult. Even her kids were quick to point out that she was over-dramatic about everything. 

Maybe it’s time Kate sat down and watched her TV shows back to find out how everyone really feels about her. There’s a thought. 

When the family tried their hand at archery, Kate was so desperately trying to play the cool mom role, but her kids were anything but impressed when it came to picking teams. 

Hannah had the best response to the way Kate was trying to pick the teams.

“Mom, you’re trying to make this fun. But no one wants to be on your team, so this isn’t fun,” Hannah said. 

Basically, the kids were talking about how bad Kate was at everything throughout the trip. It was sad, but Kate does act pretty juvenile at the best of times. 

The only fun the kids seemed to have was when they were trashing their mother and that’s pretty sad. 

At one point, Kate even had to eat alone. She put it down to her having sore ears, but something tells me the kids just wanted a break from her complaining at them for the slightest thing. 

At the end, Kate recapped the trip and acted like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Yeah, we believe you, Kate!

What did you think of the trip?

Sound off below in the comments!


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Mariah"s World Trailer: Bring on the Puppies!

Between the diva and the legend, there"s…

… Mariah.

So teases a new, rather strange trailer for Mariah"s World.

The singer was joined by producers of the series on Wednesday at the Television Critics Association summer press tour in Los Angeles, teasing the upcoming program in the most Mariah Carey way possible.

“I don’t consider it reality,” Carey said of the show.

It"s worth mentioning that she said this while perched in a purple throne and surrounded by nearly a dozen shirtless models.

She went on to tell reporters that the series is just about her life.

"It feels like a documentary. I don’t even watch reality [TV]. I don’t even know what reality is."

That may be the most self-aware thing Mariah Carey has ever said.

Carey, who is engaged to James Packer and who is awful according to Demi Lovato, will anchor this eight-part special "event," as it"s billed in the following preview.

It will chronicle the eccentric and flamboyant pop star as she kicks off the European leg of her latest concert tour, while simultaneously planning her upcoming nuptials.

According to E! News, Carey has granted the network “exclusive access to her life behind the mic, including her family, friends and inner circle."

In the trailer, Carey scoffs at the notion that she is high maintenance, making it seem like she"s just joking around when she makes certain demands.

Like for puppies in her dressing room. Come on, do people really think she wants puppies in her dressing room?

Although… come to think of it… how great would it be to have puppies in her dressing room?!?

Elsewhere, Carey hinted to television critics this week that estranged husband Nick Canon may turn up on the show, before playfully adding:

“I don’t know if he’ll make the final cut."

In the end, Carey outlined her goal for the series as “to make it something that can be a lasting piece of work for my fans. And for my kids.”

Will she accomplish this task? Mariah"s World premieres on December 4.

Get an early look at what"s to come now:

Mariahs world trailer bring on the puppies

Friday, March 25, 2016

Ben Affleck Cuddles Superhero Puppies, Universe is Smitten

You could be the world"s biggest a-hole, but when you are seen cuddling a puppy, then all is forgiven.

Last night, Ben Affleck went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his upcoming blockbuster, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice (out today).

Fallon loves golden retrievers (he has one named Gary Frick), and really has the market cornered on retriever puppy segments.  

Imagine my delight when Fallon and Affleck played a game of "Pup Quiz," where the prize for a correct answer was a puppy dressed as a superhero.

I know.

The Tonight Show"s announcer Steve Higgins acted as host, fielding the first question to Affleck while holding a puppy in a Batman costume (complete with bat ears).

"In the DC Comics series, what was the name of Batman"s canine crime-fighting partner?" Higgins asked.

"Was it A) Rex The Wonder Dog? B) Ace the Bat-Hound or C) Bat Dog?"

The Boston native clearly didn"t do his homework, because he guess wrong (the correct answer was B).

The Batman puppy was then handed over to Fallon.

For the "Final Puppardy" round, Higgins asked "Roughly how many dogs live in New York City?"

I could watch this segment all the live-long day.

Ben affleck cuddles superhero puppies universe is smitten

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Drunk Women Get Surprised by Puppies

There are a few simple equations in life:

Kim Kardashian + Pregnancy = Many irritating complaints.

Justin Bieber + Talk of How He"s Only Human = An endless array of eye-rolling.

And, as evidenced below, there"s this: Drunk Women + Puppies = OH MY GOD! THERE ARE PUPPIES!!!!!

Indeed, the genius folks over at Buzzfeed somehow beat THG to the idea of getting some colleagues drunk and then simply presenting them with a bunch of small, young, fluffy, little dogs.

They then let the cameras roll and let viewers take in the amazing madness that ensued.

There was crying. There was shrieking. There was screaming. There were many, many, many tears shed.

"I"ve had such a hard Friday," one grateful woman laments upon being handed a puppy, while another dubs this the "happiest day" and still another admits:

"I can"t take it."

But she can, of course. And so can each and every one of you.

Do you want more, the women are then asked?

"Is this really happening? Because I can"t comprehend what"s happening," a stunned co-worker says  at one point.

Oh, it"s happening, alright! It"s all happening, people.

Our two favorite quotes likely come from the woman who is upset she drank whiskey because now she "can"t protect" the puppies and then from the worker who wonders: "Why did God give us puppies?"

We can think of an endless number of reasons.

But first atop that list would now be this video. It"s everything the Internet was ever made for.

Drunk women get surprised by puppies

Friday, September 18, 2015

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting Almost Cries She"s So Happy Playing With Puppies On The Tonight Show!

We want ALL the puppies!

Last night, Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting stopped by The Tonight Show to chat it up with Jimmy Fallon!

But let’s be honest, who cares about that when you get to play games with the late night host — especially when they’re puppy games!

Related: Justin Bieber Bailed On Tonight Show Sketch Last Minute

That’s right, the Big Bang Theory star got the chance to play Pup Quiz, the trivia game where if you get an answer right, you win a golden retriever puppy!

Kaley was basically in heaven and looked on the verge of tears a couple times — but we would be too with that many puppies!

Ch-ch-check out the adorably AH-Mazing puppy quiz game (above) and let us know — are you a dog or a cat person?