Showing posts with label Literally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Literally. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Nicki Minaj Threatens to Literally Murder Cardi B

On Friday night, Cardi B let her hands and fists do most of her talkng, as the artist allegedly approached Nicki Minaj at a party in New York City and hurled a shoe in her rival’s direction.

Now, a couple days after the dust has settled on this very public confrontation, Minaj has gone ahead and done some actual talking of her own.

With her mouth, we mean.

“The other night I was part of something so mortifying and so humiliating to go through in front of a bunch upper echelon… people who have their life together,” Minaj said during Monday’s installment of her Queen radio show on Apple Music’s Beats 1.

The fracas took place at a gathering sponsored by Harper’s Bazaar.

Insiders said shortly afterword that Cardi approached Minaj to talk about the latter spreading a bunch of “lies” about the former — and that the aforementioned high heel was thrown as Cardi was being pulled away by security.

“I was in a Gaultier gown – off the motherf-cing runway – and I could not believe how humiliated it all felt,” Nicki continued in response today.

What about the remarks Minaj supposedly uttered about Cardi’s baby’s daughter, Kulture, to which Cardi alluded in a recent Instagram statement?

b ware

“I would never discuss anyone’s child and it’s so sad for someone to pin that one me because I’m the bad guy and they know people would believe them,” Minaj continued on her broadcast today.

She added:

“Let me go on the record and say I would never talk about anyone’s child or parenting. It’s so crazy to me that people always need to make Onika the bad guy.

“If you’re right in whatever you’re doing, you don’t never have to make someone the bad guy.”

To reiterate, using her full name, Nicki emphasized:

“I just want people to know that Onika Tanya Maraj has never, will never… speak ill on anyone’s child. I am not a clown. That’s clown sh-t.

Almost immediately after her argument with Nicki went viral, Cardi wrote the following online:

b states

“You’ve threatened other artists in the industry, told them if they work with me you’ll stop f-ckin with them!!

“I’ve worked hard and come too far to let anybody f-ck with my success!!!!  Bitches talk about all that sh-t in they raps but in real life are pussy.”

Minaj, meanwhile, simply mocked Cardi B for feeling a need to justify herself in this sort of manner, saying on her show this afternoon:

“You knew that when that footage came out, you was about to look f-cking dumb … they hurried up and put out a statement. I’m such an ill ass bitch, I didn’t even feel the need to defend myself that night.”


Upon leaving the party Saturday morning, Minaj smiled for the crowd and blew kisses.

She didn’t seem at all bothered by what had transpired.

“The lord gave you a blessing of a beautiful bundle of joy and the only thing on your mind once you gave birth was to attack people and stop their bags?” Minaj went on in this case, addressing Cardi again and adding:

“Get this woman some f-cking help. This woman is at the best stage of her career, and she’s out here throwing bottles and throwing shoes? Get this woman an intervention!”

HA. We love it.

But Minaj concluded in a far more serious and menacing tone.

This is how she wrapped up the segment:

You put your hands on certain people you gon die. PERIOD. And y’all sitting here making this sh-t a joke?

I’m not the bitches in the strip club and I’m not a bitch on a reality show. My money is very f-cking long.


Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Chris Brown is a Deadbeat Dad; Literally No One Is Shocked

Back in 2015, the world learned that Chris Brown had a secret daughter named Royalty.

Now, this is wasn’t as surprising as when we all learned that Drake had a secret child because unlike Drizzy, Breezy is a known POS and we always expect the absolute worst of him.

There are ways Chris could have surprised us, like say, stepping up and being the kind of father his little girl deserves.

Instead, he decided to play to type by being the absolute worst.

You would think Chris would be getting sick of that routine by now, since it’s how he handles every situation, but the guy has his schtick and he sticks to it.

So yes, the bad news is, Chris Brown is a deadbeat dad, just like everyone expected him to be.

The good news is, if his earnings are any indication, Chris Brown’s career is very much on the decline.

According to court documents obtained by Radar Online, Brown’s baby mama, Nia Guzman, has been getting the shaft from her multi-platinum sperm donor.

She’s now asking for $ 21,000 a month, plus another $ 250,000 that Brown allegedly owes her for missed payments.

That may sound like an exorbitant amount, but it’s important to bear in mind that Guzman is raising this child entirely on her own.

Brown only has supervised visitation rights, and he seems to have no desire to fight for even partial custody.

Nia claims Brown has earned an average of $ 4,269,067 over the last two years, which can be broken down to just over $ 350,000 per month.

Obviously, that’s an outrageous amount of cash, but it’s peanuts compared to what Breezy was earning at the height of his career.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Brown was one of the top-earning recording artists in the world.

These days, he probably doesn’t even crack the top 100.

To put things in perspective, Justin Bieber earned roughly $ 85 million last year.

Breezy’s counterpart Drake pulled in an estimated $ 94 million in 2017.

And it’s not just singers and rappers who are putting Breezy to shame.

Kylie Jenner is about to be a billionaire, and the girl’s not even old enough to buy a cocktail yet.

Under normal circumstances, we would never shame someone for their finances like this.

But it’s Chris Brown.

He sucks, and he’s failing to properly provide for his daughter even though he could easily afford to do so, so it’s open season on this doofus.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Cardi B: I"m Literally Counting Down the Days "Til I Can Bang Offset Again!

Last month, Cardi B gave birth to her first child with Offset, just weeks after admitted that she had secretly married him.

Though Cardi is recovering from childbirth, she is being very vocal on social media about her eagerness to have sex with her husband again.

Folks, this is what we call being horny on main.

Cardi took to Twitter to highlight an image of her husband and baby daddy Offset.

Accompanying a photo of him wearing a cowboy hat, Cardi writes: “Hey cowboy, I want to take a ride on your horse.”

Fun fact: she is speaking almost entirely in flirty euphemism, a fact not lost on her followers.

One wrote back, suggesting that she should wait before sex: “You probably still gotta finish healing first.”

That commenter was right! Childbirth is wonderful but the reality of it is pretty horrifying and takes its toll on the body.

Cardi knows that and acknowledges that her follower was right … but her reply didn’t end there.

Cardi B knows that she needs to wait until her body heals before she bangs Offset again.

Not only that, she knows exactly how long.

Cardi’s reply: “3 weeks and 4 days!”

“Yes b–ch,” Cardi writes. “I’m counting ,wassup!”

Good for her for knowing what she wants and for owning her sexuality.

This was only part of Cardi’s interactions with fans.

One fan replied: “This pic made Cardi say YEEEHAWWW!”

Cardi quotes that tweet with a series of tearful laughing emojis.

Another commented: “Baby #2?”

Cardi adamantly replied: “Ummmmm NO.”

One new baby in the house is enough.

Another fan had a similar thought, writing: “Cardi about to make baby #2”

“Can ya stop saying that?!” Cardi asked. “If I get pregnant again imma curse ya out !!!”

That’s fair.

“Don’t you want a brother or a sister for Kulture?” one nosy fan asked.

“She got 3 already!” Cardi reminds fans. “Later on in life I’ll have more babies “

Cardi wrote about the baby she already has.

“My baby shleep,” Cardi shared with fans. “Should i go to my basement and do a verse for TASTE?”

She also commented on little changes she’d made now that she is a mother.

“Ok so if you noticed i changed my nail shape from pointy to square so i won’t hurt my baby,” Cardi tweeted.

That is very thoughtful!

“I’m thinking about only changing my pinky nail shape back to pointy,” Cardi wrote. “So i can take my babies little boogers out.”

A little graphic. Also, they make tools for that.

Cardi makes some interesting tweets. One of her most recent was:

“I don’t know if b–ches wanna fight me or eat my p–sy?” Cardi writes. “Both?!”

She continued: “I’m with it when it comes to both.”

Honestly, Cardi is such a delight. She’s a little wild — no, a lot wild — but she’s clearly devoted to her new role as a mother and is even changing her lifestyle to suit her baby’s needs.

Of course, since Offset was arrested on gun charges while violating his parole, some fear that Cardi may recover from childbirth … only to lose Offset to prison.

But that’s what conjugal visits are for.


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Selena Gomez: Literally Drinking Herself to Death?!?

According to a bombshell new report and analysis, Selena Gomez is burying her Justin Bieber-related sorrow in alcohol these days.

And it may literally kill her.

Bieber, of course, stunned the free world over the weekend when he proposed to Hailey Baldwin.

The singer popped this major question to the model on Saturday Night in Las Vegas, despite only having dated her for a few months in 2016 and then again for a month or so this summer.

No matter, though, Bieber and Baldwin are engaged and fans around the globe are trying to come to grips with this reality.

They’re also wondering about Gomez.

How is she responding to this development with her (many times over) ex-boyfriend?

Is she truly angry, as one source claimed on Monday?

Or does she not care one bit, as another source claimed, because she grew sick and tired of Bieber’s lies and manipulations a long time ago, long before this news broke?

Hollywood Life wrote earlier in the week that Gomez was spotted at a bar in the Four Seasons hotel in New York City, throwing back shots.

So what, you’re probably asking.

She’s 25 years old and this wouldn’t be an abnormal reaction for anyone to have after a serious former lover gets engaged.

But here’s the thing: Selena Gomez has Lupus. It grew so serious last year that she had to get a kidney transplant.

As a result, alcohol can have an effect on the artist that it would not have on someone who does NOT have Lupus.

What kind of effect? A dangerous one.

Radar Online interviewed a rheumatologist named Dr. Robert Fafalak who spoke freely, for some reason, about someone he has never met and who he has never treated.

He risked his professional reputation to explain to this celebrity gossip site just what trouble Selena could be in if she continues this alleged habit.

“The fact that she’s taking what sounds like a very high amount of alcohol can definitely become threatening to not only making her lupus worse but therefore potentially threatening her life,” Fafalak said.

Good friend Francia Raisa donated a kidney to Gomez last year; that’s how severe a case of Lupus Gomez suffers from.

The condition makes her extra tired at times and has resulted in her need to take a break from touring and sometimes from the music business in general.

“Selena is playing with fire now and if she is, in fact, drinking again she will need to get help quick before it spirals out of control and kills her,” an insider tells Radar.

Fans have also been concerned about Selena’s mental state.

She entered rehab in the past for depression and anxiety and no one would blame her here if she relapsed in some way, shape or form.

But Bieber isn’t worth all that.

All we can really hope now is that Gomez realizes this and also realizes that alcohol never cures any problem; often times, in fact, it makes things worse.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Amy Roloff Laughs Off Break-Up Rumors. Literally!

About a month ago, Amy Roloff shared a cute photo of herself and some loved ones on Instagram.

This photo did not include long-time boyfriend Chris Marek, which prompted speculation over the Internet that Amy and Chris had gone their separate ways.

What does Amy have to say about such chatter?

In an acronym? LOL!

The Little People, Big World star just shared the photo above on both Instagram and Facebook, writing as a caption to the sweet image:

“What a great time we had celebrating a good friend’s 50th birthday. The Laugh In theme was fabulous and such a blast!”

The snapshot, of course, features both her and Marek and makes it clear that the relationship is growing strong.

We never doubted them, of course, but it’s been apparent that at least a handful of social media followers were wondering about the status of Amy and Chris’s romance.

What’s ironic is that many of these same followers don’t even approve of the romance in the first place.

Time and time again, Roloff has posted a picture of her and the real estate agent… only to be bombarded with hate.

Heck, she was even dragged somewhat recently for allegedly living in sin with Marek, simply because some folks out there were under the impression that Amy and Chris were living together.

As far as we know, they are not.

More importantly, though, why would it matter if they were?!?

This is a grown man and a grown woman and they can pretty much do whatever they want.

Amy and Matt Roloff got divorced way, way back in May of 2016 and both have moved way on from each other.

They continue to work together and clearly get along very well, with Amy now dating Chris and Matt now dating Caryn Chandler.

For some reason, however, fans can’t stop talking about the reality stars in sort of bitter terms.

Just consider the final comment below, which was left in response to the original picture on which this article is based:

amy comments

Must we keep associating Amy’s love life with Matt, and vice versa?

Can’t we let these two live their mostly separate lives in peace?

Apparently not, considering a simple throwback photo shared a few weeks ago led to another round of negative comments. Sigh.

Perhaps fans of Little People, Big World are simply bored.

Perhaps they need new episodes to air so they can stop making up rumors and trolling the Internet and conjuring up controversy where there is none.

If this is indeed the case, we only have one thing to say to TLC:

What the heck are you doing over there?!?

Can we get a new season started or what?!?



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

UFC"s Devin Powell Literally Breaks Balls During Training Sesh

UFC fighter Devin Powell is one guy who won’t be getting lucky on Valentine’s Day … dude’s in the hospital nursing a surgically-repaired nut. No … we’re not making this up. Earlier this week, Devin was training with UFC vet Joe Lauzon at his…


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Kate Upton Literally Swept Off Her Feet During SI Swimsuit Shoot

Kate Upton really coulda used a hand — hers were busy covering her naked boobs when a powerful wave crashed her SI Swimsuit photo shoot. The gorgeous model was in Aruba … posing topless, mind you, and standing on top of a massive rock. The…


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Kardashians Will Get You Kicked Out of NYC Bar, Literally

The Kardashians can get you kicked out of a bar if you say the magic words. The Continental bar in NYC posted a sign inside the joint … notifying patrons they have 5 minutes to finish their drinks and leave if they dare use the words, “I…


Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jessa Duggar: Slammed For Literally Everything She Does Involving Kids

Jessa Duggar cannot catch a break.

Sure, she’s gone out of her way to court criticism in the past, and some of the pushback she’s gotten on certain topics has been warranted.

Yet fans seem intent on laying into her for every single thing she does, including many parenting choices that seem harmless or mundane.

One would think given the eventful, sometimes controversial nature of Joy-Anna and Jill’s lives, Jessa would be free of scrutiny lately.

With young sons Spurgeon and Henry, and a devoted husband in Ben Seewald, she’s pretty much focused on her perfect little family.

The moments she shares on Instagram and Facebook are shredded almost immediately, however, by armchair parents shaming her.

Whether it’s Spurgeon drinking out of bottles at an age deemed too old, or not speaking in a video, the Seewalds live under a microscope. 

When you put your life out there the way she does, looking for attention, some of this is to be expected. On the flip side … come ON, people.

Latest, (not) greatest case in point?

The 24-year-old mom of two posted the image above, and was quickly filleted by fans (term used loosely) for carrying Henry the wrong way.

She had strapped him to her chest, with the baby facing out, which a few dozen Parent of the Year winners say is bad for hip development.

“It’s so bad for their hips,” a fan said.

“I’ve worn my LB since he was born but they need support right to under their knees otherwise [their] legs hang and it pulls on their hips.”

“This can cause hip dysphasia,” the Instagram follower told the Counting On star. “Just turn him around […] or have him on your back.”

Duggar fans weren’t done there, getting after her again after she posted a photo of the family engaging in “cruel” treatment of animals.

Taking Spurge to ride ponies after she realized that he was obsessed with horses, Jessa probably thought this was a cute thing to share.

Her fans did not see it that way.

“This practice is incredibly cruel,” one follower commented. “Those poor things are lined up very unnaturally and cannot move.”

“They are forced to walk in circles in the heat all day without care, and have children placed on their backs over and over again.”

“Just an hour of riding a day can cause permanent back problems for horses,” another fan wrote, upset over the above image.

Granted, this was more about the concept of pony rides in a particular setting than about Jessa herself, but can the girl live?

Fortunately, Jessa has some fans in her corner.

Her parents Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, who frequently babysit Spurgeon and Henry, often post about the experience, and pridefully.

Comb through her comments and you’ll see some praise here and there too, or at least acknowledgement that parenting is hard.

“Jessa is such an amazing mother! Look how happy, healthy, and content those babies are,” a fan wrote underneath the picture.

“Also look how clean, haha! We all know how hard it is to keep a perfectly clean house with small babies around!” said another.

What’s your take: Does Jessa Duggar get too hard of a time just because of her last name, or are her followers’ gripes legit?


Monday, July 24, 2017

Mom Uses Breast Milk for Bake Sale Brownies, Horrifies Literally Everyone

Brownies may just be the perfect dessert.

So it would stand to reason that anyone who supplies them for a school book sale would be lauded as some kind of culinary hero, right?

Most of the time, yes.

But an unnamed woman recently faced scorn and derision for this act, sharing her confusion on Facebook by telling the story of how she didn"t have any milk when she went to make the brownies, so she used her own breast milk instead and now she doesn"t understand why…

… wait, WHAT?!? 

This actually happened?

Yes. Read the woman"s account and see the social media reaction to this tale below:

1. Brownies Are Delicious

Brownies are delicious

This is almost always a fact. We just wanted to put that out there. But you HAVE to keep reading to discover when there’s an exception to this rule…

2. Okay, Our First Question:

Okay our first question

How did another parent find out what kind of milk you used?!?

3. Urine Trouble, Lady

Urine trouble lady

As you might expect, the Internet had some feelings about this cooking decision.

4. Let This Person Explain:

Let this person explain

See, using your own breast milk is akin to just putting your own germs directly into the brownies. And we don’t know where those germs have been! It’s science.

5. Why Not Just Masturbate Into the Brownies?

Why not just masturbate into the brownies

Okay, this may be an exaggeration of a comparison. But only a small one.

6. Something Fishy is Going on Here!

Something fishy is going on here

Moreover, why not run to the supermarket on the way to school or something? It’s really easy to find very tasty brownies in a store.

View Slideshow

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Migos" Takeoff Designs Chain That"s Literally Out Of This World (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Migos rapper Takeoff’s iced-out intergalactic chain does right by his name, thanks to the spaceship taking off smack in the middle of it, and it’s got enough sparkle to rival a shining star. The rapper teamed with Elliot Avianne, of…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Literally, Just 29 Photos of Golden Retriever Puppies

This is a very simple photo gallery.

It features loads and loads of cute Golden Retriever puppies; sleeping, playing, drinking from a Starbucks cup… just looking generally adorable.

As if there was any other way for these dogs to look, right?!?

Prepare to simple die of cuteness in 3… 2… 1…

1. He’s Sleeping!


We want to wake him up and play, but we also want to sit and stare!

2. Red, White and… CUTE!

Red white and cute

Snuggle him close during fireworks. He’ll probably get scared.

3. Being This Precious is Serious Business

Being this precious is serious business

Very, very serious.

4. Don’t You Want to Play With Me?

Dont you want to play with me

I’ll help you forget it’s so cold out here.

5. It’s a Puppuccino!

Its a puppuccino

You’ve earned this, fella.

6. Look at That Face!

Look at that face

And those tiny paws!

View Slideshow

Saturday, May 20, 2017

DeAndre Jordan Literally Slams Door On Blake Griffin Trade Talk (VIDEO)

If you’re wondering how DeAndre Jordan feels about the Clippers trading Blake Griffin this off-season, TMZ Sports is gonna give you a pretty good indication that he’s not into it. We got DJ out in Malibu and peppered him with some questions about…


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The White House, Another Fence Jumper Gets Caught ... Literally

Another man tried to charge the White House Tuesday night, but this time he was caught, and not just by the Secret Service. TMZ has learned at 10:50 PM, a man tried jumping the fence on 15th Street, but, according to the Secret Service, he was…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mariah Carey: I Literally Cannot Exist in the Real World!

Mariah Carey is not done talking about her debacle of a New Year’s Eve performance.

And you REALLY need to see what she had to say about it this time.

The legendary artist took to the iconic Times Square stage on December 31 as part of Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, prepared to entertain fans with a couple of her number-one hits.

But there were some technical difficulties as Carey tried to lip-sync, only for it to become apparent that she didn’t really know the words to her own singles.

“We’re missing some of the vocals, but it is what it is … I’m gonna let the audience sing,” Carey rambled at one point, adding:

“We didn’t have a sound check for this New Year’s baby.”

No description of ours can do this “performance” justice. Refresh your memory and watch it for yourself below:

In the days following this trainwreck, members of Carey’s team claimed that ABC producers actually set up the singer to fail. For the sake of ratings? We guess?

And after shrugging off the embarrassment as “shit” that “happens” via Twitter, Carey spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the collapse and said:

“I’m of the opinion that Dick Clark would not have let an artist go through that and he would have been as mortified as I was in real time.”

Okay then. If that random observation makes her feel better…

Now, Carey has once again brought up the failed performance in a chat with Rolling Stone, offering up one nugget after another that need to be read in order to be believed.

“This was out of my control, and had everything not been such a total chaotic mess, then I would have been able to make something happen,” Carey explained of the aborted three-song set.

“Even the dancers should have stopped dancing and helped me off the f-cking stage. I’m sorry. It was a mess, and I blame everybody, and I blame myself for not leaving after rehearsal.”

Yes, Mariah Carey blames EVERYBODY for what transpired.

Including herself? Well, only for not ditching the entire concert earlier after all these people who were not her messed up so badly.

But that wasn’t even the most hilarious/insane/diva-like response Carey delivered in this Rolling Stone article.

“It’s just something where if I can’t explain it to the entire world, then they’re not going to understand it, because it’s not what they do,” said Carey.

Fair enough, to some extent.

We’re sure we don’t understand the pressures of performing on live television; nor can we relate to everything that goes into planning such a concert.

But then Carey hit us with the greatest quote any famous person has ever uttered…

Just like I wouldn’t understand somebody who had a desk job and how to do that. I couldn’t. I literally am incapable of being in the real world and surviving.

Literally, people! Mariah Carey would drop dead if she had to work in an office.

The thing is, this is sort of why we adore Mariah Carey.

As she proved over and over and over again on episodes of Mariah’s World, she really is this spoiled and out of touch.

While other stars may try to relate to their fans or pretend to be some kind of down to Earth homebody, Mariah is always true to who she really is.

Granted, that person is a total and complete diva to the infinite degree.

But remember when Kim Kardashian was slammed for acting poor in a series of social media photos?

In the eyes of many fans, the worst thing a star can do is pretend to be something he or she is not.

No one will ever fire this charge at Mariah Carey, that’s for sure.

She is who she is. That person sort of sucks, but at least we know how to put her in her place if she really gets on her nerves:

Just give her a office job!


Monday, October 17, 2016

Bella Thorne Gets in Tyler Posey"s Pants, Literally

Bella Thorne is easily one of the hottest up-and-coming starlets of 2016, right? 

Yeah, she might be thirsty AF, but you can’t deny that there’s some serious steam being emitted from every inch of her taut, hot body. 

Check this out, you lucky, lucky fools. 

At first glance, it looks nothing more than Hollywood’s hottest body flaunting some serious abs in a bra and short-shorts. 

However, those shorts belong to boyfriend Tyler Posey, and they aren’t just any old shorts – their his manshorts. 

Thorne posed provocatively in the sultry pic, and captioned it, “His boxers.”  

Which would mean if Posey was snapping the pic, he was pantsless.  

The implications of this photo, friends … don’t let them fall on deaf ears. Or in this case, blind eyes. 

Just recently, she flaunted even more skin with a birthday photo shoot where she quite literally rode boyfriend Tyler

What a blessing, right? 

Thorne recently spoke out about her bisexuality, claiming that the rumors were true, and that it was Kristen Stewart who inspired her to come out. 

It was was reported that “Bella was inspired” by Kristen Stewart.

“While she doesn’t know Kristen personally,” a source revealed, “Bella admires her bravery and the way she has dealt with media intrusion with her personal life.”

“Like Kristen,” the source continued, “Bella feels we live in a day and age now where who you hook up with is irrelevant when it comes to your career.” 

The mole revealed that Thorne looks at Kristen as a role model, and we’d have to go ahead and agree. 

Bella also discussed the female Hollywood stars to whom she’s most attracted. 

Her favs? 

Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus.

Be still our beating hearts! 

About the girls, she said that Demi Lovato was totally hot. 

“Demi Lovato: I must say … rawrrr.” 

“She is a pretty toasty woman.”

About Cyrus, however, she said, “[Miley] too. She’s dope.” 

“But Demi is fire, just fire.” 

We’d have to agree. 

But if she’s fire, then you’re glue – and whatever she does, sticks to you, and you know what they say about certain types of glue, right? 

When heat is applied, combustion is likely … and that’s how hot you are, girl. 
