Monday, July 24, 2017

Mom Uses Breast Milk for Bake Sale Brownies, Horrifies Literally Everyone

Brownies may just be the perfect dessert.

So it would stand to reason that anyone who supplies them for a school book sale would be lauded as some kind of culinary hero, right?

Most of the time, yes.

But an unnamed woman recently faced scorn and derision for this act, sharing her confusion on Facebook by telling the story of how she didn"t have any milk when she went to make the brownies, so she used her own breast milk instead and now she doesn"t understand why…

… wait, WHAT?!? 

This actually happened?

Yes. Read the woman"s account and see the social media reaction to this tale below:

1. Brownies Are Delicious

Brownies are delicious

This is almost always a fact. We just wanted to put that out there. But you HAVE to keep reading to discover when there’s an exception to this rule…

2. Okay, Our First Question:

Okay our first question

How did another parent find out what kind of milk you used?!?

3. Urine Trouble, Lady

Urine trouble lady

As you might expect, the Internet had some feelings about this cooking decision.

4. Let This Person Explain:

Let this person explain

See, using your own breast milk is akin to just putting your own germs directly into the brownies. And we don’t know where those germs have been! It’s science.

5. Why Not Just Masturbate Into the Brownies?

Why not just masturbate into the brownies

Okay, this may be an exaggeration of a comparison. But only a small one.

6. Something Fishy is Going on Here!

Something fishy is going on here

Moreover, why not run to the supermarket on the way to school or something? It’s really easy to find very tasty brownies in a store.

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