Showing posts with label Brownies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brownies. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

"Cooking on High" Star Ngaio Bealum Says Weed Food is More Than Just Brownies

“Cooking on High” star Ngaio Bealum has a message for all stoners and non-stoners out there — limiting your weed palate to just brownies is the stuff of amateurs. The resident culinary weed expert for the new Netflix show was on “TMZ Live”…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Michigan Woman Fired for Filling Work-Party Brownies with Laxatives

Remember back when George Constanza was trying to get fired from The New York Yankees?

So he dragged the team’s World Series trophy behind in car in the hopes of getting canned for his efforts?

And then he got food all over a vintage Babe Ruth jersey?

Turns out, Jerry’s best friend should simply have filled his co-workers’ dessert treats with a laxative. That totally would have gotten the job done!

We say this after reading this newspaper article about an unnamed woman in Michigan.

An employee at MMI Engineered Solutions in Saline, she was confronted by police after authorities received a tip from another employee that the woman planned to put laxatives in brownies …

…and tne bring said brownes to a send-off for a fellow worker.

That’s a lot to digest, we know.

And it’s something we hope we never have to digest.

making brownie

When interviewed by police, the 47-year-old woman initially denied putting laxatives in the brownies, Saline Police Chief Jerrod Hart told reporters this month.

However, when informed the food items would be forensically-tested for tampering, she copped to it, admitting that she baked in a full cube of laxatives.

It’s unclear how the woman’s co-workers knew she was planning this disgusting prank.

But many of them told the police that there was tension between the woman and the departing employee for whom the party was being thrown.

Hart says no charges will be filed against the woman, although she’s been let go from her job.

Because: d’uh!


Multiple outlets write that no one at the company actually ate the contaminated brownies, or else the woman likely would have been placed under arrest.

And while this story may seem like fodder for laughs, Hart says there’s a valuable lesson to be learned here.

He hopes kids across the country take note and realize that putting something such as a laxative into someone else’s food actually isn’t funny at all.

“A lot of times you see it in movies or TV shows where someone tries to do this or play a joke, but it’s very serious,” he said. “It’s a criminal act.”

Concluded the Chief:

“There’s just so much going on in the world, to create a problem like this is unnecessary and it’s criminal.”

And, may we add, just generally a crappy thing to do.

Speaking of crappy things to do, click on the video below!


Monday, July 24, 2017

Mom Uses Breast Milk for Bake Sale Brownies, Horrifies Literally Everyone

Brownies may just be the perfect dessert.

So it would stand to reason that anyone who supplies them for a school book sale would be lauded as some kind of culinary hero, right?

Most of the time, yes.

But an unnamed woman recently faced scorn and derision for this act, sharing her confusion on Facebook by telling the story of how she didn"t have any milk when she went to make the brownies, so she used her own breast milk instead and now she doesn"t understand why…

… wait, WHAT?!? 

This actually happened?

Yes. Read the woman"s account and see the social media reaction to this tale below:

1. Brownies Are Delicious

Brownies are delicious

This is almost always a fact. We just wanted to put that out there. But you HAVE to keep reading to discover when there’s an exception to this rule…

2. Okay, Our First Question:

Okay our first question

How did another parent find out what kind of milk you used?!?

3. Urine Trouble, Lady

Urine trouble lady

As you might expect, the Internet had some feelings about this cooking decision.

4. Let This Person Explain:

Let this person explain

See, using your own breast milk is akin to just putting your own germs directly into the brownies. And we don’t know where those germs have been! It’s science.

5. Why Not Just Masturbate Into the Brownies?

Why not just masturbate into the brownies

Okay, this may be an exaggeration of a comparison. But only a small one.

6. Something Fishy is Going on Here!

Something fishy is going on here

Moreover, why not run to the supermarket on the way to school or something? It’s really easy to find very tasty brownies in a store.

View Slideshow

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Kat Graham Devours Pot Brownies, Ends Up in Hospital

Kat Graham took quite a few trips as Bonnie Bennett on The Vampire Diaries.

Over the course of eight seasons, the character died multiple times, ended up on The Other Side, visited the show’s version of heaven and got involved in many dangerous storylines.

But those were nothing compared to the actual trip this actress allegedly suffered in Palm Springs last month.

According to TMZ, Graham was visiting Two Bunch Palms Resort & Spa near the aforementioned town when she allegedly began throwing up and passed out on a lawn.

Insiders at the resort tell the typically reliable celebrity gossip website that the star didn’t drink too much alcohol or get victimized by a case of food poisoning.

Instead, she ate a cannabis brownie earlier in the day.

In response, Graham ran out of the resort’s restaurant shortly afterwards, telling those around her that she didn’t feel well and needed to go to the hospital.

She then vomited… passed out… woke up … and was transported to a hospital via ambulance after someone called 911.

TMZ has posted photos of Graham lying on the grass, clearly in an effed up state, both physically and mentally.

The venue’s report says the actress/singer acted extremely paranoid throughout this incident, anxious and seeing things.

No word from Graham or any of her reps yet regarding what happened last month.

We just hope she’s okay. We watched every episode of The Vampire Diaries from the premiere and we always enormous fans of the star.

She announced early last year that she would depart The Vampire Diaries after Season 8, which ended up becoming the show’s swan song.

Its series finale aired last Friday, March 10.

“I learned a lot about what kind of actor I wanted to be,” Graham told Entertainment Weekly of The CW hit, adding:

“Work always comes first as an actor. I think a lot of young girls see actresses and they think of red carpets and they think of Us Weekly and they don’t really think about the breaking down of a script and what that requires and what you would need to pull it off.

“I learned about teamwork and about communication and about standing up for yourself.

“I learned about poise and dignity, and I learned about what it means to be an African-American in television and what that requires in terms of what kind of position you take for yourself and how you define your own reality in a world that is still finding its footing, to say the least.”

She concluded this interview, which was given in February, as follows:

“Overall, I am appreciative of the opportunity that I got to play different levels and different emotions for this character. I’m grateful for the platform I got.”

You may visit our friends at TV Fanatic to watch The Vampire Diaries online and you will hopefully join us in wishing Graham the best.
