Showing posts with label WorkParty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WorkParty. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Michigan Woman Fired for Filling Work-Party Brownies with Laxatives

Remember back when George Constanza was trying to get fired from The New York Yankees?

So he dragged the team’s World Series trophy behind in car in the hopes of getting canned for his efforts?

And then he got food all over a vintage Babe Ruth jersey?

Turns out, Jerry’s best friend should simply have filled his co-workers’ dessert treats with a laxative. That totally would have gotten the job done!

We say this after reading this newspaper article about an unnamed woman in Michigan.

An employee at MMI Engineered Solutions in Saline, she was confronted by police after authorities received a tip from another employee that the woman planned to put laxatives in brownies …

…and tne bring said brownes to a send-off for a fellow worker.

That’s a lot to digest, we know.

And it’s something we hope we never have to digest.

making brownie

When interviewed by police, the 47-year-old woman initially denied putting laxatives in the brownies, Saline Police Chief Jerrod Hart told reporters this month.

However, when informed the food items would be forensically-tested for tampering, she copped to it, admitting that she baked in a full cube of laxatives.

It’s unclear how the woman’s co-workers knew she was planning this disgusting prank.

But many of them told the police that there was tension between the woman and the departing employee for whom the party was being thrown.

Hart says no charges will be filed against the woman, although she’s been let go from her job.

Because: d’uh!


Multiple outlets write that no one at the company actually ate the contaminated brownies, or else the woman likely would have been placed under arrest.

And while this story may seem like fodder for laughs, Hart says there’s a valuable lesson to be learned here.

He hopes kids across the country take note and realize that putting something such as a laxative into someone else’s food actually isn’t funny at all.

“A lot of times you see it in movies or TV shows where someone tries to do this or play a joke, but it’s very serious,” he said. “It’s a criminal act.”

Concluded the Chief:

“There’s just so much going on in the world, to create a problem like this is unnecessary and it’s criminal.”

And, may we add, just generally a crappy thing to do.

Speaking of crappy things to do, click on the video below!
