Showing posts with label HalfSister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HalfSister. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Meghan Markle Wants to Murder Puppies and Wear Their Fur as a Coat, Evil Half-Sister Implies

According to Samantha Grant, Meghan Markle is an awful person who wants to inflict harm on as many as 101 dogs, prior to using their fur as a very expensive and very inhumane coat.

Talk about a harsh accusation!

But it’s one that Markle’s half-sister made late last week as part of her latest Twitter rant against The Duchess of Sussex.

This time around, Grant took Markle to task for reportedly failing to wish their father a happy birthday.

And she did so on Markle’s very own birthday in an attempt to shame her publicly for her inaction.

“Happy Birthday Meg! It would be so lovely and appropriate of you to send DAD a BELATED birthday card for his July 18th [cake emoji] @KensingtonRoyal Cheers!” Samantha tweeted on Friday.

Earlier that same day, Grant shared an Elle article that stated Meghan and Prince Harry “are rumored to be taking a step away from the media spotlight,” writing:

“OK so Cruella Deville [sic] is retreating LOL…Let me know how that works out for you.”


Cruella de Vil, of course, is the villain in the Disney story 101 Dalmatians

The name itself is a pun of the words cruel and devil.

In all versions of this tale, the glamorous London heiress kidnaps dozens and dozens of puppies in order tomato a fur coat out of their corpses.

She’s just terrible all around, which is the same point Samantha has been trying to make about Markle for months now.


For those not in the know, Grant and Markle share the same father, but a different mother.

They are 17 years apart in age and barely knew each other growing up. They barely know each other right now.

Nevertheless, Samantha has used every opportunity at her disposal to slam the heck out of her half-sibling ever since Markle shot into the spotlight as Harry’s girlfriend.

She’s jealous and she’s desperate for attention.

In mid-July, Grant told Markle that she’d be responsible for their dad’s death if Thomas Markle passes away any time soon.

(Thomas, rememeber, skipped the Royal Wedding due to heart problems and due to a scandal in which he got paid by paparazzo to snap pictures of him.)

In another recent tweet, Grant called Meghan, “Witchy Poo.”

Samantha also made a public plea for Meghan to reunite with their dad, saying on ITV’s Good Morning Britain last month:

“He’s very worried about her given the distance and the inability to have live communication, so he just needs to know that she’s well, she’s happy, she’s OK and to touch bases, so I hope they get to do that soon.”

This same father has also trashed Markle to the press, while claiming responsibility for everything that makes her special.

It’s remarkable that Meghan has taken the high road throughout these attempts at worldwide shaming.

She’s supposedly asked for help from the Queen in shutting her dad up, but she has mostly remained silent and just been content with her unique life and special husband.

She really does seem pretty wonderful.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Killer of Serena and Venus Williams" Half-Sister, Yetunde Price, Released from Prison

The gang member who murdered Yetunde Price — the half-sister of tennis stars Venus and Serena Williams — is now a free man after serving 12 years in prison. Robert Maxfield was convicted of killing Price in 2003 in a drive-by shooting in Compton,…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Samantha Markle to Half-Sister: You"re Basically Killing Our Dad!

Samantha Markle has once again gone on the attack against her famous half-sister.

This statement is not exactly newsworthy, we know.

At this point, considering all Samantha has said about Meghan Markle, it would be more surprising if she did NOT attack the new Royal Family member.

Ever since Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, Samantha has dragged her half-sibling left and right, slamming Meghan for being ungrateful and unloving toward her own family.

(It’s here that we must note how Samantha is 17 years older than and that she didn’t grow up in the same household as Meghan and that she barely knows her.)

But even Samantha may have plummeted to a new low with her latest round of Tweets.

On Tuesday, Samantha blasted her half-sibling on Twitter, calling her out for spending the day paying tribute to Nelson Mandela and his family… yet not taking the time to talk to her very own relatives.

“How about you pay tribute to your own father?!” Samantha wrote in one tweet, actually adding:

“Enough is enough. Act like a humanitarian, act like a woman. If our father dies, it’s on you Meg!”

Well… okay then!

Tell us how you really feel, Samantha.

She made this scathing remark on the heels of Thomas Markle once again babbling to the press about his non-relationship with his famous child.

In the video below, Thomas says he’s being shunned by Meghan and that she clearly terrified of all those around her these days:

Elsewhere, Samantha dissed Meghan for “ignoring” their dad and asked her how she could even look at herself in the mirror.

These Tweets came just after Thomas Markle told TMZ that he wasn’t going to stop to the media and was “unfazed” by reports that Prince Harry and his daughter were “frustrated” with his recent interviews with both The Sun and the British morning show “Good Morning Britain.”

Heck, Thomas even bragged about he’s making the Royal Family speechless.

“Maybe I can get a laugh out of the duchess,” Thomas even told TMZ, clearly misreading the situation as much as anyone possibly can.

Thomas, of course, did not attend Meghan and Harry’s wedding.

He was recovering at the time from a heart attack and from the embarrassment of a scandal in which he admitted to paying the paparazzi for to take flattering photos of himself.

Prior to making headlines for these incidents, Thomas was living a very quiet life in Mexico, far away from the spotlight.

“My father is not an embarassmnt for loving his daughter! The Royals are an embarrassment for being so cold,” Samantha added today.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves @Kensington Royal.”

Markle took the high road and just gave a generic statement after her dad backed out of her wedding, mostly just wishing him the best.

We doubt she’ll respond here to her half-sister’s quotes or her dad’s pleading, either, despite how both have gone viral in recent days.

“I want to be a part of their life. I’d like to put our differences behind us and get together. I miss [her] very much,” Thomas told The Sun when asked over this past weekend if he had any messages for Meghan.

Again, we can’t imagine she’ll have any public message for him in response.

He concluded as follows:

“I don’t care whether she’s pissed off at me – I want to see her.

“I just want to have a father-daughter relationship. I took care of my mother the last five years of her life. My daughter said to me she would take care of me in my declining years.

“I’m not talking about money – I’m talking about taking care of me. That’s important to me.”

Thomas at least comes across as semi-sympathetic in these interviews.

Samantha Markle, conversely, comes across as semi-psychotic.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Meghan Markle Hates Her Family! (Claims Wicked Half-Sister)

Hey, do you have any plans next weekend? No?

Well, then it looks like you have something in common with Meghan Markle’s shady-ass siblings!

Allow us to back up a bit in order to clarify our own savage burn.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Meghan will marry Prince Harry on May 19, thus signaling the start of the reverse-colonial takeover that was foretold by some 18th-century witch after the Red Coats burned her alfalfa crops.

There’s no official word on how many guests will be in attendance, but suffice it to say, every important person in Harry and Meghan’s lives will be there.

So we supposed it’s no surprise that Meghan’s half-brother and half-sister were a bit peeved to learn they’d received the royal snub.

Yes, despite the fact that she’s publishing a tell-all memoir about Meghan entitled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister, Samantha Markle apparently thought she’d be receiving an owl down her chimney, or however they send out royal wedding invites.

Needless to say, the request to attend never materialized, and now Sam is telling the whole world how pissed off she is.

“Not just the Markles… Even Doria’s family… sister Sandy, who I adore, and who is lovely was not invited!? Joe? This #royalwedding is rude!” Samantha wrote on Twitter last night.

“I don’t care if you don’t like hearing it! Freedom of speech. Trade out everyone Meg? Not humanitarian! WTF,” she continued.

Samantha went on to reveal that family members from Meghan’s mother’s side of the family had also been left off the invite list:

“Media can stop skewing to suggest that the family is not considerate of Meg,” she tweeted.

“She is not considerate of the Raglands or the Markles. Apparently, not even royal money buys class. It is in poor taste to exclude the whole family.”

Of course, this is nothing new, as Samantha has been talking trash about Meghan from the moment the world first learned the former actress had entered a relationship with Harry.

Still, it’s always hilarious when people complain about a situation in such a way as to unintentionally demonstrate that they’re receiving exactly the sort of treatment they deserve.

As for the douche bag half-brother who wrote a semi-literate open letter to Harry imploring him to dump Meghan, he hasn’t spoken out on the snub, but you can be sure he’s scrawling some harsh words in red crayon at this very moment.
