Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Meghan Markle Hates Her Family! (Claims Wicked Half-Sister)

Hey, do you have any plans next weekend? No?

Well, then it looks like you have something in common with Meghan Markle’s shady-ass siblings!

Allow us to back up a bit in order to clarify our own savage burn.

As you’ve no doubt heard, Meghan will marry Prince Harry on May 19, thus signaling the start of the reverse-colonial takeover that was foretold by some 18th-century witch after the Red Coats burned her alfalfa crops.

There’s no official word on how many guests will be in attendance, but suffice it to say, every important person in Harry and Meghan’s lives will be there.

So we supposed it’s no surprise that Meghan’s half-brother and half-sister were a bit peeved to learn they’d received the royal snub.

Yes, despite the fact that she’s publishing a tell-all memoir about Meghan entitled The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister, Samantha Markle apparently thought she’d be receiving an owl down her chimney, or however they send out royal wedding invites.

Needless to say, the request to attend never materialized, and now Sam is telling the whole world how pissed off she is.

“Not just the Markles… Even Doria’s family… sister Sandy, who I adore, and who is lovely was not invited!? Joe? This #royalwedding is rude!” Samantha wrote on Twitter last night.

“I don’t care if you don’t like hearing it! Freedom of speech. Trade out everyone Meg? Not humanitarian! WTF,” she continued.

Samantha went on to reveal that family members from Meghan’s mother’s side of the family had also been left off the invite list:

“Media can stop skewing to suggest that the family is not considerate of Meg,” she tweeted.

“She is not considerate of the Raglands or the Markles. Apparently, not even royal money buys class. It is in poor taste to exclude the whole family.”

Of course, this is nothing new, as Samantha has been talking trash about Meghan from the moment the world first learned the former actress had entered a relationship with Harry.

Still, it’s always hilarious when people complain about a situation in such a way as to unintentionally demonstrate that they’re receiving exactly the sort of treatment they deserve.

As for the douche bag half-brother who wrote a semi-literate open letter to Harry imploring him to dump Meghan, he hasn’t spoken out on the snub, but you can be sure he’s scrawling some harsh words in red crayon at this very moment.
