Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Drunk Women Get Surprised by Puppies

There are a few simple equations in life:

Kim Kardashian + Pregnancy = Many irritating complaints.

Justin Bieber + Talk of How He"s Only Human = An endless array of eye-rolling.

And, as evidenced below, there"s this: Drunk Women + Puppies = OH MY GOD! THERE ARE PUPPIES!!!!!

Indeed, the genius folks over at Buzzfeed somehow beat THG to the idea of getting some colleagues drunk and then simply presenting them with a bunch of small, young, fluffy, little dogs.

They then let the cameras roll and let viewers take in the amazing madness that ensued.

There was crying. There was shrieking. There was screaming. There were many, many, many tears shed.

"I"ve had such a hard Friday," one grateful woman laments upon being handed a puppy, while another dubs this the "happiest day" and still another admits:

"I can"t take it."

But she can, of course. And so can each and every one of you.

Do you want more, the women are then asked?

"Is this really happening? Because I can"t comprehend what"s happening," a stunned co-worker says  at one point.

Oh, it"s happening, alright! It"s all happening, people.

Our two favorite quotes likely come from the woman who is upset she drank whiskey because now she "can"t protect" the puppies and then from the worker who wonders: "Why did God give us puppies?"

We can think of an endless number of reasons.

But first atop that list would now be this video. It"s everything the Internet was ever made for.

Drunk women get surprised by puppies