Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Audrey Roloff Maternity Photos: Simply. Stunning.

Just a few weeks before welcoming her daughter into the world, Audrey Roloff continues to celebrate her impending motherhood in gorgeous fashion.

Earlier this month, the Little People, Big World star was feted by her loved ones at beautiful baby shower.

And now Audrey has posed with husband Jeremy for a stunning professional maternity shoot, one snapped primary in a daisy field.

Why did the couple choose this location?

Audrey excitedly explained on her blog:

“Before Jer and I started dating, we [enjoyed] this particularly memorable perfect summer day picking warm berries and walking alongside the train tracks through the daisy fields.

“It was the day that Jeremy began calling me “Daisy Braids” – a nickname that he continued to call me throughout our dating relationship, letter writing, and into our marriage.

“That day was the day that our love multiplied.”

How sweet, right?

But Audrey Roloff is known for being all profound and emotional and sentimental and honest, so trust us when we say…

… it’s about to get even sweeter!

“Every year, when the wild daisy fields bloom, it reminds me of the summer we fell in love,” Audrey adds in the blog entry that features many more photos from this shoot.

She continues:

“And every year, I am more in love with this man that God has given me. Today, our love continues to multiply in more ways than one.”

Audrey and Jeremy got married in 2014 and announced in February that they’re expecting their first child.

They are keeping the name a secret, but have revealed that the little one will be a girl. She’s due on August 31.

Along with the messages about her husband and their relationship, Audrey included a prayer for her impending baby as part of her blog post.

It reads in part:

Lord, I pray that our baby girl would be born into this world blameless and innocent, a child of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, where she would shine as a light in this world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ she may be proud that she did not run in vain or labor in vain.

Lord, I submit this daughter of ours to you, may we raise her and love her in a way that is pleasing to you. In Jesus holy name, Amen.

Little People, Big World is currently on hiatus, but it will return with new episodes this fall.

Just like the previous season featured many storylines centered on Zach and Tori Roloff preparing for parenthood, viewers can expect that the upcoming season will center on Audrey and Jeremy going through similar experiences as their loved ones.

We can’t wait to meet their baby girl and we wish these reality stars nothing but the best in the final stages of Audrey’s pregnancy

You better get some sleep in, guys, because it will be hard to come by in a couple months!
