Showing posts with label MISERABLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MISERABLE. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tyler Baltierra: I"m Simply "Miserable" in My Marriage

Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell are currently in a great place.

Like, a REALLY great place:

The couple is expecting a baby!

But the Teen Mom OG stars had to overcome many obstacles to get here, most notably Catelynn"s struggle with her mental health and related trips to rehab.

On the October 15 episode of this MTV hit, Tyler seemed to hit rock bottom.

He opened way up about how he viewed his marriage and his romance, confessing some difficult feelings to his friends and to his wife.

Scroll down for a look at what Tyler once said about his relationship… in order to fully appreciate where it is now.

1. To Reiterate: All is Good Now!

Cate and tyler photo

Tyler and Catelynn announced their unexpected pregnancy in mid-September. They could not be more excited to welcome the little boy or girl into their world in March.

2. That is Now. What About Then?

After the taping

This episode of Teen Mom OG was taped many months ago. It centered on the couple sitting down for an appearance on Dr. Oz, before which Catelynn spoke to Dr. Mike Dow.

3. And What Did This Doctor Say?

A few words from tyler

He told the Catelynn that he was proud of her for opening up about her mental health issues to help eliminate the stigma against people who are suffering from similar problems. From there, Lowell admitted she was having trouble staying away from people who were NOT understanding her situation.

4. The Trolls are Everywhere

Catelynn at the salon

“I cant even go on Twitter right now,” she said. “People are ruthless, they think that I’m just running away from my problems or not wanting to be a mom. I’m not running away from my problems, I was fixing my problems and trying to get better so I could be a better mom.”

5. Baltierra Weighs In…

Tyler in therapy

Tyler told his wife – to her face – that he wanted her to take better stock of the influence her time in rehab took on him. He suggested she watch past Teen Mom OG episodes in order to see the toll her depression has had on their marriage.

6. The Bombshell Drops

Ty baltierra

Tyler then got brutally candid, saying on air: “I’m gonna be really very honest. I feel like I’m not too happy right now. I’m identifying that I feel pretty miserable.” He said this to his friends.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

John Goodman Looks Miserable Following "Roseanne" Cancellation

John Goodman’s body language says it all — he’s beyond pissed after Roseanne Barr’s racist comment led to the cancellation of their hit ABC sitcom. Goodman — who costarred as Dan Conner on “Roseanne” until Barr’s decision to post a racist…


John Goodman Looks Miserable Following "Roseanne" Cancellation

John Goodman’s body language says it all — he’s beyond pissed after Roseanne Barr’s racist comment led to the cancellation of their hit ABC sitcom. Goodman — who costarred as Dan Conner on “Roseanne” until Barr’s decision to post a racist…


Friday, February 23, 2018

Josh Duggar: Still a Pervert, Still Making Anna Miserable (Report)

It’s been almost three years since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

Initially, it looked as though the scandal would bring an end to the Duggars’ wildly lucrative media empire, especially after Josh was caught cheating on his wife using an online account he created solely for that purpose.

In that time, the rest of Josh’s family has gone to great pains to distance themselves from the disgraced former lobbyist.

He rarely appears on any of his siblings’ social media pages, and the Duggars have gone to such great lengths to keep Josh off their popular reality show that he was once digitally erased from a scene in Counting On.

These days, Josh works on a used car lot owned by his father, and while he’s still invited to family functions, sources say he’s mostly cut off from his siblings and parents.

Along with his wife and five children, Josh lives in a separate town, attends a separate church, and has little involvement in the day-to-day lives of his more famous family members.

Josh’s parents helped him to avoid criminal prosecution, but there’s a modicum of comfort in knowing he has at least paid some small price for his deplorable actions.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that Josh’s exile had led him to change his ways.

In a recent discussion on Reddit, one verified user described himself thusly:

“I live in Springdale and my uncle and aunt go to the same home church as the Duggars. They’ve attended my church multiple times and I’ve hung out with them at family camps and home school retreats a lot.

“There seems to be a huge misconception that they’re insane (I grew up around this so my definition is probably different than yours) but if you have any questions I can try to clear anything up to the best of my ability.”

He encouraged other users to ask him questions about the Duggars’ lifestyle and not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before the conversation turned to Josh.

Asked if the family seems hapy despite the tumultuous events of the past three years, the Springdale resident had this to say:

“Honestly, yes, the only one who seems like she’s miserable is Anna. And as someone who has met Josh multiple times, he’s not someone who seems like he’d be a whole lot of fun to be married too.”

He elaborated:

“[Josh] just stares at every girl he meets like she is an object for him to do something with.”

“Most of the Duggar boys are very respectful and are good at keeping their eyes up — Josh never has been, and I know he was reprimanded a lot for his wandering eyes as a kid,” the source adds.

Obviousy, it’s disturbing to think that Josh’s parents may have ignored early warning signs of potentially deviant behavior.

But it’s even more disturbing to think the father of five may not have changed his ways. 

Sadly, with the wall of secrecy the Duggars have built up around themselves, it seems extremely unlikely that any further misconduct from Josh would ever become public knowledge.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner is on an Insane Diet. And She"s "Miserable."

Here’s the good news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

The 20-year old has decided against traveling to Mexico and undergoing dangerous weight loss surgery, as earlier reports claimed she had been considering.

These reports alleged that Kylie really was that desperate to shed her pregnancy pounds after she gave birth.

But here’s the bad news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

She is still so adamant that she must regain her stupid bikini body that she’s taking different extreme measures in order to lose weight.

And, according to OK! Weekly insiders, this new strategy is working; Kylie has lost A LOT of weight.

At a price, however.

Quoting Heat Magazine, OK! writes that Kim Kardashian has “been helping Kylie every step of the way and giving her loads of advice,” while “[whipping] her into shape the moment she had the baby.”

How very sweet, right?

Stormi Webster enters the world and … BAM! The sisters start working on what’s truly important: Kylie’s body.

Sources had previously stated that Jenner gained 35 pounds while pregnant – and this report claims she has already lost 25 of those pounds!

How has she pulled this off?

Via a diet that consists of “wild salmon for breakfast, turkey and salad for lunch and then sometimes just soup early evening,” the insider says, explaining that Jenner is sure to never consume more than 1,500 calories in one day.

That sounds awful.

And not very healthy, either.

Kylie supposedly avoid all carbs and nearly all sugar and has gotten “straight back into training” at the gym.

She’s really setting quite the example for little Stormi, isn’t she?

Kardashian famously dropped 69 pounds in the months after giving birth to her second child.

She kept meticulous track of her weight throughout this process, setting a horrible example to young fans around the globe.

But this was apparently a great example for Kylie, who has always wanted to emulate her half-sister and who is now reluctantly taking her advice.

“Kim has told Kylie that she’ll regret it later if she doesn’t do the hard work now, but she’s finding it miserable,” the source told Heat, adding:

“She knows she only has a bit to go so doesn’t want to give up, but it’s very hard.”

We don’t want to say that Kylie is ignoring the responsibilities of being a new mother by working out this much and by dieting this intensely.

We’re sure she’s been there for Stormi.

But she and her siblings REALLY need to STFU up when it comes to weight loss, especially post-pregnancy weight loss.

There really are far more important things to be thinking about during this time of one’s life… not to mention the fact that they are setting an unrealistic example for their fans.

Kylie Jenner has the money for a personal chef and for a gym at her home.

She doesn’t have a full-time job from 9-5.

She can absolutely dedicate large chunks of her day to this weight loss mission if she so chooses, but she shouldn’t pretend like it’s something the average mother can attack with the same vigor.

That’s it. Rant over.

We can now return to making fun of the name Stormi Webster.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Chainsmokers" Alex Pall Regrets Cheating on Girlfriend and Says He"s Miserable

Alex Pall of The Chainsmokers is eating one big ass crow after he was caught cheating on his now ex-girlfriend, Tori Woodward … and he says he’s miserable over what he’s done. We got the DJ Tuesday at LAX before he jetted off to Qatar for a gig,…


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I"m Pregnant and MISERABLE!

Just before Christmas, Khloe Kardashian finally revealed what we"ve known for a long time: she"s pregnant!

She and boyfriend Tristan Thompson are expecting their first child together in the coming months, and really, the whole thing is just too precious.

If you"ve been keeping up with the Kardashians for any amount of time, you know how much Khloe has always wanted to be a mother, and now that it"s finally happening?

It"s lovely to see.

But, as she revealed in an appearance on The Ellen Show this week, she hasn"t been feeling all that lovely lately.

"The first trimester is the worst," she explained. "And no one knows you"re pregnant yet, and you feel the most uncomfortable."

"I think once people know you"re pregnant, you get all those excuses, and you just … Hopefully I look pregnant and not just fat, so people realize if I don"t feel well, or tired or whatever."

Oddly enough, she said that she isn"y able to breathe very well, and when Ellen pointed out that maybe it was her dress — which you can see is very, very tight — she said that she was avoiding maternity clothes.


"I"m gonna try to not wear maternity clothes as long as possible," she said, which is unfortunate — maternity clothes would help a lot with her ability to breathe and also her concern that she looks fat instead of pregnant.

That"s not to say that she does look fat, because she definitely doesn"t, but squeezing her bump into normal clothes isn"t going to do her any favors, you know?

Ellen told her as much, but Khloe clarified that it wasn"t her fashion choices that"s been making her so uncomfortable, it"s just walking.

"It"s the walk," she said, "I get out of breath, I don"t know, the baby is on all my organs."

On a different note, she revealed that she doesn"t know the baby"s gender yet, but that she will be finding out when it"s time, so either she"s fibbing a little here or her due date is later than we thought — you can usually tell the gender by around the 18th week, so she may be less than halfway through her pregnancy right now.

Next, Ellen brought up Tristan"s first child, the one-year-old son he shares with ex Jordy Craig, and Khloe said that she"s seen that he"s "such a good dad" to him.

"And he"s so great, just during the pregnancy, I think he makes me more excited, too," she added.

Ellen also asked her if she thought she and Tristan would get married, and she said "I hope so," but that she"s not "in a rush."

Whatever happens — if she and Tristan get married, if they have a boy or a girl, whatever — it really is clear that she"s happier than she"s been in a long, long time.

Check out Khloe and all her cuteness in the clip below:

Khloe kardashian im pregnant and miserable

Friday, June 9, 2017

Ryan Seacrest: Miserable as Kelly Ripa’s Co-Host!

Ryan Seacrest and Kelly Ripa may look happy when the cameras are rolling on Live with Kelly and Ryan, but for one of them, the show is not that great. 

Yes, we’re talking about Ryan here.

The former American Idol host needs to spend a lot of time New York City in order to keep up with his co-hosting duties on the morning talk show… and he ain’t pleased about it.

According to Radar, life in the Big Apple is not all it has cracked up to be for Ryan, and he allegedly yearns for the weekend so he can hope across the country to Los Angeles. 

“Ryan is miserable,” the insider dishes, adding that relocating to the New York City has been “the biggest mistake of his life.”


There’s even word the 42-year-old has become a recluse, despite being invited to some of the most exclusive parties in town. 

“He hasn’t embraced the city and hasn’t been going out to the restaurants or parties,” the insider continues.

“He’s invited to almost every event every night and doesn’t go!”

Living in New York City would be a dream for most, but Ryan has been known as someone who likes the sunny weather of Los Angeles. 

“He’s such an LA guy and is finding NYC tough. The weather and the hustle of the city is too much.”

Probably making matters worse is that the ratings are actually down 25 percent vs. last year for the show. Ryan will likely be feeling that he’s party responsible for that. 

Network execs don’t like when ratings are down and generally try to get rid of the problem quickly. With Kelly as a long-standing host, it would make sense to keep her around. 

Ryan, however, is likely expendable. 

Kelly has been known in the past to not get along with her co-hosts, and if recent reports to be believed, she is not getting along with Ryan. 

Another thing probably irks Ryan is that ABC is rebooting American Idol and he’s very busy with Live. Word on the street is that he has been offered over $ 10 million for his hosting duties. 

Seems like a decent salary, right?

Well, Katy Perry has been confirmed as the first judge and is getting $ 25 million for her services. That’s a huge pay gap and considering Ryan has been on the show since 2002. 

So, it seems like things are not working out for Ryan right now. 

What will he do? Will he stick it out in New York, or return to his roots in Los Angeles?

Sound off below!


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Miserable Over Losing Scott Disick?!

Few couples can fit so much needless drama into such little time as Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick.

It’s actually kind of impressive when you think about it.

Kourtney and Scott have been making their relationship turmoil stretch for years and years now — Scott will go on a booze-fueled bender or a dozen, Kourtney will make ultimatums, the cameras will catch it all for Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Forever.

Of course, back in 2015 Scott crossed a line when he was photographed cozying up to a woman that wasn’t Kourtney, and he promptly got dumped. For real dumped, not just dumped for reality TV.

He spent a few months being perhaps in the worse shape he’s ever been in, but he managed to pull his life together, and it seemed for a while there that he and Kourtney were actually going to make it.

But old habits die hard. So, so hard.

Last month, Scott accompanied Kourtney on a family vacation to Costa Rica. They had some quality family time, but it didn’t last because Scott reportedly had brought some girl along with him and was hiding her from Kourtney and Ko.

After a nasty little fight, Scott left the vacation early to jet off to Miami, where he was spotted with numerous girls in numerous compromising positions.

And when he finally made his way back to L.A., he didn’t receive the warmest of welcomes.

According to an insider, “Kourtney told Scott that she doesn’t want anything to do with him right now. She wouldn’t even let him in their house.”

So yeah, it’s safe to say that things aren’t going so well between them.

Things are so bad, in fact, that a source tells Radar that Kourtney is caught in a downward spiral of her own.

“Kourtney has been really down since Scott and her split again and she is starting to isolate,” the source says.

“Kourtney is trying to pretend she doesn’t care but she does. Scott will always be the love of her life.”

Things are so bad that “Her friends think that Kourtney is in self-destruct move because she is drinking a lot and has started shutting everyone out.”

“When Scott goes off on a bender, Kourtney is stuck playing the role of both parents and it is just really starting to take a toll on her.”

Sad, right?

And it gets even worse: on Wednesday night, Kourtney was photographed leaving church with none other than Justin Bieber, her old rebound.

Ideally Scott will realize the mistakes he’s making and get back on a good path, but at the very least, we hope Kourtney can come to terms with his issues and avoid following in his footsteps.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Melania Trump: Miserable as First Lady!

Melania Trump reportedly feels our pain.

With odds of a Donald Trump impeachment stronger than ever, and millions of American unhappy about the identity of their President, a new report claims that Melania is also pretty sad at the moment.

She short of wishes more Democrats had turned out to vote in Wisconsin and Michigan.

When asked by Us Weekly how Melania is doing as First Lady these days, Trump family friend and stylist Phillip Bloch said the following to the tabloid:

“This life wasn’t her dream. It was Donald’s. Truthfully, it’s a lot to cope with.”

That’s for sure.

And Melania is doing all she can to NOT cope with it, considering she plans to keep living in New York City with her 10-year old son, Barron.

But even this arrangement has made Trump the butt of various jokes, such as when Jimmy Kimmel quipped that she’s “trapped like Rapunzel” in her Trump Tower penthouse.

Then there was the time Vogue faced boycott threats after editor-in-chief Anna Wintour said on February 9 that she expected  to appear on a future cover.

And then there was Melania’s libel lawsuit against newspaper The Daily Mail, in which she alleges harm was done to her “unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … to launch a broad-based commercial brand.”

Yes, Trump admitted that she has plans to literally cash in on the presidency.

And then there was The New York Times reporter who referred to Melania as a hooker.

“Melania is unhappy with how her life ended up,” claims a anonymous source. “She is miserable.”

Trump hails from Sevnica, Slovenia. She moved to the United States in 1996 to launch a fashion career and, despite being married to an attention-starved maniac, has mostly shunned the spotlight since getting married to The Donald.

Since inauguration day in January, Melania has spent most of her time holed up in her lavish Big Apple apartment.

“She is staying hidden more,” says Bloch.

For comparison’s sake – which isn’t totally fair, we know – Michelle Obama hosted an open house for certain members of the public, plus a party for White House staffers, during her first week as First Lady in 2009.

With protestors often outside her apartment building’s front door, Melania has been forced to tighten up her son’s security detail as well.

“Melania has the Secret Service take Barron to school and retrieve him,” writes Us Weekly.

We really do feel badly for the 10-year old.

The First Lady does love spending time at her husband’s private resort in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago. But still.

Don’t be fooled when you see her smiling up a storm alongside her husband. This is a role she’s learned how to play well over the years.

“Don’t let her smile in those photos fool you,” claims the tabloid source. “She hates this.”


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Holly Madison: I Was MISERABLE in the Playboy Mansion!

Life in the Playboy Mansion isn’t a picture perfect scene of nirvanic bliss for the women who live there?


It has always sounded like a perfect misogynistic hell hole to me, and Holly Madison confirms as much in an interview with People.

Madison exposed a number of ugly truths about life as one of Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends in her tell-all book Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny.

But apparently, she didn’t tell ALL.

The author now has a few more scathing words about old man Hef and his House o’ Barbies.

“It was a constant struggle,” says Madison, who lived in the mansion for seven years. “I was trying to sell this image of ‘Oh everything is so great here,’ but I was miserable inside.”

“The Mansion is all about conformity and judgment and following the rules,” she continues.

Sweetie pie, of course it’s about conformity. Every woman in that house is the spitting image of one another.

“I didn’t like being a clone,” she admits. “That was definitely something that bothered me the whole time.”

“But the Mansion wasn’t a place where confidence was built,” she goes on to say.

“It was a place where manipulation was used to keep everyone scrambling to keep her spot in the house.”

And a place where sex with a geriatric was required.

Last year, Madison said she would not advise other women to follow in her footsteps.

“I kind of advise against it,” she said. “It might seem like something fun and glamorous or rebellious and dangerous in your 20s, but guess what? When you’re 30 or 40, you’re not going to want those pictures floating around.”

All of Madison’s revelations come as no surprise to me, but I suppose when you’re 20 and seeking approval from the world, being chosen to live in the mansion may be taken as some sort of sick validation.

Madison is currently promoting her new book, The Vegas Diaries, which chronicles her life in Las Vegas after she left the mansion.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Christine Brown: Sister Wives Star "Miserable" With Kody, Polygamy!!!

Polygamy isn’t for everyone.

Just ask Sister Wives’ Christine Brown’s aunt, Kristyn Decker.

Decker defected from the Latter Day Saints polygamous sect, Apostolic United Brethren, which the Browns – Kody, Christine, Meri, Janelle and Robyn – happen to belong to.  According to Radar Online, Decker’s father, Owen Allred was once the leader of the sect.

Decker told Radar recently that she doesn’t “believe” Christine is happy, and it’s showing.

“I call it ‘miserable happiness.’ That truly describes those that were in polygamist marriages and those that left,” Decker said.

“I think they are just miserable and the show started showing it.”

From watching the TLC series, Decker notices a “lack of connection between the women.

“They don’t know where to stand when they’re talking about their relationship with the other women. They don’t get the quality time they want with their husband. Neither do the children. The spousal connection isn’t there.”

I’m no expert on the subject, but I can’t imagine polygamy makes it easy for a husband and wife to connect when there are at least two other women involved.

“They are happy because they believe they are serving God or their God. But it is miserable happiness,” Decker went on.

“I think the Browns are precious people. They are just misled like I was.

“They were born and raised with it. They are not representing the majority of polygamy.”

Decker didn’t elaborate on that last quote, which begs the question “What exactly does the majority of polygamy look like?’

Last year, Meri was caught up in a catfish hoax; she got involved in an online relationship with a woman from Oklahoma who pretended to be a man.

The woman then made threats to Meri, forcing the reality star to come clean on air.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Miserable! Feels "Trapped" by Kanye West!

Dear God.  It’s like a bad version of Sleeping With The Enemy.

Or so the tabloids would have you believe about the state of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s marriage.

Now is one of those times to apply those vows of “for better or for worse” to their relationship, because according to Radar Online, things are…not great.

“Kim’s trapped in this marriage and it’s dawning on her that he’ll never let her go, no matter how bad things get between them,” a source close to the Kardashians told the site.

“She’s desperately miserable,” said source added. “Kanye’s lost the plot and he’s out of control with his anger right now.

“All communications have broken down and while he’s trying to repair his image online, he’s not doing anything to make it up to her.”

West’s public outbursts, botht in-person and on Twitter, have “humiliated her and her family,” the source continued.

And if last night’s tweets are actually the work of West, then that will make matters worse for the couple.

Yesterday, Kardashian posted a throwback nude selfie, which prompted celebrities including Bette Midler and Piers Morgan to criticize her thirst for attention.

The responses to these tweets from Kardashian’s account were obnoxious and slightly insane, leading many to believe that West had gotten ahold of Kardashian’s Twitter handle.

Yesterday, West tweeted from his own account, “please avoid trying to talk me out of being me in the future.”

Ok, so long as you please (allegedly) avoid hijacking your wife’s tweets, you kook!