Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Miserable! Feels "Trapped" by Kanye West!

Dear God.  It’s like a bad version of Sleeping With The Enemy.

Or so the tabloids would have you believe about the state of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s marriage.

Now is one of those times to apply those vows of “for better or for worse” to their relationship, because according to Radar Online, things are…not great.

“Kim’s trapped in this marriage and it’s dawning on her that he’ll never let her go, no matter how bad things get between them,” a source close to the Kardashians told the site.

“She’s desperately miserable,” said source added. “Kanye’s lost the plot and he’s out of control with his anger right now.

“All communications have broken down and while he’s trying to repair his image online, he’s not doing anything to make it up to her.”

West’s public outbursts, botht in-person and on Twitter, have “humiliated her and her family,” the source continued.

And if last night’s tweets are actually the work of West, then that will make matters worse for the couple.

Yesterday, Kardashian posted a throwback nude selfie, which prompted celebrities including Bette Midler and Piers Morgan to criticize her thirst for attention.

The responses to these tweets from Kardashian’s account were obnoxious and slightly insane, leading many to believe that West had gotten ahold of Kardashian’s Twitter handle.

Yesterday, West tweeted from his own account, “please avoid trying to talk me out of being me in the future.”

Ok, so long as you please (allegedly) avoid hijacking your wife’s tweets, you kook!