Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Pregnant With Tyga"s Baby, Tabloid Claims

Yes, you read that headline correctly.

Kylie Jenner is pregnant with her first child, and friends say it’s definitely a Tyga cub. Or at least that’s the fine folks at In Touch would have us believe.

“She’s gained a little weight and she says she’s been having the weirdest cravings for Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts,” a source tells the tabloid.

“All [Kylie] can talk about is baby names, whether she’ll have a boy or a girl, how she’s going to decorate the nursery and the child’s wardrobe.”

Yes, while most 18-year-olds’ thoughts would be more along the line of “OMFG! What am I gonna do?!” Kylie is apparently wondering whether Tiffany turquoise is a gender neutral-color for the nursery.

Actually, we believe that part. Or we would, if we believed Kylie was actually pregnant.

Sure, earlier this month Kylie wrote “baby daddy” on a Snapchat pic of Tyga, but we just can’t imagine her actually taking on the responsibility of raising a kid at this point in her life.

Hell, we can’t imagine her put taut abs at risk by getting pregnant.

In order to understand why Kylie would never get knocked up so young, you have to put yourself in the mindset of a Kardashian:

Kylie’s reasoning would be something along the lines of, why become a teen mom when you already have a reality show?