Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Corey Simms Defends Leah Messer, Slams "Teen Mom" Editing

After months of being branded a mess and a bad mom, Leah Messer is finally standing up for herself. 

Not only that, but she’s found an unlikely ally in ex-husband, Corey Simms.

“Corey knows how it all works, and feels bad for Leah,” a production source told Radar Online.

“They have been getting along very well lately, and everything with the girls is fine. He believes her when she says what appeared on TV wasn’t actually what happened.”

The West Virginia native “is well aware that producers will do absolutely anything for ratings,” the source added.

“Last season, they made him and [wife] Miranda look like the villains on the show, and they got a lot of backlash from it. They were very upset.”

It’s gotten so bad that Corey and Miranda don’t bother watching Teen Mom 2 anymore.

“It’s too frustrating for them,”  the source pointed out. “They refuse to pay any attention to the fake drama.”

On March 25th, Messer defended herself in a series of tweets, furious at how she’s been portrayed on the series:

“It’s so sad how the person behind the editing can even live a happy life by Editing to manipulate the audience watching. It makes me feel like my story just isn’t enough.

I DID hit rock bottom but I come out of it and I was willing to air it ALL because if just ONE person watched and reached out for HELP even when they feel so ALONE that’s all I cared about because I could NEVER imagine ANYONE feeling the pain, hurt, depression AND anxiety that I WAS suffering from. It would break my heart!

I wanted to bring awareness and HELP others and if MTV couldn’t share that then I will do it on my own the way God wants me to!!!!

As hard as it was to go through. I know there’s reasoning why I went through it. AND It hurts to feel BETRAYED by the ones I THOUGHT I could trust with my story.

It goes to show you how “THE ENTERTAINMENT WORLD” really is and I guess everyone will see where I REALLY am starting EPISODE 4. #SUCHASHAME.

When others that is suffering could ALREADY be reaching out for help It just BREAKS MY HEART!!! It’s NOT okay but I KNOW that I am NOW in such a AMAZING place and I LOVE YOU ALL!

I hope to continue to share my story but I REFUSE to allow it to be twisted for the benefit of a NETWORK!”

Do you think Messer was the victim of editing?