Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Jana Duggar Talks Courtship: John-David is My Wingman!

If you watched Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2 Episode 3, you know that fan favorite Jana was surprisingly candid when discussing the question of why she and twin John-David are still single and childless at the age of 26.

That may not sound old, but in Duggar Land, every year that an adult woman’s not raisin’ babies is a wasted one, and fans have been persistent in their inquiries about Jana’s love life

According to Jana, she’s definitely still single, but it’s not for lack of trying.

The so-called “Cinderella Duggar” didn’t expressly deny rumors that she’s been forced to stay home and help raise her siblings, but she did say that the reason she’s unattached is simpler than the media thinks:

Apparently, she just hasn’t met the right guy.

Unfortunately, it seems she’s not casting a very wide net in her search for Mr. Right.

You see, instead of hitting up booze-free single bars or Fundamentalist Christian Mingle (We assume both of those things exist.), Jana looks to her twin for help in the dude department:

“John would be great at finding somebody. He has a lot of wisdom in that area,” said Jana on last night’s Counting On.

“I’ll give him advice. He’ll give me advice. Guys know guys better. Girls know girls better. It’s kind of nice because we can just help each other out in that way.”

We suppose that’s generally true, but the problem is that when your brother is homeschooled on a compound with 18 of his siblings, the only guys he knows well are also your brothers.

We don’t generally offer dating advice here on THG, but take note, single folk:

When you’re looking for the right person to lose your virginity to, the search should never start at home. #TheMoreYouKnow

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more on Jana’s non-existent love life.