Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kate Middleton: Mocked By Royal Family For This Habit

A new documentary on Queen Elizabeth II, Our Queen at 90, contains some terrific insight into the life of the long-ruling monarch.

It also revealed a fun anecdotes about Kate Middleton as well …

We not only learned Prince George’s adorable nickname for his great-grandmother – Gan-Gan – but some royally fun Duchess facts.

Chief among them? The fact that one of the royal family’s favorite activities is teasing Kate Middleton … for being too friendly.

And a talker. Kate loves her some chit-chat. Commoners

“She has been very generous and not, sort of, been forceful at all in any of her views,” Kate said about her grandmother-in-law.

“I feel she’s been there as a gentle guidance really for me. Everyone teases me in the family that I spend far too long chatting.”

“I think I have still got to learn a little bit more,” she said, “and pick up a few more tips” when it comes to an economy of words.

Forget tips. Hopefully the 34-year-old Duchess picks up more solo interviews. She can chatter away all day if we had our way!

You have to love the fact that unlike her royal counterparts, Kate is not known for holding back or choosing her words carefully.

This just further cements her reputation as the People’s Princess, a true national treasure at once regal and approachable.

If that doesn’t reaffirm your love for Middleton, what will?

Okay. How about these photos then? You’re welcome: