Thursday, February 22, 2018

Kylie Jenner is on an Insane Diet. And She"s "Miserable."

Here’s the good news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

The 20-year old has decided against traveling to Mexico and undergoing dangerous weight loss surgery, as earlier reports claimed she had been considering.

These reports alleged that Kylie really was that desperate to shed her pregnancy pounds after she gave birth.

But here’s the bad news surrounding Kylie Jenner:

She is still so adamant that she must regain her stupid bikini body that she’s taking different extreme measures in order to lose weight.

And, according to OK! Weekly insiders, this new strategy is working; Kylie has lost A LOT of weight.

At a price, however.

Quoting Heat Magazine, OK! writes that Kim Kardashian has “been helping Kylie every step of the way and giving her loads of advice,” while “[whipping] her into shape the moment she had the baby.”

How very sweet, right?

Stormi Webster enters the world and … BAM! The sisters start working on what’s truly important: Kylie’s body.

Sources had previously stated that Jenner gained 35 pounds while pregnant – and this report claims she has already lost 25 of those pounds!

How has she pulled this off?

Via a diet that consists of “wild salmon for breakfast, turkey and salad for lunch and then sometimes just soup early evening,” the insider says, explaining that Jenner is sure to never consume more than 1,500 calories in one day.

That sounds awful.

And not very healthy, either.

Kylie supposedly avoid all carbs and nearly all sugar and has gotten “straight back into training” at the gym.

She’s really setting quite the example for little Stormi, isn’t she?

Kardashian famously dropped 69 pounds in the months after giving birth to her second child.

She kept meticulous track of her weight throughout this process, setting a horrible example to young fans around the globe.

But this was apparently a great example for Kylie, who has always wanted to emulate her half-sister and who is now reluctantly taking her advice.

“Kim has told Kylie that she’ll regret it later if she doesn’t do the hard work now, but she’s finding it miserable,” the source told Heat, adding:

“She knows she only has a bit to go so doesn’t want to give up, but it’s very hard.”

We don’t want to say that Kylie is ignoring the responsibilities of being a new mother by working out this much and by dieting this intensely.

We’re sure she’s been there for Stormi.

But she and her siblings REALLY need to STFU up when it comes to weight loss, especially post-pregnancy weight loss.

There really are far more important things to be thinking about during this time of one’s life… not to mention the fact that they are setting an unrealistic example for their fans.

Kylie Jenner has the money for a personal chef and for a gym at her home.

She doesn’t have a full-time job from 9-5.

She can absolutely dedicate large chunks of her day to this weight loss mission if she so chooses, but she shouldn’t pretend like it’s something the average mother can attack with the same vigor.

That’s it. Rant over.

We can now return to making fun of the name Stormi Webster.
