Thursday, February 16, 2017

Melania Trump: Miserable as First Lady!

Melania Trump reportedly feels our pain.

With odds of a Donald Trump impeachment stronger than ever, and millions of American unhappy about the identity of their President, a new report claims that Melania is also pretty sad at the moment.

She short of wishes more Democrats had turned out to vote in Wisconsin and Michigan.

When asked by Us Weekly how Melania is doing as First Lady these days, Trump family friend and stylist Phillip Bloch said the following to the tabloid:

“This life wasn’t her dream. It was Donald’s. Truthfully, it’s a lot to cope with.”

That’s for sure.

And Melania is doing all she can to NOT cope with it, considering she plans to keep living in New York City with her 10-year old son, Barron.

But even this arrangement has made Trump the butt of various jokes, such as when Jimmy Kimmel quipped that she’s “trapped like Rapunzel” in her Trump Tower penthouse.

Then there was the time Vogue faced boycott threats after editor-in-chief Anna Wintour said on February 9 that she expected  to appear on a future cover.

And then there was Melania’s libel lawsuit against newspaper The Daily Mail, in which she alleges harm was done to her “unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … to launch a broad-based commercial brand.”

Yes, Trump admitted that she has plans to literally cash in on the presidency.

And then there was The New York Times reporter who referred to Melania as a hooker.

“Melania is unhappy with how her life ended up,” claims a anonymous source. “She is miserable.”

Trump hails from Sevnica, Slovenia. She moved to the United States in 1996 to launch a fashion career and, despite being married to an attention-starved maniac, has mostly shunned the spotlight since getting married to The Donald.

Since inauguration day in January, Melania has spent most of her time holed up in her lavish Big Apple apartment.

“She is staying hidden more,” says Bloch.

For comparison’s sake – which isn’t totally fair, we know – Michelle Obama hosted an open house for certain members of the public, plus a party for White House staffers, during her first week as First Lady in 2009.

With protestors often outside her apartment building’s front door, Melania has been forced to tighten up her son’s security detail as well.

“Melania has the Secret Service take Barron to school and retrieve him,” writes Us Weekly.

We really do feel badly for the 10-year old.

The First Lady does love spending time at her husband’s private resort in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago. But still.

Don’t be fooled when you see her smiling up a storm alongside her husband. This is a role she’s learned how to play well over the years.

“Don’t let her smile in those photos fool you,” claims the tabloid source. “She hates this.”
