Showing posts with label Kody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kody. Show all posts

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Kody Brown and the Sister Wives Have Moved to Arizona!

While Sister Wives daughter Mariah Brown gushes about her move to Chicago, Kody Brown and the sister wives themselves have uprooted their family for a move of their own.

Kody and the sister wives left Vegas to move to Flagstaff, Arizona. They announced the move months ago, but have made some progress since then.

Here is what we know about their big move:

In July, the Browns put out a statement explaining why they were making this drastic change.

“As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas,” the statement began.

The statement continued: “we are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, Arizona.”

“We are looking forward to cooler temperatures, the mountain air, scenic views,” the statement read.

The statement concluded, adding: “and the slower lifestyle of Flagstaff.”

At present, Kody and his wives and their young children have yet to actually move into new, permanent residences.

Don’t get us wrong — they’re lviing in Flagstaff. They made the move.

But apparently they’re currently living in four rentals, which are scattered throughout Flagstaff, and have also rented a commercial building.

In a recent interview with The Associated Press, Kody joked about the tangled logistical ngihtmare of moving so many people before their new homes are actually built.

“We moved to heaven,” he joked. “But we’re living in hell right now.”

Once their new residences are ready, however, it looks like they’ll be living in paradise.

Kody and the sister wives have spent $ 820,000 on purchasing their new properties, which will allow them to live in close proximity to each other.

The purchase of the four lots makes for a combined 15 acres of land.

It is also close to downtown Flagstaff.

But they’ll have to wait for their new homes to be built. In the mean times, they deal with inconvenience and a little chaos while their lives hang in limbo.

meri brown road pic in flagstaff

Even before they made their move to Flagstaff, Meri Brown spoke of her excitement alongside a photo of the open sky.

“Anyone who knows me well knows how much I love the mountains, the peace, calm, & serenity that can be found there,” Meri began.

Her post continued: “Since moving away from Utah I’ve missed being able to head up to my favorite mountain anytime I want.”

“But I’m looking forward to our move to the mountains of Arizona,” Meri expressed hopefully.

Meri concluded that she is excited about “the road that’s stretched out ahead of me and the promise it holds.”

Robyn Brown deer pic in flagstaff

Robyn Brown snapped a photo of a deer, writing: “I came upon this lovely creature in my backyard. It was an accident that I got so close. I had to snap a picture.”

“She just stopped and stared at me for the longest time,” Robyn shared. “I think she saw into my soul.”

“Ari has been scared of the deer we have been seeing,” Robyn continued. “But I explained they were nice and safe.”

“Now,” Robyn shared. “She loves watching them through the window. ‘They are nice happy deer!’ she says.”

Hopefully we’ll get to see a lot of their new experiences when Sister Wives returns on January 4!


Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Kody Brown and the Sister Wives Are Leaving Las Vegas, Moving to ...

While fans and viewers wait for Sister Wives to return to TLC early next year, they can still keep up to date with the Brown family.

And that family is going through some big changes.

Less than a decade after fleeing from Utah, they are moving again — and leaving Las Vegas for …

In a statement released by TLC, the Browns announce that they are leaving Vegas for (relatively) cooler pastures.

“As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas,” the statement begins. “We are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, AZ!”

We’re sure that Flagstaff appreciates their enthusiasm.

“We are looking forward to cooler temperatures, the mountain air, scenic views, and the slower lifestyle of Flagstaff.”

A lot of that sounds so great. And, after Vegas, just about any lifestyle sounds slower — even if you’re still a reality star.

Also, you know that the climate is unbearable in Vegas when people are looking forward to the cooler temperatures in Arizona.

As you may recall, the Browns moved to Las Vegas in 2011.

Polygamy is illegal in Utah.

While those laws may have been a well-intentioned effort to prevent abuses that sometimes go along with polygamist Mormon offshoots (such as child marriage), it can make life difficult for consenting adults.

So Kody and his wives essentially fled the state. They’ve sacrificed a lot in order to raise awareness and campaign for the legalization of polygamy.

Now, they’re moving again — into a Flagstaff cul-de-sac with enough space to accommodate Kody, his wives, and their children.

(Well, the 10 children who are still living at home)

As the good folks over at The Ashley noted, Janelle Brown celebrated the Fourth of July in Flagstaff, and spoke about it on Instagram.

“Had the great fun of attending a small town 4th of July parade in Flagstaff, AZ,” Janelle writes.

Janelle continues: “Maddie, Caleb, Axel, Savanah, Garrison and I ran away from the heat for a few days.”

Flagstaff is in the upper 70s today, which isn’t exactly cool but it’ll at least mean lower air-conditioning bills.

“This small town parade is popular,” Janelle boasts. “Bringing in 20,000 spectators every year.”

Janelle is already touting the local attractions for perspective tourists.

Janelle wasn’t done hyping up her experience.

“It was so much fun. Plus the temp was in the low 80s!” Janelle gushes, clarifying that this is “30 degrees cooler than home!”

Some folks consider all temperatures above 70 degrees to be slight variations of “too hot,” but others embrace the heat. Some people actually enjoy 80-degree weather! it takes all types.

“The coolest thing that happened was the huge cheer that went up for the wild land firefighters,” Janelle continues. “Both BLM and Forest Service.”

And she makes it very clear why they are particularly important at the moment.

“With all the fires burning in the West right now,” Janelle reminds her fans and followers. “They really are heroes.”

The looming threat of out-of-control wildfires sweeping through and destroying your home is enough to keep plenty of people from moving to the American southwest unless they have no other choice.

But the Browns are choosing this, and it might be good for them.

Certainly, this move will have to be less emotional than their departure from Utah.

At that time, they were fleeing from potential prosecution for living their lives as consenting adults.

While many believe that Kody is absolutely the wrong person to be one of the “faces” of modern-day polygamy, the Browns have given up a lot to campaign for a future in which the marital choices of adults are respected.

And we’re sure that they’ll continue to do so in Flagstaff.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Janelle Brown Shares Kody Brown Date Photo: We"re Still in Love!

Even though Sister Wives star Kody Brown recently celebrated his anniversary with Meri, rumors swirled that Meri has found a new man.

But things still seem to be pretty solid for Kody and Janelle.

In fact, the two went on a romantic concert date … and Janelle shared the photos so that everyone could share in the experience.

Janelle seems very happy in her marriage. We only wish that this were the case for a certain troubled sister wife of hers.

Poor Meri Brown. She’s had a rough go of things. Worst of all was her catfishing scandal which was also a cheating scandal, of sorts. She has seemed so unhappy for a long time.

But just a few weeks ago, she and Kody went out and about together to celebrate their anniversary.

She’s not Kody’s only wife, of course.

Janelle has avoided scandals. She is known for having never legally married Kody (under current laws, he can only legally be married to one wife at a time).

She is also known for her dramatic weight loss, and she has gone on to share tips with fans and viewers.

It appears that Kody and Janelle treated themselves to a concert.

Janelle shared a selfie from the audience and a glimpse of the performance, captioning the photos:

“I’ve wanted to see U2 in concert since I was 19.”

So this has been a long time coming.

“Finally made it 30 years later and with my love.”

You could feel how thrilled she was.

“So dang excited.”

Janelle and Kody are both 49, so it stands to reason that they grew up with relatively similar music tastes — though plenty of people pick up on theri partner’s music.

The two saw the U2 show in Las Vegas and Janelle was happy to share a glimpse of that fun with her fans and followers.

Fans have noted that Janelle continues to seem happy with her polygamous marriage to Kody.

She was, like her sister wives, impacted by Meri’s catfishing scandal. They all were. She noted to Meri that nothing in their marriage happens in a vacuum.

It was enough to make Meri wonder if she needed to leave Kody for everyone’s sake.

It’s great for Janelle that she enjoys her marriage to Kody — even if it isn’t legally recognized.

But some in polyamorous relationships object to Sister Wives because they consider it a negative portrayal.

Though Kody wanted to do the series in order to push for acceptance and legalization of polygamy, he may be undercutting his efforts by, well, being himself.

His reaction to Meri’s catfishing scandal — admitting that he didn’t even want to have sex with Meri anymore — did not exactly win many people over.

Would anyone really blame her if she decided to move on with a new man?

A lot of people, including Sister Wives fans, find Kody to be creepy and single-minded and egocentric and generally off-putting.

Many viewers enjoy the show, but they watch for the wives — Robyn, Christine, Janelle, and Meri — and for the children.

Janelle may be happy with Kody, but some wonder if it’s only a matter of time before Meri leaves him to live a happier life.

And that’s assuming that she isn’t in the process of doing that already.

Janelle, however, looks like she’s still happy right where she is.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown Actually in Love Again?!

Who would have thought all those years ago when we first met the Sister Wives that this family would take us on such a roller coaster ride of emotions and drama?

Well, we probably all thought that — it was a reality show about a man with multiple wives and over a dozen kids, so there was never really a chance that it would be drama-free.

But still, the Browns have given us more reality show gold than we ever could have dreamed of, thanks in large part to Meri and her catfish.

That was a few years ago, but the family is still dealing with the issues it raised — issues like all the ones that exist in Meri"s marriage to Kody.

There have been rumors upon rumors that their marriage is over, that she"s leaving the family, that they want her to leave …

But are things actually looking up for them?!

1. Struggles

Meri brown with kody

Kody and Meri have been having problems for a long, long time. Like, all the way back to the very first season of Sister Wives.

2. Problems with Polygamy

Meri brown on instagram

Back then, Meri struggled with the idea of Kody getting a fourth wife — the first season was based on him getting engaged and married to Robyn, in case you forgot.

3. More Sadness

Meri brown from sister wives

She’s also always had a hard time dealing with the fact that she was never able to have another child after giving birth to her daughter while Kody’s other wives have had oodles and oodles of kids.

4. Uh …

Meri brown and kody brown

In one especially memorable moment from that first season, Meri had a private conversation with Kody about how she sometimes resented the fact that he had other wives at all. She asked him how he would feel if she had multiple husbands, and he told her the thought was disgusting. Because hypocrisy.

5. More Problems

Meri brown poses with a chair

As the years went on, Meri still expressed how difficult it was for her at times to share her husband, and she and Kody argued about whether or not to begin fertility treatments to see if they could have more children together. But for the most part, things went on as normal.

6. One and Done

Kody and his sister wives

Meri eventually decided against having any sort of fertility treatments, and she made peace with not having anymore children as Kody went on to have a few more with Robyn.

View Slideshow

Monday, April 2, 2018

Meri Brown: Do I Need to Leave Kody Brown for the Sake of My Sister Wives?

Hey, so, remember Meri Brown"s catfishing scandal? The fallout from that continues to drive a wedge between various members of the Brown family.

In this clip from part two of the Sister Wives Tell All, her fellow sister-wives are asked if they wish that Meri and Kody would just go their separate ways.

And Meri is shocked by their answers.

Robyn brown tells all

Early in this clip from the Tell All special, each of Meri"s fellow sister-wives are speaking about how Meri"s catfishing scandal and the ensuing troubles with Kody have impacted them.

Robyn is fairly staightforward with her answer.

"It sucks. The whole thing sucks."

Robyn continues.

"It"s not fun and it"s hard to know what to do with it."

That said, she makes it clear that 

"We love Meri, we love Kody, we have to be Switzerland constantly and we hate to see them in this place and it"s stressful for our family."

By Switzerland, she of course means neutral.

Meri brown and christine brown

Christine Brown, who has the best hair of the family, speaks next.

She is, perhaps, the gentlest.

"It"s sad to see two broken hearts and we don"t know what to do to fix it."

Sometimes, there"s little that an outsider can do.

But Christine explains what they are all doing.

"Just support and be there but there’s broken hearts involved on both sides and its super hard."

Robyn brown kody brown and janelle brown

Janelle chimes in.

"You know, in our family you don"t just live in a vacuum, like one relationship affects the other 100 percent."

That is true in any polyamorous relationship, and things are still hugely interconnected in the Browm family"s polygamy. Which, Janelle says, means that what impacts one of them impacts them all.

"You feel it when things are out of joint."

It is at this point when Meri is clearly crying.

(Poor Meri!)

Meri brown cries

Speaking of poor Meri, Andrea does — and you can feel the hesitation in her voice as she says it — pose the question.

Do any of Meri"s fellow sister-wives think that Meri and Kody need to call it quits?

She phrased it more delicately, but she"s clearly asking if they think that everything would be better if Kody just kicked Meri out of the family.

"No one thinks that," Christine reassures Meri.

"None of us think that it’s not supposed to happen or get better."

Even as she comforts Meri, she admits that she doesn"t know what the future holds.

"We don’t know what it looks like in the end but none of us think that."

Sister wives stars celebrate hard rock cafe las vegas 25th anniv

Honestly, many Sister Wives fans are hoping that Meri can find a better, happier life away from Kody.

It"s not that polygamy is inherently bad, but just that fans really, really do not like Kody. His man-bun, while a great style on some others, isn"t doing him any favors in this Tell-All.

(It"s a combination of his age and his facial hair. Long hair can be great, but Kody isn"t giving off the kind of look at he hopes to)

But what matters is what Meri wants. And she was clearly relieved to hear Christine"s kind words.

See the video below for a preview of the next Tell All special:

Meri brown do i need to leave kody brown for the sake of my sist

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Kody Brown: I Don"t Want to Have Sex with Meri Anymore!

Let"s be honest: the Sister Wives crew has been kind of a mess for a long, long time now.

And we"re not even talking their usual polygamy drama mess — for a good few years now, Meri has had and has introduced some serious problems in the Brown family.

Even though Meri"s been friendly with Kody"s fourth wife, Robyn, it does seem like she"s dealt with some jealousy issues, and those only got worse when Kody legally divorced her to marry Robyn.

The divorce made sense — the family did it that way so that Kody could have rights over the three children Robyn had with her ex-husband — but Meri still took it very personally.

Around the same time as the divorce, Meri began talking to a man online, and they quickly became very close.

One could even say she had an emotional affair with him, and she may have gone even further if the man hadn"t turned out to be a catfish.

Yep, the man she"d been falling for was actually a woman, and the whole thing really and truly broke her.

That"s all happened a few years ago at this point, but as we"ve been seeing on the current season of Sister Wives, it"s still causing plenty of issues in the family.

One of those issues is that Kody is pretty much over Meri entirely.

In this sneak peek for their upcoming tell-all episode, the Sister Wives crew sit down to go over some issues they"ve had, and one particular comment Kody made is brought up.

Andrea Canning, the woman interviewing the family, asks about the scene in which he tells a reporter that Meri says she"s his wife, but they don"t "co-habitate."

Kody and his man-bun explain that they made that comment because they were feeling "a little snarky — not towards Meri, but towards this law."

Feelings about laws aside, Meri says that she was "mixed" by his statement because "part of me was like "wait, we don"t need to share every little bit of information about our lives," but at the same time, it"s time to start being real and honest."

Robyn, dear sweet Robyn, cuts in with "Kody sometimes says stuff he shouldn"t say."

Truer words, right?

Andrea says that it was difficult to hear Kody and Meri talk about feeling like a divorced couple, but Meri laughs and says "Well technically, we are!"

And she"s right, of course, but the bitterness in her voice is a bit extreme.

Andrea soldiers on and adds that Kody also said he didn"t want to be intimate with Meri, and he admits that he still feels that way, even today.

Meri asks if she feels the same way or if she does want to be intimate, and she replies that she simply wants "more of a relationship with him than we"re having right now."

Kody begins to say that they don"t know how to fix things, but Meri cuts him off pointedly by saying that the solution is to have "two parties wanting to work toward it."

So … yikes.

At this point, it"s really hard to understand why they"re even still together.

Meri has obviously been unhappy for a very long time, enough to start talking to who she thought was another man, and now that Kody is understandably upset about that, she"s desperate to make things work.

It doesn"t make sense, it"s silly for both of them to waste their time like this — even in the very first season, they were having problems.

If Kody doesn"t even want to be intimate with her anymore … it really sounds like this Sister Wives ship has already sailed.

Fly free, Meri.

Kody brown i dont want to have sex with meri anymore

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sister Wives: Is the Show as Dead as Kody Brown"s Marriages?!

Things aren’t looking so good for the Sister Wives crew …

Or, well, they haven’t been looking good pretty much since the first moment we were introduced to them, so maybe it would be more accurate to just say that things are looking worse.

Way, way worse.

We’ve been hearing for months and months now, maybe even years, that the four wives of Kody Brown — Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn — are unhappy with him and with their situation.

Combine that with all the cancelation rumors that had been going around about the show before the trailer for the new season dropped, and it’s clear that things aren’t well in the Brown family households.

It’s a lot for one family, right?

Even one family that’s sort of branched out into four different families, because polygamy.

And now, according to a sad new report, things are about to get even worse.

As the Sister Wives insider explains, ratings were down last season, and TLC was “less than impressed” by the amount of viewers the family was pulling in.

So this time around, for the current season, “Kody told them he’d be willing to have the network slash his family’s pay from $ 180,000 for each adult to $ 180,000 total if it meant they could make season 12.”

“He put everything on the line to convince them it could still work.”

It seems like there could be a little bit of negotiation somewhere in there, right? If Kody did offer that pay cut, then that’s $ 720,000 less that the adults are making this season.

But then again, maybe it was smart for him to get as much money as he could for a show that’s been doing so poorly that it’s been on the brink of cancelation for over a year now.

“Three years ago,” the source says, “the show could command 2.5 million viewers, but now fans are leaving the show in droves.”

“TLC has broken the news to Kody that it plans to cancel Sister Wives after the current season because ratings have been so tepid. Kody can kiss any hope of a Season 13 goodbye.”

And it’s not just his reality television career that’s failing — another source claims that his “spiritual marriages” are also close to being canceled.

“His only real connection seems to be with Robyn now,” and “the other wives have all but given up on him.”

“They mostly see him as an ex-husband who turns up to help with the children,” the source adds.

It turns out that this issues are sort of tied together — in the beginning, Sister Wives viewers were intrigued by what seemed to be happy family living the polygamist lifestyle.

But now, “TLC has discovered you can only pretend things are all rosy for so long. Fans now realize the Browns are anything but a happy group.”

The plan going forward, the insider says, is to develop a new show focusing on the Brown children — so sort of like how 19 Kids and Counting morphed into Counting On.

If this were to happen, then Mariah, the only child of Kody and Meri, would be heavily featured, because “she’s a favorite with fans because of her maturity.”

“But will Meri will make the occasional appearance on the show, there are no plans to feature Kody,” because “for him, things are very much over.”

Is anyone else disappointed that since the show would be canceled, we won’t be able to see episodes featuring the drama caused by the cancelation?


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Kody Brown Might Lose All FOUR Sister Wives!

Nobody outside of Sister Wives seems to actually like Kody Brown. He’s obnoxious and hella rude, and it sounds like, lately, his behaviors been getting worse and worse.

We don’t know if he’s spiraling in a quest for ratings or if he’s authentically preparing to crash and burn, but frankly it doesn’t really matter — he doesn’t deserve his wives. They don’t deserve to have to put up with him.

And according to a new report, all four of them have started to realize that, too.

So, as we already talked about, Kody Brown is rude and maybe even verbally abusive to his four wives.

That, by itself, is more than enough reason to drop him in the garbage where he belongs and move on with your lives.

And there’s the boundless tensions brought up when he added his fourth wife, Robyn, to the fold.

But it’s also sounding like Kody might be looking for more young women to marry.

At this point, he’s seeming less like a man committed to polygamy and more like a man who’s less interested in his committed partners and more interested in chasing new, young women.

That doesn’t sound like a “polygamist role model.”

(Not that he’s ever lived up to that aspiration)

That sounds more like … that hot mugshot guy’s recent antics.

And the results aren’t pretty.

Specifically, it looks like Kody Brown’s wives want to leave him.

But that same report mentions that Kody might be wanting to leave them anyway and build himself a new family.

Now, we’ve heard stories about Kody Brown’s wives leaving him before.

So we always try to take these things with a grain of salt.

It was only a few months ago that Robyn seemed adamant that she wasn’t leaving Kody.

But is it possible that she was just putting on a brave face?

And while the idea of him wanting to set aside his current wives and build a new family from scratch sounds far-fetched.

Like … Kody Brown’s behavior has always been out there.

And it’s been getting worse, lately.

If he’s having some sort of midlife crisis or whatever, who knows what he’s planning?

A lot of reality shows are a mixed bag.

Sister Wives is not.

It’s bad.

See, polyamory — non-monogamous relationships involving more than just two people — can be wonderful.

Many thruples and triads and other groups of partners find that it makes their lives wonderful.

And while the term polygamy implies that it’s just one many marrying multiple women and that’s the extent of everyone’s relationships, that can still work and be a good thing, too.

The whole reason that Kody and his wives wanted to do Sister Wives in the first place is because they wanted to increase acceptance of polygamy.

That’s a very noble goal.

It might make taxes and inheritance and insurance and a few other things a little complicated, but we can’t really think of a legal justification for preventing a group of committed adults from making their relationship as official as everyone else’s.

And Sister Wives was supposed to help normalize this in the minds of middle America.

Unfortunately, because this relationship has Kody at the center, they may have set back the fight for polygamy by a few decades.

And, by extension, the push for wider acceptance of polyamory.

So … thanks, Kody.

As always, we won’t take any stories at face value until they’re substantiated.

It’s especially easy to believe stories that the wives are planning on leaving Kody, because every viewer wants them to run off.

Confirmation bias is the psychological phenomenon that describes why we want to automatically believe things that fit our worldview.

And nobody’s worldview finds Kody Brown to be an ideal mate.

No matter what this story says, we more than suspect that Kody Brown’s wives know that.

But that doesn’t mean that they’ll actually take the steps necessary to leave him.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Robyn Brown: I"m Not Pregnant, and I"m Not Leaving Kody!

For months and months now, we’ve been hearing that the relationships between Kody Brown and his Sister Wives are on the brink of collapse.

We’ve heard that all of the wives are planning on leaving Kody, and we’ve even heard that Meri Brown has a guy on the side, and that she’s waiting for the right moment to get with him instead.

But one of the most persistent rumors has been one about Robyn Brown, Kody’s newest wife and his only legal one.

All the way back in December, we heard that Robyn was planning on leaving Kody, partially because she felt he wasn’t treating her kids well — she has three children from a previous marriage.

Another reported issue was that the most recent seasons of the show focused on Meri and her catfishing scandal, along with some of the children’s weddings and pregnancies.

That apparently didn’t sit well with Robyn, who’s been used to having more attention.

We’ve also heard that Kody has his eyes on a younger woman he plans on making his fifth wife, which is something that troubles poor Robyn.

On top of all that, additional reports claim that Kody has been struggling with Robyn’s unhappiness, turning to drinking and temper tantrums to get him through the hard times.

Which, you know, aren’t things that would particularly entice Robyn to stay.

Oh, and one more rumor that’s been going strong, one that complicates this mess even further?

Many reports claim that Robyn is currently pregnant.

So yes, there’s a lot going on with the Browns these days.

But Robyn, sweetheart that she is, finally took the time to tell us all what’s really going on with all of these stories — many of which, by the way, came from supposed Brown family friend, Kendra Pollard.

“Hey tabloids!” she wrote on Twitter. “Kendra is NOT my friend and I don’t talk to her. Ever. Period. I am not pregnant and I am not divorcing Kody. All lies.”

Meri responded with “Haha you saw that one too? I had to laugh when I walked through the store today and saw it! People seriously need to get a life!”

So there are two possibilities here.

One, Robyn and Meri are planning on leaving Kody, and they’re working together to make sure no one suspects a thing.

Or two, they actually are planning on staying with the family for the foreseeable future.

And oh, what a nightmare that would be …


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Robyn Brown: Pregnant & Leaving Kody Brown?!

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors about Sister Wives star Robyn Brown divorcing husband Kody Brown.

Insiders have claimed that Robyn has been fed up with Kody’s mistreatment for years.

Some even gone so far as to accuse Kody of abusing Robyn.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Robyn has taken the first steps toward ending her marriage, and she’s acting not only for herself, but for her unborn child.

Yes, the site is reporting that Robyn is pregnant with Kody’s 19th child, but is not planning on sticking out her troubled marriage for much longer.

Insiders claim the 38-year-old has already contacted a divorce attorney after saving money for legal fees on the sly.

The news comes courtesy of Robyn’s best friend, Kendra Pollard, who’s breaking her silence about the Browns’ badly damaged marriage.

“Robyn has been planning to divorce him for a long time,” Pollard says.

“Being pregnant has not changed her mind. She saved up enough money to retain a lawyer.”

Pollard says that Robyn feels the family’s reality show has had a damaging effect on Kody’s relationships with his children and wives, as it’s led him to put fame and fortune above family.

She adds that Robyn believes filing for divorce will bring an end to the Brown family’s TV fame, as the revelations she plans to make in court will leave audiences and advertisers alike wanting nothing to do with Kody.

“This is really the end of ‘Sister Wives,” Pollard says.

Pollard says the pregnancy, Robyn’s sixth, was not planned.

“It was a complete surprise to Robyn,” Pollard claims, adding:

“Kody was happy when Robyn told him she is pregnant. He wants a large family but he is unhappy that she refuses to let TLC film her talking about it.”

Pollard says that despite the fact that his family is crumbling around him, Brown refuses to admit any wrongdoing.

In fact, he reportedly maintains that he saved each of his wives’ lives by marrying them.

“Robyn told me Kody told her that she would have nothing if it weren’t for him,” Pollard says.

Of course, if the latest rumors are true, Kody may soon find that the public doesn’t have much interest in him without his wives.

Watch Sister Wives online for more polygamous drama.


Friday, February 24, 2017

Kody Brown: Is He Abusing the Sister Wives?!

It seems like at least once a month or so, we hear a new rumor about the Sister Wives.

Specifically about how the Sister Wives are planning on leaving Kody Brown.

It makes sense — Kody does seem pretty unbearable, and even if he was the greatest dude of all time, sharing your husband with three other women doesn’t sound like a great time.

Last we heard, Robyn, Kody’s most recent sister wife, and the only one he’s legally married to, is considering leaving him.

The issue is that Kody is allegedly preparing to take on a fifth wife who is just 24 years old. Robyn’s not that into the idea, so if he follows through, she’s out.

Kody had apparently been struggling with Robyn’s possible departure, so he reportedly began drinking to get through the fights and the panic attacks.

We’d be all “aww, poor guy,” but, you know, it’s Kody.

If he has such a hard time understanding the problems in his marriages, then there’s really no helping him, is there?

But it seems like understanding isn’t Kody’s only issue — not by a long shot.

According to an actual family friend of the Browns, Kody’s been “totally spiraling out of control” lately.

The friend says that Kody is “becoming a hothead, he has no filter and it is freaking Robyn out.” Things are so bad that “she can no longer trust him.”

They used to “fight and yell at each other,” but “now Robyn simply ignores him, which makes him even more infuriated.”

“Kody has a nasty tongue on him,” the friend continues. “Robyn told me how Kody said to her, ‘you would not have any of this if it wasn’t for me."”

“Kody has to be the king of the castle. Robyn used to be Kody’s puppet. Now she’s saying no.”

So it sounds like a miserable situation is getting even worse thanks to Kody’s increasingly bad temper, right? No wonder there are constant reports of his wives leaving him.

And the Browns’ family friend has some words to say on that subject, too.

“Robyn’s always said that if he takes on new wives, she’ll leave,” she says. “Robyn has told friends she is going to divorce Kody.”

“She believes it is her only choice. She says he will be getting a rude awakening soon when he’s served with the papers.”

While it would be wonderful if Robyn left Kody — and if Meri, Janelle, and Christine left him, too — we’ll believe it when we see it.

But dang, this story is getting juicy, huh?


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Robyn Brown and Kody Brown: Is It Finally Over?

We hope you’re sitting down, Sister Wives viewers.

Because Life & Style claims that an absolute “Shocker” is about to… well… absolutely shock you.

According to this tabloid’s latest cover story, Robyn Brown has finally had it with Kody Brown and will soon be filing for divorce from the Sister Wives patriarch. 

But is this really as stunning of an announcement as the magazine wants us to believe?

For starters, we watch Sister Wives online and even on television live when it airs sometimes. We’ve seen the tension mounting between Robyn and Kody for months.

Moreover, chatter over a Robyn and Kody split has been active for several weeks.

In late December, Radar Online wrote that Robyn had finally grown sick and tired of her role both on both the TLC reality series and in her marriage and had therefore decided to move on.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” an anonymous source told the website back then.

Except… the last time we checked, the first week of January had come and gone and Robyn remains part of the Sister Wive family.

Kody was also well aware of this divorce talk, Tweeting in response to allegations of his impending separation from Robyn two months ago:

“Not true! [Robyn] and I just went to dinner and shopping.”

That’s not the strongest denial we’ve ever heard of trouble at home, but it is true that Kody is still married to all four of his wives.

One does need to wonder, however, why tabloid cover stories of this nature continue to appear if there’s legitimately nothing behind the divorce rumors.

In this case, an insider claims Kody has melted down over his issue with Robyn, relying on a lot of “booze” and suffering “panic attacks” in the wake of many “fights.”

There’s even a “24-year old who tore” Robyn and Kody apart. Allegedly.

Does a “best friend” really “tell all” about the “house of horrors” in which the Browns reside? 

We’re not about to pay actual money for this tabloid in order to find out.

Back in November, meanwhile, various magazines claimed that Meri and Kody were the ones on the verge of a split.

Those two have seemingly been at odds ever since the very first season of Sister Wives, with Meri unhappy that Kody wanted to exchange vows with other women.

It didn’t help that Meri battled with fertility problems over the years and then it really didn’t help when Meri fell for a catfishing scheme.

“I’m working very hard not to be hopeless,” Kody said at one point during Season 11 of his relationship with Meri.

As for the other wives? Really, it’s impossible to say at this point.

As we’ve tried to document via the above photos of one tabloid cover after another, there is clearly tension within this household.

Which shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise when you’re talking about numerous wives and cameramen being around at all times.

The only question now is who will blink first? Who will actually sign those divorce papers?

And, of course, once that happens, who will therefore get her own spinoff?


Monday, January 9, 2017

Kody Brown: This is Why I Accept My Gay Daughter

As has been well documented over the past several weeks, all is not calm, cool or even collected within the Sister Wives universe.

There’s a whole lot of in-fighting taking place between the Browns.

There was that whole catfishing scandal surrounding Meri, which prompted rumors that she would split from Kody

… which was followed by talk that Kody ad Robyn may be done for good.

But while the relationship between Kody and his four better halves may have seen better days, there’s one connection in this reality star’s life that is as strong as ever:

The bond between Kody and daughter Mariah.

Yes, even in the face of a bombshell dropped by Mariah on last week’s installment of Sister Wives.

As you can see below when you watch Sister Wives online, Mariah came out to her family as gay:

Soon afterwards, Mariah took to Twitter and thanked a majority of her fans and followers.

“wow okay y’all making me cry with your support. thank you thank you thank you thank you,” she Tweeted last Monday.

But we still weren’t sure how Mariah’s famous family members were going to react.

On last night’s episode, Kody admitted that he was “in a state of shock processing” everything that Mariah said about her sexuality, which included the following admission:

“It’s always been there – it’s always been something I pushed away because I was scared. I think my biggest fear has always been to be gay.

“So I didn’t let myself accept it because it was wrong – I was told [by members of the church] that it was wrong and that I would be a bad person.”

Said Kody at one point:

“We’re not happy Mariah’s gay; we’re happy Mariah knows herself.”

He then went into more detail on Twitter.

“A surprise to me. Required some deep thought,” Kody wrote of his reaction to the news. “After checking to see if she was sure, I just needed her to know she was safe.”

The reality star added that The Big Man Upstairs made acceptance a lot easier.

“God has prepared my heart and mind for 15 years. Now @mariahlian can feel safe being openly gay with our family.”

kody tweet1

Later on in the evening, Kody credited Charles Dickens for helping to open his mind, while also saying it’s sad that some of his “gay friends lose their religion.”

He supposedly told one to start his own “church fellowship.”


Say what you want about Kody Brown (we certainly have) and his unusual family dynamic.

But he appears to have struggled with his daughter’s sexuality, eventually realizing that she’s happy with who she is and that’s all that matters.

So some credit must be given to Brown for arriving at that conclusion.

Click on the video below to view this episode in its entirety and see how all the relatives react to Mariah’s emotional confession:


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Kody & Robyn Brown: It"s Over!

If you watch Sister Wives online, you know that the show’s most recent season didn’t feature many appearances from Robyn Brown.

It’s understandable that she was relegated to the margins so that the show could focus on Mery Brown’s catfishing saga, but it seems Robyn is no fan of playing second fiddle on TV or in her marriage.

Radar Online is reporting that Robyn has left Kody after several months of marital discord.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” a source close to the reality stars told Radar.

The insider adds that Robyn will spend the holidays with Kody for the sake of her children – but then she’ll leave him far behind for the same reason:

“Her kids aren’t being treated very well,” the source claims.

The unidentified family friend also says that Kody’s neglect of her kids is just one of many reasons that Robyn has decided to leave the polygamous life behind.

Apparently, Kody’s concerns about the family’s legal entanglements and lack of privacy (that’ll happen when you star in a reality show about your family life) led to a suffocating sense of paranoia in the Brown home:

“There were a lot of communication issues and a lot of fighting,” the source said.

“Kody is really bad at handling stressful situations and wants to be safe all the time, and when Robyn could no longer be his source of comfort. He couldn’t handle it.”

Not surprisingly, it seems that playing second fiddle to another sister wife also didn’t sit particularly well with Robyn:

“This season is really focusing on Maddie’s wedding and on the catfish plot,” the insider said.

“Robyn’s always gotten her way, now she’s totally done. She refuses to be placed on the back-burner.”

The breakup isn’t wholly unexpected, thanks to the drama that’s been consuming the Brown family for much of the past year.

Still, Robyn’s timing makes the move somewhat of a surprise.

Kody and Robyn welcomed a baby girl back in January.

It was her third child, and his 18th!

No, that’s not a misprint.

Clearly, Kody is determined to tie the Duggar family with 19 offspring, and we think he’ll pull it off.

Of course, now he’ll have to do it with one less wife.
