Showing posts with label Robyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robyn. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Robyn Brown: I"m Not Pregnant, and I"m Not Leaving Kody!

For months and months now, we’ve been hearing that the relationships between Kody Brown and his Sister Wives are on the brink of collapse.

We’ve heard that all of the wives are planning on leaving Kody, and we’ve even heard that Meri Brown has a guy on the side, and that she’s waiting for the right moment to get with him instead.

But one of the most persistent rumors has been one about Robyn Brown, Kody’s newest wife and his only legal one.

All the way back in December, we heard that Robyn was planning on leaving Kody, partially because she felt he wasn’t treating her kids well — she has three children from a previous marriage.

Another reported issue was that the most recent seasons of the show focused on Meri and her catfishing scandal, along with some of the children’s weddings and pregnancies.

That apparently didn’t sit well with Robyn, who’s been used to having more attention.

We’ve also heard that Kody has his eyes on a younger woman he plans on making his fifth wife, which is something that troubles poor Robyn.

On top of all that, additional reports claim that Kody has been struggling with Robyn’s unhappiness, turning to drinking and temper tantrums to get him through the hard times.

Which, you know, aren’t things that would particularly entice Robyn to stay.

Oh, and one more rumor that’s been going strong, one that complicates this mess even further?

Many reports claim that Robyn is currently pregnant.

So yes, there’s a lot going on with the Browns these days.

But Robyn, sweetheart that she is, finally took the time to tell us all what’s really going on with all of these stories — many of which, by the way, came from supposed Brown family friend, Kendra Pollard.

“Hey tabloids!” she wrote on Twitter. “Kendra is NOT my friend and I don’t talk to her. Ever. Period. I am not pregnant and I am not divorcing Kody. All lies.”

Meri responded with “Haha you saw that one too? I had to laugh when I walked through the store today and saw it! People seriously need to get a life!”

So there are two possibilities here.

One, Robyn and Meri are planning on leaving Kody, and they’re working together to make sure no one suspects a thing.

Or two, they actually are planning on staying with the family for the foreseeable future.

And oh, what a nightmare that would be …


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Robyn Brown: Pregnant & Leaving Kody Brown?!

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors about Sister Wives star Robyn Brown divorcing husband Kody Brown.

Insiders have claimed that Robyn has been fed up with Kody’s mistreatment for years.

Some even gone so far as to accuse Kody of abusing Robyn.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Robyn has taken the first steps toward ending her marriage, and she’s acting not only for herself, but for her unborn child.

Yes, the site is reporting that Robyn is pregnant with Kody’s 19th child, but is not planning on sticking out her troubled marriage for much longer.

Insiders claim the 38-year-old has already contacted a divorce attorney after saving money for legal fees on the sly.

The news comes courtesy of Robyn’s best friend, Kendra Pollard, who’s breaking her silence about the Browns’ badly damaged marriage.

“Robyn has been planning to divorce him for a long time,” Pollard says.

“Being pregnant has not changed her mind. She saved up enough money to retain a lawyer.”

Pollard says that Robyn feels the family’s reality show has had a damaging effect on Kody’s relationships with his children and wives, as it’s led him to put fame and fortune above family.

She adds that Robyn believes filing for divorce will bring an end to the Brown family’s TV fame, as the revelations she plans to make in court will leave audiences and advertisers alike wanting nothing to do with Kody.

“This is really the end of ‘Sister Wives,” Pollard says.

Pollard says the pregnancy, Robyn’s sixth, was not planned.

“It was a complete surprise to Robyn,” Pollard claims, adding:

“Kody was happy when Robyn told him she is pregnant. He wants a large family but he is unhappy that she refuses to let TLC film her talking about it.”

Pollard says that despite the fact that his family is crumbling around him, Brown refuses to admit any wrongdoing.

In fact, he reportedly maintains that he saved each of his wives’ lives by marrying them.

“Robyn told me Kody told her that she would have nothing if it weren’t for him,” Pollard says.

Of course, if the latest rumors are true, Kody may soon find that the public doesn’t have much interest in him without his wives.

Watch Sister Wives online for more polygamous drama.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Robyn Brown and Kody Brown: Is It Finally Over?

We hope you’re sitting down, Sister Wives viewers.

Because Life & Style claims that an absolute “Shocker” is about to… well… absolutely shock you.

According to this tabloid’s latest cover story, Robyn Brown has finally had it with Kody Brown and will soon be filing for divorce from the Sister Wives patriarch. 

But is this really as stunning of an announcement as the magazine wants us to believe?

For starters, we watch Sister Wives online and even on television live when it airs sometimes. We’ve seen the tension mounting between Robyn and Kody for months.

Moreover, chatter over a Robyn and Kody split has been active for several weeks.

In late December, Radar Online wrote that Robyn had finally grown sick and tired of her role both on both the TLC reality series and in her marriage and had therefore decided to move on.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” an anonymous source told the website back then.

Except… the last time we checked, the first week of January had come and gone and Robyn remains part of the Sister Wive family.

Kody was also well aware of this divorce talk, Tweeting in response to allegations of his impending separation from Robyn two months ago:

“Not true! [Robyn] and I just went to dinner and shopping.”

That’s not the strongest denial we’ve ever heard of trouble at home, but it is true that Kody is still married to all four of his wives.

One does need to wonder, however, why tabloid cover stories of this nature continue to appear if there’s legitimately nothing behind the divorce rumors.

In this case, an insider claims Kody has melted down over his issue with Robyn, relying on a lot of “booze” and suffering “panic attacks” in the wake of many “fights.”

There’s even a “24-year old who tore” Robyn and Kody apart. Allegedly.

Does a “best friend” really “tell all” about the “house of horrors” in which the Browns reside? 

We’re not about to pay actual money for this tabloid in order to find out.

Back in November, meanwhile, various magazines claimed that Meri and Kody were the ones on the verge of a split.

Those two have seemingly been at odds ever since the very first season of Sister Wives, with Meri unhappy that Kody wanted to exchange vows with other women.

It didn’t help that Meri battled with fertility problems over the years and then it really didn’t help when Meri fell for a catfishing scheme.

“I’m working very hard not to be hopeless,” Kody said at one point during Season 11 of his relationship with Meri.

As for the other wives? Really, it’s impossible to say at this point.

As we’ve tried to document via the above photos of one tabloid cover after another, there is clearly tension within this household.

Which shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise when you’re talking about numerous wives and cameramen being around at all times.

The only question now is who will blink first? Who will actually sign those divorce papers?

And, of course, once that happens, who will therefore get her own spinoff?


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Kody & Robyn Brown: It"s Over!

If you watch Sister Wives online, you know that the show’s most recent season didn’t feature many appearances from Robyn Brown.

It’s understandable that she was relegated to the margins so that the show could focus on Mery Brown’s catfishing saga, but it seems Robyn is no fan of playing second fiddle on TV or in her marriage.

Radar Online is reporting that Robyn has left Kody after several months of marital discord.

“She is leaving the first week in January to go back to Utah with the kids and be with her family to figure out the next step in her life,” a source close to the reality stars told Radar.

The insider adds that Robyn will spend the holidays with Kody for the sake of her children – but then she’ll leave him far behind for the same reason:

“Her kids aren’t being treated very well,” the source claims.

The unidentified family friend also says that Kody’s neglect of her kids is just one of many reasons that Robyn has decided to leave the polygamous life behind.

Apparently, Kody’s concerns about the family’s legal entanglements and lack of privacy (that’ll happen when you star in a reality show about your family life) led to a suffocating sense of paranoia in the Brown home:

“There were a lot of communication issues and a lot of fighting,” the source said.

“Kody is really bad at handling stressful situations and wants to be safe all the time, and when Robyn could no longer be his source of comfort. He couldn’t handle it.”

Not surprisingly, it seems that playing second fiddle to another sister wife also didn’t sit particularly well with Robyn:

“This season is really focusing on Maddie’s wedding and on the catfish plot,” the insider said.

“Robyn’s always gotten her way, now she’s totally done. She refuses to be placed on the back-burner.”

The breakup isn’t wholly unexpected, thanks to the drama that’s been consuming the Brown family for much of the past year.

Still, Robyn’s timing makes the move somewhat of a surprise.

Kody and Robyn welcomed a baby girl back in January.

It was her third child, and his 18th!

No, that’s not a misprint.

Clearly, Kody is determined to tie the Duggar family with 19 offspring, and we think he’ll pull it off.

Of course, now he’ll have to do it with one less wife.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sister Wives: Facing Cancellation! Robyn Threatens To Leave Kody!

Kody Brown has outdone himself.

Not only is he reportedly searching for two new wives to add to his family, but he’s also said to be low on finances.

Naturally, this sort of thing happens when you have four wives and eighteen children.

Former family friend Kendra Pollard-Parra told Life & Style that as soon as Sister Wives season finale aired in June, Brown was on the hunt.

This infuriates his legal wife, Robyn, with whom he has two children.  

Brown’s other “spiritual” wives, Christine, Meri and Janelle, are past the point of caring, and two have allegedly already started dating.

“If he takes on new wives, she said she’ll leave,” Pollard told the tabloid. “This isn’t what she signed up for.”

It’s believed that Brown is so desperate to keep making money following the success of the TLC series.  

However, the show does not have a premiere date for season eight, which has fans thinking that if the show ends, so will Brown’s marriages.

“It’s unfortunate, but I can guarantee you that you’re going to see wives leave,” Pollard-Parra said.

“Kody’s life is flipping upside down.”

Back in April, Pollard-Parra claimed that Brown approached her to become his fifth wife.

“The first time he met me he said, ‘You’re so pretty. I’m looking for another wife!’ Robyn was laughing, but I was like, ‘Eww!’” she told Life & Style.

Pollard-Parra believes that Brown will swap out one of his spiritual ball-and-chains for a newbie.

“He’ll most likely drop one of the other wives,” she claimed.

This, combined with the show’s popularity and Meri’s catfish scandal have created a rift between everyone.

“It’s worse than ever. The family is arguing constantly,” Pollard-Parra said.

“They pretend to be happy for the show, but the family is a mess.” 

Brown doesn’t seem to care that his wives are unhappy.  

“Kody’s main goal is to keep the series going and to make money. He’s a snake,” Pollard-Parra added.

And perhaps to keep ratings up, Brown’s hunt for a pretty young thing is worse than ever.

He’s “definitely seeking another wife right now,” Pollard-Parra revealed.

“He wants a younger female, basically what Robyn used to be.”

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kody Brown: Only Banging Robyn, Sister Wives Catfisher Claims!

A explosive new report claims that Sister Wives star Cody Brown is only sleeping with one of his four wives and the lucky (?) lady is Robyn.

The other three wives, understandably, are pretty pissed off about it … and that’s not even all. You won’t believe the source of this intel:

In the wake of reports that Kody is cheating on the Sister Wives with a secret lover comes gossip from … Meri’s would-be catfish lover!

Oh yes, the woman who catfished Meri Brown (Kody’s wife thought she was a he) is ready to expose the Brown family in a new book.

According to Jackie Overton, a.k.a.  “Samuel Jacob Cooper,” a.k.a. the woman behind Meri’s big “emotional affair,” it’s about to get REAL.

Overton, who befriended and ultimately seduced Meri over the Internet, promises to reveal explosive details about Brown family life.

What’s it like to be married to a man who is also “spiritually married” to other two women and legally married to another? Meri told her.

For one, Kody is reportedly only sleeping with his legal wife Robyn, who he recently got hitched to so he could adopt her three children.

Kode Man spends the bulk of his nights with her, which has caused major jealousy among the other neglected, emotionally reeling wives.

Especially Meri, obviously.

She revealed these feelings and secrets to “Samuel” not just for the sake of venting, but ’cause she was gonna bounce, Overton says.

During her affair, Meri reportedly told the other wives that deep down, “she did not want to be there anymore,” according to the insider.

“That she loved the kids but the marriage was done and she was not wanting to fix it. She said the second sister wife [Janelle] was shocked.”

Clearly, she never would up leaving and starting a life of her own … and her affair was exposed to the entire world after she got played.

Talk about adding insult to injury.

While the gang tried to get in front of the story, as you know if you watch Sister Wives online, that united front may be just that. A front.

Are the Browns crumbling behind closed doors? Is Kody about to be dumped by three of them? If so, will Robyn actually be excited?

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Robyn Brown and Kody Brown Welcome Baby Girl!

Prepare to see a new face the next time you watch Sister Wives online.

A tiny, adorable, precious new face, that is!

Indeed, Robyn Brown and Kody Brown welcomed a baby girl into the world on Sunday evening, though the reality stars tell People Magazine that they do not yet have a name for the bundle of miraculous joy.

“We have been searching for the right one for months, but nothing has felt right,” Robyn says. “We are just getting to know her now and waiting until she whispers it in our ear.”

We know this much at least:

The couple’s little girl was born at 10:10 p.m. and weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, measuring 21.5 inches in length.

That’s a large baby!

She was also born at home, with Robyn’s parents and a midwife all present at the time.

“We are happy and blessed to welcome the newest addition to the Brown family!” Robyn adds.

Kody Brown is the man at the center of this controversial TLC hit.

He has three wives and a combined 18 children overall. No, that is not a misprint.

Robyn is 37 years old and legally married Kody in 2014 following his divorce from Meri, is also the mother to three other children from a previous marriage.

We send our best wishes to Robyn, Kody and their newly-expanded family.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Robyn Levy & Christina Flores: Lesbian Couple Cast on The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

With The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 soon to begin filming, producers are still announcing last-minute casting changes in hopes of spicing up one of Bravo’s most stagnant series.

We already know that Teresa Giudice will return to the show that made her famous, and she’ll be joined by professional matchmaker Siggy Flicker. Now, two new Housewives are reportedly soon to be announced, and they represent a huge leap forward for the ladies of the Garden State:

According to Radar Online, married professionals Robyn Levy and Christina Flores will be joining RHONJ this season.

If the rumor is true, they’ll become the first lesbian couple ever featured as regular cast members on any of the Housewives series.

Sources say Levy and Flores live near the Giudices in Monteville, NJ, and are longtime friends of Teresa and Joe.

The couple reportedly manages a successful PR firm together.

Of course, the addition of Robyn, Christina and Siggy won’t be the only major change coming to RHONJ this season.

The show will chronicle Teresa Giudice’s post-prison life, as well as Joe’s preparation for his 41-month sentence.

No casting changes have been confirmed yet, but there are rumors that Melissa Gorga has been fired from the show.

Needless to say, it could be the most drama-packed season yet.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the roller coaster ride that brought us to this point.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Robyn Lawley: Check Out My "Badass" Stretch Marks!

Earlier this year, Robyn Lawley became the first plus-size model to pose for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

The spread put the 25-year old beauty in the spotlight for the first time… and she quickly learned how galling that glare can sometimes be.

Late last week, Lawley shared a photo and message on Instagram in response to a UK gossip column that claimed she had considered an “abortion to avoid stretch marks.”

Beyond appalled at this assertion, Robyn went topless on social media not to bare her breasts; but to bare the results of her pregnancy.

“I earned my stretch marks,” she wrote as a caption.

“They are some badass #tigerstripes. F–k them, who cares, be you, be loud, be proud. And to anyone who feels bad about your body especially after a baby, you are a warrior, you created a little life inside of you, that’s no easy feat.”

Lawley is the latest proud mother to go viral as a result of flaunting her post-pregnancy stomach.

She has walked in New York Fashion Week and appeared in Vogue Italia. She and partner Everest Schmidt are the parents of a girl named Ripley.

And it’s pretty clear Ripley has an awesome role model for a mother, isn’t it?