Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Kody Brown and the Sister Wives Are Leaving Las Vegas, Moving to ...

While fans and viewers wait for Sister Wives to return to TLC early next year, they can still keep up to date with the Brown family.

And that family is going through some big changes.

Less than a decade after fleeing from Utah, they are moving again — and leaving Las Vegas for …

In a statement released by TLC, the Browns announce that they are leaving Vegas for (relatively) cooler pastures.

“As much as we’ve loved making our home and memories here in Las Vegas,” the statement begins. “We are excited to embark on a new adventure in Flagstaff, AZ!”

We’re sure that Flagstaff appreciates their enthusiasm.

“We are looking forward to cooler temperatures, the mountain air, scenic views, and the slower lifestyle of Flagstaff.”

A lot of that sounds so great. And, after Vegas, just about any lifestyle sounds slower — even if you’re still a reality star.

Also, you know that the climate is unbearable in Vegas when people are looking forward to the cooler temperatures in Arizona.

As you may recall, the Browns moved to Las Vegas in 2011.

Polygamy is illegal in Utah.

While those laws may have been a well-intentioned effort to prevent abuses that sometimes go along with polygamist Mormon offshoots (such as child marriage), it can make life difficult for consenting adults.

So Kody and his wives essentially fled the state. They’ve sacrificed a lot in order to raise awareness and campaign for the legalization of polygamy.

Now, they’re moving again — into a Flagstaff cul-de-sac with enough space to accommodate Kody, his wives, and their children.

(Well, the 10 children who are still living at home)

As the good folks over at The Ashley noted, Janelle Brown celebrated the Fourth of July in Flagstaff, and spoke about it on Instagram.

“Had the great fun of attending a small town 4th of July parade in Flagstaff, AZ,” Janelle writes.

Janelle continues: “Maddie, Caleb, Axel, Savanah, Garrison and I ran away from the heat for a few days.”

Flagstaff is in the upper 70s today, which isn’t exactly cool but it’ll at least mean lower air-conditioning bills.

“This small town parade is popular,” Janelle boasts. “Bringing in 20,000 spectators every year.”

Janelle is already touting the local attractions for perspective tourists.

Janelle wasn’t done hyping up her experience.

“It was so much fun. Plus the temp was in the low 80s!” Janelle gushes, clarifying that this is “30 degrees cooler than home!”

Some folks consider all temperatures above 70 degrees to be slight variations of “too hot,” but others embrace the heat. Some people actually enjoy 80-degree weather! it takes all types.

“The coolest thing that happened was the huge cheer that went up for the wild land firefighters,” Janelle continues. “Both BLM and Forest Service.”

And she makes it very clear why they are particularly important at the moment.

“With all the fires burning in the West right now,” Janelle reminds her fans and followers. “They really are heroes.”

The looming threat of out-of-control wildfires sweeping through and destroying your home is enough to keep plenty of people from moving to the American southwest unless they have no other choice.

But the Browns are choosing this, and it might be good for them.

Certainly, this move will have to be less emotional than their departure from Utah.

At that time, they were fleeing from potential prosecution for living their lives as consenting adults.

While many believe that Kody is absolutely the wrong person to be one of the “faces” of modern-day polygamy, the Browns have given up a lot to campaign for a future in which the marital choices of adults are respected.

And we’re sure that they’ll continue to do so in Flagstaff.
