Showing posts with label Marriages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriages. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sister Wives: Is the Show as Dead as Kody Brown"s Marriages?!

Things aren’t looking so good for the Sister Wives crew …

Or, well, they haven’t been looking good pretty much since the first moment we were introduced to them, so maybe it would be more accurate to just say that things are looking worse.

Way, way worse.

We’ve been hearing for months and months now, maybe even years, that the four wives of Kody Brown — Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn — are unhappy with him and with their situation.

Combine that with all the cancelation rumors that had been going around about the show before the trailer for the new season dropped, and it’s clear that things aren’t well in the Brown family households.

It’s a lot for one family, right?

Even one family that’s sort of branched out into four different families, because polygamy.

And now, according to a sad new report, things are about to get even worse.

As the Sister Wives insider explains, ratings were down last season, and TLC was “less than impressed” by the amount of viewers the family was pulling in.

So this time around, for the current season, “Kody told them he’d be willing to have the network slash his family’s pay from $ 180,000 for each adult to $ 180,000 total if it meant they could make season 12.”

“He put everything on the line to convince them it could still work.”

It seems like there could be a little bit of negotiation somewhere in there, right? If Kody did offer that pay cut, then that’s $ 720,000 less that the adults are making this season.

But then again, maybe it was smart for him to get as much money as he could for a show that’s been doing so poorly that it’s been on the brink of cancelation for over a year now.

“Three years ago,” the source says, “the show could command 2.5 million viewers, but now fans are leaving the show in droves.”

“TLC has broken the news to Kody that it plans to cancel Sister Wives after the current season because ratings have been so tepid. Kody can kiss any hope of a Season 13 goodbye.”

And it’s not just his reality television career that’s failing — another source claims that his “spiritual marriages” are also close to being canceled.

“His only real connection seems to be with Robyn now,” and “the other wives have all but given up on him.”

“They mostly see him as an ex-husband who turns up to help with the children,” the source adds.

It turns out that this issues are sort of tied together — in the beginning, Sister Wives viewers were intrigued by what seemed to be happy family living the polygamist lifestyle.

But now, “TLC has discovered you can only pretend things are all rosy for so long. Fans now realize the Browns are anything but a happy group.”

The plan going forward, the insider says, is to develop a new show focusing on the Brown children — so sort of like how 19 Kids and Counting morphed into Counting On.

If this were to happen, then Mariah, the only child of Kody and Meri, would be heavily featured, because “she’s a favorite with fans because of her maturity.”

“But will Meri will make the occasional appearance on the show, there are no plans to feature Kody,” because “for him, things are very much over.”

Is anyone else disappointed that since the show would be canceled, we won’t be able to see episodes featuring the drama caused by the cancelation?


Friday, March 3, 2017

21 Ridiculously Short Celebrity Marriages: Who Lasted 55 Whole Hours?

From 55 hours to just under a year or two, here are 21 of the shortest celebrity marriages in the history of Hollywood.

These were basically over before the ink was dry on the prenup.

1. Britney Spears and Kevin Federline

Kevin federline and britney spears photo

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline made it only two years. Which was by FAR the longer of her two marriages, but that’s not saying a whole lot.

2. Britney Spears and Jason Alexander

Britney spears and jason alexander

Britney Spears and Jason Alexander’s quickie wedding in Las Vegas lasted a mere 55 hours before it was annulled.

3. GG and Shalom

Gg and shalom

Shahs of Sunset stars GG and Shalom made it a whole five weeks in early 2017. Guess that’s what happens when you marry on a lark (and are clearly not on stable ground relationship-wise).

4. Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian

Kris humphries and kim kardashian

A mere 72 days after saying “I do,” Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian said “I don’t anymore.” Their divorce took 581 DAYS!

5. Jeremy Renner, Sonni Pacheco

Jeremy renner sonni pacheco

Jeremy Renner and Sonni Pacheco made it a whole 10 months. That’s almost a year!

6. Jennifer Esposito and Bradley Cooper

Jennifer esposito and bradley cooper

Jennifer Esposito was married to Bradley Cooper for 4 months before she filed for divorce declaring the marriage “wasn’t right.”

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