Monday, April 23, 2018

Sister Wives: Are Kody and Meri Brown Actually in Love Again?!

Who would have thought all those years ago when we first met the Sister Wives that this family would take us on such a roller coaster ride of emotions and drama?

Well, we probably all thought that — it was a reality show about a man with multiple wives and over a dozen kids, so there was never really a chance that it would be drama-free.

But still, the Browns have given us more reality show gold than we ever could have dreamed of, thanks in large part to Meri and her catfish.

That was a few years ago, but the family is still dealing with the issues it raised — issues like all the ones that exist in Meri"s marriage to Kody.

There have been rumors upon rumors that their marriage is over, that she"s leaving the family, that they want her to leave …

But are things actually looking up for them?!

1. Struggles

Meri brown with kody

Kody and Meri have been having problems for a long, long time. Like, all the way back to the very first season of Sister Wives.

2. Problems with Polygamy

Meri brown on instagram

Back then, Meri struggled with the idea of Kody getting a fourth wife — the first season was based on him getting engaged and married to Robyn, in case you forgot.

3. More Sadness

Meri brown from sister wives

She’s also always had a hard time dealing with the fact that she was never able to have another child after giving birth to her daughter while Kody’s other wives have had oodles and oodles of kids.

4. Uh …

Meri brown and kody brown

In one especially memorable moment from that first season, Meri had a private conversation with Kody about how she sometimes resented the fact that he had other wives at all. She asked him how he would feel if she had multiple husbands, and he told her the thought was disgusting. Because hypocrisy.

5. More Problems

Meri brown poses with a chair

As the years went on, Meri still expressed how difficult it was for her at times to share her husband, and she and Kody argued about whether or not to begin fertility treatments to see if they could have more children together. But for the most part, things went on as normal.

6. One and Done

Kody and his sister wives

Meri eventually decided against having any sort of fertility treatments, and she made peace with not having anymore children as Kody went on to have a few more with Robyn.

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