Showing posts with label Mandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mandy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mandy Blank, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Dead at 42

Amanda “Mandy” Blank, a famous fitness trainer who works with top notch stars and athletes across various fields, was found dead this week in her Los Angeles home.

She was 42 years old.


According to The New York Daily News, Blank was found unresponsive in the bathroom of her residence on Monday.

A source tells this newspaper that foul play is not suspected at this time and that an autopsy and toxicology screening were scheduled to determine cause of death.

TMZ, meanwhile, reports that a housekeeper for the former International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness world champion called 911 upon discovering Blank’s body.

No drugs and no alcohol were found at the scene.

Blank became the youngest competitor to ever win the IFBB World Championships in 1999.

She also placed fifth in the 1998 World Arnold Classic and was later honored by Bodybuilding and Fitness magazine as having the “Greatest Glutes of All Time,” according to her website.

“I’m absolutely shocked, for sure,” fellow fitness personality Annette Milbers told the Daily News about Blank’s passing, adding:

“We messaged last week. She always made other people feel great, and she had reached out to me because I competed. She said how proud she was.”

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Milbers added she knew Blank for more than 15 years and often roomed with her at conventions and magazine signings.

They were very close.

“She was such a passionate, kind person. Her purpose was always to express love through body movement,” Milbers said.

“She was a very unpretentious person, which can be rare in our industry. She was all about connecting with people on whatever level they were on.”

Blank, who often appeared in fitness magazine and graced the covers of Oxygen and MuscleMag, was a well known and respected presence around Hollywood.

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She worked with such stars as Alex Rodriguez, Mickey Rourke, Rohan Marley, Natasha Leone, Marcus Allen, Michelle Monaghan and Jordana Brewster.

In addition to her celebrity clientele, Blank trained people across Los Angeles and California, coaching them with her online and nutritional programs, trademarked as the Blank Body program.

“Without my health and fitness, I have nothing,” she once wrote on her Facebook page.

May Mandy Blank rest in peace.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Chrissy Metz says No Way Jessica Simpson"s Hating on Mandy Moore

Chrissy Metz scoffs at the idea Jessica Simpson is jealous of Mandy Moore’s success. We got the “This Is Us” star out in NYC Monday and wanted to get her take on a recent report that Jessica’s raging with envy at Mandy’s…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Mandy Moore Filming Jack"s Funeral on "This Is Us"

Mandy Moore looked mournful on the set of “This Is Us” … just another clue of what promises to be an excruciating upcoming episode. Mandy and some of her cast members were spotted Tuesday decked out all in black … for what looks like the…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mandy Teefey Speaks Out! Mother of Selena Gomez Wants to Quash Feud Rumors

Selena Gomez is back with Justin Bieber. Plenty of people aren’t thrilled with her choice, but her mom Mandy Teefey got so upset that she had a breakdown and was hospitalized over it.

Nobody worries like your mom worries, folks.

But now, Mandy Teefey is opening up and setting the record straight about some of the wild stories about her feud with Selena.

Selena Gomez has been through so, so much. She’s waging an uphill battle against Lupus that, at times, seems to rob her of her strength and her ability to live her life.

At present, her rumored feud with her mother doesn’t seem to be doing her any favors, either.

While no one questions that Mandy Teefey isn’t exactly over the moon about the revival of Jelena, some of the stories that have been floating around about their mother-daughter tensions have been … quite something.

Like rumors that Selena was living with her mother and that her mom had somehow imposed a curfew upon her 25-year-old millionaire celebrity daughter in order to interfere with her romance.

Or rumors that she’s “demanded” that Selena get a breathalyzer test while dating Bieber, which … doesn’t make any sense. (Selena’s no alcoholic)

Speaking to Gossip Cop, Mandy Teefey wants to clear things up. First, she talks about Selena’s battle with Lupus.

“When you are young, you feel invincible and she had to learn that she was not able to be your typical 20 year old.”

That is so sad. But, of course, Mandy is so glad that Selena received a life-saving kidney transplant.

“Beyond blessed that we had Francia in our life.”

Francia Raisa made a truly powerful, selfless choice. And a dangerous one. Having a kidney removed is no joke.

Mandy says that, during the surgery, she was a “wreck inside not only for my daughter, but for Francia and her family.”

Of course. That had to be a weird feeling. And, understandably, Mandy was very, very emotional throughout the ordeal.

“I am pretty sure I am banned from that hospital [now].”

That’s a lot of nice stuff about Francia, but … how does Mandy describe Selena?

“Brave and fearless.”

Absolutely. To share her struggle with Lupus with the world, to share the news of her kidney transplant surgery, is a big deal.

But living her life every day, to the fullest, the way that Selana does is truly an act of courage.

“I was so proud of her bravery.”

Remember, folks — that kidney transplant wasn’t a cure. Lupus has treatments, but no cure. And Selena’s case of Lupus seems to be especially severe.

So, now that she’s being directly interviewed, how does Mandy feel about Selena’s latest reunion with the Biebs?

“Not happy.”

That much, we knew, but it sure would have been interesting if Mandy were pretending that it’s totally fine.

“Selena can live her life however she wants as long as she is happy, safe, and healthy.”

Those are some very reasonable caveats.

But the relationship that she describes having with Selena isn’t exactly the feud that we’ve been hearing about.

“Every mother and daughter has disagreements.”

And Mandy denies that her relationship with her daughter began to crumble in 2014 when she stopped being Selena’s manager. We’d heard reports that Selena’s reunion with Bieber was just one source of conflict.

“We never expected to manage her her whole life. We lost family time because the only time we saw her, we talked business.”

We were going to say that sounds like no fun, but Mandy beat us to it.

“It was no longer fun for any of us, like it was when she was younger and we had to be with her because she was a minor.”

Mandy sounds determined to quash the feud rumors, saying of Selena:

“She is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control her the way it has been portrayed.”

Well, surely no one really believed that Mandy was somehow giving her adult millionaire celebrity daughter a curfew.

“Selena is an adult and can make her own choices.”

That’s very true. We don’t have to agree with Selena’s choices in order to like her, folks.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Selena Gomez vs Her Mom: Selena Said WHAT Nasty Thing to Mandy Teefey?!

Selena Gomez is seeing Justin Bieber again. While the rest of us are content to whisper “I wish you made better choices but I love you” at our screens as we like her Instagram photos, her mom is not taking it well.

In fact, Selena’s mom got so upset that she had to be hospitalized. But recently, there had been signs that things were improving.

Now, though, this mother-daughter feud is worse than ever. And we know why.

Recently, we saw signs that perhaps Selena had settled her feud with mom Mandy Teefey.

So, after Justin saw that Selena had gotten a kidney transplant, it apparently occurred to him how much he loved Selena. That it took her brush with death to make him realize that is … one of the most dumbass things I’ve ever heard.

Anyway, Justin called Selena’s mom and begged her to put him in touch with his ex. Mandy apparently didn’t see the harm. She must be regretting that right about now.

Whens he realized that Selena and Justin are in couples counseling together, it finally hit her that this Jelena reunion is for real. Like the rest of Selena’s family, she doesn’t like Justin and worries about his effect on Selena.

But when Selena posted this photo, many hoped that this was a sign that mother and daughter had patched things up.

Selena isn’t sitting on just any ol’ porch in this pic.

She’s sitting on the porch of her childhood home. Other people live there now, which must be weird on a few levels.

But the fact that Selena clearly had her childhood home in mind suggested to a lot of people that perhaps she had patched things up with her mom.

Sometimes, people who experience strong negative emotions just have tempers flare and it takes a few weeks or even a few months for the people involved to cool off.

Plus, family tends to push your buttons more than anything else. But, with rare exceptions (like abuse or other toxic family things), usually people end up setting aside their differences because of their family bond.

So, did Selena and Mandy mend their fences?

Maybe they had … but that’s definitely no longer the case, according to this report by RadarOnline.

Apparently, things were going better between Selena and her mom … up until New Year’s Eve.

Because, per this report, Mandy was very unhappy that Selena and Justin went to Mexico to ring in 2018 instead of Selena spending time with her family.

(Honestly, it’s weird to imagine that Selena would have welcomed 2018 with her family anyway; she has a whole gaggle of friends and she’s a young, beautiful celebrity)

And then things got worse.

RadarOnline‘s source reports that Selena and her mom “have been going back and forth with each other over Justin, and Selena doesn’t want to hear it anymore from her.”

And it was what Selena said in response that really made things worse.

“So after Mandy came for her once more, Selena hit below the belt with a nasty insult over her failed relationship with Selena’s father. That was the last straw.”


“Selena and Mandy are not on talking terms right now.”

Yeah, we’d think the f–k not.

Adult kids really know what to say to go right for the jugular. Most of us don’t, though.

(I could watch a train wreck or surgery or whatever, but seeing my mom cry kills me)

But it’s been reported before that when Selena and her mom argue, it’s no-holds-barred and they both blow up at each other … and eventually reconnect.

That sounds … perilous. You never know when something will be, you know, too much. They could ruin things permanently.

Let’s hope that Justin Bieber, of all things, is not something that causes irreparable damage to Selena’s relationship with her mom.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Mandy Moore Fights Back Against Body-Shamers, Is Simply the Best

Mandy Moore really does not get enough love, does she?

Sure, people have lost their minds over This is Us, and that’s great, but she’s been sharing her gifts with the world for nearly two decades now, and she deserves credit for that.

Credit, respect, and seriously, just so much love.

Remember that very first song she ever released, “Candy”? Or what about her work in classic movies like A Walk to Remember and Saved?

She also played Rapunzel in Tangled, so … yes, she’s pretty much an icon.

But hey, maybe you don’t have warm, fuzzy feelings of Mandy from way back then, or maybe you’ve never been a big Disney fan.

Maybe you haven’t caught an episode of This is Us and you’re just not feeling where all the love for this lady is coming from.

That’s OK.

Just sit back, relax, and allow us to tell you this magical story of the beautiful spirit and overwhelming greatness that is Mandy Moore.

All right, so last week, our girl here was on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, and she shared a few photos while she was hanging out backstage — check one out above.

She looks great, just like she always does, but many, many people felt the need to comment on her body.

Specifically, on her weight.

“You are so skinny….” one person told her in the comments. “You almost disappear when you turn to the side.”

“You don’t even look like Mandy Moore anymore,” another person wrote, along with rude hashtags like “stop being plastic” and “used to be hot.”

A few people accused her of Photoshopping the pictures, but as one follower speculated, there’s “no Photoshop,” it’s just that she’s “sickly thin.”

Several people advised her to “eat more” — a few specified that she needed to eat burgers and/or biscuits.

It was a little overwhelming, the number of people who felt comfortable being so critical about her body.

And she definitely noticed them.

After the comments started rolling in, she edited the caption of her photo, which had previously just been a couple of lines about how excited she was to be on The Tonight Show.

“And ps: I am 5’10 and a size 6,” Mandy explained. “I have NEVER photoshopped pictures. That’s not what I’m about. If you’re going to be rude about people’s bodies, go elsewhere.”

Which is amazing enough all by itself, right?

But she gave another statement during an interview with Cosmopolitan.

“I guess I shouldn’t have said anything, but I didn’t Photoshop!” she told the magazine.

“I’m not some teeny tiny person and I don’t pride myself. Look, I like to take care of myself and I try to eat healthy and I work out, but I’m a tall girl with a real body.”

“I don’t know, I’ve never been accused of that before,” she went on, obviously a little rattled by all the body-shaming comments.

“I felt like I had to jump in and say something because we don’t need to be talking about people’s bodies. Not on my Instagram at least.”

She said that perhaps it would have been best not to comment at all, “but my fans were hurt and I also just wanted to be truthful.”

And we love you so much for it, girl.
