Showing posts with label Quash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quash. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Mandy Teefey Speaks Out! Mother of Selena Gomez Wants to Quash Feud Rumors

Selena Gomez is back with Justin Bieber. Plenty of people aren’t thrilled with her choice, but her mom Mandy Teefey got so upset that she had a breakdown and was hospitalized over it.

Nobody worries like your mom worries, folks.

But now, Mandy Teefey is opening up and setting the record straight about some of the wild stories about her feud with Selena.

Selena Gomez has been through so, so much. She’s waging an uphill battle against Lupus that, at times, seems to rob her of her strength and her ability to live her life.

At present, her rumored feud with her mother doesn’t seem to be doing her any favors, either.

While no one questions that Mandy Teefey isn’t exactly over the moon about the revival of Jelena, some of the stories that have been floating around about their mother-daughter tensions have been … quite something.

Like rumors that Selena was living with her mother and that her mom had somehow imposed a curfew upon her 25-year-old millionaire celebrity daughter in order to interfere with her romance.

Or rumors that she’s “demanded” that Selena get a breathalyzer test while dating Bieber, which … doesn’t make any sense. (Selena’s no alcoholic)

Speaking to Gossip Cop, Mandy Teefey wants to clear things up. First, she talks about Selena’s battle with Lupus.

“When you are young, you feel invincible and she had to learn that she was not able to be your typical 20 year old.”

That is so sad. But, of course, Mandy is so glad that Selena received a life-saving kidney transplant.

“Beyond blessed that we had Francia in our life.”

Francia Raisa made a truly powerful, selfless choice. And a dangerous one. Having a kidney removed is no joke.

Mandy says that, during the surgery, she was a “wreck inside not only for my daughter, but for Francia and her family.”

Of course. That had to be a weird feeling. And, understandably, Mandy was very, very emotional throughout the ordeal.

“I am pretty sure I am banned from that hospital [now].”

That’s a lot of nice stuff about Francia, but … how does Mandy describe Selena?

“Brave and fearless.”

Absolutely. To share her struggle with Lupus with the world, to share the news of her kidney transplant surgery, is a big deal.

But living her life every day, to the fullest, the way that Selana does is truly an act of courage.

“I was so proud of her bravery.”

Remember, folks — that kidney transplant wasn’t a cure. Lupus has treatments, but no cure. And Selena’s case of Lupus seems to be especially severe.

So, now that she’s being directly interviewed, how does Mandy feel about Selena’s latest reunion with the Biebs?

“Not happy.”

That much, we knew, but it sure would have been interesting if Mandy were pretending that it’s totally fine.

“Selena can live her life however she wants as long as she is happy, safe, and healthy.”

Those are some very reasonable caveats.

But the relationship that she describes having with Selena isn’t exactly the feud that we’ve been hearing about.

“Every mother and daughter has disagreements.”

And Mandy denies that her relationship with her daughter began to crumble in 2014 when she stopped being Selena’s manager. We’d heard reports that Selena’s reunion with Bieber was just one source of conflict.

“We never expected to manage her her whole life. We lost family time because the only time we saw her, we talked business.”

We were going to say that sounds like no fun, but Mandy beat us to it.

“It was no longer fun for any of us, like it was when she was younger and we had to be with her because she was a minor.”

Mandy sounds determined to quash the feud rumors, saying of Selena:

“She is 25 years old and knows what is at stake with her health. I do not control her the way it has been portrayed.”

Well, surely no one really believed that Mandy was somehow giving her adult millionaire celebrity daughter a curfew.

“Selena is an adult and can make her own choices.”

That’s very true. We don’t have to agree with Selena’s choices in order to like her, folks.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Lunching Together to Quash Feud Rumors?

Meghan Markle is a divorced American newcomer, poised to marry into the British Royal Family. Kate Middleton is pregnant with yet another hair to the crown.

As much as Kensington Palace tries to quash rumors of a feud between Kate and Meghan, people notice when one woman is stealing another’s spotlight.

And some wonder if Kate and Meghan’s “double date” with the Queen has less to do with family and is instead a calculated move to make the women seem like friends.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

She’s due in April, and while a third royal baby isnt’t the same as the first, well, we’re still talking about a royal baby, folks. It’s big news.

You know what else is big news?

Kate Middleton’s brother-in-law is engaged. Harry and Meghan Markle have even set the wedding date for May 19th.

As excited as people are for the nuptials … that is the month after Kate gives birth.

They couldn’t have put it off?

People reports that Meghan Markle joined her fiance Prince Harry on Wednesday for a yearly royal tradition.

It was the annual pre-Christmas lunch. It took place with Harry’s grandmother, the Queen.

And they were not alone.

Joining them were Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Now, the Royal family has been moving its members around secretly when needed for literal centuries. For this, though, no one made any apparent moves to keep things covert, and the whole world knows that Kate and Meghan were eating side-by-side.

Maybe it’s just tradition … or maybe they’re hoping that news of this family lunch at Buckingham Palace smooths all of those stories of resentment.

Even before Meghan Markle was engaged to Prince Harry or set her wedding date so close to Kate’s due date, Meghan was nudging the already publicly pregnant Kate Middleton out of the spotlight.

Anyone else remember that ridiculous story about Meghan Markle “curing” Kate Middleton’s morning sickness with some sort of home remedy?

At the time, Meghan was just Harry’s girlfriend, but rumors were already attributing magical healing powers to her.

Now that the two are engaged, some people are basically forgetting that Kate’s even pregnant.

As the wedding date approaches, discussions of Meghan Markle are going to grow more frequent, not less.

(Honestly, I predict that plenty of stories about Kate giving birth are going to be framed in a way that mentions Meghan)

Stories of royal resentment, true or not, aren’t going away any time soon.

So what makes the royal family so happy to have Meghan Markle join them?

A couple of things.

One, Prince Harry isn’t a some sort of royal colleague — he’s the prince. He lost his mother at a young age, and his grandmother adores him.

(Who doesn’t?)

So of course they’re happy to clear away some of the hurdles that stand between him and happiness. Honestly, restrictions on royal marriages should have probably gone away a long time ago.

Two, the British government and Kensington Palace know how to do math, and they’ve crunched the numbers.

It’s projected that Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry could rake in some serious dough for the UK.

How much dough, you ask?

$ 670 million.

With the UK bracing itself for losses during their Brexit nightmare, a wedding that draws in 1,000 times its cost is a big win.

And Harry’s happiness? Also a win.

Whatever issues Meghan and Kate might have — honestly, rumor tends to suggest that it’s Kate with the alleged gripes — shouldn’t matter when it comes to each other’s happiness. They’re about to family.

What’s almost certain is that, if these two really are feuding, it’ll stay quiet — expressed only as rumor.

Because the Royal Family would love to avoid scandals.

It would be so nice to believe that the four of them just had a nice lunch with their grandmother who’s also the Queen and that everyone was happy for each other.

Sadly, the world doesn’t always work like that.


Friday, December 15, 2017

Kate Middleton & Meghan Markle: Royals DESPERATE to Quash Feud Rumors!

It’s a busy time of year, and not just because of the holidays. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding day will be here in 5 months, and it sounds like the Royal Family has its hands full.

Not just with preparing the wedding and the venue and the always-topical guest list.

But apparently they’re also doing their best to convince the public that Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle totally like each other. And it’s not an easy task.

Meghan Markle is engaged to Prince Harry and living her best life.

For months and months, their relationship — growing ever closer — was the subject of basically 90% of all conversations about the British Royal Family.

The remaining topics were usually about Princess Diana’s memory, about something random, or speculation about Kate Middleton.

But Duchess Kate is pregnant, folks. That made some serious headlines.

She’s due in April, and a royal baby would normally be the talk of the town.

Except that this is Kate’s third child. This isn’t going to bring the public jubilation that Prince George did, because excitement over babies comes with diminishing returns.

And look, here comes Meghan Markle — shiny and new and stealing Kate’s spotlight.

And, thus, the rumors of a feud between Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle.

Whether Kate actually resents her or not, the fact that Kate won’t be in Meghan and Harry’s wedding party is raising some eyebrows (even if it’s probably just a matter of protocol).

And it’s not difficult to imagine Kate feeling jealous of this new, younger woman. Meghan Markle is a divorced, biracial, American actress who’s waltzed past barriers to marry Harry.

We can’t know Kate’s innermost thoughts, of course.

But even the mere rumor of a dislike between the women who will soon be family doesn’t look great for the royals. It only makes sense that they’d want to assure the public that everyone’s getting along swimmingly.

RadarOnline reports that Kensington Palace has a particular plan in mind.

Apparently, they’re desperate to get “natural money shots” (not how we’d phrase that) of Kate and Meghan, side-by-side and getting along.

That makes a lot of sense, right? You get some snaps of the two of them chatting or maybe laughing with each other and people are like “oh, they’re getting along! How nice!!”

There’s just one little problem, according to RadarOnline‘s insider.

It takes two to tango, and their source says that:

“Kate isn’t rushing to get the shot.”

Now … that could be unrelated towards her feelings regarding Meghan Markle. Kate’s a mother and she’s not only pregnant, but has some majorly rough morning sickness.

(It’s so severe that she had to be rushed to the hospital, which was was what tipped us off a couple of weeks before the pregnancy announcement)

So when Kate’s feeling well enough to get all dolled up and go outside and be photographed, we imagine that she wants to spend that on official appearances, not on making it look like she doesn’t despise her future sister-in-law.

That’s fair, right?

Either way, though, RadarOnline says that Kensington Palace is planning to photograph Kate and Meghan together over the holidays at Sandringham church.

When people aren’t sure of the friendliness between two women who are drawn close by circumstances, it’s often assumed that the women are feuding.

Whether they’re actresses on a set or two women who become indirect family, if two women aren’t joined at the hip, people seem eager to assume that they hate each other.

Some of that may be misogyny. At other times, though, it’s just reading between the lines.

Whatever the truth, we hope that Kate and Meghan become close. Their husbands are very close brothers, and we hope that they all get along.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Thank Amy Roloff for Anniversary Dinner, Quash Feud Rumors

Hey, so remember how people wondered if Jeremy and Audrey Roloff were being distant from Amy Roloff after the birth of their child? And remember how we said, at the time, that no one should jump to conclusions?

We were right.

Not only is Amy Roloff still in contact with Jeremy and Audrey and their precious baby Ember Jean, but she helped them celebrate their anniversary.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff have had their hands full — literally, we’re sure — ever since welcoming their newborn baby, Ember Jean, into this world and into their lives.

As exciting as a new addition to the Roloff family might be, babies are a lot of work.

(Children, in general, are a lot of work — it’s just the nature of the work that changes)

But Audrey and Jeremy also had their anniversary to keep in mind.

Last night, Audrey posted this reminder of that to Facebook:

“3 years ago today, I said ‘I do"” to the love of my life. But on that day I wasn’t just confessing my present love for Jeremy, I was promising my future love. Every year on our anniversary we rewatch our wedding video and reread our wedding vows.”

That sounds so sweet! Intense, but precious.

“It’s such a sweet time of reminiscing and realigning. ‘If it’s half as good as the half we’ve known, here’s hail to the rest of the road!’ Happy anniversary babe, I love you more.”

Audrey and Jeremy are very committed to each other and to, well, commitment.

Obviously, though, their role as parents always comes first, so they didn’t have time to plan anything elaborate.

That’s where Jeremy’s mother, Amy Roloff, stepped in.

Fans were concerned when the very hands-on and affectionate Amy Roloff didn’t immediately upload photos of herself with Ember Jean immediately after the birth.

Amy Roloff is a proud grandma, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t know how to give her son and daughter-in-law some social media space.

And it wasn’t like she’d ignored Ember’s birth.

The thing about Instagram is that just because it’s a photo-sharing app doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to only look at the pictures.

You’re supposed to read the captions, too.

Amy Roloff celebrated Ember Jean’s birth with a photo of some beautiful flowers and with this caption:

“And my baby granddaughter is here. I’m so so excited and happy for Jeremy and Audrey. I’m a grandma again. Ember Jean is beautiful. What a blessing. My heart is full of joy!!”

That didn’t stop haters from slamming Amy Roloff, but it was silly to assume that she and the couple had suddenly become estranged based on … what? … a lack of instant photos?

Jeremy shared Amy’s sweet gesture towards the couple that allowed them to celebrate their anniversary.

“My mom just brought us a nice, beautiful steak dinner ‘coz we got a baby. Thank you, mom.”

If you watch Little People, Big World, you know that Amy Roloff is a fantastic cook. That sounds like a wonderful meal.

“We’re gonna sit down and have a meal at our table, which we haven’t been able to do in a while.”

(Honestly, eating at the table is overrated, but if that’s their thing, hey, more power to them)

“But just because the baby’s young does not give us an excuse not to celebrate our anniversary.”

That’s a healthy approach to leading a balanced life. Putting the baby first doesn’t mean neglecting your marriage.

“Happy marriage, happy family. We’re trying to get started right this year.”

We’re glad that Amy could make that possible.

Honestly, the borderline conspiracy theories about Amy Roloff’s “absence” probably had less to do with busy parents not having time to give their mom a birthday shout-out over social media (though they probably, you know, still told Amy happy birthday) …

… And more to do with the fact that there’s a small but vocal group of Little People, Big World fans who don’t like Amy Roloff.

Maybe it’s because Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff are no longer together, and fans of the show are as attached to the idea of lifelong marriages as Audrey and Jeremy seem to be.

(Though that wouldn’t explain why people seem fine with Matt)

Maybe it’s because Amy Roloff has a boyfriend. Which, again, is a normal thing to do and not villainous.

Hey, maybe it’s because those fans’ hearts are three sizes two small. We just don’t know.

It seems clear that Jeremy and Audrey don’t feel that way. And that’s what matters.

We do look forward to seeing Amy get to spend grandma time with Ember as well as with Jackson.
