Showing posts with label Lunching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunching. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Lunching Together to Quash Feud Rumors?

Meghan Markle is a divorced American newcomer, poised to marry into the British Royal Family. Kate Middleton is pregnant with yet another hair to the crown.

As much as Kensington Palace tries to quash rumors of a feud between Kate and Meghan, people notice when one woman is stealing another’s spotlight.

And some wonder if Kate and Meghan’s “double date” with the Queen has less to do with family and is instead a calculated move to make the women seem like friends.

Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child.

She’s due in April, and while a third royal baby isnt’t the same as the first, well, we’re still talking about a royal baby, folks. It’s big news.

You know what else is big news?

Kate Middleton’s brother-in-law is engaged. Harry and Meghan Markle have even set the wedding date for May 19th.

As excited as people are for the nuptials … that is the month after Kate gives birth.

They couldn’t have put it off?

People reports that Meghan Markle joined her fiance Prince Harry on Wednesday for a yearly royal tradition.

It was the annual pre-Christmas lunch. It took place with Harry’s grandmother, the Queen.

And they were not alone.

Joining them were Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Now, the Royal family has been moving its members around secretly when needed for literal centuries. For this, though, no one made any apparent moves to keep things covert, and the whole world knows that Kate and Meghan were eating side-by-side.

Maybe it’s just tradition … or maybe they’re hoping that news of this family lunch at Buckingham Palace smooths all of those stories of resentment.

Even before Meghan Markle was engaged to Prince Harry or set her wedding date so close to Kate’s due date, Meghan was nudging the already publicly pregnant Kate Middleton out of the spotlight.

Anyone else remember that ridiculous story about Meghan Markle “curing” Kate Middleton’s morning sickness with some sort of home remedy?

At the time, Meghan was just Harry’s girlfriend, but rumors were already attributing magical healing powers to her.

Now that the two are engaged, some people are basically forgetting that Kate’s even pregnant.

As the wedding date approaches, discussions of Meghan Markle are going to grow more frequent, not less.

(Honestly, I predict that plenty of stories about Kate giving birth are going to be framed in a way that mentions Meghan)

Stories of royal resentment, true or not, aren’t going away any time soon.

So what makes the royal family so happy to have Meghan Markle join them?

A couple of things.

One, Prince Harry isn’t a some sort of royal colleague — he’s the prince. He lost his mother at a young age, and his grandmother adores him.

(Who doesn’t?)

So of course they’re happy to clear away some of the hurdles that stand between him and happiness. Honestly, restrictions on royal marriages should have probably gone away a long time ago.

Two, the British government and Kensington Palace know how to do math, and they’ve crunched the numbers.

It’s projected that Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry could rake in some serious dough for the UK.

How much dough, you ask?

$ 670 million.

With the UK bracing itself for losses during their Brexit nightmare, a wedding that draws in 1,000 times its cost is a big win.

And Harry’s happiness? Also a win.

Whatever issues Meghan and Kate might have — honestly, rumor tends to suggest that it’s Kate with the alleged gripes — shouldn’t matter when it comes to each other’s happiness. They’re about to family.

What’s almost certain is that, if these two really are feuding, it’ll stay quiet — expressed only as rumor.

Because the Royal Family would love to avoid scandals.

It would be so nice to believe that the four of them just had a nice lunch with their grandmother who’s also the Queen and that everyone was happy for each other.

Sadly, the world doesn’t always work like that.
