Showing posts with label Sixteen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sixteen. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Kate Plus 8 Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: Sweet Sixteen

A Sweet Sixteen is a time to have a great time, not for drama. 

Well, in this instance the drama appeared to surround the planning of the party because Kate Gosselin left all of the planning to Cara and Mady. 

We kicked things off with Kate showing both of her daughters how to drive. To do this, she set some cones along the driveway to prevent them from knocking her house down. 

Mady screwed up and shattered Kate’s beautiful plants, but Cara performed a little better. However, it was clear the pair had a long way to go before they could ever hit the road. 

The two kids then went through Pinterest with Kate to find some party ideas, but the kids were not impressed with any of Kate’s ideas. 

“The requirements for their birthday was that if they had it, they had to do it their way,” Kate said.

Mady decided to go with the them of “Fall.” It was clear she had some big ideas for the party, so she was all too happy to plan the whole thing. 

When she tried to involve Cara, Cara made it clear she did not care for the planning process. In fact, she did not even like parties. 

The person who was responsible for orchestrating the party was Kate, apparently. It makes sense. Maybe she does not want her reality show to feature her sitting about the house being boring. 

As the planning continued, Kate started getting salmon burgers ready. Yeah, half of the kids probably did not eat at the party. There is such a thing as going too far and Kate Gosselin definitely went there. 

Kate then felt the need to let the world know she did not have a nanny, or any help for that matter. 

“Contrary to belief, I don’t have help. I don’t have a nanny. I don’t have a housekeeper. I have me,” the single-mom of 8 revealed.

At the last minute, Kate was forced to change the party venue due to the weather. 

When the party kicked off, Kate seemed to think all of the stress was worth it. She got to witness her children have the time of their lives. 

Yeah, but not all of them were invited to the actual party. Instead, the other children were treated with an ice cream truck. 

That kind of makes up for it, we guess. 

As you probably expected, Jon Gosselin was nowhere in sight. Whether this was a result of the cameras rolling, or him just being the worst father ever, we will probably never know. 

What did you think of all the drama? 

Sound off below!


Friday, October 21, 2016

Kim Kardashian Sweet Sixteen Photo: See the Birthday Girl in EPIC Throwback!

The ever-changing face of Kim Kardashian has undergone so many changes over the last two decades, it’s hard to keep up with that, let alone the rest of the Kardashians.

Kim’s BFF Allison Statter shared throwback photos of Kim and company at her Sweet 16 birthday party, which were included in a detailed post about Kim as a feature on the Kardashian website. 

Honestly, we have a hard time even comprehending that it’s the same person. 

… That face, though. 

As y’all probably have marked on your calendars, Kim Kardashian’s birthday is tomorrow.

The reality star will turn 36 years old, which means that her lascivious “I’m gonna piss on you” Ray J sex tape was 13 years ago – feel hella old yet? 

About the snap, Statter wrote, “Hey guys, it’s hard to believe that 20 years ago, Kim and I wre turning 16 and learning how to drive.”

“I remember Kim’s Sweet 16 so well.”

“Aunt Kris and Uncle Robert hosted a really nice lunch for Kim with all of her friends and family at a popular Italian restaurant called Cicada,” she continued.

“How cool that Kim is wearing a vintage slip dress, LOL.”

“Kim was always a tad bit younger than us, with her birthday being in October, so we were all ready for her to turn 16 so we didn’t have to drive her everywhere anymore!” 

“Kim didn’t think she was getting a car because her dad had convinced her she didn’t need her own car at 16,” Statter revealed. 

“So when Kim walked outside after lunch to her new white BMW in the parking lot, she was SO surprised!!!” 

Oh, sure she was. 

C’mon. As if a Kardashian – or Jenner – would have anything withheld from them. 

Statter continued, “As Kim and I have grown up together and gone through some life milestones – like getting our first jobs, moving into our first apartments, getting married and having babies – it’s nice to look back at all of our memories together.” 

Also, you know, Kim Kardashian’s first plastic surgery, and whatever else in that vein. 

That’s a milestone and a half, girl. 

“Her 16th birthday will always be a special memory because it was a time in our lives where we didn’t have as much responsibility.” 

“We enjoyed every moment of being 16 together,” she wrote. 

“Happy Birthday, Kimmie,” she concluded. “I love you more than you know!”

Well, you know what they say: time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas … and also, whatever the crap is that Kim’s been pumping into her face for 20 years. 

HBD, girl! 

Positively can’t wait to see what you look like in another 20 years!
