Showing posts with label Throwback. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Throwback. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Kylie Jenner Shares Throwback Pics Where She"s Totally Twinning With Stormi

Even though billionaire businesswoman Kylie Jenner no longer wants to marry Travis Scott, their baby girl still makes them a family.

Kylie is honoring her daughter by putting up side-by-side photos of Stormi with baby pics of herself.

Take a look at these baby photos. They’re twinning!

Precious little Stormi Webster will turn nine months old on November 1.

We treasure every baby picture of this cutie, but these photos you’re about to see are extra special.

Kylie took to Instagram to treat her fans and followers to a couple of side-by-side comparisons.

In the images that you’re about to see, half of the picture shows baby Stormi.

The other half are throwbacks to when Kylie herself was just a wee baby.

Look at them!

That is very obviously Stormi on the left, and baby Kylie in the late ’90s on the right.

They do look exceptionally similar.

“My baby and me,” Kylie captioned the photo.

After those words, she shared three well-deserved heart eyes emojis.

Kylie had no words to add with this image.

Instead, she wrote three heart eyes emojis and then a red heart emoji.

Those chubby cheeks on the left belong to Stormi.

On the right, dressed like the princess that she basically is, is Kylie.

They really do look so similar — which they should. They’re mother and daughter.

Unfortunately, we remember all too well this summer’s manufactured scandal.

A handful of Kylie’s fans created and spread a conspiracy theory that Travis wasn’t Kylie’s real baby daddy.

They noticed that Kylie’s bodyguard was hot and decided that baby Stormi’s features and skin were closer to his Asian features than to Travis’ black features.

(Yes, there was some implicit racism behind this hurtful conspiracy theory)

We hope that, if there are any more “Stormi truthers” out there, these twinning photos lay their doubts to rest.

Stormi doesn’t look like some other man. She looks like her mommy.

Back in July, Kylie mentioned that her baby was the spitting image of her.

“Stormi, she’s my twin,” Kylie gushed during a YouTube Q&A with bestie Jordyn Woods.

Kylie did admit at the time: “She’s looking a lot more like her dad.”

“She has the most perfect lips in the entire world,” Kylie shared.

Since you can’t genetically inherit lip fillers, that didn’t come from Kylie.

“She didn’t get those from me,” Kylie affirmed. “I think her dad has those.”

No baby should be the target of criticism, and no mother should have to choose between ignoring hate and defending her baby.

Kylie spent most of her life, including all of her teens and the end of her childhood, in the spotlight.

Stormi will spend her entire life as one of the most famous people on Earth.

She is already second only to literal royalty in terms of famous babies.

We hope that, along with her mother’s strong features, she inherited her mom’s resilience against the burdens of that fame.

But hey, at least she got her dad’s lips — that’s one fewer cosmetic procedure to consider.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

June Shannon Shares Baywatch-Inspired Throwback Photo

Mama June Shannon’s total body tranformation has hit a bit of a snag. She’s regaining weight because she’s going blind.

Even as she has the confidence to strip down to lingerie, she’s also sharing a throwback swimsuit photo from when she was much larger.

Remember June’s Baywatch-inspired photoshoot? You’re about to take a walk down memory lane.

June shared this photo to thank the Durham woman who did her nails, but she’s shared other pics … including a major throwback photo.

First and foremost, Mama June wants to celebrate: “Happy 4th of July America‼️”

Even though she’s in the middle of a fight to retain what’s left of her eyesight, she still took the time to give a shoutout on the Fourth of July.

“I remember when I took this picture,” she writes.

The throwback image that she shares is of her Baywatch-inspired swimsuit modeling.

Take a look:

June Shannon Baywatch Throwback

She’s lost a lot of weight since then but, as she explains when she provides the context, she had already made huge progress on her body transformation.

“I had just lost 60lbs,” June shares. “And felt great about myself.”

Awww, good for her!

Remember, progress is progress, and everyone has a right to feel good about their body’s shape — no matter what societal standards might say.

“I’m still proud of this pic and myself for coming so far,” June says.

“Regardless if I gained a few pounds back,” June concludes. “I’m still beautimess! “

It’s unclear if she’s attempting to spell beautimous, a play on words with beautiful, or if she is poking fun at herself for being both a beauty and a mess.

Either way, she has a great and very healthy-sounding attitude about the whole and breadth of her weight loss journey.

Some folks reach their weight goals and never look back. Some even burn their “before” photos and pretend that it never happened.

June is being honest with herself and her fans — who remember her before her total body metamorphosis.

And, as she mentioned, she has gained back some of the weight.

Mama June has had to undergo a series of eye surgeries to prevent her from going completely blind in her one remaining good eye.

While doing so, she has relocated to Durham, North Carolina so that she can undergo treatment at Duke Hospital.

But, as anyone who has undergone a health crisis can tell you, it takes up all of your energy, time, and focus.

It is very difficult to continue focusing on maintaining your weight loss when you have to spend a lot of time resting to preserve your eyesight.

And with time spent recovering from surgery, you can just forget about keeping up with your daily exercise routine.

June has had six surgeries in as many months. It is totally natural that June has regained a few pounds.

Little setbacks are almost guaranteed after massive weight loss. The human body is very good at storing energy and regaining lost weight.

As Sugar Bear’s wife Jennifer Lamb undergoes her own weight loss journey, that is something that she should keep in mind.

(You know, if she goes through with it)

But June has shown that she can lose weight already. Losing a few more pounds shouldn’t be too much trouble — when she’s ready.

Right now, she needs to focus on her eyesight. Which is much more important than her shape.


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Amy Roloff Throwback Photo Prompts Matt Roloff Backlash... For Some Reason

Amy Roloff has shared a new/very old and cute photo of her and her twin boys.

And it has resulted in some major Matt Roloff backlash for no discernible reason whatsoever.

Allow us to explain…

On Wednesday, Amy shared a totally adorable and sort of shocking throwback picture of herself and her twins, Zach and Jeremy.

(Yep, their twins, even though the former was born with dwarfism – just like his parents – and the latter was not. Interesting, huh?)

In the sweet image, it appears as if Amy just got at least one of her sons out of the bath and is drying him off… while the other is on the floor, attempting to crawl.

It was obviously snapped decades ago.

“Yep! All my kids are my life then as they are now,” wrote the Little People, Big World matriarch at a caption, adding:

“These twin boys were a hoot and now look at them. Jeremy and Zachary I’m so proud of you and love you forever and always.”

Take a look at the sentimental snapshot here:

Some Instagram users took a look at this image and simply commented on how it’s very precious and pretty hilarious.

“One helluva mommy Amy it had to have been a challenge to take care of 4 children, love you,” wrote someone named Betty Tucker, for instance.

A few others, however, used this photo as a reason to GO OFF on Matt Roloff. For some strange reason.

Just consider this response:

hating on mattr

And this one:

matt sux

Why is Matt Roloff a “bad person” simply because Amy gave us a glimpse at her life as a mother many, many years ago?

We have absolutely no idea.

The prevailing notion, as best as we can guess, is that TLC viewers are angry about Matt’s divorce from Amy, even though it seemed perfectly amicable at the time.

They finalized their legal split in May of 2016, several months after making a joint announcement that reads as follows:

After 27 years of marriage, it is with great sadness that we have come to the difficult decision to file for divorce.

We are proud of what we have accomplished together, including raising four wonderful children who have grown to become remarkable adults and building our strong and ongoing successful business.

Neither reality star asked for spousal support and both continue to be main cast members in Little People, Big World.

It truly seems like an amicable break-up.

HOWEVER, Matt has been dating Caryn Chandler for over a year now – and she formerly worked as a manager at the family farm.

Amy supporters are therefore bitter and angry that Matt would begin a romance with someone who knows Amy fairly well.

And it’s true that this appears to have created a bit of tension between the former spouses, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

Heck, Amy herself is in a very serious relationship with Chris Marek (below); she certainly isn’t missing Matt at all these days.

She’s never said a bad word about Matt in public and vice versa.

Might this be an imaginary feud?

Might some fans be a little too invested in a romance that fell apart years ago?

Might it actually be a tad bit sexist to slam Matt in the ways some people did above, the implication being that Amy is some poor, weak, scorned woman… as opposed to a perfectly strong and steady individual who has moved on from her marriage and holds no resentment?

Just a few questions to ponder.

We see no reason to stir up any controversy between Amy and Matt when none seems to exist.

Can’t the former just share a sweet throwback photo of her sons without it inciting a Matt-hating riot?


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Jeremy and Audrey Roloff Share Throwback Pic from SEVEN Years Ago!

Audrey Roloff is past her due date. In fact, she could go into labor at any moment. This has to be at the front of Audrey and Jeremy’s minds.

But they’re still taking time to celebrate anniversaries, big and small. Even the anniversary of a photograph being taken — seven years ago.

Jeremy Roloff shared the throwback photo, and what’s shocking about it is that they haven’t changed. … Except for their hair.

Audrey and Jeremy have really, really good hair. As we’ve mentioned.

We’re so glad that these two have each other.

For one thing, they’re super in love.

Not everyone would be on board to be a reality star, but Audrey signed right up.

Admittedly it helps her business and her heavily Christian blogging, but that’s still an enormous amount of pressure.

We’re talking about a woman who’s been body-shamed for her pregnancy photos, if “body-shamed” is even the right word for it.

But through all of that visibility and backlash and other social pressure from countless stranger they’ll never meet, Audrey and Jeremy are still together.

They go back more than seven years, folks, because this throwback is from before they were even officially dating.

Here’s that throwback photo.

Do any of you look this unchanged from how you looked seven years ago?

We’ll show you what Jeremy’s caption for this photo was in a moment.

On top of the fact that they look like this photo could have been taken in 2015 instead of in 2010, look at how cozy they look together.

They weren’t quite dating at the time, just documenting their time together — as Jeremy describes below.

Again, look at them now:

Jeremy’s hair is in a bun and Audrey’s looks like she takes a little better care of it now.

Here was Jeremy’s caption:

“This is right where Auj and I took our first official photo seven years ago.”

We’re still not over that.

“We weren’t quite dating yet, but I told her I wanted to get a photo of us to document our summer. We were treading lightly, nervous that the wrong word might derail what we had going.”

Clearly, things went well.

“It was brilliant – slow, nerving, exciting, and real – a relationship that was growing it’s roots.”

And look where they are now — married and with a baby on the way!

“I knew I had to get this photo, so I set up my tripod, set the timer, and boom … we timestamped the moment and filed it away unsure of what was to come of us.”

Awwww, remember cameras that weren’t part of your phone! Adorable.

“Now we stand here seven years later taking a similar photo, about to do the same thing with our daughter! #beating50percent #stayingido #journeyofjerandauj”

We’re sure that there will be lots of pictures of their little baby.

(We sure hope so!)

Matt Roloff is certainly excited to meet his second grandbaby, since he’s already such a proud grandpa about his first.

Not every grandparent gets two grandbabies in the same year, you know.

But, any day now — any hours, really — that baby’s coming. We can hardly contain our excitement.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Snooki & Angelina Pivarnick: Throwback Feud Alert!

To the surprise of … well, just about everyone, possibly including themselves, the stars of Jersey Shore have been back in the news lately.

Granted, it’s mostly because they starred in a Burger King commercial together, but hey, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right?

Anyway, that’s probably what Angelina Pivarnick was thinking when she decided to randomly take a shot at Snooki in an interview recently published by In Touch.

Now, even if you were a fan of Jersey Shore, you might be thinking, “Who in the actual f–k is Angelina Pivarnick?” and your confusion is eminently understandable.

Angelina was removed from the cast permanently after from the house twice in as many seasons.

Fans weren’t particularly upset as Angie’s “Un, HELLO!” might be the most obnoxious catchphrase in TV history.

Pivarnick is a sad has-been even by the standards of other reality TV sad has-beens, so it’s understandable that Pivarnick is now working hard to remind the world she exists, possibly in hopes of scoring some of that sweet BK endorsement cash.

Discussing Snooki’s recent lip imjections for some reason, Angelina went off on her former Shore rival, accusing the mother of two of  stealing her style:

“She’s trying to copy my look,” Pivarnick tells the tabloid.

“It’s funny how she goes and gets her lips done at the same exact place that I got mine done. Yeah, so now all the times on [Jersey Shore] she used to call me ugly, now she’s trying to look like me.”

And if you remember Angie’s tendency to molehills into extremely irritating mountains, you won’t be surprised that she didn’t stop there:

“I don’t really think [the new lips] are doing much for her to be honest with you,” Angelina adds.

“I don’t know what the hell that’s about but, whatever. But with me, I look totally different with it, you know?”

Never one to back down from a fight, Snooki responded to Angie’s trash talk on social media:

“Damn I thought she changed.I gave her a compliment about her lips & she referred me to her doc.We’re grown adults cmon girl,” Snooks tweeted.

Because she’s been waiting for one of her former castmates to mention her in a tweet for eight years, Angie was quick to respond:

“When I tried to contact u to thank you for that u ignored me. We need to grow up and put things past us. I tried,” she tweeted.

And naturally, Snooki replied, writing:

“Sorry I didn’t get back to you. But “you tried” by talking crap about me to a magazine?  All love here, just baffled.”

Ah, it’s been a while since we witnessed a good Jersey Shore feud.

The whole thing’s got us wondering: were they always this boring?


Friday, July 28, 2017

Ariel Winter: Y"all HAVE to See My Embarrassing Throwback Pic!

Ariel Winter posted a photo of herself — and she’s not wearing a bikini on a slice of pizza this time.

No, this throwback photo is a little less surreal than that.

And, believe it or not, it is the least sexy photo of Ariel Winter that we’ve seen in a long time.

Now, in addition to being a talented actress and a genuinely good person, Ariel Winter is a beautiful young woman.

She’s an adult and she can show as much or as little skin as she wants.

Ariel tends to show a decent amount of skin, and even flaunted a butt tattoo very recently.

That’s her right.

It’s also, you know, awesome for people who enjoy looking at her.

Because she’s gorgeous and usually sexy.

What you’re about to see is Ariel Winter’s least sexy photo, ever.

Not because she looks ugly in it.

Not because she has braces.

(Though it’s kind of tangentially related to that)

But because, when this photo was taken, Ariel Winter was just a kid.

That much is obvious.

We don’t just mean the braces — my family’s dentist wore braces a few years back and he’s, you know, old enough to be a dentist.

But this Ariel Winter at her most baby-faced.

The glitter around her eyes clearly indicates that she’s at a school dance, because no one else outside of certain weird scifi movies wears eye makeup like that.

Her hair’s in an updo that screams high school event.

And, let’s be real — wearing braces usually happens some time during or just after middle school.

She looks absolutely adorable.

She captioned the photo:

“#tbt to braces and this hair tho y’all”

It’s great that she’s in a place in life where she has zero hesitation about sharing old and potentially embarassing photos of her.

(Nor should she — she looked precious!)

And while some celebrity kids bear little to no resemblance to their adult selves …

(Looking at you, ever-bustier Kylie Jenner)

… You can really see that this is, for sure, Ariel Winter.

She has the same cute apple cheeks, the same eyes, the same chin, the same smile.

She even has the exact same cute little button nose.

She’s just not today’s Ariel Winter who parades about in daisy dukes with her boyfriend’s family.

We know that Ariel Winter didn’t have a good childhood.

It sucked, actually, thanks to her awful, toxic mother.

That’s why Ariel got emancipated when she was still a minor.

Sometimes, people who had awful childhoods end up as adults who have trouble functioning.

The habits and self-preservation instincts that help you manage through the nightmare that is your early life don’t work at all once you’re free.

The trick is to then find new coping mechanisms so that you can actually enjoy your new life.

We don’t know how Ariel managed to adjust so well, so quickly, but we’re really proud of her.

She’s a success story, career-wise, but she’s also personally successful, with a loving boyfriend and a long and happy life in front of her.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Britney Spears Throwback Pic Shows Surprising Friendships, Eternal Youth

Britney Spears is famous for her songs, her performances, her life’s ups and downs, for being a mom, and for reigning over pop with benevolence and grace.

But Britney also starred in a movie, Crossroads. This throwback photo from the set really takes you back.

Actress Taryn Manning shared a major throwback photo of herself with Britney Spears from the set of the 2002 film, Crossroads.

Sharing the pic on Instagram, Manning captioned: “Thank you for this picture again. Someone took it off a disposable camera I had lol. Always makes me smile:) #crossroads.”

Most of us know Taryn Manning from Orange is the New Black.

Like, even if you don’t watch OITNB, you’ve probably seen a gif of her saying “that’s lesbian activity.”

That’s the power of memes.

And the third woman in the photograph shouldn’t need an introduction.

Even if you don’t think that the Star Trek reboot films properly embody the spirit of the franchise, Zoe Saldana’s naked body is hard to forget.

If you don’t remember Crossroads … let’s refresh your memory.

In the 2002 film, Britney plays a girl named Lucy who reunites with her former best friends, played by Saldana and Manning, and goes on a post-high school road trip that they’d planned when they were younger — before they drifted apart.

Britney’s character is academically driven and a bit of a nerd and also a virgin at that point … so it was something a little different for her image.

The most memorable moments in the film, for me, were:

-karaoke night

-Britney and Justin Long’s characters had made plans to bang but they didn’t, which was devastating to 2002-era me (it was something about having sex for the wrong reasons or something)

-Britney’s character ended up banging Anson Mount, the guy who’s going to play Black Bolt on Marvel’s Inhumans. (but he looked different at the time and is kind of a silver fox these days)

-her character’s dad was a Ghostbuster (well, played by one)

It’s worth noting that Britney and Anson were nominated for a Razzie for “Worst Screen Combo” but also for a Teen Choice Award for “Best Chemistry.”

So … the coming-of-age flick wasn’t exactly controversial, but opinions were clearly divided.

What we love about the throwback pic is that, even though Britney’s looking so young in it, she really doesn’t look that much older now.

And that photo was taken on the set of a movie that came out 15 years ago.

Sure, she’s a little less baby-faced these days, but not all 35-year-olds look so unmoved by the ravages of time.

But then, not all 35-year-olds are Britney.

Also … even though she doesn’t look it, Britney’s old enough to run for President.

Just putting that out there.

We’re glad that neither of Britney’s female costars have faded into obscurity.

Zoe Saldana has the Star Trek movies and Guardians of the Galaxy and is, you know, super well-known.

It was even Britney who told the world when Zoe Saldana was expecting twins.

Taryn Manning’s less, you know, headline-making famous, but she’s starring on one of the most popular shows on the world’s most popular streaming TV platform, so she’s doing pretty well for herself.

Neither of their careers hold a candle to Britney’s, but that’s not a fair comparison for literally anyone.

This wasn’t the only Britney throwback that we’ve come across lately… or did you forget the raw audio of Britney singing “Toxic” that recently leaked?

We sure as hell didn’t.

With everything going for her these days, right down to Britney’s unnecessarily hot boyfriend Sam Asghari, she’s probably happiest in the present.

But it’s always nice to be reminded of fun things from your past, you know?


Friday, May 12, 2017

Rob Kardashian Confuses Fans With Blac Chyna Throwback Pic

It’s been almost six months since Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna broke up for what seems to be the final time.

The couple has called it quits many times before, but after a pre-Christmas blowout during which Blac allegedly attacked Rob, both parties seem to have reached the decision that it’s best if they part ways for good.

So why is Rob still posting coupled-up pics with Chyna on his Instagram page?

Well, despite rumors to the contrary, it seems Rob and Blac are not back together.

But amazingly, following seriously messy split, it seems they’re actually making good on their promise to work out an amicable co-psrenting relationship.

As anyone who caught Rob and Chyna’s ill-fated reality show can attest, these two were terrible as a couple.

But somehow they’re actually making it work as friends.

Yesterday was Blac’s birthday and Rob posted the above pic with a caption reading simply:

“Happy birthday @blacchyna”

He added two watermelon emojis for reasons that are probably clear only to Rob and Chyna.

Blac opened up about her high-profile relationship and breakup in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan South Africa:

“Every person who’s in a long-term relationship, or who is committed to their person, goes through ups and downs,” she told the magazine.

“Everything isn’t always going to be peaches and cream. If it is, then it’s fake. I’m in it for the long haul, so I feel like my advice [for anyone in a similar situation] is therapy, know each other’s family, calling each other’s moms.”

Rob and Blac certainly had more than their share of ups and downs, but it looks like they’ve reached a good place together.

Or maybe Rob really is trying to win Blac back and this is just his painfully awkward way of going about it.

It’s a depressing thought, not only because it means Rob doesn’t realize how dangerously dysfunctional his relationship with Blac was, but also because if he pulls it off, it would mean putting little Dream Kardashian back in a nightmare scenario.

Here’s hoping Rob realizes it’s best to let the past stay in the past.

It’s enough of a miracle that these two were able to build a friendship out of the ashes of their romance.

It really wouldn’t be wise for them to press their luck.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Jinger Duggar Shares Throwback Photo of Jessa, Internet Melts

Shortly after she married Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger Duggar relocated with her new husband to Laredo, Texas.

Jinger’s the first of the Duggar girls to leave Arkansas, and she’s openly discussed the difficulties of living so far away from her massive family.

Fortunately, once they’re married, Duggar women are allowed to use social media, so Jinger is now able to connect with her beloved sisters through technology like the Millennial like that she is:

On Friday, Jinger posted the above throwback photo of herself with older sister Jessa Duggar, and predictably, fans couldn’t get enough of it.

She tagged the photo simply, “Best friends forever!”

Obviously, all of the Duggar siblings are close with one another, but in a family that size, it’s only natural that certain pairs would enjoy special bonds, and it seems Jinger and Jessa have been besties since way back.

These days, of course, Jinger’s Instagram page is under a microscope due to rumors that she’s pregnant with Jeremy Vuolo’s baby.

Fans have been on the hunt for a Jinger Duggar baby bump pretty much from the time she got married, and many believe it’s plain to see from her recent pics that the 23-year-old is expecting.

Even an innocent throwback like her most recent post is enough to prompt speculation.

Some fans believe it’s Jinger’s way of remaining active on social media while not posting any recent photos of herself.

Others believe Jinger is feeling sentimental and longing for home now that she’s soon to be starting a family of her own.

But most are able to appreciate the pic for what it is – a simple expression of sisterly love.

“Is that Jinger?!?! Jessa, you haven’t changed a bit!! Y’all are so adorable!” wrote one fan.

“You guys look absolutely adorable,” commented another.

Yes, “adorable” was the word of the day on Jinger’s Instagram.

She may be new to social media, but the girl knows how to give her fans what they want.

Well, kind of …

What they really want is a pregnancy announcement, but it doesn’t look like she’ll be giving in on that one any time soon.

Guess they’ll just have to take what they can get for now.

Of course, if you’re one of the many Jinger fans who just can’t get enough of the spunky mom-to-be, you can always watch Counting On online at TV Fanatic.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Katie Holmes Shares Throwback Picture of Suri Cruise: See It Here!

Katie Holmes has always kept her daughter, Suri Cruise out of the public eye, but she’s been surprisingly more open about her of late. 

It’s definitely a good idea when you consider how many young stars have very public meltdowns in their later years. 

Katie took to Instagram on Thursday to show off a picture of her 10-year-old daughter as a toddler with a cute caption. 

The cute picture above was accompanied by the following caption: “#tbt my sweet angel.”

It sure was a throwback, and a welcome one at that. 

With all of the questions about when Tom last saw his daughter, maybe the throwback picture will help him realize how much of her life he has missed. 

Katie married Tom in 2006, but their marriage came to a conclusion in 2012, with there being no solid answer given for the parting of ways. 

That’s not to say there was not a lot of rumors swirling about what happened. When a celebrity couple is dubbed “TomKat” by fans, you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be a lot of media attention when they break up. 

Katie shocked the world when she uploaded a picture of Suri in November because nobody knew what she looked like because of the media blackout that surrounded her. 

You can see that picture below. 

“Strong little girls that will become strong women. Let’s keep fighting to make it a better world for our children,” Holmes wrote at the time. 

Like we said earlier, it is a wise idea to keep the young ones away from the cameras. Katie is obviously a doting mother who cares very much about her welfare. 

Even Katie keeps quiet about her own personal life. Sometimes, it’s best to let the world speculate, and that sure seems like what Katie wants to do. 

Either that, or she does not want her ex-husband to know what the heck she gets up to. 

What do you think about all of this?


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Josh Duggar Visits Noah"s Ark, Appears in Throwback Pic as Quiet PR Blitz Continues

Josh Duggar and wife Anna appeared a few times on the Duggar family Facebook page this week as they start to rebuild their media presence.

As you can see above, the family made a pilgrimage to Ark Encounter, a Christian fundamentalist theme park in Grant County, Kentucky.

If it wasn’t obvious, it features a Noah’s Ark replica.

“Visiting the Ark Encounter is a great time the whole family can appreciate,” the Duggar family wrote on their official Facebook page.

“Our family looked at the life of Noah and saw how the righteousness and obedience of one man’s life spared all of humanity.”

They encouraged their fans to support the Ark’s website, and implicitly to support Josh, 29, as he begins this new phase of life.

The inclusion of Josh Duggar in the above photo may not be an endorsement of his righteousness or obedience, but it speaks volumes.

With Josh and Anna expecting their fifth child, the family is working the local pariah back into the fold gradually but very much deliberately.

Josh’s sordid past aside, by and large, fans of Counting On have been very supportive of the inclusion of Josh and Anna in family life.

One follower wrote, “Nice to see josh included in the picture. Beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing,” while another Duggar fan commented: 

“It is nice to see Josh in the family photos again. We went to see the ark three weeks ago I hate we missed you we would love to meet you.”

Yet another supporter remarked, “Love seeing the ENTIRE family together. So good to see Josh and Anna again … I love this family!”

He remains a polarizing figure, but with such loving support from their core fans, the Duggars may no longer feel the need to hide Josh.

At least not as obviously as they have in the past …

TLC has used sun glare, re-shoots, creative editing and even small children as human shields to protect viewers from the human eyesore.

Now that he’s having baby #5 though, social media sightings may increase and writers may give Anna Duggar a bigger role on Counting On.

Josh’s molestation scandal and infidelity were the reason his family’s popular reality TV show 19 Kids and Counting was axed in 2015.

Two years later, however, the reborn Counting On is chugging along, Anna somehow didn’t divorce him, and all seems right in Arkansas.

Well, mostly. Jill and Jessa were radio silent on social media after his pregnancy announcement, which is highly unusual for the duo.

But if the silence is deafening, this also says a lot:

Michelle Duggar shared this baby picture of Josh, Jana Duggar and John-David Duggar – the inaugural trio of her 19 kids – from 1994.

Josh was an innocent little boy once! Who knew!

The quiet PR blitz is underway after Josh and Anna Duggar wrote on the family blog earlier this month that their fifth child is en route:

“For nearly the last two years, we have quietly worked to save our marriage, focus on our children, and rebuild our lives together as a family.” 

“Doing so is never easy after a breach of trust. We’ve learned that a life of faith and rebuilding a life together is simply done one day at a time.”

“As we continue our journey as a family and rebuild our lives, we are delighted to share with you that we are expecting a new baby boy later this year.”

“Beauty comes from ashes and we cannot wait to see and kiss the face of this sweet new boy!” Josh and Anna wrote in their announcement.

Of course, he’s not entirely out of the woods yet.

Josh is being sued by a photographer whose photo he used as his profile pic on Ashley Madison, the adultery-driven website he used.

Matthew McCarthy claims that Josh’s wrongful, “extreme and outrageous” use of his image subjected him to lost work and epic harassment.

While it’s dubious that the photographer/DJ is seeking damages, claiming he can’t get work because Josh did this, it still hangs over his head.

Doesn’t seem like the family is too worried, in any case, based on how Josh is being treated in their carefully-crafted postings lately.

Will fans ever truly accept him again, though?


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Billie Lourd Pays Tribute to Carrie Fisher: See the Throwback Pic

About two months after the world said goodbye to Carrie Fisher, the late actress’ daughter took to social media in order to once again pay tribute to the legendary star.

Throwback photo style.

On Wednesday night, the 24-year-old actress shared an old picture of herself as a child… sitting in the lap of her famous mother while in a stretch limousine.

Lourd merely captioned the sentimental image with twinkle stars and an angel emoji.

As all movie fans and celebrity gossip fans know by now, tribute comes several weeks after Lourd lost not only her mother in Fisher – but also her grandmother in Debbie Reynolds.

The stars died within days of one another.

This is the image Lourd posted to Instagram last night:

Both Fisher and Reynolds died toward the end of 2016, with Lourd breaking her silence on these losing her parent via a Tweet on January 2.

“Receiving all of your prayers and kind words over the past week has given me strength during a time I thought strength could not exist,” it read.

She then addressed the death of Reynolds:

“There are no words to express how much I will miss my Abadaba and my own and only Momby,” she wrote, concluding at the time by once again addressing her supporters as follows:

“Your love and support means the world to me.”

Lourd also shared another throwback photo with fans in early January, taking Instagram followers back many years with the picture below:

Last month, Glen Powell, an actor who appeared opposite Lourd on the series Scream Queens, spoke to Entertainment Tonight about his friend having to bid farewell to her two loved ones in a matter of days.

“If there’s anybody that can take something so tragic in their life happening, it’s Billie,” the 28-year-old said.

He continued:

“She’s a person who was raised by two very strong women, and she’s a very strong woman. I think she’s digesting it very well.

“She’s very emotionally intelligent, and I think she’s got a great group of friends around her that are supporting her, and I hope I am one of them.” 

It remains surreal that Fisher is no longer with us.

She suffered a heart attack while on board an airplane just before Christmas and remained hospitalized for a few days afterward, eventually succumbing to the internal injuries suffered.

Within 24 hours, Reynolds suffered a stroke and also passed away.

Truly heartbreaking stuff.

Our thoughts remain with Lourd and her family.
