Showing posts with label Surprising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprising. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jessa Duggar: SLAMMED For Surprising Photo of Son Henry!

Considering just about everything she posts online results in some seriously virulent mom-shaming, it’s amazing that Jessa Duggar hasn’t just deleted her Instagram account.

But in defiance of the haters, Jessa continues to post regular updates on her life as a stay-at-home mom of two boys.

And fans continue to love her for it.

Yes, Jessa is roasted for her “bad parenting” on an almost-daily basis, but she also receives a good deal of praise from fans who are enamored with her approach to child-rearing.

Generally speaking, the positive far outweighs the negative in Jessa’s comments sections.

But if she’s anything like most social media users, Jessa likely finds herself dwelling on the bad much more than she celebrates the good.

Still, she soldiers on, and continues to post pics that she must know are certain to draw criticism.

The image above certainly seems innocent enough, and it quickly racked up more than 70,000 likes.

“Henry on the weekend,” Jessa captioned the pic, along with a laughing emoji.

As usual, most of the comments consisted of gushing commentary on the cuteness of Jessa’s kids.

But as always, a handful of haters felt the need to rain on her parade.

“I thought electronics for kids were a no no,” commented one follower.

“Quick, take the cellphone away before he gets hooked,” wrote another.

And it wasn’t just concerns about Henry enjoying too much screen time.

Others complained about his appearance, accusing Jessa of photographing her son in an unkempt state.

Fortunately, Mrs. Seewald didn’t need to confront the critics herself.

She has an army of loyal supporters for that:

“And cue all the mommy-shaming,” remarked one fan.

“His hair isn’t brushed, he’s not dressed, playing on a phone or tablet isn’t interaction or the type of interaction a baby needs…blah, blah, blah.”

“People please! If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing! Why do ppl have to be so Ugly!” commented another.

Of course, since the vast majority of comments were positive, the army of Jessa defenders looks sort of silly here.

As far as we can tell, there’s a group of people who wait for the negative comments to appear just so they can court Jessa’s favor by refuting them.

In a way, they’re just as weird as the people who compulsively complain about her parenting.

It’s a photo of a toddler, folks.

Appreciate the adorableness and move on.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Miranda Lambert Makes Surprising Confession: Yep, I"m a Homewrecker!

Even if you’re not a country music fan, you’re probably familiar with the name Miranda Lambert.

Of course, the reason for that likely isn’t the cross-over appeal of Lambert’s work, but rather the tabloid obsession with her love life.

It all started when Miranda and Blake Shelton got divorced and he moved on to Gwen Stefani in unsettlingly quick fashion.

Shortly thereafter, Miranda began dating Anderson East.

The couple got serious in a hurry, but that relationship ended as abruptly as it began.

These days, the songstress is involved with Evan Felker, or — as he’s more commonly known in the tabloids — “Miranda Lambert’s married boyfriend.”

Needless to say, the situation has resulted in some negative press and some lots of very awkward situations.

There was the time that Miranda was called out by Felker’s wife on social media.

And of course, there was the time Shelton shaded Lambert by suggesting on Twitter that she has a history of unsavory behavior.

And there probably would have been many more such scenarios, were it not for Miranda’s decision to get in front of the situation.

In a remarkably candid interview with HITS Daily Double, Miranda basically told fans they can go ahead and think whatever they want about her — as a lot of it is probably true.

“I am who I am. I am honest about being flawed,” she told the outlet.

“That’s all I can be, you know? I cuss. I drink. I get divorced and get my heart broken. I break hearts. I can’t do or be that anymore, or it’ll drive me crazy. [laughs] I won’t be any good anymore.”

Lambert adds that if fans want the truth about her personal life, they can get it straight from the horse’s mouth simply by listening to her music.

“I try, but it’s not up to me,” Lambert said when asked about her efforts to keep her private life private.

“With social media, it’s a whole other thing. And it’s such bull-sh—. I’m thankful for the drama of it all, because it gets sillier and sillier,” she added.

“They make up so many lies, no one can know the truth. The truth is it’s in my music if you listen close enough.”

We appreciate what Miranda is doing here, essentially doing the haters’ work for them by calling herself out.

We guess the theory is that if you’re honest about who you are and you’re accepting of yourself, your critics will get tired of putting you down.

We hope it’s effective — but sadly, we suspect there’s no bottom to the well of hate that is social media.


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares Surprising News About Daughter

We need your help, readers.

We’ve been looking and looking and looking, but we still can’t find it.

Do you know where the time has gone?!?

We ask because it seems like just yesterday that we were refreshing our Internet browsers on a constant basis, waiting to learn whether Audrey Roloff had given birth.

She ended up being over a week late in early September, but this simply proved the classic adage about waiting and the best things and how those two things are related

… because Ember Jean then entered the world as an absolutely cutie patootie.

Incredibly, that was four months ago.

In celebration of her child turning one-third of one year old, Audrey Roloff has shared a new photo and provided fans with a fascinating update about Ember.

First, the photo:

Now, the update:

“Our baby girlsie is 4 months old today,” wrote Audrey to open her caption, adding:

“This stage is increasingly precious and full of wonder and joyous anticipation. I’ve fallen so in love with this little light of mine.”

As for “highlights from the past month?” Roloff dished on the following:

– Laughing and giggling.

– Sitting up in her baby chair.

– Taking a road trio to Bend, Oregon to see old friends and church family members.

– Sleeping 7 hours at night.

– Telling lots of stories.

– Putting all the things in her mouth.

– Growing most of her 3-6 month clothes.

Roloff went on to acknowledge her struggle with postpartum depression and breastfeeding, writing:

“With the rough beginning we had, I never thought I’d have a chunky baby. But look at those high-percentile rolls!

“She loves her knee-socks, bath time, cuddling with mom and dad, SMILING (at literally anyone who gives her an ounce of attention), pulling hair, and sleeping in the car.

“I’m in love I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it!”

Can anyone blame her?

Motherhood really is a miracle.

Audrey has been very open about this first-time experience, even documenting how a case of mom guilt nearly ruined Christmas.

Thankfully, in the end, she and Jeremy and Ember enjoyed a very special holiday.

For reference sake, here’s a look back at past photos the couple has shared of their child at various milestones.

For example: Ember at 3 months..

And Ember at 2 months…

And, of course, newborn Ember…

She’s come a very long way, hasn’t she?

In a way, we’ve all come a long way, watching Jeremy and Audrey navigate the challenge of parenthood on social media.

We’ll see them do it on television when Little People, Big World finally returns with new episodes, which we expect to happen in March or some time later this spring.

These new episodes will center on Audrey’s pregnancy and eventual birth, the same way last season focused on Tori Roloff and how she also became a new mother in 2017.

What a year for this beloved family, huh?!?

We very much appreciate how candid both women have been over the past few months, letting us into their interesting/precious/unique/adorable universes via photos and videos.

Click around below for a cute swath of Ember Jean pictures and join us in wishing her a very happy quasi birthday!

We can’t wait to see what five months brings.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Kim Zolciak Reveals Surprising Details of Son"s Dog Attack

Last April, Kash Biermann suffered a dog attack. For more than half a year, the world has watched Zim Zolciak’s young son recover. But we’ve all wanted to know: How did it happen?

Well, now Kim and Kroy are revealing exactly how Kash’s attack — the one that left his face marred and in need of plastic surgery — went down.

Most shockingly, they’ve revealed that the dog that attacked Kash was one of their own.

For the longest time, the world has assumed that Kim Zolciak was keeping mum about the details of Kash’s dog attack for legal reasons.

A lot of dog attacks result in lawsuits, after all.

It turns out that this doesn’t seem to have been the case, and we’ll get to learn so much more about what happened tonight, as Kim Zolciak has posted this on her Instagram:

“There are no words to describe the episode tomorrow night of Don’t Be Tardy NEW TIME 9pm EST Kroy and I after a few tough days and many conversations decided to share our story about Kash and the dog bite.”

We know that this has to be a hard story to share.

“Im sick to my stomach and my eyes are full of tears as I try to even write this.. the sole purpose we did share this was to raise awareness that this can happen to ANYONE!”

Hey, credit where credit is due: Kim Zolciak is using her platform to raise awareness even though it’s a very tough subject.

“I’ll never forget Kash’s plastic surgeon a few weeks after the bite and Kash’s surgery.”

We’d imagine not.

“He looked me square in my eyes and said, ‘You guys know how blessed you are (it was less than a millimeter from his eye ball (his waterline was sliced in half) and you have the platform to raise awareness and I hope you do!’ Well Dr Williams you best believe we willl!!!”

Some might accused sharing this story as being self-serving, but … are they really just going to sit on their hands and let rumors swirl?

“Kash has healed incredibly and we are so grateful …” Kim writes, before listing way way too many people. Anyway, the doctors did a great job and his school was supportive.

It sounds like Kim knows that her emotions will get the better of her if she tries to in any way liveblog the episode.

“I will NOT be doing IG or FB live tomorrow night, but I will be back on next week. Thank you guys so much for all your support. [heart emoji] P.S My Kashew is the strongest little boy I know!”

But Kim Zolciak has revealed to People what happened, giving the world a preview of this sad story.

The dog that bit Kash was none other than their own dog, Sinn.

“Our dog Sinn is heavily, heavily trained. Kash is his favorite. It made absolutely no sense to any of us. This is nothing I ever thought I’d be dealing with in my life.”

No one ever does.

Apparently, the way that this went down is that they were all outside and Kroy was using the leafblower.

Like vacuum cleaners, such loud machines can make dogs extremely agitated. So Sinn was stressed at the time.

“My back was to the dogs and the boys. I hear Kash be loud, and then I hear barking. And then I hear Kash screaming, he’s crying very loud”

At first, Kim didn’t realize what had happened.

“At that point I think he’s scared, but then I realize Sinn bit Kash. He’s dripping blood everywhere on his shirt.”

Terrifying. And remember: head wounds bleed more profusely than the same kind of injury would elsewhere, because of how our circulatory systems work. So the blood would have been very dramatic.

And then there was the injury itself.

“He pulls his hands down and there’s multiple lacerations, I can’t see his eye. I knew it was a very dire emergency.”

Thus, Kash was rushed to the hospital, which is how the world learned of this in April.

Kim talks about what the aftermath has been like and the emotional toll that it’s had on the whole family.

“It’s a process every day. Being right there, it was just wrong place, wrong time, wrong circumstances. The perfect storm.”

“Had one thing been different, it wouldn’t have happened. You try to say, ‘What would I have done differently?’ And there are a lot of things… but you can’t change any of it. You just have to learn from it and grow from it.”

Hindsight is 20/20, and all that.

“There are no words to describe something like this. I just pray that any parent out there does not have to go through anything traumatic like it. It’s just a horrible feeling to have to go through.”

Knowing that dogs — especially younger dogs — probably shouldn’t be too close to young children when they’re in an agitated state.

In some ways, Kim says, the attack didn’t quite feel real.

“It was a like a bad dream.”

Kroy shared that, in the aftermath, they had Sinn removed from their home by a trainer. Initially, Kroy wanted Sinn out of their family.

However, there were a couple of “turning points” for Kroy and Kim.

One was that, even in the hospital, Kash was asking after Sinn. (Honestly, that is just so precious and also heartbreakingly sweet)

The other was that they learned that Sinn had bitten Kash, exactly once. This wasn’t an attack, it was an attempt at communication — and one that Sinn instantly regretted.

“It was not an attack — he nipped at Kash’s face in an attempt to communicate with Kash. Not that that is an excuse. But he took off running. It wasn’t as if he was attacking. Sinn knew he had done wrong.”

Ultimately, Kim and Kroy decided that keeping Sinn — with new safety precautions — was the best decision to make for Kash’s well-being.

“We didn’t want him to live a life with a phobia of dogs. We wanted him to understand it wasn’t his fault.”

That’s where Kash’s pitbull puppy comes into play, too.

That Kash has maintained his love of dogs throughout all of this shows what a sweet, precious little man he is.

To quote Kris Jenner: “You’re doing amazing, sweetie!”


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Amber Portwood Confirms Pregnancy, Makes Surprising Confession

Amber Portwood has ended all doubt and speculation:

The veteran Teen Mom star is pregnant with her second child.

Strong talk of Portwood’s expecting state has been circulating around the Internet for days, but the MTV personality herself came out on Friday and confirmed the news.

“Thank you everyone for all the kind words. I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together! Love,” Portwood Tweeted this evening.

Indeed, Amber will be having either a boy or girl with Andrew Glennon.

She met him while filming Marriage Boot Camp and the two have been dating for only three months or so.

The brief dating history between Portwood and Glennon suggests this pregnancy was not planned, a possibility that Amber didn’t deny when speaking to Us Weekly about the bun in her oven.

“When I first found out, I was a little scared,” the 27-year old told this tabloid, adding:

“I just kind of sat down and thought about it and realized that it was a big step in my life and it was a good thing actually, and I was really happy within 30 minutes.”

Portwood is already the mother to an eight-year old daughter named Leah.

He shares custody with ex-fiance Gary Shirley.

“After the initial shock, it was nothing but happy thoughts and just enjoying my time with my boyfriend,” Portwood added to Us, saying simply of she and Glennon:

“We’re both very happy.

After revealing the baby news on social media and in this interview, Portwood received a slew of well wishes from other Teen Mom stars.

“CONGRATS AMB! We are so happy for you & can’t wait to meet that little baby,” Tweeted Tyler Baltierra, while added:

“Congratulations babe. I love you and can’t wait to see you at Friendsgiving.”

ap tweets

Portwood responded to these messages by writing the following:

“Thank you hun! Love you guys always.”

She also posted the sweet photo below, further hammering home the status of her womb:

were preggers

We don’t know when Amber is due.

Nor do we know if she’s having a boy or a girl.

However, if this pregnancy is anything like pregnancy by other members of the Teen Mom cast, we’ll be finding out the answers to all these questions and many more as the days, weeks and months go by.

Expect Portwood to milk this news for all it’s worth.

In the meantime, we’ll simply send her the best of wishes for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby son or daughter.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Sarah Hyland Rails Against Plastic Surgery Rumors, Makes Surprising Bisexual Admission

Sarah Hyland may make viewers laugh for a living as a series regular on Modern Family.

But there’s something the young actress does not find funny at all.

And that something is this: Chatter around the Internet that she’s undergone plastic surgery.

On Wednesday, the 26-year-old actress went off on an article that featured “plastic surgery experts” weighing in on whether she had work done.

The article was included within the pages of supermarket tabloid Life & Style.

“THIS MAKES ME SO MAD to have [doctors] give their opinion ON MY FACE is absolutely ridiculous and degrading,” she tweeted. “F-ck off.”

Citing medical concerns, just like she did back when she slammed talk that she’s anorexic, Hyland continued to blast the erroneous plastic surgery claim, adding via Twitter:

“I have had the worst medical year of my life and to create an entire article surrounding the question of if I’ve had plastic surgery is the MOST insulting thing.

“Adding insult to injury, you have NO IDEA what I have been through. And I have somewhat addressed these rumors already.”

hyland note

Following this message, the Modern Family star went on to send along numerous videos of herself in a face mask.

“Hey @Life_and_Style. Got some work done tonight. Going for a new look… gonna write about this now?” she joked in one of the captions.

Although we all know there was real vitriol behind this so-called joke.

Later, Hyland used the hashtag “#FakeNews” when sharing another photo of herself in this mask.

sh joke

Prior to defending her face, Hyland also wrote back to a fan who asked about the sexuality of her character, Haley Dunphy, on the aforementioned ABC hit sitcom.

When asked if Haley is bisexual, the actress responded as follows:

“I don’t know what the writers would say? But I confirm.”

Interesting. We’ve never really heard that possibility bantered about before.

It’s sort of a random question to ask and answer, considering Hyland’s Haley has never dated a woman.

Her most prominent relationships over the course of eight-plus seasons have been with Dylan and Andy, both of whom are of the opposite sex.

But perhaps Hyland is teasing a storyline to come on Modern Family Season 9?

Guess we’ll need to tune in to find out.

In real life, meanwhile, Hyland appears to be dating Wells Adams.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Eric Bolling Jr.: Autopsy Reveals Surprising Cause of Death

Last month, college student Eric Chase Bolling Jr. died suddenly at the age of 19.

The news came just weeks after the boy’s father, Eric Bolling, was suspended from Fox News for allegedly harassing his female colleagues.

In the immediate wake of the tragedy, several news outlets reported that the younger Bolling had committed suicide in response to his father’s humiliating scandal.

Early reports about Bolling Jr.’s cause of death seemed to confirm those reports, as authorities attributed his passing to multiple drug toxicity.

However, questions about Eric’s motive in ingesting the substances remained.

Was this a case of a son taking his own life in response to his father’s fall from grace?

Or is this yet another accidental overdose story–the kind we hear far too often these days?

We may never receive a definitive answer, but it seems that authorities who investigated the death of Eric Chase Bolling Jr. are now favoring the latter explanation.

The news that Eric’s overdose appears to have been accidental was shared by his father on Twitter yesterday:

“Just received some tragic news from Coroner in Colorado. Eric Chase’s passing has been ruled an accidental overdose that included opioids,” wrote Bolling Sr.

“Adrienne and I thank you for your continued prayers and support. We must fight against this national epidemic, too many innocent victims,” he added.

While multiple drugs were found in Eric Jr.’s system, it seems it was indeed the controversial prescription painkiller fentanyl that claimed his life.

According to the coroner’s report released this week, the official cause of Eric’s death was “accidental overdose.”

The report attributes his passing to the “presence of cocaine, cyclopropyl fentanyl, and fentanyl in decedent’s system.”

The news comes on the heels of the Trump administration’s declaration that the opioid crisis is now a national public health emergency.

According to a recent survey, drug overdoses are up nearly 700 percent since 1990, with opioids accounting for the majority of the 64,000 deaths recorded last year.

Our thoughts go out to Eric Bolling and his family during this incredibly difficult time.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Serena Williams Debuts Baby Girl, Reveals Surprising Name

As you"ve likely heard, Serena Williams welcomed a baby girl earlier this month, and potential future competitors should be shaking in their tennis shoes.

Yes, we already have every reason to believe the little girl will excel in the sport that made her mother famous.

After all, at less than two weeks old, she"s already following in her father"s footsteps in more ways than one.

Serena"s bundle of joy is not only taking the Internet by storm, just like her daddy, she also shares the Reddit co-founder"s first name.

Serena uploaded a video to YouTube this morning, revealing not only the first images of her daughter, but also the baby girl"s full name.

Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr. entered the world on September 1, weighing 6 lbs., 14 oz., and, as the video wryly notes, already having one Grand Slam title under her belt.

(Unbeknownst to the world, Serena was already 8 weeks pregnant when she won the Australian Open back in January.)

A daughter named after her dad, complete with the "Jr." suffix! We love it!

Serena is re-inventing the baby-naming game the same way she re-invented tennis.

“So we’re leaving the hospital after six, seven days,” Williams says in the clip below.

“It’s been a long time, but we had a lot of complications, but look who we got — we got a baby girl!”

Check out the full video below:

Serena williams debuts baby girl reveals surprising name

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Josh Duggar: Photo of Kids Sparks Surprising Controversy

In the weeks to come Josh Duggar and his wife Anna will welcome their fifth child

The happy news has been tainted by controversy, of course, thanks to the highly-publicized Josh Duggar sex scandals that continue to provoke shock and outrage, two years after coming to light.

But the latest controversy, while pertaining to Josh’s children, has nothing to do with the sex crimes that nearly brought down his family’s reality TV empire.

In photos posted to Facebook over the weekend, Josh and Anna’s sons, Marcus and Michael, are seen engaging in some brotherly bonding.

A caption presumably written by Michelle Duggar explains:

“Marcus has been learning to ride his bike and sweet Michael was so happy to help! Way to go, Marcus!”

Doesn’t seem like the sort of thing that anyone could get outraged over, but fans are up in arms over the pics for a surprisng reason.

As you can see, Michael is not wearing a helmet in the photos.

While such safety precautions are certainly a good idea, especially for children who are just learning to ride, in the case of the Duggar, such oversights provoke not gentle admonishments, but seething vitriol:

“Seriously?? No helmets?! Yes it’s cute that big brother is helping but let’s teach safety and avoid serious injuries let alone something worse,” wrote one fan.

“I can tell you a helmet saved my life so get those kids helmets!” echoed another commenter.

Of course, the Duggars have almost as many cultishly loyal fans as they have critics.

As a result, there were those who came to the family’s defense, as well:

“What did we all do BEFORE the paranoid ‘helicopter parents/ started imposing the safety helmets, elbow/knee pads, mouthpieces, and goggles?” commented one such follower, adding:

“EXACTLY what these two happy adorable little boys are doing in the pics…We had a BLAST while learning how to ride our bicycle!!! …and we survived it.”

Of course, helmet’s aren’t really what’s at issue here. 

Anything Josh-related is sure to provoke some sort of argument in the comments section, a reality to which the Duggars will simply have to grow accustomed.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Britney Spears Throwback Pic Shows Surprising Friendships, Eternal Youth

Britney Spears is famous for her songs, her performances, her life’s ups and downs, for being a mom, and for reigning over pop with benevolence and grace.

But Britney also starred in a movie, Crossroads. This throwback photo from the set really takes you back.

Actress Taryn Manning shared a major throwback photo of herself with Britney Spears from the set of the 2002 film, Crossroads.

Sharing the pic on Instagram, Manning captioned: “Thank you for this picture again. Someone took it off a disposable camera I had lol. Always makes me smile:) #crossroads.”

Most of us know Taryn Manning from Orange is the New Black.

Like, even if you don’t watch OITNB, you’ve probably seen a gif of her saying “that’s lesbian activity.”

That’s the power of memes.

And the third woman in the photograph shouldn’t need an introduction.

Even if you don’t think that the Star Trek reboot films properly embody the spirit of the franchise, Zoe Saldana’s naked body is hard to forget.

If you don’t remember Crossroads … let’s refresh your memory.

In the 2002 film, Britney plays a girl named Lucy who reunites with her former best friends, played by Saldana and Manning, and goes on a post-high school road trip that they’d planned when they were younger — before they drifted apart.

Britney’s character is academically driven and a bit of a nerd and also a virgin at that point … so it was something a little different for her image.

The most memorable moments in the film, for me, were:

-karaoke night

-Britney and Justin Long’s characters had made plans to bang but they didn’t, which was devastating to 2002-era me (it was something about having sex for the wrong reasons or something)

-Britney’s character ended up banging Anson Mount, the guy who’s going to play Black Bolt on Marvel’s Inhumans. (but he looked different at the time and is kind of a silver fox these days)

-her character’s dad was a Ghostbuster (well, played by one)

It’s worth noting that Britney and Anson were nominated for a Razzie for “Worst Screen Combo” but also for a Teen Choice Award for “Best Chemistry.”

So … the coming-of-age flick wasn’t exactly controversial, but opinions were clearly divided.

What we love about the throwback pic is that, even though Britney’s looking so young in it, she really doesn’t look that much older now.

And that photo was taken on the set of a movie that came out 15 years ago.

Sure, she’s a little less baby-faced these days, but not all 35-year-olds look so unmoved by the ravages of time.

But then, not all 35-year-olds are Britney.

Also … even though she doesn’t look it, Britney’s old enough to run for President.

Just putting that out there.

We’re glad that neither of Britney’s female costars have faded into obscurity.

Zoe Saldana has the Star Trek movies and Guardians of the Galaxy and is, you know, super well-known.

It was even Britney who told the world when Zoe Saldana was expecting twins.

Taryn Manning’s less, you know, headline-making famous, but she’s starring on one of the most popular shows on the world’s most popular streaming TV platform, so she’s doing pretty well for herself.

Neither of their careers hold a candle to Britney’s, but that’s not a fair comparison for literally anyone.

This wasn’t the only Britney throwback that we’ve come across lately… or did you forget the raw audio of Britney singing “Toxic” that recently leaked?

We sure as hell didn’t.

With everything going for her these days, right down to Britney’s unnecessarily hot boyfriend Sam Asghari, she’s probably happiest in the present.

But it’s always nice to be reminded of fun things from your past, you know?


Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. Calls Kathy Griffin"s Decapitation Photo "Disgusting" But "Not Surprising" (PHOTO)

Donald Trump Jr. is blasting Kathy Griffin, and all liberals, for her photo op with a bloodied mask of President Trump … but admits he’s not all that shocked. Don Jr. called the gory Tyler Shields shot of Kathy … “Disgusting but not…


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Joe Jonas Surprising Kid Cancer Patients with DNCE-THON (PHOTO)

Joe Jonas and his DNCE mates are about to bust into a dance marathon for kids fighting cancer … and turn the night into a full concert. We got a pic of Joe and the band backstage Friday evening at THON … the annual no sleep, no sit, 46…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Billy Bush: Returning to TV With Surprising New Gig?

Back when President-elect Donald Trump was just “private citizen with his name on half of Manhattan” Trump, there was a touch of controversy surrounding a recorded conversation between Trump and Billy Bush.

Yes, we’re the referencing the now-infamous “grab them by the p–sy” remark.

Obviously, the recording didn’t have any real repercussions for Trump, who likely spent much of the weekend consulting a decorator on how to give the Lincoln Bedroom more of a “Liberace fever dream” vibe.

For Bush, however, it was a different story.

Shortly after the tape went public, Bush was fired from his job at The Today Show and eviscerated on social media.

There was a time when it looked as though the longtime TV personality would never again work in the media.

But then Trump got elected president.

Bush’s fortunes didn’t do a complete 180 after the election, and it seems unlikely that he’ll ever again be hired by a mainstream media outlet like NBC.

However, he’s no longer completely untouchable, and it now looks as though Bush will be returning to television sooner rather than later.

As you may know, Breitbart News executive and noted anti-semite Steve Bannon has assumed a top spot on Trump’s transition team, and not surprisingly, he’s eager to forgive Bush for his half of the conversation that forever changed the way we think about Tic  Tacs.

Page Six is reporting today that Bush is being recruited by Breitbart as its top reporter on the entertainment industry.

Hollywood correspondent for an arch-conservative news outlet may seem like a gig dreamed up by the Mad Hatter during a bath salts binge, but insiders say it’s really happening.

“They are trying to recruit Billy Bush,” says one source.

“They want to expand covering Hollywood in a big way — and think Billy would be perfect for the job.”

Of course, taking the job would mean going all-in as the Trump-approved entertainment journalist, which would make Bush about as welcome as welcome in Hollywood as a persistent case of pubic lice, but we’re sure it beats sitting at home commiserating with Ryan Lochte.

Bush has yet to accept the gig, but he doesn’t have a ton of options these days, so we’re guessing he’ll jump on it.

But who knows?

He might be holding out in hopes that Trump will offer him that sweet Secretary of Agriculture gig.


Monday, August 8, 2016

Taylor Swift Performs Surprising Duet, Kisses Random Dude on Stage

Taylor Swift sure doesn’t look like someone whose life is totally and completely ruined.

On Saturday night, the singer made what is believed to have been her first public appearance since getting called out in embarrassing fashion by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Rocking a sexy off-the-shoulder crop top and mini skirt, the 26-year old actually performed on stage with Nelly as part of good friend Karlie Kloss’ birthday party in The Hamptons.

Swift had previously wished Kloss a very happy birthday.

It was only Taylor’s second Instagram message in about a month, since the infamous phone with Kanye that Kim leaked online.

As you can see in cell phone footage shared by someone in attendance, Swift and Nelly broke into a rendition of the rapper’s 2002 hit, “Dilemma.”

Swift took on Kelly Rowland’s parts of the song and the two stars sang and danced as the crowd went wild in approval.

“Taylor was in an amazing mood, and super fun all night,” an insider tells E! News, adding:

“She danced her ass off. At first she didn’t want to perform but then Nelly asked her. Everyone was super into it, the crowd loved it.”

Last year, Nelly became one of several celebrities to make a cameo with Swift’s on the pop artist’s 1989 World Tour.

He came out during a stop in St. Louis, Missouri and sang “Hot in Herre” with Haim.

At one point on Saturday night, meanwhile, Swift was joined by on stage by some guy named Mike Hess.

We’ve learned that he’s a Harvard Business School graduate and oil heir that a party goer says was also celebrating a birthday that evening.

And Swift made sure it was a birthday he’ll never forget.

In a Snapchat video shared by jewelry designer Jen Meyer, the singer is seen strutting her sexy stuff toward Hess… prior to giving him a quick smooch on his cheek.

The duo then dances closely together, with Hess sort of wrapping his arm around her waist.

Sorry, Tom Hiddleston. You may want to turn away right about now…

But a source confirms to E! News that Swift spent more of her night with Kloss.

There’s no scandal to report on here regarding her interactions with Hess.

Swift, of course, was outed a liar by Kardashian and West several weeks ago.

They seemed to confirm that Taylor did, indeed, know all about the lyrics in the song “Famous,” even giving Kanye permission to sing some unflattering things about her.

Ever since this incident, Taylor has mostly gone social media silent.

We’ve heard more about Calvin Harris dissing her than we’ve heard from Swift herself.

While many Internet users are excited that Swift is now “over,” however, we’re glad to see her out and about and in a good mood.

She’s clearly not a bad person. Critics gotta lighten up.

See what they’ve been saying about her below and check out her fun duet with Nelly above.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Jill Duggar & Derick Dillard: NOT Returning to U.S! Read Their Surprising Statement!

Last week, we reported that Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard would be returning to the US following a year of missionary work in Central America.

Early rumors indicated that the couple would be coming home to Tontitown, Arkansas in order to more fully participate in Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2

Now, however, it looks as though while the Dillards will be participating in the show’s second, they’ll continue to do so primarily from their new home in El Salvador.

For weeks now, fans have been eagerly anticipating the announcement of Jill and Derick’s homecoming.

The couple finally shared the news of their return over the weekend, but it’s not quite what fans of expected:

“We are so excited to share that we will be returning in August for a short stateside term that will extend into the fall,” Jill wrote on her family’s official website yesterday.

Sources later elaborated that yes, the Duggars will be traveling back to Arkansas next month … but only for a few weeks.

“We are really looking forward to seeing our families after nearly 10 months on foreign soil, Jill continued.

“We plan on taking some Bible classes as we continue to work in ministry from the US. Serving in Central America has been an amazing experience so far for both of us (and Israel!).”

Many fans expressed their shock that Jill and Derick’s time in the States will be so brief, particularly as more time in Central America means less time spent procreating.

Rumors that Jill is pregnant with her second child have been circulating for months, but it looks as though the couple has wisely decided to hold off, as they’re currently living in the heart of the Zika hot zone.

We imagine it wasn’t an easy decision for them.

After all, a Duggar without a ton of kids is like a Duggar who’s not wrapped up in some sort of scandal.

Monday, May 30, 2016

19 Surprising Stars Who Served in the Military

We often salute celebrities for their work on screen or on stage.

But these are the celebrities who truly deserve our praise and admiration for something much more important. Something bigger than themselves.

These are the famous men and women who served in the armed forces prior to striking it big, and we"re here to offer them an online ovation.

Won"t you join in, on this day especially?

1. Drew Carey

Drew carey

The Price is Right host Drew Carey spent six years (1980-1986) in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. He still has the haircut!

2. Chuck Norris

Chuck norris photograph

Not only did Chuck Norris serve in the Air Force, but he has served as spokesman for the VA and was named the Air Force’s Veteran of the Year in 2001. It’s unclear if he won any top-secret wars using only his unparalleled martial arts skills.

3. Nate Dogg

Nate dogg pic

Before becoming one of the men who took hip hop to the mainstream in the 1990s, Nate Dogg was a munitions specialist in the US Marines. The late rapper once said he joined the military to “see if I was a man.”

4. Elvis Presley

Elvis presley

Elvis Presley, seen here in a 1958 photo, is perhaps the most famous celebrity veteran of all.

5. Ice-T

Ice t shirtless

Law & Order: SVU star Ice-T (real name Tracy Marrow) has quite the resume over the years, but nothing is more surprising than his four-year stint in the U.S. Army from 1979-1983.

6. Bea Arthur

Bea arthur

The Golden Girls star listed bow and rifle hunting on her Corps qualification card, and served as a typist and truck driver from 1943-1945, when she was honorably discharged.

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