Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Miranda Lambert Makes Surprising Confession: Yep, I"m a Homewrecker!

Even if you’re not a country music fan, you’re probably familiar with the name Miranda Lambert.

Of course, the reason for that likely isn’t the cross-over appeal of Lambert’s work, but rather the tabloid obsession with her love life.

It all started when Miranda and Blake Shelton got divorced and he moved on to Gwen Stefani in unsettlingly quick fashion.

Shortly thereafter, Miranda began dating Anderson East.

The couple got serious in a hurry, but that relationship ended as abruptly as it began.

These days, the songstress is involved with Evan Felker, or — as he’s more commonly known in the tabloids — “Miranda Lambert’s married boyfriend.”

Needless to say, the situation has resulted in some negative press and some lots of very awkward situations.

There was the time that Miranda was called out by Felker’s wife on social media.

And of course, there was the time Shelton shaded Lambert by suggesting on Twitter that she has a history of unsavory behavior.

And there probably would have been many more such scenarios, were it not for Miranda’s decision to get in front of the situation.

In a remarkably candid interview with HITS Daily Double, Miranda basically told fans they can go ahead and think whatever they want about her — as a lot of it is probably true.

“I am who I am. I am honest about being flawed,” she told the outlet.

“That’s all I can be, you know? I cuss. I drink. I get divorced and get my heart broken. I break hearts. I can’t do or be that anymore, or it’ll drive me crazy. [laughs] I won’t be any good anymore.”

Lambert adds that if fans want the truth about her personal life, they can get it straight from the horse’s mouth simply by listening to her music.

“I try, but it’s not up to me,” Lambert said when asked about her efforts to keep her private life private.

“With social media, it’s a whole other thing. And it’s such bull-sh—. I’m thankful for the drama of it all, because it gets sillier and sillier,” she added.

“They make up so many lies, no one can know the truth. The truth is it’s in my music if you listen close enough.”

We appreciate what Miranda is doing here, essentially doing the haters’ work for them by calling herself out.

We guess the theory is that if you’re honest about who you are and you’re accepting of yourself, your critics will get tired of putting you down.

We hope it’s effective — but sadly, we suspect there’s no bottom to the well of hate that is social media.
