Friday, November 10, 2017

Kim Zolciak Reveals Surprising Details of Son"s Dog Attack

Last April, Kash Biermann suffered a dog attack. For more than half a year, the world has watched Zim Zolciak’s young son recover. But we’ve all wanted to know: How did it happen?

Well, now Kim and Kroy are revealing exactly how Kash’s attack — the one that left his face marred and in need of plastic surgery — went down.

Most shockingly, they’ve revealed that the dog that attacked Kash was one of their own.

For the longest time, the world has assumed that Kim Zolciak was keeping mum about the details of Kash’s dog attack for legal reasons.

A lot of dog attacks result in lawsuits, after all.

It turns out that this doesn’t seem to have been the case, and we’ll get to learn so much more about what happened tonight, as Kim Zolciak has posted this on her Instagram:

“There are no words to describe the episode tomorrow night of Don’t Be Tardy NEW TIME 9pm EST Kroy and I after a few tough days and many conversations decided to share our story about Kash and the dog bite.”

We know that this has to be a hard story to share.

“Im sick to my stomach and my eyes are full of tears as I try to even write this.. the sole purpose we did share this was to raise awareness that this can happen to ANYONE!”

Hey, credit where credit is due: Kim Zolciak is using her platform to raise awareness even though it’s a very tough subject.

“I’ll never forget Kash’s plastic surgeon a few weeks after the bite and Kash’s surgery.”

We’d imagine not.

“He looked me square in my eyes and said, ‘You guys know how blessed you are (it was less than a millimeter from his eye ball (his waterline was sliced in half) and you have the platform to raise awareness and I hope you do!’ Well Dr Williams you best believe we willl!!!”

Some might accused sharing this story as being self-serving, but … are they really just going to sit on their hands and let rumors swirl?

“Kash has healed incredibly and we are so grateful …” Kim writes, before listing way way too many people. Anyway, the doctors did a great job and his school was supportive.

It sounds like Kim knows that her emotions will get the better of her if she tries to in any way liveblog the episode.

“I will NOT be doing IG or FB live tomorrow night, but I will be back on next week. Thank you guys so much for all your support. [heart emoji] P.S My Kashew is the strongest little boy I know!”

But Kim Zolciak has revealed to People what happened, giving the world a preview of this sad story.

The dog that bit Kash was none other than their own dog, Sinn.

“Our dog Sinn is heavily, heavily trained. Kash is his favorite. It made absolutely no sense to any of us. This is nothing I ever thought I’d be dealing with in my life.”

No one ever does.

Apparently, the way that this went down is that they were all outside and Kroy was using the leafblower.

Like vacuum cleaners, such loud machines can make dogs extremely agitated. So Sinn was stressed at the time.

“My back was to the dogs and the boys. I hear Kash be loud, and then I hear barking. And then I hear Kash screaming, he’s crying very loud”

At first, Kim didn’t realize what had happened.

“At that point I think he’s scared, but then I realize Sinn bit Kash. He’s dripping blood everywhere on his shirt.”

Terrifying. And remember: head wounds bleed more profusely than the same kind of injury would elsewhere, because of how our circulatory systems work. So the blood would have been very dramatic.

And then there was the injury itself.

“He pulls his hands down and there’s multiple lacerations, I can’t see his eye. I knew it was a very dire emergency.”

Thus, Kash was rushed to the hospital, which is how the world learned of this in April.

Kim talks about what the aftermath has been like and the emotional toll that it’s had on the whole family.

“It’s a process every day. Being right there, it was just wrong place, wrong time, wrong circumstances. The perfect storm.”

“Had one thing been different, it wouldn’t have happened. You try to say, ‘What would I have done differently?’ And there are a lot of things… but you can’t change any of it. You just have to learn from it and grow from it.”

Hindsight is 20/20, and all that.

“There are no words to describe something like this. I just pray that any parent out there does not have to go through anything traumatic like it. It’s just a horrible feeling to have to go through.”

Knowing that dogs — especially younger dogs — probably shouldn’t be too close to young children when they’re in an agitated state.

In some ways, Kim says, the attack didn’t quite feel real.

“It was a like a bad dream.”

Kroy shared that, in the aftermath, they had Sinn removed from their home by a trainer. Initially, Kroy wanted Sinn out of their family.

However, there were a couple of “turning points” for Kroy and Kim.

One was that, even in the hospital, Kash was asking after Sinn. (Honestly, that is just so precious and also heartbreakingly sweet)

The other was that they learned that Sinn had bitten Kash, exactly once. This wasn’t an attack, it was an attempt at communication — and one that Sinn instantly regretted.

“It was not an attack — he nipped at Kash’s face in an attempt to communicate with Kash. Not that that is an excuse. But he took off running. It wasn’t as if he was attacking. Sinn knew he had done wrong.”

Ultimately, Kim and Kroy decided that keeping Sinn — with new safety precautions — was the best decision to make for Kash’s well-being.

“We didn’t want him to live a life with a phobia of dogs. We wanted him to understand it wasn’t his fault.”

That’s where Kash’s pitbull puppy comes into play, too.

That Kash has maintained his love of dogs throughout all of this shows what a sweet, precious little man he is.

To quote Kris Jenner: “You’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
