Showing posts with label Picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Picture. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tori Roloff Posts Picture of Son Covered in Poop

Tori Roloff may be thinking twice about having a second child right about now.

We kid, of course.

Children are a blessing and Tori and Zach Roloff seem like outstanding parents whose influence on a new generation can only help the world become a better place.

But still.

Tori just shared as personal and as hilarious a photo as one can share of his or her offspring, and it sheds light on the occasional downside of parenting.

Or the occasional smelly side, we guess we should say.

Tori, who recently made us cry with her anniversary tribute to husband Zach, just made us spit out our coffee with laughter over an image of one-year old son Jackson covered in human feces.

They’re his own feces, at least.

But they are feces, nonetheless.

“I share this with the risk of getting mom shamed (again- and for real I don’t care I don’t get humans sometimes),” Roloff wrote to open the caption that accompanies the following picture, prior to adding:

“This is for all those mamas out there that sometime feel like they are sinking. That’s been me this week.”

Tori then proceeded to explain how she came across her only child in the rather dirty state you can see him in above.

“Here’s hoping this brings you a good laugh and hopefully you’re Day was better than mine:

“Started out with my husband waking up sick- his headache can’t move I’m dying sick. Now we did get to enjoy a lovely day with friends by the pool but that’s where the fun ended.”

Okay, go on…

“I came home to Zach still being sick so I tried to play hard ball and get him up and moving- bad idea. He threw up on our front porch because he couldn’t make it to the bathroom (I guess I should be thankful it wasn’t inside).”

Yikes. Sorry to hear all this, Zach.

And sorry if the details below will be enough to make our readers sick…

Roloff said she had to hose off her husband’s vomit from the front porch. From there?

“I then come back inside to relax but heard Jackson awake in his crib. He often wakes up and just hangs quietly. I needed the extra time so I left him a couple minutes.

“After about 20 min I went in his room… this is where it gets bad. I noticed something on his face (of course I think it’s blood or something and start freaking out).”

And what was that something,Tori?

“As I moved closer the smell overcame me. I noticed brown spread all over his sheets and crib- and oh ya- that’s poop… IN HIS HAIR!!!!

“To make matters worse… we don’t currently have hot water in our house so I had to drive to another house to bathe him.”

Wow, huh?

Also: EWWW!

Also: LOL!

And also this: Nearly every parent on the planet has been there, Tori.

This is most definitely NOT something to feel shame over.

Taking as positive an approach as she can, the Little People, Big World star concluded:

“So ya. That’s my day. If you were having a rough day I hope this helps. I can laugh now that Jackson is asleep in a throughly scrubbed crib.

“ALSO: first time parents: never. Ever. Under any circumstances. Put your child to bed in just a diaper. Just don’t do it. We all have those days. Today involved both vomit and poop. I mean can tomorrow get any worse?

“Don’t answer that. #momlife #babyjroloff.”

We so appreciate the honesty. Thank you, Tori.

This TLC star recently hinted that she and Zach were strongly considering a second child, making us excited for even more stories such as this down the line.

After all, you know what they say, right?

Sometimes you need to laugh in order not to cry your eyes out.

For photos of Jackson Roloff NOT coverered in poop, check out the gallery below:


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kylie Jenner Grabs Every Forbes Magazine with Her Picture on Cover

Kylie Jenner took daughter Stormi to a newsstand Friday … presumably to give her little girl a lesson in celebrity news. Kylie was on a mission … to buy every last mag with her mug on the cover … and she did just that with GQ and Forbes. As…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kim Kardashian Posts Picture of Shaved Vagina

Over the years, Kim Kardashian has shared many photos of herself naked.

Like, SO many photos of herself naked.

Heck, at one point, we dedicated an entire photo gallery to snapshots of Kim Kardashian nude

… and it was comprised of a lot of photos!

So the simple fact that Kardashian has uploaded yet another image of herself without any clothes on is not noteworthy.

We’re not even sure if we’d write an article based around this mere development at this stage, considering the frequency with which Kim gets naked for public consumption.

But Kardashian has never shared an image such as the one below.

This is not hyperbole, either.

For the most part, Kim’s naked images involve her standing or kneeling, with a sheet or some kind of garment covering her most private of areas.

Yes, she’s nude. But you can’t really see anything, you know?

However, in promotion of a new perfume set to hit the market on April 30, Kardashian has posted a picture on her KKWFRAGRANCE Instagram handle that is an extreme close-up.

It does not feature Kim’s face or boobs.

But it does focus on her stomach, her hips, her legs — and, yes, on her vagina.

Her very well-groomed and shaven vagina, we ought to say:


We’re not trying to be crass here.

We’re just describing the photo in question.

It’s probably more intimate than any previous Kim Kardashian nude picture, for the reasons outlined above.

With Internet users already debating whether a mother of three ought to pose in this sort of manner, Kim captioned the very risque picture as follows:


Yup, that was it.

Don’t tell this woman she doesn’t know how to publicize a product.

Kim is trying to have it both ways these days.

She’s attempting to come across as both a dedicated mother and wife and a sexy social media star.

We’re not saying you can’t be all these things at once; we’re just admiring Kardashian for the ways in which she wants to be both relatable and the subject of your every fantasy.

She can post a racy image like this one second… and a precious image of herself and her kids the next second.

To wit:

The question, of course, is what happens when these same kids are old enough to use Google.

Or when their friends at school show them certain Kim Kardashian photos on their phone.

Kardashian is absolutely, positively, completely free to pose however she wants online. No judgment here.

But we do wonder whether she’s contemplated the effects some of these images may have on her children and whether she plans to talk to them about it once they grow older.

It’s an interesting topic to ponder, don’t you think?


Friday, March 2, 2018

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway Will Present Best Picture Award ... Again

After the real-life disaster at last year’s Oscars, the Academy feels the best way to make sure the proper people accept the award for Best Picture — bring back the ones who screwed it up … because TMZ has learned Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway…


Monday, January 8, 2018

"Big Sick" Star Kumail Nanjiani Shares Picture of Catalyst For His Movie

Kumail Nanjiani’s movie, “The Big Sick,” wasn’t a Golden Globes winner, but he was still feeling sentimental about the project Monday morning … thanks to one family memento. Kumail shared a shot of his phone number scribbled on the back of a…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Derick Dillard: My Kids Don"t Need Picture Books, They Need Jesus!

As we all know, Derick Dillard considers allowing trans kids to be themselves is “child abuse.” But have you wondered what he thinks good parenting looks like?

Apparently, he thinks that it looks like two incredibly bored children.

At least, Derick decided to read to his two very young sons the story of Jesus’ birth, directly from the Bible. No photos. And fans were quick to comment with their very strong opinions.

Derick Dillard captioned his photoset:

“Christmas Eve, reading the Christmas story with my boys. Doesn’t get much better than that! Thank you Jesus!”

For some families, that’s a tradition. For others it isn’t.

Though fans were divided, let’s start with the priase that he earned.

“Beautiful family. God bless you all!”

That’s sweet.

“You are such a great dad, Derick! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.”

We don’t know that a “great dad” would go on social media and repeatedly slam a teenage girl because he disagrees with her identity, but … well, he’s been fired for that.

“I’m not really a religious person. most normal everyday average people I know DO read the Christmas story out of the Bible on Christmas to their children and some not even really religious people do also.”

Interestingly, I’d personally never heard of that tradition, but I believe that plenty of folks do it.

“There is nothing abnormal,” that commenter continued. “About this and how they read the Christmas story Christmas Eve.”

That same commenter continued:

“I am sure the Duggars have children’s books as well but to come to someone’s page and tell them how to raise their children — takes much gall. Wow”

Another saw criticism of Derick and lashed out:

“Remember, you’re commenting with very sick, wicked souls! These people hate God, His Son Jesus Christ and God’s word. They’re just here to tear down anything Christian!”

That is the sort of paranoia that you see sometimes. If you believe that a critique of one man is an attack against an entire faith, you … probably need to relax.

Another affirmed that they thought that reading directly from the Bible is what they prefer:

“Some of us believe that straight from the Bible is best. Not watered down versions of the Christmas story. Some children’s bible books are excellent don’t get me wrong, however reading straight from Gods word every Christmas is an amazing tradition.”

Others chimed in, suggesting that reading directly from the Bible isn’t ideal with young children, especially when one of the listeners is a literal baby.

“Kids like kid’s books, not old fashioned text. fine if you want to read them the nativity story but at least do it in a format that they understand. kids like pictures.”

Children do enjoy picture books. Especially when they’re still learning words. (Again, Samuel is a literal baby)

“The whole situation is very creepy.”

That comment, we imagine, has less to do with the reading and more to do with Derick using it as a photo op.

“I bet these kids would appreciate having a dad who cares enough about them to get off his lazy butt and get a.job so he can support them as opposed to grifting clueless fans to support them.”

That, of course, is a jab at how Derick Dillard begs fans for cash. Especially now that he’s lost his spot on Counting On.

Another commenter chimed in:

“They aren’t in harm way they grift in Arkansas”

Others took issue with Derick Dillard’s parenting.

“Aww! It looked like Izzy was going to hug little Sam before his daddy pulled him away to make him listen to something he can’t fully understand yet.”

Israel and Samuel were clearly more interested in each other (awww!) than in listening to their father read.

“Why aren’t you acknowledging little Sam? Your arm isn’t even around him. At least Izzy and Jill love that sweet baby.”

Derick seemed invested in his little photo op.

“There are so many wonderful children’s books targeted to their ages, which would include pictures and be ever so much more appropriate for these two.”

If you’re going to do an activity with your children, it should be tailored to your children.

To their interests and their capabilities.

Even a baby as young as Samuel can look at a picture book, and maybe understand a few more words in the process.

Still, it seems like a harmless tradition, and some people — on both sides — got super worked up about it.

Maybe it’s because Derick Dillard himself is such a divisive figure? In which case, we’d question why he doesn’t lay low on social media for a while.

But then we remember that he likes to beg for money and then use those donated funds to go out to dinner.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

O.J. Simpson Takes a Picture With 2 Hot Women!!!

Forget O.J. Simpson’s Heisman pose … LOOK AT THIS!!! The Juice was smack in the middle of a double dose of insanely hot chicks Wednesday in Las Vegas. The women were there for a commercial shoot … the one on the right is Laura Saucedo, and…


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Harvey Weinstein Kicked Out of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Another huge blow for Harvey Weinstein — The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has kicked him out. The Oscar winner is no longer part of the Oscar club after the board of governors — which includes Hollywood royalty like Steven Spielberg…


Thursday, September 28, 2017

NFL"s Chris Johnson Gets Tupac Cleats, Picture Me Rollin!!!

TUPAC LIVES … on Chris Johnson’s new cleats.  The AZ Cardinals running back got some custom “Juice” cleats — inspired by the 1992 flick … featuring images of Pac, Omar Epps and the other two guys on the movie poster.  We spoke with…


Monday, September 25, 2017

Kylie Jenner"s Pregnancy is a Fuzzy Picture

Kylie Jenner’s showing alright … how hard it is to get her baby bump out in public. Kylie was at her BFF Jordyn Woods’ birthday party Sunday night in Malibu. Earlier in the day, Kylie downplayed TMZ’s preggo news with a barely-there baby bump pic…


Monday, September 4, 2017

Lil Wayne Was Picture of Health at Shows Before Seizure

Lil Wayne was a ball of energy, jumping around onstage at two back-to-back concerts before his hospitalization Sunday due to seizures. Weezy had a show Friday night in St. Petersburg, Florida and another one Saturday just outside…


Monday, August 28, 2017

Drake Bell & Josh Peck End Feud at the VMAs: See The Picture!

We think it’s fair to say that we were all saddened to learn that Drake Bell and Josh Peck were no longer friends earlier this year. 

For as long as we can remember, they have been Drake and Josh and having them at odds was totally ruining our childhood memories. 

Earlier this year, Josh married longtime girlfriend Paige O’Brien in an intimate ceremony in Malibu, and there was a glaring omission: Drake was not on the guest list, and he was pissed. 

When you’re not invited to the wedding the message is clear,” Bell said on Twitter after finding out about the event.

“True colors have come out today. Message is loud and clear. Ties are officially cut. I’ll miss you brotha.”

In the days that followed, a source close to Peck confirmed to US Weekly that Josh felt betrayed that Drake would slam him in such a public manner. 

At Josh’s wedding this weekend some guests were asking Josh Peck where Drake was. Josh told everyone that he and Drake hadn’t spoken in three years.They would tweet each other back on social media a couple of times a year, but never actually spoke,” the tipster dished. 

“When Drake didn’t get invited to Josh’s wedding, he started tweeting all of those dramatic memes. Josh was really hurt. They aren’t close anymore, and Josh had a very small wedding.”  

We all know that weddings can cost a lot of money, so we can definitely get on board with Josh if he iced Drake out because they were no longer close. 

Why would you want to part with cash for someone who you no longer consider a close friend?

The main issue, however, seemed to center on the fact that Drake & Josh producer, Dan Schneider managed to snag an invite to the momentous occasion.

“Drake was upset that Dan Schneider was there,” the insider continued.

“Because he and Josh were friends years ago, he thought he would have gotten an invite, even though they never talk.”  

From then on, it seemed like there was no hope for the former friends … until now. 

Thanks to the 2017 MTV VMAs, we can now reveal that the former BFFs actually called time on their feud and we are totes doing a happy dance right about now. 

Have a look at the picture below. 

Unless Drake is secretly holding a knife at Josh’s back, we think it would be fair to assume that they are friends. 

“Reunited and it feels so good,” Drake captioned the above picture on Twitter. 

Josh even shared the picture, saying: “Hug me.”

It’s unclear whether they will ever be able to be as close as they once were but this is progress. 

What do you think of all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Game of Thrones Picture Preview: This Means War!

Dany and Tyrion lost the battle on Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3.

But will they lose the war?

As depicted in the first promo for this Sunday"s "The Spoils of War," Cersei will be intent on finishing the job when this HBO epic returns, while Dany admits her side is losing and Jon Snow continues to plead his case about the White Walkers.

Based on the following photos, Podrick will also return, as will a disgraced Theon, while Sansa will have a lot to ponder and Jaime will reunite with Bronn.

Check out a bunch of official network photos now!

1. Surveying the Kingdoms

Surveying the kingdoms

Cersei surveys the map and plots her next move in this scene from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 4.

2. Hey, It’s Theon!

Hey its theon

Is he actually taking action and not running away from a battle? Amazing!

3. Jaime and Bronn

Jaime and bronn

Jaime and Bronn are reunited… and it feels so good? Probably not for the foes of these two expert swordsmen.

4. What to Do Now?

What to do now

Dany and Tyrion need to reverse their recent fortunes. The former has admitted they are losing the war.

5. Heroes Collide

Heroes collide

Jon Snow and Dany have finally met. But will they be able to work out an alliance?

6. A Man Ashamed

A man ashamed

Theon abandoned his sister when she needed him most. Will he be able to come to her rescue?

View Slideshow

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Megan Fox Shares Rare Picture of Kids: Cuteness. Overload!

For years, Megan Fox was criticized for showing too much skin in various magazine pictorials.

But not even the harshest critic could accuse this actress of showing off her kids on too many occasions.

As much as perhaps as big-time star in Hollywood, Fox has kept her three children very far away from the spotlight, rarely sharing an image of them online and certainly never selling any images to any supermarket tabloids.

We’re guessing Fox would prefer to star in another Michael Bay-directed Transformers movie again than even contemplate doing such a thing.

Late Monday, however, the beautiful brunette shocked her Instagram followers by posting a snapshot of her three sons, all of whom she procreated along with Brian Austin Green.

Fox did so via a gorgeous collage that features one Polaroid of herself; one of four-year old Noah; one of three-year old Bodhi; and one of 11-month old Journey.

It may be of interest to some to note a couple things:

1. Green is holding the youngest of the three boys in one of the pictures.

2. Noah is wearing a Princess Elsa dress in honor of Frozen. (Why do we feel like some folks on the Internet will find fault with this?)

Fox did not include a caption with the precious portrait.

Fox and Green almost never share pictures such as these.

However, they will occasionally post on social media in order to gush about their brood.

In November 2016, for example, Green returned from a seven-month Instagram hiatus to say nice things about his kids and to also compliment Fox in the process.

“My wife makes beautiful babies,” he wrote at the time, referring specifically to little Journey.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star filed for divorce from her husband of five years in August 2015.

However, they reconciled the following year … just before Fox gave birth to Journey.

Even during their split, it was clear Green and Fox were still hanging out and getting along, considering Fox announced her pregnancy only a few months after the couple’s supposed break-up.

In other words:

Just like any two people who end a romance, but still have feelings for each other and/or who got very drunk one night in each other’s presence, the stars had unprotected sex during an alleged break and… bam!

Journey was born about nine months later.

But it’s all worked out for the best.

Fox and Green seem very happy as a couple and these three adorable kids have a stable, healthy household in which to grow up.



Saturday, July 15, 2017

Beyonce Twins: Was Their Debut Picture Photoshopped?

You didn’t think Beyonce would be able to simply debut her twins without any controversy, did you?

You didn’t think the Queen of All Everything would be permitted to simply stand and slay and introduce little Sir and Rumi to the world without morons online having their annoying say, did you?

Come on.

This is the Internet. 

On Friday morning, Beyonce finally debuted her babies, confirming the names above and also confirming that they were born on June 13.

“Sir Carter and Rumi 1 month today,” the 35-year-old artist captured the snapshot, which instantly went viral and nearly caused the entire World Wide Web to come crashing down.

The gorgeous picture features Beyonce standing in front of the ocean, along with a large number of flowers, while staring seriously into the camera and holding both newborns in her two arms.

Her left leg is sticking out in its entirety and we can see her sleek stomach and her exposed upper chest.

She looks amazing.

According to E! News, the flowing, ruffled, full-length silk floral jacket on Beyonce’s body was designed by Palomo Spain designer Alejandro Gómez Palomo.

The original ensemble was part of the company’s spring/summer 2017 collection – and it was actually first modeled by a man in the brand’s catalog.

Beyonce reportedly asked for the piece to be transformed into a gown prior to announcing her pregnancy.

And, according to some dumb people on the Internet, Beyonce Photoshopped this image.

A few supposedly astute users have taken a very close look at the photograph above and claimed there’s something amiss with the corners.

“Look at the shadows,” wrote a Twitter trolled named Slayride_87. “They don’t match up.”

Another person with way too much time on his or her hands, meanwhile, claims it appears as if one of the babies has two left hands, joining the chorus of those who think Beyonce manufactured this picture.

Why would Beyonce Photoshop this picture?

For the record, we don’t believe she did so.

But multiple sources have reported that the twins suffered a minor health problem shortly after they were born, likely due to Beyonce giving birth about a week or so prior to her due date.

The little girl and little boy remained in the hospital for several days after entering the world.

This new conspiracy theory wants everyone else to believe that there’s something wrong with the babies and Beyonce staged this photo to make it seem otherwise.

She wants her fans to believe everything is fine and normal and healthy and beautiful.

The critics circulating this chatter are probably the same ones who claimed Beyonce was faking her first pregnancy.

We have no idea why so many fools out there question such obvious and special developments in Beyonce’s life, but the best guess is sheer jealousy.

Few superstars have as sterling a reputation as Beyonce and a few morons out there probably just want to bring her down a few pegs.

Thankfully, they are in the minority.

The twins photo featured here earned nearly nine million Likes in just 24 hours, making it on pace to become the most-Liked Instagram photo of all-time.


This means Beyonce need not say a single word in order to shoot down the haters. The (REAL!) picture and the reaction it continues to garner online can speak for itself.

Take that, trolls. Go back into hiding.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Jennifer Lopez Shares Revealing Picture: See It Here!

Jennifer Lopez has a smoking hot body, and she has no compunction with showing it off for her huge fanbase.

When she’s not getting up close and personal with Alex Rodriguez, she’s hitting up Instagram showing off her body to her fans. 

Her latest, picture, of course, pushes the boundary further than ever before, and we’re not quite sure what the heck she’s doing in the picture.

Have a look below. It’s one of the ones that leaves nothing to the imagination. 

See what we mean?

As we said earlier, the 47-year-old is gorgeous, but we’re not so sure what look Jennifer was trying to go for with the picture. 

She’s essentially wrapping herself around the chair. It may be pleasing to the eye, but we sure hope she did not hurt herself in the process. 

Lopez is busy promoting her new song “Ni Tu Ni Yo,” so it seems plausible the singer is taking some crazy pictures to help garner attention for her new song. 

We all know Jennifer likes to hit up social media to show off her body, and she was recently blasted for having fake abs in a picture. 

“Omg…Just a smudge on the mirror…lol…not photoshop. #lordblessthehaters #gymrat #youshouldtryit #wishtherewasphotoshopforhaters,” she clapped back at the haters. 

Now, it’s difficult when trolls persistently appear from the woodwork to cause some drama, so we were glad Lopez hit out at the people trashing her. 


Queen Jennifer does not need to waste her time talking to the haters. She’s in a relationship with A-Rod and the couple are too busy wondering whether they will be hitting up for their next “baecation.”

When you think about it, they probably need vacations all the time when you consider the crazy rumors that appear about their relationship on the internet. 

What do you think about all of this? 

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

Liam Payne Goes Naked on Instagram: See The Picture!

Liam Payne may be on an intense promotional schedule for his solo career, but that does not mean that he can’t take a break to let his fans know he’s still all over social media. 

The former One Direction star shocked his fans with a nude selfie, and no, we’re not kidding. He indulged in an outdoor shower, before taking a picture in a sultry pose for his fans. 

We have the full picture for your viewing pleasure, and we’re sure you’ll be just as thankful for it as his fans were on Instagram. 

With his chiseled body and good looks, nobody can deny that he’s not one of the hottest celebrities on the planet. 

Have a look at the picture below. 

Good morning, indeed. 

Liam showed off his body via his Instagram. Some of the comments were crazy. One Direction stars, in particular, have been very popular with fans ever since they were made a band on The X Factor UK a few years back. 

“Where the f*** in the city is Liam taking an outdoor shower?” one fan wrote.

“Just when I thought summer couldn’t get any hotter,” another fan tweeted in appreciation.

A third continued: “I forgot to breathe there for a second.”

Liam likes to parade his body around social media, and we’re not entirely against it. 

Have a look at the one below. 

See what we mean?

Liam recently became a father to his first child with Cheryl Cole. They named their first son Bear, and poor Liam did not get to spend his first Father’s Day with his family. 

Instead, he was on a rigorous promotional campaign for his solo music. Cheryl returned to Instagram to wish him a happy day in a beautiful post. 

“Happy 1st Father’s Day Liam.. You are the most amazing daddy and the best example for our son. The way he looks at you says it all. Your relationship melts my heart. You are the centre of his world & We adore you.”

We dare say that brought a tear to Liam’s eye. 

Liam dropped his first solo single last month. Titled “Strip That Down,” it was a surprisingly infectious pop single that proved he was not just good in One Direction. 

His next track will be a collaboration with Zedd titled, “Get Low.”

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Jessica Simpson"s Daughter Graduates Preschool: See the Adorable Picture!

Jessica Simpson has been battling internet trolls over the way she has been dressing her daughter, Maxwell for quite some time now.

We always jump to her defense because the majority of the time the trolls have been trying to get a rise out of the star, and their claims about the way little Maxwell is dressed have been bizarre. 

For what it’s worth, Jessica had been sending subtle digs at the haters with even more pictures of her daughter.

In short, she knows how to create controversy amongst her followers, and that’s a good thing when you consider that the only time she seems to be in the media these days is when the trolls come out to play. 

Hey, she needs to keep herself in the spotlight somehow. And no, we’re not talking about her rambling on for dear life on Ellen. That was lame and bizarre. 


Maxwell has officially graduated from preschool and Jessica opted to keep the outfit in line with what the kids are supposed to wear for a graduation, so it’s not like the trolls could appear from the woodwork on this one. 

“Spread your wings and prepare to fly for you have become a butterfly,” Simpson captioned a photo of her daughter. Thus far, it seems like the trolls have been successfully kept at bay, and Jessica can breathe a huge sigh of relief. 

We do think she would have liked some controversy, but it’s somewhat refreshing to look at comments on Instagram and to find people praising her. Is this, like, an alternate reality? 

We kid, of course. 

Jessica uploaded another picture of the event which showed her little one jumping for joy, presumably because she knows her mother’s phone is not going to be blowing up with hate for another few days. 

“Someone is excited for kindergarten! How do all you moms do it? I need help,” Simpson captioned the second picture. 

They sure grow up fast!

During Jessica’s  recent controversial appearance on The Ellen Degeneres Show, Ellen wanted to find out whether the Simpson-Johnson family was expanding. 

“Are you sure that you’re not pregnant?” host Ellen DeGeneres asked. “I heard that you were.”

“Oh, gosh!” Simpson replied. “We had an IUD. Nothing’s gonna get in that uterus!” Jessica promised she’s “not having a third” child, explaining, “They’re too cute! We really can’t top that.”

Watch the full video below if you want to see what all the fuss was about. 


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Darren Criss: NAKED! See The Picture!

Darren Criss is growing up and conquering the world.

With that in mind, he’s also showing off his body all over Instagram and fans appear to be lapping it up. 

In a revealing picture, the actor was fully naked, while holding orange speedos to cover up his genitals. 

“So what’s more red? My sunburn, my speedo, or YOUR FACE??? #ACSVersace,” Criss captioned the NSFW selfie. 

Criss is currently filming for The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, which will serve as the follow-up to the critically acclaimed American Crime Story: The People vs. O.J. Simpson. 

Criss is playing Andrew Cunanan, who was the man who murdered Gianni Versace all those years ago. 

Penelope Cruz is also slated to appear as Donatella Versace. There is currently no airdate for the new season. 

One Instagram user replied to the picture, “Blaine is gone a little wild.” As you probably know, the Glee was the series that propelled Criss to stardom. 

One user even asked her friends if her dreams had come true, saying: “Have all our childhood dreams come true???? IM DYING!!!!!!!”

There are a select few celebrities who take selfies like this. Kim Kardashian and Kim Zolciak spring to mind, so we’re surprised Darren decided to take this route. 

Hey, maybe he’s doing it to promote the upcoming season of the hit FX series. 

Either way, we’ll be tuning into the series.

The cast alone is enough to make anyone want to watch.

Ryan Murphy has a knack for bringing some of the biggest stars together to make a first-class series. 

He’s the man who brought American Horror Story and Scream Queens to us, so there’s that. 

Hit the comments with your thoughts on the revealing picture. 


Friday, May 12, 2017

Kim Kardashian & North West, This Kid Ain"t Staying in the Picture (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian’s firstborn is NOT down with the family biz — North West is making that 100% clear. Kim, North and some friends were leaving the immensely popular Museum of Ice Cream (everybody’s doing it) Thursday in L.A., and the standard pack of…
