Showing posts with label Poop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poop. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Man Arrested Threatened to Drop Bombs in Bathroom ... Claims He Meant Poop!

Breaking News
A New Orleans man was arrested at a Willie’s Chicken Shack after allegedly claiming he was going to “blow the bathroom up.”
Problem is … the guy claims he was talking about butt bombs — not actual explosives!!!
And yes, this is a real story. 
The man ...
Man Arrested Threatened to Drop Bombs in Bathroom ... Claims He Meant Poop!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Meghan Markle Lets Her Dog Poop on Buckingham Palace Grounds

Meghan Markle might be a royal now, but her pup ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog who’s still gotta handle his business … even if it’s on Buckingham Palace grounds. Entertainment reporter Lisa Petrillo tweeted a photo of Meghan Wednesday in…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Tori Roloff Posts Picture of Son Covered in Poop

Tori Roloff may be thinking twice about having a second child right about now.

We kid, of course.

Children are a blessing and Tori and Zach Roloff seem like outstanding parents whose influence on a new generation can only help the world become a better place.

But still.

Tori just shared as personal and as hilarious a photo as one can share of his or her offspring, and it sheds light on the occasional downside of parenting.

Or the occasional smelly side, we guess we should say.

Tori, who recently made us cry with her anniversary tribute to husband Zach, just made us spit out our coffee with laughter over an image of one-year old son Jackson covered in human feces.

They’re his own feces, at least.

But they are feces, nonetheless.

“I share this with the risk of getting mom shamed (again- and for real I don’t care I don’t get humans sometimes),” Roloff wrote to open the caption that accompanies the following picture, prior to adding:

“This is for all those mamas out there that sometime feel like they are sinking. That’s been me this week.”

Tori then proceeded to explain how she came across her only child in the rather dirty state you can see him in above.

“Here’s hoping this brings you a good laugh and hopefully you’re Day was better than mine:

“Started out with my husband waking up sick- his headache can’t move I’m dying sick. Now we did get to enjoy a lovely day with friends by the pool but that’s where the fun ended.”

Okay, go on…

“I came home to Zach still being sick so I tried to play hard ball and get him up and moving- bad idea. He threw up on our front porch because he couldn’t make it to the bathroom (I guess I should be thankful it wasn’t inside).”

Yikes. Sorry to hear all this, Zach.

And sorry if the details below will be enough to make our readers sick…

Roloff said she had to hose off her husband’s vomit from the front porch. From there?

“I then come back inside to relax but heard Jackson awake in his crib. He often wakes up and just hangs quietly. I needed the extra time so I left him a couple minutes.

“After about 20 min I went in his room… this is where it gets bad. I noticed something on his face (of course I think it’s blood or something and start freaking out).”

And what was that something,Tori?

“As I moved closer the smell overcame me. I noticed brown spread all over his sheets and crib- and oh ya- that’s poop… IN HIS HAIR!!!!

“To make matters worse… we don’t currently have hot water in our house so I had to drive to another house to bathe him.”

Wow, huh?

Also: EWWW!

Also: LOL!

And also this: Nearly every parent on the planet has been there, Tori.

This is most definitely NOT something to feel shame over.

Taking as positive an approach as she can, the Little People, Big World star concluded:

“So ya. That’s my day. If you were having a rough day I hope this helps. I can laugh now that Jackson is asleep in a throughly scrubbed crib.

“ALSO: first time parents: never. Ever. Under any circumstances. Put your child to bed in just a diaper. Just don’t do it. We all have those days. Today involved both vomit and poop. I mean can tomorrow get any worse?

“Don’t answer that. #momlife #babyjroloff.”

We so appreciate the honesty. Thank you, Tori.

This TLC star recently hinted that she and Zach were strongly considering a second child, making us excited for even more stories such as this down the line.

After all, you know what they say, right?

Sometimes you need to laugh in order not to cry your eyes out.

For photos of Jackson Roloff NOT coverered in poop, check out the gallery below:


Monday, April 2, 2018

Matt Damon Bombed with Bird Poop While Hanging with Chris Hemsworth

Matt Damon made the mistake of sitting next to Chris Hemsworth in public, and Mother Nature made him pay for it — well, a large bird with full bowels actually made him pay. Check out Matt’s shirt — front and back — ‘cause he got bombed by…


Matt Damon Bombed with Bird Poop While Hanging with Chris Hemsworth

Matt Damon made the mistake of sitting next to Chris Hemsworth in public, and Mother Nature made him pay for it — well, a large bird with full bowels actually made him pay. Check out Matt’s shirt — front and back — ‘cause he got bombed by…


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Eminem SLAMS Donald Trump: Actual Poop Would Make a Better President!

If you thought that maybe Eminem was going to ease up on his anti-Trump views … come on, why would you think that?

You’re really just setting yourself up for failure with nonsense like this.

For a good long while now, Eminem has been very outspoken about his disdain for our president, from the diss track he released in 2016 to his freestyle at October’s BET Hip Hop Awards.

In the latter performance, he even spoke out against his fans who were also Trump supporters, saying that “any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing a line in the sand.”

“You’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this.”

At this point, things got a little more visual — he simply flipped off the camera, making it clear that he’s not interested in sharing fans with Trump.

He continued his tirade on his new album, Revival, which contains several verses with similar themes.

And in a new interview with Billboard, he’s lashing out yet again.

“I know I say a lot of f-cked-up sh-t,” he says at one point. “But a lot of sh-t is said in jest, it’s tongue-in-cheek, and it has always been that way through my whole career — saying sh-t to get a reaction out of people.”

“It’s my artistic license to express myself.”

However, he adds, “Last time I checked, Trump isn’t an artist and doesn’t have an artistic license. I’m not the f-ckin’ president.”

He makes a fair point.

Later he was asked what he was doing on election night — he recalls that he was “watching the TV in f-cking disbelief,” and that he was “on the phone back and forth with friends, like, ‘He’s going to f-cking win."”

“I called it just from the rallies he was having when he first started running,” he continues. “Because just watching the impact he has, they were fanatics.”

“There is something to be said about the person who really felt like he might do something for them — and he just f-cking duped everybody.”

He says that he thinks Hillary Clinton “had her flaws,” but that “anything would have been better” than Trump.

He actually says that “A f-cking turd would have been better as president.”

We’ll never truly know, of course, or at least we probably won’t — at this point, who really knows? — but that sounds plausible, right?

“It’s just so f-cking disgusting how divisive his language is, the rhetoric, the Charlottesville sh-t, just watching it, going ‘I can’t believe he’s saying this,"” he says.

He also admits that after Trump’s statement on John McCain, he thought he was “done,” because “you’re f-cking with military veterans, you’re talking about a military war hero who was captured and tortured.”

“It just didn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. And that’s some scary sh-t to me.”

Us too, pal.

Eminem even says that while he may not have “hatred in my heart for him,” he does have “serious contempt.”

“I do not like the guy.”

As for his earlier remarks about not wanting to share fans with Trump, he says “At the end of the day, if I did lose half my fan base, then so be it, because I feel like I stood up for what was right and I’m on the right side of this.”

“I don’t see how somebody could be middle class, busting their ass every single day, paycheck to paycheck, who thinks that that f-cking billionaire is going to help you.”

Do you think Eminem is being too political, or is he on point with all of this?


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Myles Jack Steps In Dog Poop, Craps His Jordans

Here’s a video of Jacksonville Jaguars player Myles Jack stepping in dog crap last month in his Jordans, and visibly grieving about the entire experience. The feces fiasco happened outside the Four Seasons hotel in Palo Alto (the Jags were in town…


Saturday, December 2, 2017

Felice Herrig UFC 218 Prediction? TKO Via Poop Stoppage

Felice Herrig literally beat the crap outta her opponent last time she fought inside the Octagon — and says she’s totally cool with getting down and dirty again this Saturday at UFC 218. Seriously. “Actually I wouldn’t mind if (Cortney Casey)…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

UFC"s Kevin Lee: Didn"t Know About Poop In Octagon Until After My Fight

UFC rising star Kevin Lee had no idea someone had pooped in the Octagon before his match with Michael Chiesa on Sunday until AFTER the fight … and jokes, “There shoulda been a disclaimer!”  Lee (along with guest co-host Tyron Woodley) joined…


Monday, June 26, 2017

UFC"s Felice Herrig Calls For Poop Mercy On Justine Kish

UFC fighter Felice Herrig is taking the high road in her now infamous fight with Justine Kish — saying she refuses to “talk s**t” about her opponent … despite what happened in the Octagon.  Herrig tells TMZ Sports she actually really likes…


UFC"s Felice Herrig Calls For Poop Mercy On Justine Kish

UFC fighter Felice Herrig is taking the high road in her now infamous fight with Justine Kish — saying she refuses to “talk s**t” about her opponent … despite what happened in the Octagon.  Herrig tells TMZ Sports she actually really likes…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Chris Bosh Sued By Porn Moguls Over Alleged Rat Poop Infested, Moldy Mansion

Chris Bosh and his wife are being sued by the porn magnates who created X-Art (admit it, you know it) … who claim they rented a sick beach mansion from the NBA star that was literally filled with crap.  The people behind the suit…


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Won"t Let You Poop, Pee or Vomit on His Spaceship (VIDEO)

Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos will someday let you fly into space on his shuttle — for a price — and only if your bowels and bladder are running on empty.  Jeff announced the bathroom ban at the 33rd annual Space Symposium. He was talking about his…


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Famous DJ Says Gronk Cruise Poop Prank Led to Lifetime Bans (VIDEO)

Two big stars say they’ve been banned from a major cruise line over shenanigans on the Gronk Cruise … after someone allegedly took a huge crap on the deck next to the guest pool. DJ Whoo Kid and Waka Flocka Flame tell TMZ…


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Martin Shkreli Takes Poop to the Face (VIDEO)

Martin Shkreli has taken a lot of crap for raising the price of EpiPen … and now that’s happened literally. Shkreli was holding court at UC Davis Saturday when a protester hurled dog poop and hit his target … in the face!!!


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Whoopi Goldberg"s Worst Job As a Poop Apprentice (VIDEO)

Whoopi Goldberg’s soaring high in the entertainment world now, but the view — much less the smell — wasn’t always rosy. We got Whoopi in NYC where our fearless photog asked her about the worst job she’s ever had.  Leave it to Whoopi to paint…


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Adele Takes Son to Theater with Poop Emoji Hat (PHOTO)

Adele’s status as a worldwide superstar who sells millions upon millions of records can’t insulate her from one basic rule of life — poop rules with toddlers. Adele took her 4-year-old son Angelo out to the theater Saturday in Pacific Palisades,…


Adele Takes Son to Theater with Poop Emoji Hat (PHOTO)

Adele’s status as a worldwide superstar who sells millions upon millions of records can’t insulate her from one basic rule of life — poop rules with toddlers. Adele took her 4-year-old son Angelo out to the theater Saturday in Pacific Palisades,…
