Showing posts with label Actual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Actual. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Thomas Markle: Filled with Love, Actual Joy Over Daughter"s Pregnancy

Thomas Markle has spoken out for the first time since learning his daughter is pregnant.

As previously reported, someone close to Meghan’s controversial and sort of crappy father claimed a few days ago that Thomas was “absolutely delighted” over the blessed Royal News.

But now we’ve heard it directly from the polarizing man himself.

“I was sitting in line waiting to cross the border [between the U.S. and Mexico, where he lives] when I heard the baby announcement on the car radio,” Thomas explained to the Daily Mail on Sunday.

And how did he feel?

What emotions ran through his body upon discovering that he would be a grandfather?

“The first thing I thought about was holding Meghan in my arms as a newborn 37 years ago,” he said emotionally and profoundly, expounding as follows:

“I thought, ‘My baby is having a baby.’ It was a very proud moment.

“I was filled with love, joy and happiness for both my beautiful daughter and my son-in-law. A new baby is a blessing and I look forward to seeing a little Meghan or a little Harry.”

Thomas, of course, has lamented many times in the past about how his relationship with Meghan is non-existent at this point.

He has complained to the press about a lack of access to his daughter and even talked in detail about how unfair it will be for Meghan to keep him from his grandchild, presuming this is what will happen down the line.

The Duchess, for her part, has never said such a thing.

Or much of anything at all when it comes to her dad.

Thomas has lived a quiet and reclusive life in Mexico for years.

He was invited to the Royal Wedding in May, but bowed out at the last minute due to health problems and due to his embarrassment over paying members of the paparazzi to snap pictures of him.

The relationship between father and child has been VERY strained ever since.

According to an Us Weekly source, Meghan did not tell Thomas about the pregnancy ahead of the public announcement last Monday.

“He found out the same time as the rest of the world,” this insider says.

Kensington Palace alerted everyone to the pregnancy via an announcement that reads:

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019.

Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public.

On a tour of Australia in the days after this announcement, Harry and Meghan both made references to the forthcoming baby.

We don’t yet know if it will be a boy or a girl.

But we’ve heard he or she is due to be born in early May.

“I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me,” Thomas tells The Mail, adding of how he did or did not find out:

“Me not getting a call is most likely a misunderstanding about my two back-to-back heart attacks and me missing the wedding. There has been so much misinformation and lies that perhaps made them mistrust me.”

In conclusion, he had only kind things to say about Meghan and her journey to come:

“I wasn’t surprised by the baby announcement. Meghan loves children and she and Harry have been talking about wanting a family from the start. I’m delighted for them both.

“She’s always been wonderful with children and most of her friends have families so she’s used to being around kids.

“She will make a fantastic mother.”


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Bachelor in Paradise Recap: What the Actual F--k, Man??

Just prior to Fantasy Suite night on Bachelor in Paradise this season, at least one contestant faced her biggest nightmare.

But we’ll get to that in a moment.

Monday evening’s installment of this controversial ABC series depicted TWO couples calling it quits, although one split went far smoother than the second.

Let’s start with the amicable before we get to the ugly, shall we?

Joe and Kendall (pictured above) were seemingly in a good place when he joked about getting engaged.

At least we thought he was joking.

Perhaps there was a serious nature to the reference as well — but, either way, the mere topic caused Kendall to pump the breaks on their romance. Hard.

“There’s a part of me that obviously loves you, and I’ve known that for a while, but I don’t know what kind of love that is,” Kendall attempted to explain in response, adding that she thought thers sta were pursuing a relationship because they “had to,” not because they really wanted to.


“I’m with you all day long. I’ve been falling in love with you since day two. I haven’t been able to express it because all you’ve said is… ‘I want to keep things open,"” Joe replied, pointing to her past with Leo and John and adding:

“The truth is, you don’t know how you feel about me… you’re looking for so many excuses not to be with me.”

sad woman

And, with that, Joe was basically done.

“We’re just not in the same place. That’s what I’ve been scared about this entire time… The fact that you’re not happy about where we’re at after everything is really just the answer,” he continued.

“That’s it. I’m going home. Alright, I’m leaving. Bye.”

The guy was serious, too.

He got into a limo and, like Keyser Soze, was gone.

“I have a huge fear that I’m never going to see Joe again,” Kendall lamented on air. “My heart breaks imagining not being with him. I’m going to leave feeling regret.”

Remember, now… we said this was the AMICABLE break-up.

Elsewhere, Kevin also decided to end things with Astrid.

“I’m like, having an actual mental breakdown right now,” he confessed, aiming for sympathy and earning none whatsoever.

Kevin cried about how his former experiences with fantasy suites and how the evenings didn’t pan out as he’d hoped.

“I don’t know if it’s forever,” he said of his relationship with Astrid.


“Are you breaking up with me?” Astrid asked, bursting into tears and then turning angry:

“What the actual f-ck, man? I don’t eve know what to say. I’m mind-boggled… The one thing I asked you not to do was blindside me!”

Lik Joe before her, Astrid then left to pack her things, leaving Kevin a tear-filled on the daybed.

“She’s going to hate me,” he said. “She’s going to be embarrassed. This is a nightmare.”

Finally, Bachelorette alum Robby Hayes showed up!

He tried to ask out Jenna, only to be shot down and then told off by Jordan for making a move on his woman.

“From what I understand, he cheated on Amanda Stanton … after Paradise,” Jordan told his fellow contestants. “I mean, cheating on a single mom? C’mon.”

The man makes a solid point there.

“Robby’s a tool, he’s just a tool,” Jordan added to the cameras.

“He dated Amanda for the social media following and then he broke up with her in the way that he did to look like a player. Like, ‘Oh I don’t need Amanda in my life."”

Still, Shushanna agreed to go on a date with Robby and then confronted Hayes about the Stanton allegations prior to the rose ceremony.

He claimed he never cheated on Amanda…but did she on another ex in the past.

Shushanna ended up giving Hayes her rose during the final ceremony.

However, when the remaining couples were faced with either heading to the fantasy suites or going home, the new twosome chose to pick things up back in the United States.

“I don’t think in 48 hours that our relationship is there,” Hayes told Shushanna of having sexual intercourse. “But we’ll hang out when I’m in Utah. We can grab dinner, or I can take you on a date.”

Where will all the other relationships head to close out Season 5?

Find out when the finale of Bachelor in Paradise airs on ABC on Tuesday, September 11 at 8/7c.


Friday, August 31, 2018

Photos from Louis C.K."s First Actual Stand-Up Set in NYC Suburb

Before Louis C.K. shocked an NYC audience with his return to stand-up, he warmed up off the beaten path by crashing a Long Island comedy club where he got a standing O … and TMZ got photos from the gig. The disgraced comedian hit the…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump: Actual Proof of Secret Love Child Revealed?!

There was a time when if you read a headline asserting that the President of the Unitd States of America was hiding an illegitimate child from the world, it was safe to assume it was utter BS.

But this is the Trump era — a time when the line between celebrity gossip and legitimate news has become blurred to the point of disappearing entirely.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

It’s partially due to Trump’s tendency to dismiss every outlet that criticizes him (read: every legitimate news source on the planet) as fake news.

And it doesn’t help matters that Trump spent most of his life pursuing perverse adolescent fantasies — as though Richie Rich grew up and started doing a lot of blow with Charlie Sheen — which means there’s a lot of very real dirt on the guy.

But the biggest reason for the ascendancy of tabloids as fonts of legitimate information is the fact that Trump has been in bed with such sordid scandal sheets as the National Enquirer for so long that the editors have become members of his inner circle.

As you’ve likely heard by now CEO of American Media Incorporated — which owns the Enquirer and several other less-reputable media outlets — has been granted immunity by federal prosecutors in exchange for providing information about Trump.

It’s long been believed that Pecker was instrumental in helping to bury numerous stories that might be detrimental to Trump’s reputation, including allegations of an affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Now, another insider whose account of illicit behavior by Trump was buried by Pecker is making his voice heard.

Dino Sajudin a former doorman at NYC’s World Tower claims he has knowledge of an affair between Trump and an ex-housekeeper at the tower.

Sajudin says the affair resulted in a child, and AMI wrangled him into a contract that forced him to keep the information to himself.

Now, Sajudin’s attorney, Marc Held, says he has been released from his contract with AMI and is ready to tell his story.

“Mr. Sajudin has been unable to discuss the circumstances regarding his deal with American Media Inc. and the story that he sold to them, due to a significant financial penalty,” Marc revealed to CNN.

“Just recently, AMI released Mr. Sajudin from the terms of his agreement and he is now able to speak about his personal experience with them, as well as his story, which is now known to be one of the ‘catch and kill’ pieces.

“Mr. Sajudin hopes the truth will come out in the very near future.”

As for why he waited until now to speak out, Held says Sajudin could have been sued for the amount of $ 1 million for violating his contract.

“He’s a blue-collar worker and a million dollars would have ruined him for life,” Held claims.

Sajudin’s is reportedly one of AMI’s “catch and kill” stories, obtained by the company for the sole purpose of preventing other outlets from making them public.

“Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump’s illegitimate child,” reads one portion of the contract obtained by CNN. 

According to the agreement, AMI doesn’t owe Dino any compensation, as his revelations were never printed in any of their publications.

Thus far, Trump has yet to speak out on the doorman’s allegations.

But if we know our president, a tweet or twenty are on their way.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Chelsea Houska Shares New Maternity Photos, is the Actual Best

Pregnant Teen Mom 2 star Chelsea Houska is marking the final days of her third pregnancy with some stunning new maternity photos.

We don’t throw the word “stunning” around lightly, but let’s be real: Chelsea’s latest maternity shots certainly earn that designation.

The Housk gave photo credit to Kate Jones and baby credit to husband Cole DeBoer on Instagram when sharing the above image.

You know, because she took the breathtaking photos of her, and he put the baby in there. Well done, both of you. Good work.

Naturally, because it’s Chelsea, the responses were much more positive than you’d normally see on the Internet these days.

Especially for a cast member of Teen Mom 2.

“I so wish I would have done a pretty maternity shoot when I was pregnant,” one woman wrote, in the ultimate compliment.

“I always [thought] that it was corny,” the Houska fan added, “but @ChelseaHouska has changed my mind. STUNNING.”

Chelsea is changing lives, people.

In all seriousness, Houska actually agreed, responding to that tweet by revealing that she had similar thoughts about this process.

She writes: “I’ve never done them either, definitely out of my comfort zone! But the photographer talked me into it and I’m SO glad I did!” 

It’s hard to argue that the pride of South Dakota makes pregnancy look maternal and sexy, which is not the easiest thing to pull off.

Good lighting helps, but still.

It’s even harder to argue that Chelsea has defied the odds by settling in to a very happy, drama-free and quiet life these days.

With the exception of the dark cloud that is Adam Lind hanging over her as he always will to some degree, she’s on cloud nine.

As her dad, Randy, says, she flies so far under the radar that MTV forgets she exists. Maybe not quite, but you get his point.

For a show focused on drama – on and off the air – this is no easy feat, especially in today’s 24-hour news and social media enviroment.

We’ve now reached the point where producers are accused of enabling or encouraging feuds, as Chelsea and Kailyn Lowry alleged.

The fact that Chelsea and Cole continue to share their lives with TV viewers, yet maintain their boundaries and stability, is impressive.

We’d argue she’s the real MVP of the show.

Houska, of course, shares a daughter, Aubree, with Lind. She recently welcomed Aubree’s little brother, Watson Cole DeBoer.

With the arrival of her third baby next month, her precious family is ready to become even cuter, if that’s humanly possible.


Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus Come to ACTUAL Blows at Teen Mom 2 Reunion

Earlier this month, we wrote about how Kailyn Lowry went on the attack against Briana DeJesus on an episode of Teen Mom 2.

But we were being a bit hyperbolic at the time.

Javi Marroquin"s ex-wife didn"t literally attack Javi Marroquin"s ex-girlfriend.

Now, however, we need not make such a qualification.

According to multiple reports, Kailyn and Briana came to actual, physical blows during Saturday"s taping of this season"s Teen Mom 2 reunion.

Who started it? Who ended it? What are witnesses saying about it?

Scroll down for all the ugly and intriguing details!

1. Some Quick Background:

Kailyn lowry strolls

Lowry and Marroquin got divorced in 2016. They share a son named Lincoln together. And, after a whole bunch of tension between the stars for many months, the exes actually now on solid terms.

2. Enter DeJesus…

Briana dejesus on twitter

Briana started dating Javi toward the end of last year. She and Marroquin weren’t very candid with Kailyn about their romance and some understandable awkwardness ensured between the trio.

3. But Now?

Briana and javi make it official

Briana and Javi are broken up. Their relationship only last a few months and seemed to have ended on decent enough terms. The two are not bad-mouthing each other in public.

4. Here’s the Thing, Though:

Happy javi

This season of Teen Mom 2 was filmed a long time ago. Therefore, current episodes depict Briana and Javi as an ongoing couple and also give us a look at Lowry’s reaction to their hook-up.

5. And What Has Briana’s Reaction Been to Seeing This?

Briana d pic

It has not been positive, that’s for sure. The MTV personality recently blasted Lowry for being obsessed with her. Things are pretty ugly between the pair.

6. How Ugly?

Kailyn and briana

We just found out apparently! Keep reading to find out!

View Slideshow

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian Jokes About Kanye West Split, Shows Actual Sense of Humor

Based on, like, every Kim Kardashian photo of all-time, we’re well aware that this reality star has cleavage.

Like, A LOT of cleavage.

But who would have guessed that Kim also has a sense of humor?!?

We’re not trying to be mean here, it’s just… when was the last time you heard Kim say anything funny or even especially original?

Perhaps aware of her reputation as wooden and boring, Kardashian jumped on Twitter this week and made an actual joke.

In response to Kanye West returning to Twitter and, among other ramblings, stating that he wants to “get rid of everything,” the rapper’s wife shot back:


She even included an emoji of a woman raising her hand afterward:

kk response

Good friend Chrissy Teign (who has never had a problem being funny) played along with Kim’s divorce quip, Tweeting in reply to the above message:

“I have an air mattress here and I have been itching to bust it out if you need.”

And this prompted Kardashian to continue with her joke, proving she’s capable of actually playing along:

Might need some more for the kids? Just not clear on what everything really means. I need clarity. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Maybe John can call and inquire? But maybe he means friends too? This is confusing.

kim jokes

Kardashian has been focusing a lot on her bikini body these days.

(She also Tweeted this yesterday: “Day 1 of my cleanse is done and I didn’t cheat. I was even surrounded my donuts. I’m really proud of myself.”)

As a result, is it possible she’s been ignoring Kanye’s needs?

Has her marriage suffered in the wake of her and West welcoming a third child a few months ago?

Has everything they’ve been through over the past couple years finally taken a fatal toll on the twosome’s marriage?

No, of course not.

We’re just being silly here, much as Kim was very obviously being in her series of Tweets.

Aware that many websites out there would run with this story as if there was actual trouble in Kimye paradise, the former sex tape star and producer made an attempt to stop this rumor before it got started.

She concluded her string of Kanye-related Tweets as follows:

“For anyone who has absolutely no humor in their soul please know my tweets are a joke and I will die laughing if I see blogs and media really think I am being serious.

“So don’t even try it.”

You probably won’t be shocked to learn that a handful of blogs out there did, indeed, try it.

kk being funny

But not The Hollywood Gossip!

We were never fooled and we are not desperate enough for clicks that we’ll run some misleading headline about Kim and Kanye.

Back in early 2017, there appeared to be a few legitimate rumors about a possible Kardashian and West break-up. So, yes, we published those a few times.

However, the stars seem stronger than ever now, having overcome Kim’s robbery in Paris and Kanye’s subsequent mental breakdown a couple years back.

They now have three kids at home and seem content to actually remain farther out of the spotlight than ever before.

Maybe Kanye will release a new album at some point?

Perhaps Kim will pose nude once again in Playboy?

Until then, however, the Internet is forced to conjure up stories about the relationship based on a few clearly sarcastic Tweets.

A whole lot has changed, hasn’t it?


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Javi Marroquin Issues Actual Apology to Kailyn Lowry

Look out, celebrity gossip lovers across the world!

You may want to duck and take cover.

Because we’re pretty sure pigs will start flying at any moment.

We have this inkling because Teen Mom 2 star Javi Marroquin went ahead and did the unthinkable on Friday night:

He issued what appears to be a heartfelt apology to Kailyn Lowry.

For real!

“At the end of the day a good relationship with my sons mother will make Lincoln the happiest. I lost sight of that,” Javi wrote, referencing the child he shares with his ex-wife.

The mea culpa was prompted by Marroquin’s actions while visiting current (or maybe ex) girlfriend, Briana DeJesus, in Miami last week. (More on that down below.)

“This trip made me realize that and I’ve apologized to kail for my actions,” Marroquin added, regarding Lowry and their relationship.

javi m tweet

The formerly married reality stars co-parent their four-year-old son.

Through all their ups and downs (and there have been A LOT of ups and downs!), Javi and Kailyn have at least always seemed dedicated to raising their toddler in as happy and as healthy an environment as possible.

The couple was together as husband and wife for three years prior to their split in 2016.

Both have since moved on with other lovers, as Marroquin’s ongoing, up-and-down relationship with fellow MTV personality DeJesus is a constant source of tension.

Early last week, Javi visited Briana in Florida, where she had gone to get some plastic surgery.

It’s unclear exactly what transpired between the pair, but Marroquin peaced out quickly, sparking chatter that the twosome had broken up once again.

What the heck happened between Marroquin and DeJesus that prompted him to leave earlier than planned AND to subsequently apologize to Lowry?

“I should’ve never went. I should’ve went to LA like I was supposed to. We broke up for a reason and yesterday reassured me that,” Javi simple said mysteriously to Radar Online when asked this question.

It’s since been rumored that Briana’s baby daddy, Devoin Austin, also showed up in Miami, creating quite the awkward situation.

Clearly having heard this rumor, and likely having been asked about it on Twitter, Lowry took the high road on Friday.

She refused to rub any salt in Javi’s latest wound, writing to followers instead:

“Everyone’s asking where tea is at but javis been through enough so I’m not gona put him through more s—t.”

kailyn tea

Man. It was a lot more fun when these two were at each other’s throats, huh?

For Lincoln’s sake, we’re glad his parents look like they’re maturing and acting like real adults.

But it’s a real bummer from our side of things!

Marroquin and DeJesus, meanwhile, called it quits in January after dating for just a few months, although it’s apparent the nail wasn’t fully stuck into their romantic coffin at the time.

“It’s none of my business, so my mouth is closed. I wish Javi the best, as always,” Lowry told Us Weekly about the break-up last month.

But then Kailyn went ahead and sort of made it her business by bringing Marroquin on her podcast and asking him about his split from DeJesus.

Briana was not very happy about this development.

She WENT OFF on Lowry and Marroquin in an epic Twitter rant shortly after this appearance.

“Call me ratchet, trashy all you want but don’t mention my name again and there will be no issues,” Briana wrote as one of many messages aimed at Kailyn and Javi, adding:


She also wrote this:

dejesus rant

Is there any chance these three bury their hatchet over a cup of coffee?

Or on a special Teen Mom episode?

Don’t count on it.

“It would never happen. We would never get along. You allowed her to disrespect me to my face, also on camera, also in text messages,” Kailyn told Javi on the aforementioned podcast, concluding:

“When I said what I had to say in a nice way, you defended her and not me. We raise a son together, you don’t raise a son with her.”


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Eminem SLAMS Donald Trump: Actual Poop Would Make a Better President!

If you thought that maybe Eminem was going to ease up on his anti-Trump views … come on, why would you think that?

You’re really just setting yourself up for failure with nonsense like this.

For a good long while now, Eminem has been very outspoken about his disdain for our president, from the diss track he released in 2016 to his freestyle at October’s BET Hip Hop Awards.

In the latter performance, he even spoke out against his fans who were also Trump supporters, saying that “any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing a line in the sand.”

“You’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this.”

At this point, things got a little more visual — he simply flipped off the camera, making it clear that he’s not interested in sharing fans with Trump.

He continued his tirade on his new album, Revival, which contains several verses with similar themes.

And in a new interview with Billboard, he’s lashing out yet again.

“I know I say a lot of f-cked-up sh-t,” he says at one point. “But a lot of sh-t is said in jest, it’s tongue-in-cheek, and it has always been that way through my whole career — saying sh-t to get a reaction out of people.”

“It’s my artistic license to express myself.”

However, he adds, “Last time I checked, Trump isn’t an artist and doesn’t have an artistic license. I’m not the f-ckin’ president.”

He makes a fair point.

Later he was asked what he was doing on election night — he recalls that he was “watching the TV in f-cking disbelief,” and that he was “on the phone back and forth with friends, like, ‘He’s going to f-cking win."”

“I called it just from the rallies he was having when he first started running,” he continues. “Because just watching the impact he has, they were fanatics.”

“There is something to be said about the person who really felt like he might do something for them — and he just f-cking duped everybody.”

He says that he thinks Hillary Clinton “had her flaws,” but that “anything would have been better” than Trump.

He actually says that “A f-cking turd would have been better as president.”

We’ll never truly know, of course, or at least we probably won’t — at this point, who really knows? — but that sounds plausible, right?

“It’s just so f-cking disgusting how divisive his language is, the rhetoric, the Charlottesville sh-t, just watching it, going ‘I can’t believe he’s saying this,"” he says.

He also admits that after Trump’s statement on John McCain, he thought he was “done,” because “you’re f-cking with military veterans, you’re talking about a military war hero who was captured and tortured.”

“It just didn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. And that’s some scary sh-t to me.”

Us too, pal.

Eminem even says that while he may not have “hatred in my heart for him,” he does have “serious contempt.”

“I do not like the guy.”

As for his earlier remarks about not wanting to share fans with Trump, he says “At the end of the day, if I did lose half my fan base, then so be it, because I feel like I stood up for what was right and I’m on the right side of this.”

“I don’t see how somebody could be middle class, busting their ass every single day, paycheck to paycheck, who thinks that that f-cking billionaire is going to help you.”

Do you think Eminem is being too political, or is he on point with all of this?


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kylie Jenner Baby Bump: First Actual Look!

The extraordinarily strong rumors have now been made into a rather plump reality.

Yes, folks, Kylie Jenner is pregnant.

What? You knew that already? Based on every reliable source reporting it as fact and based on Kylie"s very obvious avoidance of the spotlight of late?

Fair enough.

Still, however, it helps to have some proof, don"t you think?

After several weeks of avoiding the spotlight, and even going to hilarious lengths in order to cover up her stomach, Kylie has been spotted out in public.

TMZ has captured footage of the 20-year old out and about, her baby bump very apparent and her pregnancy completely confirmed.

In the following video, we see Jenner, her mother and her good friend Jordyn Woods walking around a vacant lot in Hidden Hills.

We can"t say for certain what they"re doing there, but it looks like they are checking out some kind of real estate project.

But it"s not the purpose of Jenner"s afternoon out that has our attention, of course.

It"s the large bump clearly protruding from her belly.

There"s a baby in there, alright!!!!!!!

You can even see Jenner having difficulty climbing into an SUV at one point, as she attempts to carefully maneuver her growing midsection into the vehicle.

According to most accounts, Kylie will be giving birth to a girl some time next month.

She isn"t entirely sure how she feels about the whole pregnancy and baby thing, but she has no say in the matter at this point.

The child is coming and the world is anticipating. That"s just the way it is.

Hopefully, Kylie has accepted her situation and will embrace motherhood, but only one thing will tell us for sure if this is the case: Time.

Check out the revealing footage below:

Kylie jenner baby bump first actual look

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rob Gronkowski Would Be The Perfect Porn Star, Says Actual Porn Star

Good news Gronk, the star of such classics as “Dynamic Booty 5” and “Bubble Butt Bonanza” says you have a future in the skin biz … and she’s being totally serious. TMZ Sports talked to Richelle Ryan – star on over 200 adult movies — who…


Rob Gronkowski Would Be The Perfect Porn Star, Says Actual Porn Star

Good news Gronk, the star of such classics as “Dynamic Booty 5” and “Bubble Butt Bonanza” says you have a future in the skin biz … and she’s being totally serious. TMZ Sports talked to Richelle Ryan – star on over 200 adult movies — who…


Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Ansel Elgort Teasing Sequel to "Baby Driver" With Actual Baby

Ansel Elgort is insulating there will be another “Baby Driver” flick, which isn’t hard to imagine because it’s killing with audiences. Ansel posted this pic with the caption, “#DaddyDriver.” It’s the real car from the movie, which has a 97% rating…


Monday, June 26, 2017

Taylor Halbur: Adam Lind is the Actual Worst at Parenting!

Teen Mom 2 star Adam Lind has been accused of abusing meth, coke and steroids … but his drug use isn’t Taylor Halbur’s only complaint.

Nor is not paying child support, amazingly, despite his history of not doing that either. No, when it comes to parenting, he falls asleep on the job.


In court papers, Halbur – Lind’s second baby mama, following his romance with Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska – accuses him of neglect.

Not his usual I’m-not-paying-you-money neglect … but physical neglect of their three-year-old daughter, Paislee, while he has custody.

Documents obtained from the Circuit Court of Minnehaha allege that Halbur found the little girl unattended at the home of this derelict.

“I approached the house and began knocking on the garage,” Halbur says. “There was no response, so I proceeded to the front door.”

“I did not get a response from the door either,” she said, and given that we’re talking about Adam Lind, she began to grow concerned.

“Ultimately, I just opened the door and went in.”

Halbur claims she found their daughter – this was six months ago – sitting on the couch. By herself. Unsupervised, unattended and unwatched.

“I finally saw Adam and he advised me he had just woken up from a nap … I understand he was sleeping in his bedroom away from Paislee.”

“I did not see any other adult around at the time.”

Lind, in her estimation (and likely many others’) is “unable to be a responsible adult and rise to a parent that can put Paislee’s interest first.”

Halbur believes the environment is “not conductive to a child” and that Paislee’s daycare provider can attest to that. How so?

After the little one spends the weekend with Chelsea Houska’s baby daddy, she is significantly more “mean” to the other kids, apparently. 

She also started biting herself on the arm at naptime.

“When I get Paislee after she has been with Adam, she is exhausted,” she claimed, making the point that Lind throws her off kilter.

“Generally she wakes up at 6:30a.m. when she is with us.”

“On Monday morning, she did not wake up until 8:30 a.m. and by 5:45 p.m. she was ready to go back to sleep.”

“This is common after a weekend with Adam.”

Halbur asked the court to change his custody of Paislee to supervised visitation, as in he can only see his daughter while being monitored.

In Lind’s response, he accuses her of entering his residence without invitation, in violation of the South Dakota Parenting Guidelines.

As for the whole nap incident?

I did take a nap that day and Paislee took a nap with me and fell asleep on my chest,” he wrote in his response, a very different claim.

“Taylor is not being truthful in her affidavit.”

He also scoffs at the notion of Paislee’s daycare meanness and disagreed that the environment he provides isn’t conductive to child care.

Lind claims that at daycare, any number of things could be going on that would explain that behavior, not just him sucking at parenting.

Paislee, he suggests, “could be acting out because she misses [Lind] and is not happy that she cannot be around [him] more.” 

“She could be seeking attention that she does not get when she is with others after she has been with me,” he added.

“She is not exposed to violence with me.”  

Not a likely story if you ask us, personally.

That being said, no modification in custody has been made as of press time, so Halbur may be reaching a bit as well with her claims.

Of course, that could change in a hurry.

If Lind boasts about being a hard ass druggie on social media, he may lose custody faster than you can say methamphetamine.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Chelsea Houska Shows Off Post-Baby Bod, Actual Baby

At 25, Teen Mom star Chelsea Houska may no longer be a teen, but she’s still a mom, and she has another unspeakably adorable addition to the family in the form of baby Watson.

She shows him off on Instagram, but fans took notice of Chelsea’s appearance, too.

The joy in this photo is so good and pure.

We’ve seen Chelsea Houska’s baby before, but babies change so quickly that each picture holds something new.

And look at him! Watson DeBoer’s growing up, but he’s definitely still a baby.

His cheeks are so much!

It’s amazing that she was able to muster the will to smile at the camera instead of just kissing those cheeks.

She’s actually making a habit of sharing photos of her kids, which means that we know that Watson has a wide range of facial expressions for us to treasure.

Just look at his soulful gaze.

Followers were quick to comment on not only Watson’s overwhelming cuteness, but on how Chelsea isn’t looking so bad herself.

Her post-baby body is extraordinary.

A lot of women take much longer to regain their old shape after giving birth.

Remember Chelsea Houska’s pregnancy photos? We do.

Actually, a lot of women’s bodies are never the same again.

That’s nothing shameful — pregnancy literally rearranges your hips and can be hell on your entire system.

Meanwhile, Chelsea’s body looks like she could be posing with a friend’s baby. Dang.

And, obviously, Watson isn’t even her first kid.

No one could forget Aubree, who is going to turn eight years old this September.

Like we said — kids grow up fast.

And make us feel so old in comparison.

Commenters on this photo of Aubree suggested that she’s going to inherit her mother’s good looks.

We certainly hope so — she’s precious!

Another commenter said that they always felt like Aubree was the sweetest of the Teen Mom kids.

We don’t wanna rank children, because they’re children, but that must be great for a mom to read.

Especially given how vile comments can often be.

Chelsea Houska’s lamented her parenting fails before, but from what we’ve seen, it looks like she’s doing alright.

As a parent and just for herself.

That’s always nice to see, especially for someone whose career and fame began with a teenage pregnancy.

There are a lot of worse ways for that kind of story to end.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Last Tango in Paris Director Admits to Conspiring to Film Actual Rape

A newly-surfaced interview with Bernardo Bertolucci has revealed a horrifying confession.

According to the director, he and Marlo Brando conspired in 1972 to shoot a scene in the film Last Tango in Paris that depicted the actor actually raping co-star Maria Schneider with a stick of butter.

Brando was 48 at the time of the movie and Schneider was 19, with the later saying herself back in 2007 that the famous scene was actually a sexual violation.

“I felt humiliated and to be honest, I felt a little raped, both by Marlon and by Bertolucci,” she wrote in an essay for The Daily Mail.

“After the scene, Marlon didn’t console me or [apologize]. Thankfully, there was just one take.”

Schneider passed away in 2011.

Meanwhile, in a Q&A filmed at La Cinémathèque française in Paris, Bertolucci confessed three years ago that he and Brando came up with the idea to use a stick of butter to rape Schneider on camera the morning of the shoot.

Excerpts from this interview only just came to light this week.

“The sequence of the butter is an idea that I had with Marlon in the morning before shooting,” the director explains in this interview.

“We were having, with Marlon, breakfast on the floor of the flat where I was shooting. There was a baguette, there was butter and we looked at each other and, without saying anything, we knew what we wanted.”

(In the horrifying scene, which earned Schneider critical appeal from those who presumed for years that she was acting, Brando uses the stick of butter as sexual lubricant.)

One of the most respected filmmakers of his generation, Bertolucci went on to acknowledge that he “had been, in a way, horrible to Maria because I didn’t tell her what was going on.”

So why did he go forward with this despicable idea?

“[I] wanted her reaction as a girl, not as an actress,” the director said. “I wanted her to react humiliated.”

Soon after Last Tango in Paris was released, movie critic Roger Ebert gushed over Schneider as an actress who “doesn’t seem to act her role so much as to exude it.”

We now know why. How awful.

As news of this declaration by Bertolucci went viral, stars in Hollywood reacted on social media with shock and horror.

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“To all the people that love this film, you’re watching a 19 year old get raped by a 48 year old man,” Jessica Chastain Tweeted. “The director planned her attack. I feel sick.”

Bertolucci and Schneider didn’t stay in contact once the film was released.

“After the movie, we really didn’t see each other because she was hating me,” Bertolucci said.

The director concluded that he felt a bit “guilty” about the whole thing, but not to the point where he regretted the decision.

“To obtain something I think you have to be completely free,” Bertolucci said.

“I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation her rage, I wanted her to Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation. Then she hated me for all of her life.”
