Monday, August 27, 2018

Donald Trump: Actual Proof of Secret Love Child Revealed?!

There was a time when if you read a headline asserting that the President of the Unitd States of America was hiding an illegitimate child from the world, it was safe to assume it was utter BS.

But this is the Trump era — a time when the line between celebrity gossip and legitimate news has become blurred to the point of disappearing entirely.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

It’s partially due to Trump’s tendency to dismiss every outlet that criticizes him (read: every legitimate news source on the planet) as fake news.

And it doesn’t help matters that Trump spent most of his life pursuing perverse adolescent fantasies — as though Richie Rich grew up and started doing a lot of blow with Charlie Sheen — which means there’s a lot of very real dirt on the guy.

But the biggest reason for the ascendancy of tabloids as fonts of legitimate information is the fact that Trump has been in bed with such sordid scandal sheets as the National Enquirer for so long that the editors have become members of his inner circle.

As you’ve likely heard by now CEO of American Media Incorporated — which owns the Enquirer and several other less-reputable media outlets — has been granted immunity by federal prosecutors in exchange for providing information about Trump.

It’s long been believed that Pecker was instrumental in helping to bury numerous stories that might be detrimental to Trump’s reputation, including allegations of an affair with Playboy model Karen McDougal.

Now, another insider whose account of illicit behavior by Trump was buried by Pecker is making his voice heard.

Dino Sajudin a former doorman at NYC’s World Tower claims he has knowledge of an affair between Trump and an ex-housekeeper at the tower.

Sajudin says the affair resulted in a child, and AMI wrangled him into a contract that forced him to keep the information to himself.

Now, Sajudin’s attorney, Marc Held, says he has been released from his contract with AMI and is ready to tell his story.

“Mr. Sajudin has been unable to discuss the circumstances regarding his deal with American Media Inc. and the story that he sold to them, due to a significant financial penalty,” Marc revealed to CNN.

“Just recently, AMI released Mr. Sajudin from the terms of his agreement and he is now able to speak about his personal experience with them, as well as his story, which is now known to be one of the ‘catch and kill’ pieces.

“Mr. Sajudin hopes the truth will come out in the very near future.”

As for why he waited until now to speak out, Held says Sajudin could have been sued for the amount of $ 1 million for violating his contract.

“He’s a blue-collar worker and a million dollars would have ruined him for life,” Held claims.

Sajudin’s is reportedly one of AMI’s “catch and kill” stories, obtained by the company for the sole purpose of preventing other outlets from making them public.

“Source shall provide AMI with information regarding Donald Trump’s illegitimate child,” reads one portion of the contract obtained by CNN. 

According to the agreement, AMI doesn’t owe Dino any compensation, as his revelations were never printed in any of their publications.

Thus far, Trump has yet to speak out on the doorman’s allegations.

But if we know our president, a tweet or twenty are on their way.
