Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humor. Show all posts

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Morgan Freeman Says Conduct Was Misplaced Humor, Not Sexual Assault

Morgan Freeman has issued a second statement, responding to allegations he sexually harassed a number of women, this time saying the incidents were “misplaced compliments or humor” and not sexual assault … and now one of the women is calling out…


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Kim Kardashian Jokes About Kanye West Split, Shows Actual Sense of Humor

Based on, like, every Kim Kardashian photo of all-time, we’re well aware that this reality star has cleavage.

Like, A LOT of cleavage.

But who would have guessed that Kim also has a sense of humor?!?

We’re not trying to be mean here, it’s just… when was the last time you heard Kim say anything funny or even especially original?

Perhaps aware of her reputation as wooden and boring, Kardashian jumped on Twitter this week and made an actual joke.

In response to Kanye West returning to Twitter and, among other ramblings, stating that he wants to “get rid of everything,” the rapper’s wife shot back:


She even included an emoji of a woman raising her hand afterward:

kk response

Good friend Chrissy Teign (who has never had a problem being funny) played along with Kim’s divorce quip, Tweeting in reply to the above message:

“I have an air mattress here and I have been itching to bust it out if you need.”

And this prompted Kardashian to continue with her joke, proving she’s capable of actually playing along:

Might need some more for the kids? Just not clear on what everything really means. I need clarity. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Maybe John can call and inquire? But maybe he means friends too? This is confusing.

kim jokes

Kardashian has been focusing a lot on her bikini body these days.

(She also Tweeted this yesterday: “Day 1 of my cleanse is done and I didn’t cheat. I was even surrounded my donuts. I’m really proud of myself.”)

As a result, is it possible she’s been ignoring Kanye’s needs?

Has her marriage suffered in the wake of her and West welcoming a third child a few months ago?

Has everything they’ve been through over the past couple years finally taken a fatal toll on the twosome’s marriage?

No, of course not.

We’re just being silly here, much as Kim was very obviously being in her series of Tweets.

Aware that many websites out there would run with this story as if there was actual trouble in Kimye paradise, the former sex tape star and producer made an attempt to stop this rumor before it got started.

She concluded her string of Kanye-related Tweets as follows:

“For anyone who has absolutely no humor in their soul please know my tweets are a joke and I will die laughing if I see blogs and media really think I am being serious.

“So don’t even try it.”

You probably won’t be shocked to learn that a handful of blogs out there did, indeed, try it.

kk being funny

But not The Hollywood Gossip!

We were never fooled and we are not desperate enough for clicks that we’ll run some misleading headline about Kim and Kanye.

Back in early 2017, there appeared to be a few legitimate rumors about a possible Kardashian and West break-up. So, yes, we published those a few times.

However, the stars seem stronger than ever now, having overcome Kim’s robbery in Paris and Kanye’s subsequent mental breakdown a couple years back.

They now have three kids at home and seem content to actually remain farther out of the spotlight than ever before.

Maybe Kanye will release a new album at some point?

Perhaps Kim will pose nude once again in Playboy?

Until then, however, the Internet is forced to conjure up stories about the relationship based on a few clearly sarcastic Tweets.

A whole lot has changed, hasn’t it?


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Stars React in Shock, Horror (And Humor) to James Comey Firing

James Comey has been fired as FBI Director by President Donald Trump.

The shocking development took place as Comey was leading an investigation into the administration"s dealings with Russia, therefore raising a few very obvious red flags.

Did Trump cut Comey loose because he fears what the FBI will discover in this investigation?

There seems to be almost no other way to interpret this morally and legally questionable course of action.

In response to the firing, celebrities from across Hollywood jumped on social media and reacted in stunned horror…

1. Alyssa Milano

Alyssa milano

au·toc·ra·cy ôˈtäkrəsē/ noun: a system of government by one person with absolute power.

2. Jim Carrey

Jim carrey


3. George Lopez

George lopez

Well @realDonaldTrump said he was gonna create new jobs ! #ftp #pelosmelapela

4. Andy Cohen

Andy cohen

HOUSEWIVES PLAYBOOK: he saw Cynthia rip up Nene’s friendship contract and thinks he can do the same thing.

5. Kumail Nanjiani

Kumail nanjiani

The only person I’d trust as new Director of FBI is fictional character Fox Mulder.

6. Cher



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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Respond to Backlash Over Fake Pregnancy Joke: Get a Sense of Humor, People!

Earlier today, we reported on one of the stranger Teen Mom social media controversies in recent memory.

It all began when Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra began discussing their desire to have a third child on Twitter.

It’s anyone’s guess as to why a married couple would need to have such a conversation on social media rather than, ya know, face-to-face, but while the parental figures of the Teen Mom franchise love ‘em some free publicity, we doubt the Baltierras expected this:

Things started out innocently enough, with Catelynn tweeting:

“Wahhh I’m ready for another baby @TylerBaltierra.”

Tyler (or T-Balz, as we like to call him) wrote back, “Me too babe.”

That’s when Catelynn made the (arguably unfortunate) decision to tweet the following photo:

She captioned the image:

“Proud to announce a new baby Baltierra @tylerbaltierramtv.”

Clearly it was a joke, but if you’ve looked at a calendar recently, you know that it’s 2017, and 2017 is the year in which everyone gets pissed off about everything.

A number of fans didn’t think the joke was funny for a number of reasons.

Some thought Lowell was really pregnant and … felt let down, we guess?

Others thought the joke was insensitive to those who struggled with infertility.

Still others blamed Tyler and Catelynn for that Kendall Jenner Pepsi commercial.

Okay, we’re joking about that last part, but in all seriousness, a good number of fans were legitimately outraged, and Tyler responded by basically informing them that he’d run out of f–ks to give long, long ago:

“Apparently the world can’t take jokes anymore…don’t worry #TeenMomOG will be back on the air soon so we can disappoint you some more,” Tyler tweeted.

“I actually love all of those critics. The fake profile pics & repetitive insults based on the lack of creativity…they just crack me up.”

Asked if he could see how some might have thought the joke was insensitive, Tyler responded:

“Yes, I’m the lowest piece of s–t, insensitive, entitled, asshole & a sorry excuse of a human being & I shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.”

Man, when that guy does sarcasm, he does sarcasm.

For her part, Catelynn responded in a very different and much, much more confusing way:

“Why don’t u just go back to ur real family?” she tweeted.

“Not like we have mattered anyways.. to u it’s just the thought that mattered”

Uh … we really have no idea as to what that might mean.

We’re thinking Catelynn meant to subtweet someone, but instead she just tossed that bad boy out there with no context.

Of course, we think it’s safe to say she wasn’t in a great mood when she wrote it, so you can be sure it will lead to more rumors about Catelynn and Tyler getting divorced.

This has been Teen Mom Twitter Theater.

Tune in the next time something pops off, which should be in 20 minutes or so.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gilbert Gottfried Does Alan Thicke Impression, Honors Friend"s Sense Of Humor (VIDEO)

Gilbert Gottfried was a regular on Alan Thicke’s late night ’80s talk show “Thicke of the Night” and they spent a lot of time cracking jokes about Alan’s singing. Gilbert was out in NYC just hours after TMZ broke the news about Thicke’s sudden…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dan Carpenter"s Wife -- I"M NOT A RACIST ... Richard Sherman Post Was Innocent Humor

The wife of Buffalo Bills kicker Dan Carpenter says she was NOT being racist when she called Richard Sherman an “animal” on Twitter this week … but she still refuses to apologize for it.  Kaela Carpenter got herself into hot water after the…


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Donald Trump to Host Saturday Night Live, Feign Sense of Humor

If you like toupee jokes and pursed-lipped statements of intellectual superiority, then you’re in luck!

NBC announced today that presidential candidate and long-lost, Upper East Side cousin of Yosemite Sam, Donald Trump will be hosting Saturday Night Live on November 7.

The show has had a lot of fun with the Donald in the past, most recently when Hillary Clinton did her best Trump impression during a guest spot in the season premiere.

So in a way, it makes sense that Trump would take an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” approach to the iconic sketch show, but it’s a risky move for a candidate that many already have trouble taking seriously.

Of course, this won’t be the real estate mogul and former reality TV star’s first trip to Studio 8H.

Trump hosted the show back in 2004, when The Apprentice was just beginning its run on NBC.

While it remains unclear if Trump’s poll numbers will benefit from the hosting gig, there’s no doubt that the move will pay off big time for Lorne Michaels and the folks at SNL.

Trump has proven to be a major ratings magnet at the GOP primary debates and even for struggling political talk shows like Meet the Press. 

Of course, there’s still a few weeks before Trump takes the stage, so don’t be surprised if the show rubs him the wrong way and he has a change of heart. We hear he’s got a bit of a temper.