Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Donald Trump to Host Saturday Night Live, Feign Sense of Humor

If you like toupee jokes and pursed-lipped statements of intellectual superiority, then you’re in luck!

NBC announced today that presidential candidate and long-lost, Upper East Side cousin of Yosemite Sam, Donald Trump will be hosting Saturday Night Live on November 7.

The show has had a lot of fun with the Donald in the past, most recently when Hillary Clinton did her best Trump impression during a guest spot in the season premiere.

So in a way, it makes sense that Trump would take an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” approach to the iconic sketch show, but it’s a risky move for a candidate that many already have trouble taking seriously.

Of course, this won’t be the real estate mogul and former reality TV star’s first trip to Studio 8H.

Trump hosted the show back in 2004, when The Apprentice was just beginning its run on NBC.

While it remains unclear if Trump’s poll numbers will benefit from the hosting gig, there’s no doubt that the move will pay off big time for Lorne Michaels and the folks at SNL.

Trump has proven to be a major ratings magnet at the GOP primary debates and even for struggling political talk shows like Meet the Press. 

Of course, there’s still a few weeks before Trump takes the stage, so don’t be surprised if the show rubs him the wrong way and he has a change of heart. We hear he’s got a bit of a temper.