Showing posts with label Impression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impression. Show all posts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

MLB"s Derek Holland Apologizes For Offensive Asian Impression

Derek Holland has issued an apology for doing an insensitive Asian impression on an MLB talk show … saying, “It’s embarrassing what I did.” The San Francisco Giants pitcher went on MLB Network’s “Intentional Talk” on Wednesday and brought along…


Saturday, February 3, 2018

Al Pacino Gives TMZ Photog Thumbs Up for Scarface Impression

Al Pacino, one of the great actors of all time, was IMPRESSED by our photog’s homage … seriously!!! Dante spotted Al Friday leaving E Baldi in Bev Hills, and he surrendered his camera to someone and put it all out there … first doing a bit from…


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Kim Kardashian Does Selena Quintanilla Impression, Keeps Irritating the Internet

We’re just gonna come right out and ask:

What’s with the Kardashian sisters dressed up like dead singers this Halloween?!?

Earlier this week, we posted a photo of Kourtney in a Michael Jackson costume, as she basically impersonated the iconic artist from a look he donned for the Academy Awards in 1991.

The mother of three earned some backlash for the ensemble, partly because Jackson was African-American and Kardashian is not.

And partly because many critics interpreted this as a mockery of Jackson’s memory.

He was a real person, they argued. He died in a tragic way. Heck, he had children!

Why would Kourtney think it would be appropriate to turn the King of Pop into a Halloween prop?

But Kim Kardashian heard it even more from social media users after she shared pictures of herself dressed as Aaliyah.

In this case, again, Aaliyah was black and Kim is not.

Moreover, Aaliyah had her life cut way short when she was killed in a plane crash at the age of 22, making it just strange for Kardashian to choose to imitate her for Halloween.

Here’s a look at that outfit:

Now, Kardashian has made a similar move.

As you can see in the photo at the outset of this article, Kardashian continued her theme of dressed up like music legends yesterday by rocking a Selena Quintanilla costume.

Wearing a copy of Selena’s well known sparkling purple bodysuit and styled with Selena’s signature brunette bangs, Kim channeled the late artist as she twirled around with a microphone in hand and shared her fake performance with the world on social media.

“My fave Selena!” she wrote as a caption.

Somehow, Kim wasn’t the only star to go out as Quintanilla.

Demi Lovato did so as well:

For those unaware, Quintanilla wore this outfit her last concert before being shot to death by the president of her fan club, Yolanda Saldívar, in 1995.

So, once again, Kardashian has decided to use someone’s sad and premature death as the basis for her Halloween costume.

And once again she’s getting dragged online for it.

“I am disgusted,” wrote one critic on Twitter, while others agreed.

They just found it really odd Kim would go this route (twice!), considering all the options she obviously had for Halloween.


What do you think of Kardashian’s decision here?

Is she honoring Selena’s memory?

Is she insulting it?

Was Selena actually her favorite artist? Or is she just saying that now to sound hip?


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Bachelorette: Will First Impression Rose Win Streak Continue!?

The Bachelorette’s streak of First Impression Rose winners from the premiere going on to win the show remarkably stands at … well, two.

But those are the only two to do it!

Will this season’s lucky fella make it a threepeat? (The Bachelorette spoilers have a lot to say on that, but we’ll keep you in suspense.)

For a time, this first rose of the new season was more like a kiss of death than a harbinger of success, but that’s changed since 2014.

Nick Viall came close, winning Andi Dorfman’s First Impression Rose in Season 10 before coming oh-so-close to winning the finale.

The next season, Shawn Booth became the first recipient of the inaugural rose to capture the final one, as well, from Kaitlyn Bristowe.

(Also defeating Nick on the finale.)

This had never been accomplished before, but last summer, Jordan Rodgers won the first and last roses on JoJo Fletcher’s season.

Can Rachel Lindsay make it three in a row? Or more accurately, can Bryan Abasolo, who caught her eye on last Monday’s premiere?

Booth, who remains engaged to Bristowe two summers after their on-air engagement, says he wouldn’t bet on that outcome.

“The guy that got the first impression rose … I’m willing to bet a lot of money that he will not be the winner of the season,” he predicted.

“Jordan [Rodgers] got the first impression rose on JoJo Fletcher’s season, I got the first impression rose the season before.”

“We both went on to ‘win.’ Do you think that there’s any chance that the producers will let that happen again? There’s no way.”


There’s no way the show’s producers would allow Rachel Lindsay’s free will to follow through if she found love at first sight?

Seems a little extreme. If you feel a connection right away, there’s probably a reason for that. It might not last … but it also might last!

It’s unclear why Shawn seems to think producers wouldn’t permit this, especially for a stand-up guy like Bryan Abasolo seems to be.

If this were Lucas a.k.a. Whaboom, or DeMario Jackson, that would be one thing, but Bryan could well be who Rachel Lindsay picks.  

Not that he’s a lock.

“I like that guy from Wisconsin … Peter,” says Booth, referring to Peter Kraus, who really stood out from the competition this week.

“He was great,” added Bristowe. “That’s because they played the romantic music when he came out, so all of a sudden we’re brainwashed.”

On their podcast, Kaitlyn and Shawn admit that watching their love story unfold on TV was awkward … but they love seeing other people’s!

Picking and choosing this season’s contenders and pretenders and trying to predict who will win The Bachelorette like we do is just fun.

Which category does Lucas fit in? “Whaboom is so happy we’re talking about him,” says Kait. “He is so happy the world is talking about him.”

“I feel like that’s why he went there.”

“He’s selling t-shirts,” says Booth.

“I’ll buy one,” Bristowe adds.

They may be onto something there. Going on reality TV for the exposure and a chance to make a living, rather than to find true love?

Who would’ve guessed.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nancy Cartwright Shocks Student with Bart Simpson "Impression" (VIDEO)

Nancy Cartwright is awesome … slowly and slyly revealing to a kid on a mission he’s lookin’ at the voice of Bart Simpson. Nancy was at a shopping mall in Sherman Oaks, CA when she happened upon an 8th grader who was hawking sweets. You gotta…


Friday, March 17, 2017

John Legend Thinks Drake Does a Mean John Legend Impression (VIDEO)

John Legend thinks Drake has his John Legend impression down to a tee, and in totally unrelated news (we think) … Chrissy Teigen’s struggling to stay in her top.  The couple and baby Luna were at LAX Thursday when John weighed…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Sean Spicer, White House: Pissed Over Melissa McCarthy Impression

Following the latest episode of Saturday Night Live, Donald Trump remained unusually quiet on Twitter.

He didn’t lambaste Alec Baldwin for making him look like a Steve Bannon puppet who lacks critical information about the world and who cannot control his emotions.

Nor did the President make any untrue statements about the show’s ratings since he took office.

Does this mean Trump was happy with Baldwin’s impression for a change? Or that he missed the Kristen-Stewart hosted installment?

Nope and nope.

According to Politico, it actually means the Commander-in-Chief was angrier and more embarrassed by the show than ever before.

Specifically, Trump, Sean Spicer and other White House officials were taken aback by Melissa McCarthy’s hilarious, spot-on impression of the Press Secretary.

As the third full skit of the night, McCarthy came out on stage – looking eerily similar to Spicer – and played the spokesman as a belligerent, gum-chewing, water gun-toting blowhard who simply hates every member of the press.

When asked about the impression by Extra, Spicer tried to laugh it off.

He said McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing” because there were “way too many pieces in there,” adding that the actress “could dial [it] back” next time.

We somehow doubt that will happen.

But Politico says this impersonation is not being taken lightly inside the White House.

The issue is less how McCarthy made Spicer look like an egomaniacal control freak and more that she made him look “weak,” simply because she’s a woman.

“Trump doesn’t like his people to look weak,” a top Trump donor tells the site.

Politico explains that the “unflattering send-up by a female comedian was not considered helpful for Spicer’s longevity in the grueling, high-profile job.”

Spicer had already been under fire for the way he dressed (from Trump) and for the way he treats the media as an enemy combatant (from the public).

He doesn’t appear to be long for this job, which probably makes him lucky.

In a phone interview on Monday afternoon, Spicer tried to act all cool and distant.

“I would much rather have the focus be on the president’s agenda and the success he’s having,” he told reporters, adding:

“That’s all I’m saying on it.”

When pressed about what his own feelings regarding the skit, however, he demurred.

“It doesn’t really matter what I think,” he replied.

Trump, of course, has laid into Saturday Night Live after nearly every episode this season.

He says the show is terrible, mean-spirited, biased and unpopular.

The President and Baldwin have gone back and forth often on Twitter, with the leader of the free world somehow unaware of how small and petty and pathetic this makes him seem.

Check out the McCarthy impression below. Pretty amazing, huh?


Monday, February 6, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Delivers Perfect Sean Spicer Impression on SNL

If you"ve been following the news in recent weeks, you"re no doubt familiar with the enraged human coronary event that is Donald Trump"s press secretary, Sean Spicer.

It"s hard to see what"s funny about a man trampling the liberties of our nation"s journalists, all while chewing and swallowing several packs of Orbit gum a day, but fortunately, Melissa McCarthy was able to find the humor in the situation on this week"s SNL.

Proving once again that she"s a national treasure, McCarthy made a surprise appearance on SNL this week, lampooning Spicer"s Al-Pacino-mid-coke-binge demeanor.

"Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start," said McCarthy-as-Spicer, mimicking the tone of Spicer"s tense press briefings.

"When I say ‘rocky start’, I mean it in the sense of Rocky the movie because I came out here to punch you. In the face."

Spicer/McCarthy went on to inform reporters that would Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, he received a 15 minute standing ovation, "every man had an erection, and every woman was ovulating."

In keeping with the Trump administration"s tradition of regularly commenting on a late night sketch comedy show, Spicer offered his two cents on McCarthy"s impression, advising the actress to "dial back" with her mannerism.

He also cautioned that McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”

Hey, if there"s anyone who understands the dangers of excessive gum consumption, it"s Sean Spicer.

Check out McCarthy"s impression in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy delivers perfect sean spicer impression on snl

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gilbert Gottfried Does Alan Thicke Impression, Honors Friend"s Sense Of Humor (VIDEO)

Gilbert Gottfried was a regular on Alan Thicke’s late night ’80s talk show “Thicke of the Night” and they spent a lot of time cracking jokes about Alan’s singing. Gilbert was out in NYC just hours after TMZ broke the news about Thicke’s sudden…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dave Chappelle -- Here"s My $60 Million Donald Trump Impression (VIDEO)

How does Dave Chappelle feel about his huge Netflix deal? Let’s let Donald Trump answer that. Dave was cruising into The Nice Guy early Wednesday morning — after he did another stand-up set in L.A. — so we asked him about the $ 60 million deal for…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Gigi Hadid SLAMMED as Racist Over AMA Melania Trump Impression

Gigi Hadid hit a hot button with her Melania Trump impression last night during the 2016 American Music Awards, and the internet predictably reacted with fury! 

Co-hosted by Jay Pharaoh, Hadid claimed that she"d been practicing her impersonations all week long in an attempt to one-up the "master," Pharaoh, who has plenty of great celebrity impressions in his repertoire.  

However, Hadid"s impression was more embarrassing than anything, and the crowd reacted with shocked faces and half-hearted applause. 

Needless to say, it wasn"t one of Gigi"s better moments … or probably will be, ever.  

"This is my Melania Trump impression," she prepared herself.

You could hear audible gasps and groans for a second in the audience before Hadid launches into her "impression." 

She said, "I love my husband, President Barack Obama. And our children, Sasha and Malia," apparently — and poorly — referencing the joke of a speech Melania gave, which ripped off Michelle Obama"s entirely. 

Though the speech only garnered scattered applause, Jay Pharaoh jumped in to the rescue and obnoxiously yelled, "That"s spot on! That"s spot on!" 

Some of the social media backlash included "Racist much?" as well as attacks on her profession. 

One commenter wrote, "Wow, that sucked! Stick to modeling; you suck at acting!" 

A Twitter user blasted, "Melania Trump is going to be the First Lady of the USA! This was the highest form of disrespect possible!" 

Others said, "I really wish Gigi Hadid wasn"t hosting because secondhand embarrassment is my least favorite thing to feel and I"m drowning in it rn."

Another claimed that Gigi was just too uncomfortable to watch. 

Check out the video below … it"s really pretty terrible no matter how you look at it or who you voted for. 

Gigi hadid slammed as racist over ama melania trump impression

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chris Brown Says Rapey Things, Does a Joker Impression in Creepy Video

Last we checked in on Chris Brown, he was begging Karrueche Tran to take him back via heartfelt song lyrics.

Okay, he mostly bragged about how many times he cheated on her and then implied that she"ll never do any better, but they were heartfelt by Chris Brown standards, dammit!

Unfortunately, if you thought that meant the beginning of a kinder, gentler Chris Brown, think again.

Reminding the world that he"s friends with Scott Disick for a reason (they"re both douche bags), Chris posted a video to social media last night that pretty much sums up his entire public persona: stoned, misogynistic, possibly a cartoonish supervillain.

Before you watch the clip below, be warned that Breezy appears to have engineered some sort of technology that"s capable of capturing your actual nightmares and turning them into 8-second Instagram clips.

"A lot of times, ladies don"t like to give me the p-ssy on the first date – but in time, I"ll smash," Brown tells the camera in his best Heath Ledger voice.

Thankfully, the clip cuts out before Chris has a chance to elaborate on his plan to convince unsuspecting women to have sex with him.

Can every actor who ever played Batman just gang up and kick this dude"s ass already? We"re counting on you, Adam West!

Chris brown says rapey things does a joker impression in creepy

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Watch Ariana Grande SLAY Her Celine Dion Impression AGAIN For Jimmy Fallon — But Can She Pull Off Britney Spears & Christina Aguilera Too?!

The world wanted Ariana Grande to do her Celine Dion impression One Last Time — and boy did she oblige!

On Tuesday, the starlet appeared on Jimmy Fallon‘s The Tonight Show and put her musical chops on display for a quick game of “Wheel of Musical Impressions.”

However, not only did she redux her KILLER take on the iconic diva but she also brought some spot-on imitations of Britney Spears AND Christina Aguilera.


Video: Watch Jimmy Fallon Impersonate Donald Trump

Someone get this girl a hosting gig on Saturday Night Live! We can’t be the only ones thinking this.

The late night host seemed as floored as we were with the pint-sized star’s abilities since he gushed on camera:

“We should just stop the show there!”

LOLz! Though Jimmy’s no amateur when it comes to HIGHlarious depictions of famous celebs. **cough** Donald Trump.

Be sure to ch-ch-check out the fun filled bit in its entirety (above)!