Monday, February 6, 2017

Melissa McCarthy Delivers Perfect Sean Spicer Impression on SNL

If you"ve been following the news in recent weeks, you"re no doubt familiar with the enraged human coronary event that is Donald Trump"s press secretary, Sean Spicer.

It"s hard to see what"s funny about a man trampling the liberties of our nation"s journalists, all while chewing and swallowing several packs of Orbit gum a day, but fortunately, Melissa McCarthy was able to find the humor in the situation on this week"s SNL.

Proving once again that she"s a national treasure, McCarthy made a surprise appearance on SNL this week, lampooning Spicer"s Al-Pacino-mid-coke-binge demeanor.

"Before we begin, I know that myself and the press have gotten off to a rocky start," said McCarthy-as-Spicer, mimicking the tone of Spicer"s tense press briefings.

"When I say ‘rocky start’, I mean it in the sense of Rocky the movie because I came out here to punch you. In the face."

Spicer/McCarthy went on to inform reporters that would Trump announced Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court nominee, he received a 15 minute standing ovation, "every man had an erection, and every woman was ovulating."

In keeping with the Trump administration"s tradition of regularly commenting on a late night sketch comedy show, Spicer offered his two cents on McCarthy"s impression, advising the actress to "dial back" with her mannerism.

He also cautioned that McCarthy “needs to slow down on the gum chewing; way too many pieces in there.”

Hey, if there"s anyone who understands the dangers of excessive gum consumption, it"s Sean Spicer.

Check out McCarthy"s impression in the clip below:

Melissa mccarthy delivers perfect sean spicer impression on snl