Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Kobe Bryant Surprises Kids!!! Brings Books & Plays Games

Exclusive Details
A buncha kids got a SWEET pre-Christmas surprise Wednesday — ’cause Kobe Bryant brought the gift of Mamba — and a bunch of books — to a school in Southern California!!
The Lakers legend dropped by Oxford Prep Academy in Mission Viejo and hung out with a...
Kobe Bryant Surprises Kids!!! Brings Books & Plays Games

Monday, April 30, 2018

Dennis Rodman Gave Kim Jong-un These Donald Trump Books

Dennis Rodman damn near packed President Trump’s complete bibliography when he went to North Korea last year … and then gifted the set to Kim Jong-un. We got a shot of the 8 books, all translated, the NBA Hall of Famer handed over in…


Dennis Rodman Gave Kim Jong-un These Donald Trump Books

Dennis Rodman damn near packed President Trump’s complete bibliography when he went to North Korea last year … and then gifted the set to Kim Jong-un. We got a shot of the 8 books, all translated, the NBA Hall of Famer handed over in…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Stan Lee"s Stolen Blood For Sale on "Black Panther" Comic Books

Stan Lee’s allegedly stolen blood is up for sale — in the form of the Marvel legend’s signature — stamped on one of his biggest hits. We’ve learned several ‘Black Panther’ comic books are currently available at the Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.…


Stan Lee"s Stolen Blood For Sale on "Black Panther" Comic Books

Stan Lee’s allegedly stolen blood is up for sale — in the form of the Marvel legend’s signature — stamped on one of his biggest hits. We’ve learned several ‘Black Panther’ comic books are currently available at the Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.…


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Derick Dillard: My Kids Don"t Need Picture Books, They Need Jesus!

As we all know, Derick Dillard considers allowing trans kids to be themselves is “child abuse.” But have you wondered what he thinks good parenting looks like?

Apparently, he thinks that it looks like two incredibly bored children.

At least, Derick decided to read to his two very young sons the story of Jesus’ birth, directly from the Bible. No photos. And fans were quick to comment with their very strong opinions.

Derick Dillard captioned his photoset:

“Christmas Eve, reading the Christmas story with my boys. Doesn’t get much better than that! Thank you Jesus!”

For some families, that’s a tradition. For others it isn’t.

Though fans were divided, let’s start with the priase that he earned.

“Beautiful family. God bless you all!”

That’s sweet.

“You are such a great dad, Derick! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.”

We don’t know that a “great dad” would go on social media and repeatedly slam a teenage girl because he disagrees with her identity, but … well, he’s been fired for that.

“I’m not really a religious person. most normal everyday average people I know DO read the Christmas story out of the Bible on Christmas to their children and some not even really religious people do also.”

Interestingly, I’d personally never heard of that tradition, but I believe that plenty of folks do it.

“There is nothing abnormal,” that commenter continued. “About this and how they read the Christmas story Christmas Eve.”

That same commenter continued:

“I am sure the Duggars have children’s books as well but to come to someone’s page and tell them how to raise their children — takes much gall. Wow”

Another saw criticism of Derick and lashed out:

“Remember, you’re commenting with very sick, wicked souls! These people hate God, His Son Jesus Christ and God’s word. They’re just here to tear down anything Christian!”

That is the sort of paranoia that you see sometimes. If you believe that a critique of one man is an attack against an entire faith, you … probably need to relax.

Another affirmed that they thought that reading directly from the Bible is what they prefer:

“Some of us believe that straight from the Bible is best. Not watered down versions of the Christmas story. Some children’s bible books are excellent don’t get me wrong, however reading straight from Gods word every Christmas is an amazing tradition.”

Others chimed in, suggesting that reading directly from the Bible isn’t ideal with young children, especially when one of the listeners is a literal baby.

“Kids like kid’s books, not old fashioned text. fine if you want to read them the nativity story but at least do it in a format that they understand. kids like pictures.”

Children do enjoy picture books. Especially when they’re still learning words. (Again, Samuel is a literal baby)

“The whole situation is very creepy.”

That comment, we imagine, has less to do with the reading and more to do with Derick using it as a photo op.

“I bet these kids would appreciate having a dad who cares enough about them to get off his lazy butt and get a.job so he can support them as opposed to grifting clueless fans to support them.”

That, of course, is a jab at how Derick Dillard begs fans for cash. Especially now that he’s lost his spot on Counting On.

Another commenter chimed in:

“They aren’t in harm way they grift in Arkansas”

Others took issue with Derick Dillard’s parenting.

“Aww! It looked like Izzy was going to hug little Sam before his daddy pulled him away to make him listen to something he can’t fully understand yet.”

Israel and Samuel were clearly more interested in each other (awww!) than in listening to their father read.

“Why aren’t you acknowledging little Sam? Your arm isn’t even around him. At least Izzy and Jill love that sweet baby.”

Derick seemed invested in his little photo op.

“There are so many wonderful children’s books targeted to their ages, which would include pictures and be ever so much more appropriate for these two.”

If you’re going to do an activity with your children, it should be tailored to your children.

To their interests and their capabilities.

Even a baby as young as Samuel can look at a picture book, and maybe understand a few more words in the process.

Still, it seems like a harmless tradition, and some people — on both sides — got super worked up about it.

Maybe it’s because Derick Dillard himself is such a divisive figure? In which case, we’d question why he doesn’t lay low on social media for a while.

But then we remember that he likes to beg for money and then use those donated funds to go out to dinner.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Big Sean Has Big Love for Star Wars, Comic Books and Stan Lee

Big Sean’s an open (comic) book … when it comes to his infatuation with superheroes. The rapper was leaving Craig’s in Weho Saturday night with his gf, singer Jhene Aiko, when we asked if he’s into the Comic-Con scene. His answer was an…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Books in Human History

The following books are real. They exist. They were actually written by people who thought they were good ideas.

And these people were celebrities!

Which is what makes this collection all the more ridiculous and noteworthy.

Scroll down for a look at books that various stars thought were good ideas to write at the time, but which have simply given us many reasons to laugh hilariously at them instead…

1. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham book cover

As if making a celebrity sex tape was not bad enough, Farrah thought it would be a good idea to write a book about the making of it. Um, no. Farrah, please get a real job.

2. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian book cover

If you can’t write, you could follow Kim Kardashian’s tactic and just release a selfie book. The porn-star-turned-entrepreneur got a lot of people talking about the book, but it made money.

3. Naomi Campbell

Naomi campbell book cover

Campbell sent her ideas for the book to a ghostwriter, and we are very sure the ghostwriter burst out laughing when he/she heard them. Five models fight it out for the contract of retiring supermodel Swan. What the heck?

4. Charlie Sheen

Charlie sheen book cover

Charlie Sheen is one of those celebrities who is just all over the place. He was fired from Two and a Half Men for his erratic behavior … even though he was making a lot of money. Before that, Charlie released a poetry book that got some positive comments from John Stamos.

5. Lauren Conrad

Lauren conrad book cover

Lauren Conrad is a reality TV star and fashion guru. She decided to make the step to writing fiction with a book loosely based on her life. Despite giving it her all, it was a trainwreck.

6. Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay culkin book cover

Macaulay decided to try and make his way back into the spotlight with a book. The book included random drawings, thoughts and a whole lot of gibberish.

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Dana White Books Kendrick Lamar for Son"s 16th Birthday Party (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Dana White has friends in high places … and that includes Kendrick Lamar.  The UFC honcho booked Kendrick Saturday for his son’s 16th birthday party at the Brooklyn Bowl in Vegas. We’re told about 300 people were in attendance … but it…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Kailyn Lowry & I Are on Good Terms Now ... But My Book"s Still Happening!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are on better terms lately, but that’s not stopping her ex from pushing forward with his tell-all book.

Which, in turn, could threaten to derail the tenuous non-aggression pact between the former Teen Mom 2 spouses. The irony.

The father of Kailyn’s second son Lincoln says they’re playing nice these days, but his side of the story when it comes to their breakup?

Well, it’s not always nice, and he’s telling it like it is.

“I’ve been working on this book for a while,” Marroquin said of Heartlessly Hustled, an obvious play on Lowry’s own Hustle & Heart.

“My story won’t change,” the 24-year-old reality star said, but he insists, “regardless of what’s in my book Kail knows it’s behind us.”

That’s a fine line to walk.

In Marroquin’s mind, it may be easy enough to compartmentalize past and present like that, but if Lowry reads something she dislikes?

The smart thing to do if he’s really committed to co-parenting first would be to put this idea on the shelf (no pun intended) for awhile.

By now, the sad and scandalous story is familiar to those who watch Teen Mom 2 online or read any sort of celebrity gossip at all:

Lowry announced her divorce while he was on deployment in May 2016, after a six-month period that saw their marriage crumble.

Because he was overseas with the U.S. Air Force, their passive-aggressive social media communication became a spectator sport.

Then, only days after he returned home, he caught her with Chris Lopez, later revealed to be the father of Lowry’s third child.

Their split quickly became more and more tumultuous.

An already-strained relationship nearly reached a boiling point upon the reveal of Lowry’s third pregnancy, given their recent divorce.

She and Marroquin divorced in part because she didn’t want any more kids; Javi obvious didn’t take the third-baby-daddy thing well.

It reached a level in which Lowry filed a protection from abuse order after he showed up aggressively and sent her harassing texts. 

Javi denied ever laying a hand on Kailyn, who never accused him of that either, but admitted she sought – and he agreed to – the order.

Basically, he’s not allowed to contact her unless it’s regarding their son for a year. (Again, writing a tell-all book about her won’t help.)

Since then, the two have mended fences somewhat.

Kailyn has included Javi in family activities, both with their son and with Lowry’s older son Isaac, 7, from her relationship with Jo Rivera.

Marroquin, who has accused Lowry of cheating on him, and who says he will not be raising Lowry’s third child, remains close to Isaac.

As for what we can expect in Heartlessly Hustled?

“Expect a story about a man who thought he figured out life. Lies and cheating were swept beneath his nose for a long time!” Javi says.

Javi promises his memoir will “be the truth” of what Lowry – who he has implied wasn’t faithful – did to end their nearly four-year marriage.

“The only reason I was coming out with that book was to make sure my story was out,” he said, following the release of Lowry’s memoir.

In her book, she hit on his jealousy and control issues.

“When he did things like demanding that I unlock my phone to prove I had nothing to hide,” she said, Javi made their marriage unbearable.

She said he began “calling me constantly when I was enjoying time with friends to make sure I wasn’t doing anything ‘sneaky’ behind his back.”

“It became clearer and clearer how little my husband trusted me,” the reality star penned. “I had done nothing to make him doubt me.”

“I never lied, never went behind his back and I was never unfaithful,” Lowry laments, strongly denying that she ever cheated on him.

“For some reason, he was convinced otherwise.”

No word yet on the release date for Javi’s book, but you can expect it will reopen some old wounds that haven’t entirely healed.

You know, exactly the opposite of what he should probably be focusing on, and what he says his outlook on life is these days. 


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Kim Kardashian Books Destroyed, Vandal Arrested (MUG SHOT)

A self-professed Kim Kardashian hater turned himself in to cops for trashing a bookstore display of one of her books. Carl Puia was charged Monday with third-degree criminal mischief. The 74-year-old man walked into a Barnes & Noble back in…


Monday, August 15, 2016

Escaping Polygamy: Reading Books Is Sinful! So Is Country Music!

Your heart breaks for the people featured on A&E"s Escaping Polygamy.  One woman, Lizzy hasn"t seen her daughter in three years because the young girl is pure and Lizzy is not.

That is, according to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Us Weekly featured a clip from the August 14th episode, in which Lizzy explained that her daughter, Julie was selected to be part of the United Order, a special group made up of only the church"s purest members.

Because of this, Lizzy is prohibited from seeing Julie, who is now 13.

"My oldest daughter, Julie, is the good girl — she"s very beautiful, inside and out," Lizzy said quietly during an interview.

"She"s always been my right-hand girl — she"s a hard worker, she"s sweet," Lizzy continued as photos of her beautiful daughter flashed across the screen.

"Of course, I haven"t seen her for three years, so she"s perfect."

What"s that, now?

It turns out that Lizzy has a whole list of sins for which she must repent, so until she is perfect, she is not allowed to see Julie.

Lizzy is not part of the United Order "because I"m not perfect — there"s things in my life that I need to repent of."


"Like, I have a hard time waking up by 5 a.m., but I"m working on it."

Oh girl.

Lizzy talked about losing her mother at 13, something that still stings to this day, and how she knows that Julie needs her very badly.

But, Lizzy admits, she has a lot of work to do in order to become perfect. 

"My mother used to read a lot, and I inherited that weakness," Lizzy admitted.

"Sometimes, I"ll find a novel, read it — I"ve been trying to overcome that."


"And my boy sometimes listens to country music," she added.

Watch Escaping Polygamy every Sunday at 10 p.m. on A&E.

Escaping polygamy teaches us that reading books is a sin

Escaping Polygamy: Reading Books Is Sinful! So Is Country Music!

Your heart breaks for the people featured on A&E"s Escaping Polygamy.  One woman, Lizzy hasn"t seen her daughter in three years because the young girl is pure and Lizzy is not.

That is, according to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Us Weekly featured a clip from the August 14th episode, in which Lizzy explained that her daughter, Julie was selected to be part of the United Order, a special group made up of only the church"s purest members.

Because of this, Lizzy is prohibited from seeing Julie, who is now 13.

"My oldest daughter, Julie, is the good girl — she"s very beautiful, inside and out," Lizzy said quietly during an interview.

"She"s always been my right-hand girl — she"s a hard worker, she"s sweet," Lizzy continued as photos of her beautiful daughter flashed across the screen.

"Of course, I haven"t seen her for three years, so she"s perfect."

What"s that, now?

It turns out that Lizzy has a whole list of sins for which she must repent, so until she is perfect, she is not allowed to see Julie.

Lizzy is not part of the United Order "because I"m not perfect — there"s things in my life that I need to repent of."


"Like, I have a hard time waking up by 5 a.m., but I"m working on it."

Oh girl.

Lizzy talked about losing her mother at 13, something that still stings to this day, and how she knows that Julie needs her very badly.

But, Lizzy admits, she has a lot of work to do in order to become perfect. 

"My mother used to read a lot, and I inherited that weakness," Lizzy admitted.

"Sometimes, I"ll find a novel, read it — I"ve been trying to overcome that."


"And my boy sometimes listens to country music," she added.

Watch Escaping Polygamy every Sunday at 10 p.m. on A&E.

Escaping polygamy teaches us that reading books is a sin

Monday, April 4, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Books Role on Transparent Season 3

As previously reported, I Am Cait may be facing cancelation.

But just because Caitlyn Jenner may soon be gone from E!, this doesn’t mean she won’t appear on television again in the near future.

The 66-year old will appear on at least one episode of Transparent Season 3, series creator Jill Soloway announced at the 2016 GLAAD Media Awards in Los Angeles over the weekend

Details on Jenner’s character are unknown at this time.

But this role will mark the Olympian’s first scripted acting role in two years.

In the 1980s, she appeared on episodes of hit programs such as The Love Boat, Murder, She Wrote, The Fall Guy and CHiPs.

Those who watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, of course, would also argue that Jenner was reading lines from a script on that show, as well.

Transparent is an Amazon original series.

It tells the moving story on a transgender woman – played by Jeffrey Tambor – and her relationships with her family and friends, including new ones she has made from the LGBT community.

Producer Zackary Drucker has actually appeared on I Am Cait.

Transparent, which you can watch online by clicking on the following poster, has won five Emmy Awards, including Best Actor for Tambor.

On Saturday, it received a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.

At the ceremony, which airs on Logo TV Monday at 10/9c, Caitlyn shared a photo on her Instagram account a photo of her hugging Transparent actress Judith Light, who plays Tambor’s ex-wife on the series.

Are you excited to see Jenner on Transparent?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Scott Disick Books Club Appearance Fresh From Rehab

When Scott Disick completed rehab earlier this month, sources claimed the troubled 32-year-old was a changed man, devoted to staying sober and being the best possible father to his children and partner to Kourtney Kardashian.

Last week, Kourtney welcomed Scott back into her life on a platonic trial basis on the condition that he steer clear of the people and places that might tempt him to return to his old ways. 

At first, Scott complied, even going so far as to sell the Beverly Hills party palace that served as his headquarters during his days of debauchery.

Now, however, it seems that Scott just couldn’t resist the allure of a lucrative club appearance gig, as he’ll reportedly be paid to party at the Las Vegas 1Oak on New Year’s Eve.

Scott began promoting the party last night with a tweet reading, “Make #NYE2016 a #1OfAKind night with #ScottDisick! #1OAKNYE.”

Not surprisingly, insiders say Kourtney is “not happy” about the recovering alcoholic Scott being paid to pop bottles, but sources say she understands that club appearances are Scott’s primary source of income, and she’ll have eyes and ears in the club to make sure he stays sober.

These appearances mean big bucks for Scott, and he could certainly use it these days. 

Even so, returning to the environment that caused him so many problems so soon after rehab seems like a recipe for disaster.