Tuesday, June 20, 2017

19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Books in Human History

The following books are real. They exist. They were actually written by people who thought they were good ideas.

And these people were celebrities!

Which is what makes this collection all the more ridiculous and noteworthy.

Scroll down for a look at books that various stars thought were good ideas to write at the time, but which have simply given us many reasons to laugh hilariously at them instead…

1. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham book cover

As if making a celebrity sex tape was not bad enough, Farrah thought it would be a good idea to write a book about the making of it. Um, no. Farrah, please get a real job.

2. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian book cover

If you can’t write, you could follow Kim Kardashian’s tactic and just release a selfie book. The porn-star-turned-entrepreneur got a lot of people talking about the book, but it made money.

3. Naomi Campbell

Naomi campbell book cover

Campbell sent her ideas for the book to a ghostwriter, and we are very sure the ghostwriter burst out laughing when he/she heard them. Five models fight it out for the contract of retiring supermodel Swan. What the heck?

4. Charlie Sheen

Charlie sheen book cover

Charlie Sheen is one of those celebrities who is just all over the place. He was fired from Two and a Half Men for his erratic behavior … even though he was making a lot of money. Before that, Charlie released a poetry book that got some positive comments from John Stamos.

5. Lauren Conrad

Lauren conrad book cover

Lauren Conrad is a reality TV star and fashion guru. She decided to make the step to writing fiction with a book loosely based on her life. Despite giving it her all, it was a trainwreck.

6. Macaulay Culkin

Macaulay culkin book cover

Macaulay decided to try and make his way back into the spotlight with a book. The book included random drawings, thoughts and a whole lot of gibberish.

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