Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Scott Disick Books Club Appearance Fresh From Rehab

When Scott Disick completed rehab earlier this month, sources claimed the troubled 32-year-old was a changed man, devoted to staying sober and being the best possible father to his children and partner to Kourtney Kardashian.

Last week, Kourtney welcomed Scott back into her life on a platonic trial basis on the condition that he steer clear of the people and places that might tempt him to return to his old ways. 

At first, Scott complied, even going so far as to sell the Beverly Hills party palace that served as his headquarters during his days of debauchery.

Now, however, it seems that Scott just couldn’t resist the allure of a lucrative club appearance gig, as he’ll reportedly be paid to party at the Las Vegas 1Oak on New Year’s Eve.

Scott began promoting the party last night with a tweet reading, “Make #NYE2016 a #1OfAKind night with #ScottDisick! #1OAKNYE.”

Not surprisingly, insiders say Kourtney is “not happy” about the recovering alcoholic Scott being paid to pop bottles, but sources say she understands that club appearances are Scott’s primary source of income, and she’ll have eyes and ears in the club to make sure he stays sober.

These appearances mean big bucks for Scott, and he could certainly use it these days. 

Even so, returning to the environment that caused him so many problems so soon after rehab seems like a recipe for disaster.