Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Named Entertainer of the Year for Some Reason!

Look. No one loves Jennifer Lawrence more than the editors of The Hollywood Gossip.

Need a list of reasons why? Sure. No problem. HERE YOU GO.

But this is a fact:

Jennifer Lawrence has starred in exactly zero movies that came out in the first ten and a half months of 2015.

Yet this is another fact:

Jennifer Lawrence has been named Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainer of the Year for 2015.

How does the magazine justify this (fake) award?

According to the cover, Lawrence has one Oscar (earned years ago); stars in two franchises; and “swears like a sailor.” It says “that’s why we love J-Law.”

And, hey, like we said above: we also love J-Law.

It just strikes us as a bit odd to give an annual award to someone whose only two movies (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 and Joy) do not come out until the final six weeks of the year.

In regard to The Hunger Games, Lawrence tells the publication:

“It’s crazy…I signed on to these projects when I was 20 years old. I remember being like, ‘Oh my God, I’m going to be 25 when I’m finished. It seemed so far away.

“It does feel over. It didn’t for a while and I didn’t think it would ever sink in, but it has now. It feels over. And that’s okay. It’s okay to move on.”

Once again, because we can’t emphasize this point enough: we love Jennifer Lawrence.

She talks about sex scenes with Chris Pratt. She dresses like this for crazy fake infomercials with Jimmy Fallon.

She just doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s Entertainer of the Year in 2015.