Showing posts with label JongUn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JongUn. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Dennis Rodman Drops Kim Jong-un Bomb Joke at Bruce Willis Roast

Dennis Rodman went nuclear on Bruce Willis at the Comedy Central roast — and he used his friend, Kim Jong-un, as a punchline.  Everyone knows how seriously Rodman has taken his relationship with the North Korean dictator over…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Donald Trump Sends Kim Jong-un Elton John"s "Rocket Man" CD

It’s just breathtaking … Donald Trump sent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to North Korea with a gift for Kim Jong-un  … a copy of Elton John’s “Rocket Man” with Trump’s John Hancock on the CD cover. Pompeo just left for Pyongyang to meet…


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Dennis Rodman Says Michael Jordan Turned Down Kim Jong-un Invite

Before Kim Jong-un met Dennis Rodman in North Korea — he reached out to Michael Jordan, but got shot down by His Airness … this according to Rodman himself.  The Worm appeared on “TMZ Live” and said the first time he met Kim Jong-un…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Charles Barkley Blasts "Dictator" Kim Jong-un, "Treats People Like Crap"

Charles Barkley clearly thinks Dennis Rodman made a huge mistake getting into bed with Kim Jong-un … calling the guy a brutal dictator — but says he’s sort of giving The Worm a pass.  Our photog argued that Rodman deserves credit for…


Charles Barkley Blasts "Dictator" Kim Jong-un, "Treats People Like Crap"

Charles Barkley clearly thinks Dennis Rodman made a huge mistake getting into bed with Kim Jong-un … calling the guy a brutal dictator — but says he’s sort of giving The Worm a pass.  Our photog argued that Rodman deserves credit for…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Donald Trump Defends and Praises Kim Jong-un in Fox News Interview

Donald Trump can’t stop complimenting Kim Jong-un … even when he’s confronted with the fact the dude’s a murderer. The Prez continued to heap praise on the North Korean leader Wednesday following their historic summit this week, during an…


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dan Rather Says Kim Jong-un Won Big, Hold Off On Giving Trump Nobel Peace Prize

Dan Rather gives President Trump props for talking peace with North Korea instead of making war … but adds, so far, Kim Jong-un’s the only who’s won anything out of the summit. The CBS news icon told us Tuesday in NYC, he’s…


Dennis Rodman Breaks Down Crying Over Trump/Kim Jong-un Meeting

As happy as a lot of folks might’ve been seeing the U.S. and North Korea meet peacefully, no one was a jubilant as Dennis Rodman … dude was literally crying tears of joy. Rodman went on CNN shortly after President Trump met Kim Jong-un Tuesday,…


President Trump Takes the Reigns in Historic Meeting with Kim Jong-un

President Trump got a chance to finally size up North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un … and he didn’t miss the opportunity to get the upper hand in the situation. Trump came face-to-face with Kim Tuesday morning in Singapore at the Capella Hotel.…


President Trump Takes the Reigns in Historic Meeting with Kim Jong-un

President Trump got a chance to finally size up North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un … and he didn’t miss the opportunity to get the upper hand in the situation. Trump came face-to-face with Kim Tuesday morning in Singapore at the Capella Hotel.…


Monday, June 11, 2018

Dennis Rodman Arrives in Singapore for Trump/Kim Jong-un Summit

Dennis Rodman doesn’t have an invitation, but he’s obviously still excited to be part of President Trump and Kim Jong-un’s historic summit — he just touched down in Singapore. The NBA Hall of Famer arrived early Tuesday morning…


Monday, April 30, 2018

Dennis Rodman Gave Kim Jong-un These Donald Trump Books

Dennis Rodman damn near packed President Trump’s complete bibliography when he went to North Korea last year … and then gifted the set to Kim Jong-un. We got a shot of the 8 books, all translated, the NBA Hall of Famer handed over in…


Dennis Rodman Gave Kim Jong-un These Donald Trump Books

Dennis Rodman damn near packed President Trump’s complete bibliography when he went to North Korea last year … and then gifted the set to Kim Jong-un. We got a shot of the 8 books, all translated, the NBA Hall of Famer handed over in…


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Dennis Rodman Believes He Helped Kim Jong-un Come Around on Trump and U.S.

Dennis Rodman is ecstatic his friends, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, are getting along … especially because he believes he played a big part in bringing the peace. We spoke with the basketball Hall of Famer about North Korea’s newfound…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Trump, Putin and Kim Jong-un Human Rights Ads by Amnesty International Banned from D.C.

Three super provocative ads featuring President Trump, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un won’t see the light of day — at least not in our nation’s capital … TMZ has learned. Amnesty International USA wanted to place the ads in metro stations in the…


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Jordan Belfort says North Koreans Should Assassinate Kim Jong-un

The real-life Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort predicts North Korea’s dictator could be killed in a matter of months … by his own people, with a little prodding. Jordan – who spent 22 months in prison for fraud and money laundering…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Kim Jong-Un Drunkenly Planned Executions, Forgot Next Morning

This, folks, is why we should all be grateful that Donald Trump is a teetotaler.

If you only know Kim Jong-Un for his flawless pompadour, hatred of James Franco, and ruthless oppression of millions of his own people,  then you’re about to get your first glimpse of the North Korean dictator’s lighter side.

You see, Kim likes to party.

And there ain’t no party like a Kim Jong-Un party, because a Kim Jong-Un party features blacked-out execution orders.

Yes, according to Tokyo newspaper Shimbun, the Jonger got Stalin-grade wasted back in September and started laying the groundwork to have several of his generals convicted of treason and “disappeared.”

Fortunately, like your plans to totally grab brunch and then go rock-climbing last Sunday, the whole thing was completely forgotten by morning.

We assume that instead of overseeing a firing squad, Kimmy spent the afternoon binge-watching Stranger Things and drinking Gatorade. 

Per the sources who described the incident to Shimbun, Kim got loaded and had the generals summoned to his summer villa for an all-night reprimand sesh.

“That none of you were able to produce not even one military satellite is a misconduct that is commensurate to treason,” Jong-Un reportedly told the generals.

He concluded the boozy all-nighter by forcing them to write confession letters and coyly hinting that they were all to be rubbed out in the morning.

“Be careful about your health because you are all old,” a sh-thoused Kim allegedly slurred, his immaculate coif likely tousled into a fat-Elvis-in-his-second-encore disaster.

Basically, it was like that episode of Mad Men where Don and Peggy spend all night working on the Samsonite campaign, but at the end, Don has Peggy dragged outside and shot.

The generals were marched back to their sleeping quarters where we assume they spent the remainder of the night drafting badass final words.

But in the morning, instead of being blindfolded and offered a Marlboro, the generals were stunned to learn that they were the beneficiaries of a miracle that could only be the work of a loving God or Johnnie Walker.

Kim had apparently forgotten why they were at his home, a fact they probably put together when he sleepily offered to order them an Uber.

“They were relieved because they thought they were going to be purged,” a source was quoted as saying.

“Everyone is showing loyalty out of fear of being executed and no one dares speak against Kim.”

So if you’re in a management position, you may want to take note of Kim’s strategy:

Next time your staff is under-performing, just get loaded and threaten to murder them.

If those jerks from HR get involved, simply inform them you look forward to the sight of their heads on spikes outside your palace.

Be sure to shoot us a thank you when you land that promotion,.
