Showing posts with label Drunkenly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drunkenly. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Jimmy Fallon and Wife Drunkenly Sing Guns N" Roses in the Hamptons

Jimmy Fallon took one of his most popular late night games out of the studio and tried it live in the Hamptons — and it was just as entertaining with way more booze … we think. The ‘Tonight Show’ host was hanging with his wife, Nancy Juvonen,…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Johnny Depp Accused of Drunkenly Attacking Crew Member on Film Set

It wasn’t all that long ago that Johnny Depp was one of the most beloved and sought-after talents in Hollywood.

But those days have been washed away in a tidal wave and enough rum to keep the Black Pearl afloat.

At this point in his career, Depp is at best a walking punchline and at worst a menacing threat to loved ones and co-workers.

And lately, the public image so carefully constructed by his many handlers has been crumbling faster than ever, in large part because the managers, handlers, and security guards who have served as the living barrier between Depp and the press have been abandoning their posts in fear for their professional reputations and in some cases, their lives.

Just last week, several bodyguards filed suit against Depp claiming that he created a “toxic and unsafe” work environment in which hard drug use and reckless misuse of firearms were daily occurrences.

(Someone should tell Johnny he can stop studying up for that Hunter S. Thompson role anytime now.)

And because Depp’s specialty these days is finding new rock bottoms, this week brought news of yet another violent incident:

While filming the movie LAbyrinth in Los Angeles, Depp decided to take over directing a scene set on an actual city street, even going so far as to cast two of his friends in significant roles.

It went about as well as you would expect:

“Johnny’s friends were in the scene, and it just turned into way more than it should have been,” a production insider on set tells Page Six.

Sources say the day went long, and the shooting permit expired, but Depp refused to stop filming.

When a location manager informed director Brad Furman that the scene needed to wrap immediately, Furman responded, “Tell that to Johnny Depp!” 

One crew member decided to do exactly that, approaching Depp and telling plainly, “This is the last shot.”

At that point, Depp – who, according to the witness, had been “smoking and drinking all day on set” – became irate and started shouting at the crew member.

“He was 6 inches away, yelling, ‘Who are you? You have no right!’”

When the crew member calmly attempted to defuse the situation, Depp reportedly swung on him, landing a “weak blow” to the ribs that had little effect.

But Depp didn’t stop there, of course.

He allegedly continued to berate the crew member and challenge him to fisticuffs, at one point bellowing, “I’ll give you $ 100,000 to punch me right now!”

Depp’s camp has yet to comment on the situation, but his 

“Johnny Depp is a consummate professional, great collaborator and a supporter of other artists,” he said in a statement.

“He always treats the crew and people around him with the utmost respect. Movies can be stressful, and nonevents often become exaggerated. We all love stories — there isn’t one here.”

This is just the latest in a long line of professional entanglements for Depp who’s currently being sued by his former management team after alleging that the group brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.

The firm says Depp’s financial issues have more to do with his $ 30,000 a month wine habit.

We’re no legal experts but that sounds like a solid argument.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

T.J. Miller Arrested For Drunkenly Phoning In Bomb Threat

You might know T.J. Miller from his fomer role on the beloved HBO sitcom Silicon Valley.

Or you may know his distinctive monotone as the voice of the anthropomorphic mucous in those nauseating Mucinex commercials.

If you’re living a truly cursed existence, you may even be familiar with T.J. from his work in The Emoji Movie.

But now, it seems the controversial actor was recently involved with a bomb that had nothing to do with animated talking poop.

Miller was arrested at LaGuardia Airport on Monday morning in connection with allegations that he called 911 to report a false bomb threat back on March 18

The New York Post reports that Miller released Tuesday morning after posting a $ 100,000 bond and faces a maximum of five years in jail for the charge.

According to a criminal complaint filed last month, Miller called 911 while aboard an Amtrak train traveling from Washington, DC, to Penn Station and that a female passenger “has a bomb in her bag.”

Authorities stopped the train in Connecticut, searched it, and found no evidence of an explosive device.

It was later determined that Miller had inaccurately reported the number of the train on which he was traveling.

Fortunately, there was no bomb on that train either, and investigators believe an intoxicated Miller simply hoped to settle a score with another passenger by … siccing a bomb squad on her.

When authorities finally caught up with the actor, he was allegedly slurring his words, but assured them that he had drank only one glass of red wine and was “worried for everyone on that train.”

Miller had allegedly engaged in several “hostile exchanges” with the woman we wished to report prior to making the call.

A police report states that the actor was “motivated by a grudge against the subject female, called 911 to relay false information about a suspected bomb on the train, and continued to convey false information to investigators while the public safety response was ongoing.”

This is just the latest in a long line of controversies for Miller, who left Silicon Valley following a dispute with the show’s producers last year.

In … of 2017, Miller was accused of sexual assault by a former college classmate.

He has vehemently denied the charges.

Prior to those allegations, Miller was accused of assaulting an Uber driver after the man mentioned that he was a supporter of Donald Trump.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Monday, October 30, 2017

Jeremy Vuolo: Arrested for Drunkenly Assaulting a COP?!

If you follow news of her family closely, then you’re probably aware that Jinger Duggar has been branded as the resident “rebel” of the Counting On clan.

For the most part, the 23-year-old’s acts of defiance have been incredibly tame by the standards of the non-Duggar population.

For example, Jinger’s decision to wear pants despite her family’s strict long skirts-only policy is often interpreted as a very mild way of flouting the strict rules under which she was raised.

But while the pants get all the attention, Jinger’s most salient act of disobediance was her decision to marry Jeremy Vuolo.

If you watched the young couple’s courtship on Counting On, you know that Jim Bob was slow to embrace the idea of his daughter marrying Vuolo.

And it seems that as Jim Bob’s feelings on the situation haven’t changed much in the year since Jinger and Jeremy tied the knot.

One major issue is that Jeremy and Jim Bob disagree on matters of religious doctrine.

(Jeremy, a Texas-based minister, preaches the doctrine of Calvinism, a tenet that flies in the face of many of Jim Bob’s core beliefs.)

But we now know that there’s more to Jim Bob’s disapproval than arcane theological disputes.

Vuolo has spoken publicly about his troubled youth in past interviews, but only now do we know the extent to whichthe 30-year-old rebelled against authority.

Police records recently obtained by Radar Online detail a 2008 incident in which Vuolo was taken into custody for drunkenly harassing a police officer.

“An intoxicated male who appeared to be a friend of the male that was involved was acting belligerent and shouting obscenities while in front of numerous subjects,” the reporting officer wrote.

“Identified later as Jeremy Vuolo.”

“For no apparent reason, Vuolo walked up to [the officer] and grabbed his right arm/bicep in a forceful manner,” the report reads. 

“Subsequently, Vuolo was arrested and transported back to HQ, where he was booked and later released to a sober friend.”

Vuolo’s BAC was reported as .13 at the time of his arrest, which is considerably higher than the allowable Duggar family limit of 0.00.

“I was part of the college party scene and was living foolishly,” said in an interview last year.

“I’m not perfect, but I sought out accountability and I now see great victory in my life.”

Many Duggar fans feel that even though Vuolo has put his (relatively) hard-partying ways behind him, his less-than-godly past goes a long way toward explaining why Jim Bob was so reluctant to give his son-in-law permission to marry his daughter/

Yes, the incident took place nearly a decade ago, but unless criminal acts took place within his own immediate family, Jim Bob doesn’t forget easily.

(In case it wasn’t clear, yes we’re talking about the Josh Duggar sex scandals.)

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Charlie Sheen Drunkenly Dodges Drug Bust!

If you were worried that Charlie Sheen’s HIV diagnosis would cause the hard-partying actor to change his ways, fear not:

Chuckles is still living the life of a jet-setting drug sponge, and he hasn’t lost his ability to narrowly avoid capture from international authorities like he’s James Bond …

… If, at some point in his travels, James Bond had developed a serious taste for bath salts, of course.

According to Radar Online, the Sheenius’ latest brush with the law took place at Brown Field Airport in San Diego, when his plane was forced to land for an inspection following a trip to Mexico, where Charlie had presumably devoted several weeks to scholarly research of the lifestyle of tequila worms.

“Charlie was on his private plane coming back from Cabo San Lucas, where he’d been on a bender, and had to stop in San Diego for inspection,” a source close to Sheen tells the website.

To the complete shock of literally no one on the planet, Sheen was more than a little tipsy during the search:

“Charlie was hammered, and upon inspection, some sort of narcotic appeared to be found on board,” the insider says.

Drugs?! On Charlie Sheen’s private jet?!

What’s next, evidence of corruption and incompetence in the Trump administration?!

The tipster says authorities then “took all the bags off the plane, and had drug-sniffing dogs go through the plane and bags.”

The insider adds:

“A dog sniffed around one of the suitcases on the tarmac. The dog scratched on the case, and it was opened, but it was a false alarm.”

A witness to the inspection says Sheen conveniently excused himself when the drug dog came on the scene:

“Drunk Charlie scuttled off to the bathroom, saying he had to pee,” the onlooker tells Radar.

“Charlie, who may have ditched the drugs in the bathroom, was relieved in more ways than one, and reboarded the plane.”

“Relieved in more ways than one”! You slay us, source!

Earlier this month there was talk of Sheen undergoing “life-saving” detox following a family intervention, but we think it’s safe to say the treatment didn’t stick.

Either that, or Charlie is experimenting with a new form of sobriety that allows margarita-guzzling contests in Cabo.

Now that’s a health plan we can all get behind.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blac Chyna Drunkenly BEATS Rob Kardashian: Shocking New Details of Their Fight Revealed

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian may want to rethink their lives – and seek serious professional help – if this latest report is to be believed.

Considering that these shocking new details about the couple’s blowout fight and subsequent split come from E! News, of all sources?

We’d be inclined to believe it, and frankly, worry about them.

This saga is so insane, it’s hard to know where to begin.

Over the weekend, Chyna told Snapchat fans that someone “hacked” her Instagram account and was posting updates on her behalf.

The alleged hacker shared a series conversations between Chyna and attorney Walter Mosley, actor Jaden Smith, and friend Treasure.

A common thread from the unidentified hacker’s findings: the E! reality star was talking hella smack about Rob Kardashian and his family.

It was bad. Really bad at times.

supposed Chyna tweet

In one exchange, Blac labeled her fiance fat, lazy and insecure in one alleged conversation, and came across callous, greedy and manipulative. 

In other she said she was giving him one year to get his act together otherwise she’s outta there. Just what you want your fiance to say.

Rob then responded in fittingly bizarre fashion, going on Snapchat and claiming that Chyna left him and took baby Dream Kardashian.

Through tears and sniffles, Rob admitted that he was “not feeling so good” and said “I have never been this heartbroken in my life.”

He then proceeded to post memes about himself getting ditched, which is so out of character it sparked rumors that this was all a hoax.

Not so, says E! News. Wait until you read this …

Rob Kardashian Meme

Not only did the two allegedly get into a massive argument, it was a fight that turned physical prior to Chyna moving out of the house.

Blac was WAILING on Rob, “punching him in his back and arms and was in a drunken rage,” a source says of the 28-year-old stripper.

Kris Jenner’s boyfriend Corey Gamble happened to walk in on the fight, fortunately, and it was so bad, he “ripped Chyna off of Rob.”

In a leaked text, Chyna appeared to either plan this, or imply that it could happen and that she’s been capable of this behavior in the past.

“I don’t wanna treat him like Tyga but I will,” she said on one of the conversations that made its way online. “Imma slap the s–t outta him.”


A source close Rob tells the celebrity news site that he should be wary of ever going back, saying “he’s a victim and she’s using him.”

Kardashian may have reached that conclusion.

On Instagram, he wrote, “I really believed she was in love with me the way that I was with her and I am so hurt and never felt this before.”

“It’s different when you have a kid with someone.”

“And after reading Chyna’s messages to her best friend she was going to drop me after a year. She didn’t even make it to that. I am so broken.”

“This is a woman I fought my entire family for. I was in love with this woman to the fullest and I was none of that to her.”

Chyna, meanwhile, fired back online.

“This entire year I have done nothing but help Rob!” she wrote. “It’s so SAD & PATHETIC how low he’d stoop to cover up HIS PERSONAL ISSUES!”

“I have done nothing but help & loved him from the beginning!” Blac added, noting that it was Rob who “begged” her to get pregnant.

According to Chyna, Rob then “stressed” her out the “entire time” she was pregnant, accusing her of “cheating” and “being an absolute lunatic.”

“I was verbally abused every other day,” she said of Rob, who she insists is at fault here. “I was still there with nothing but high hopes!”

“I had to beg him to cut his hair, to take his braces of, and to get more into his businesses! I shouldn’t have to tell any grown ass man s–t.”

As for those leaked text messages?

They’re “OLD AF,” Chyna added. “He only did this because when he went through my phone he couldn’t find anything to be mad about!”

“He’s on Snapchat acting hurt but he’s yet to come see Dream yet! He knows where we are! Honestly it’s only so much a person can take.”

“Everyone has tried to help Rob. I’ve gone beyond to help and so has his family! I have no longer have time to feed into Robert’s shenanigans.”

Rob responded again with an Instagram post, claiming “Chyna knew exactly what she was doing to get me. I can’t believe she did this to me.”

“I am so confused how a man who gives and loves everything about a woman is the one left alone. I’m sorry for being so open once again.”

“This is killing me.”

Rob’s sisters “were worried” after seeing his Snapchat story, and “are fed up” with the couple’s recurring blowouts and Chyna’s behavior.

By Monday afternoon, though, Rob was ready to move past the drama, apologizing to Chyna and promising to turn over a new leaf.

“This weekend I was in an emotional bad place and did some things that embarrassed myself and my family,” he said. “I apologize.”

“I’m seeking help to deal with my flaws/issues. Please pray for me and I’m sorry @blacchyna. You are a great mother to our child and I love you.”

According to a source, the Kardashians are done with Rob and Chyna, believing he issued a “fake apology” to simply smooth things over:

“The sisters don’t want anything to do with this relationship. They see how fake it is. It’s so unhealthy for their brother.”

“They see how Chyna is using their family for fame and money and they aren’t going to let it happen anymore,” the source added.

“The family accepted her but since Chyna is now showing who she really is, they don’t want anything to do with her.”

“They all have their own real-life problems going on and are trying to have a positive New Year and not this drama.”

Rob says he would like to focus on the positive, too.

“I am going to get better for you Dream,” he said, to his infant daughter. “You are my life and gave me a new start on being a better me.”

Hopefully, for the sake of Dream, he can do just that.

As for the hoax/conspiracy theories? Don’t buy it.

“Whatever people might think about the situation, the emotion during the weekend was 100 percent authentic,” a source tells E! News.

That said, while “this argument got a lot of attention, but honestly, this was kind of like a normal tiff for them. They have these up and downs.”

“Everything is fine between them now.”

“[Kardashian] has promised to get some help for self-esteem and jealousy issues. They are both committed to making this work.”

“Ultimately, they both love one another,” the insider says. “As for whether they will last, who knows? But they’re both going to try.”

We don’t even know what to say.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Kim Jong-Un Drunkenly Planned Executions, Forgot Next Morning

This, folks, is why we should all be grateful that Donald Trump is a teetotaler.

If you only know Kim Jong-Un for his flawless pompadour, hatred of James Franco, and ruthless oppression of millions of his own people,  then you’re about to get your first glimpse of the North Korean dictator’s lighter side.

You see, Kim likes to party.

And there ain’t no party like a Kim Jong-Un party, because a Kim Jong-Un party features blacked-out execution orders.

Yes, according to Tokyo newspaper Shimbun, the Jonger got Stalin-grade wasted back in September and started laying the groundwork to have several of his generals convicted of treason and “disappeared.”

Fortunately, like your plans to totally grab brunch and then go rock-climbing last Sunday, the whole thing was completely forgotten by morning.

We assume that instead of overseeing a firing squad, Kimmy spent the afternoon binge-watching Stranger Things and drinking Gatorade. 

Per the sources who described the incident to Shimbun, Kim got loaded and had the generals summoned to his summer villa for an all-night reprimand sesh.

“That none of you were able to produce not even one military satellite is a misconduct that is commensurate to treason,” Jong-Un reportedly told the generals.

He concluded the boozy all-nighter by forcing them to write confession letters and coyly hinting that they were all to be rubbed out in the morning.

“Be careful about your health because you are all old,” a sh-thoused Kim allegedly slurred, his immaculate coif likely tousled into a fat-Elvis-in-his-second-encore disaster.

Basically, it was like that episode of Mad Men where Don and Peggy spend all night working on the Samsonite campaign, but at the end, Don has Peggy dragged outside and shot.

The generals were marched back to their sleeping quarters where we assume they spent the remainder of the night drafting badass final words.

But in the morning, instead of being blindfolded and offered a Marlboro, the generals were stunned to learn that they were the beneficiaries of a miracle that could only be the work of a loving God or Johnnie Walker.

Kim had apparently forgotten why they were at his home, a fact they probably put together when he sleepily offered to order them an Uber.

“They were relieved because they thought they were going to be purged,” a source was quoted as saying.

“Everyone is showing loyalty out of fear of being executed and no one dares speak against Kim.”

So if you’re in a management position, you may want to take note of Kim’s strategy:

Next time your staff is under-performing, just get loaded and threaten to murder them.

If those jerks from HR get involved, simply inform them you look forward to the sight of their heads on spikes outside your palace.

Be sure to shoot us a thank you when you land that promotion,.


Friday, June 3, 2016

Johnny Depp Drunkenly Attacks OWN BODYGUARD in Denmark?!

We think it’s safe to say that the summer of 2016 is not off to a great start for Johnny Depp.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Depp’s been accused of assault by his estranged wife, Amber Heard, who claims that the actor was violent on several occasions, including an incident last month in which he struck her in the face with an iPhone.

Heard filed for divorce and was granted a restraining order against Depp shortly thereafter.

Depp’s fans and famous friends rushed to his defense and expressed their skepticism regarding Heard’s claims, with some even going so far as to claim that the 30-year-old actress is blackmailing Depp.

Over the course of the past week, however, mountains of damning evidence – including photos of Heard’s injuries from previous attacks – have emerged online, making it look more and more as though Depp is every bit the unstable alcoholic that Heard has claimed he is.

Depp’s recent behavior on his band’s tour of Europe might serve as further proof of Amber’s claims, as Page Six is reporting that the 52-year-old actor has been boozing and brawling on a level with the swaggering pirate he portrays on screen.

According to witnesses, Depp got into an “altercation” with his own bodyguard while knocking back drinks at a bar in Denmark last night.

The bodyguard was reportedly attempting to usher a drunken Depp back to his hotel room around 2:30 am.

Depp, who sources say was hell-bent on keeping the party going, got physical with the bodyguard and continued knocking back drinks and chatting up a mystery brunette.

“Johnny was in a party mood, that’s for sure,” says one onlooker.

“His bodyguard had his hand on his shoulder and was trying to get him to go back inside, but Johnny refused to go.”

“The bodyguard got more and more persistent but Johnny didn’t want to go,” another witness claims. “And he definitely drank his fair share of alcohol.”

The source adds that the bodyguard eventually backed away and left Depp to continue carousing:

“Johnny was the last one to leave the bar, even after everyone had finished the champagne and gone home, it was Johnny that went back to the bar.

“To look at him last night, with his clothes from the show and the mascara and everything, he looked like he was Jack Sparrow one more time.”

Yikes. We’re guessing no good can come from a grown man behaving like a Disney pirate in real life.