Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slave. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

R. Kelly Should "Admit" He"s a Pedophile, Says Father of Alleged Sex Slave

R. Kelly’s new song fell way short of living up to its name, because he didn’t admit he’s a pedophile and a deadbeat dad … so says the father of one of his alleged sex slaves. Angelo Clary — father of Azriel Clary – tells TMZ … Kelly took…


Monday, May 21, 2018

R. Kelly"s Alleged Sex Slave Victims" Families Involved in Lifetime Documentary

Lifetime’s diving deep into R. Kelly’s alleged sex cult with a documentary series … and TMZ’s learned the network’s getting tons of help from the families directly affected. Tim Savage — the father of alleged brainwashed sex slave Joycelyn…


R. Kelly"s Alleged Sex Slave Victims" Families Involved in Lifetime Documentary

Lifetime’s diving deep into R. Kelly’s alleged sex cult with a documentary series … and TMZ’s learned the network’s getting tons of help from the families directly affected. Tim Savage — the father of alleged brainwashed sex slave Joycelyn…


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

R. Kelly Alleged Sex Slave Joycelyn Savage Vacations without R. Kelly

Joycelyn Savage, one of R. Kelly’s alleged brainwashed sex slaves, is looking a lot more free … while getting some R&R … way cross country from from R. Kelly. We got Joycelyn coming out of South Beverly Grill in Bev Hills where she told us…


TMZ Live: R. Kelly Alleged Sex Slave Surfaces

ON TODAY’S SHOW Cardi B: Met Gala Beatdown Akon Defends Bill Cosby Khloe & Tristan: Family Pressure Johnny Manziel: Hospitalized Over RX Meds


R. Kelly Seen Shopping with "Brainwashed Sex Slave" Joycelyn Savage

Perhaps the most famous of R. Kelly’s alleged brainwashed sex slaves sure didn’t look like a hostage to her situation late last month — quite the opposite, actually. TMZ has obtained video of Kells doing a little shopping with Joycelyn Savage at a…


Thursday, May 3, 2018

Young Dolph Compares Record Labels to Slave Owners In Music Video

Young Dolph’s latest music video is set on a plantation … and the rapper compares signing to a major record label to modern day slavery. Dolph dropped his latest EP “N***** Get Shot Everyday” a few months back and drops the video for his single…


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Allison Mack Tried to Recruit Emma Watson, Kelly Clarkson to Sex Slave Cult

Last week, former Smallville star Allison Mack was arrested for sex trafficking over her alleged role as a “master” in a sex-slave cult that masquerades as a women’s self-help pyramid scheme.

It has now come to light that she solicited other celebrities to join Nxivm.

Was she trying to turn Emma Watson and Kelly Clarkson into sex slaves for Keith Raniere?

On Friday, Allison Mack entered a plea of “not guilty” for sex trafficking and forced labor.

See, even if you pretend that it’s “empowering,” it is in fact illegal to coerce people to have sex through blackmail and the threat of beatings.

Yes, it’s still illegal even if the  initials are already branded on that woman’s body.

Mack is, of course, accused of recruiting women to join the pyramid scheme and then selecting which women would be ordered to Raniere’s bed.

And now it’s come out that she may have very brazenly tried to recruit two very familiar names over twitter:

Beloved Harry Potter star Emma Watson and sometimes controversial American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson.

Allison Mack Tweet to Emma Watson

“I’m a fellow actress like yourself and involved in an amazing women’s movement I think you’d dig,” Mack wrote.

Her tweet continued:

“I’d love to chat if you’re open.”

A month later, when Watson still hadn’t taken the bait, Mack wrote:

“I participate in a unique human development and women’s movement I’d love to tell you about.”

Well … it certainly is unique as far as women’s movements go.

Allison Mack Tweet to Kelly Clarkson

Allison Mack also wrote to Kelly Clarkson.

With Clarkson, she used a somewhat vaguer approach, apparently hoping to dazzle the Since You’ve Been Gone singer with her “star power.”

“I heard through the grapevine that you’re a fan of Smallville.”

Smallville ran for 10 seasons. Its fan base was relatively small yet very dedicated.

“I’m a fan of yours as well! I’d love to chat sometime.”

Those are deceptive friendly words for such an ominous tweet.

While it doesn’t look like Watson or Clarkson fell for Mack’s invitation, that doesn’t make this any less bizarre.

It’s not surprising, however.

Mack was said to have quickly become one of Raniere’s favorites because he liked having a celebrity (or close enough) to recruit more people to Nxivm.

It only stands to reason that, either of her own volition or acting on Raniere’s orders, Mack would seek other celebrities with whom she might have an “in.”

Emma Watson is an outspoken feminist, so Mack clearly hoped that calling Nxivm a “women’s movement” would help to draw her in.

And since Kelly Clarkson apparently likes Smallville, well, who wouldn’t want to hear from an actor from a show that they love?

It’s not clear if she was determined to rope them into joining the sex slave cult, or was just trying to get them both in the “normal” self-help part of the organization to draw in more members.

There’s no doubt that Allison Mack was a major recruitment tool for Nxivm.

But some have called into question how much a willing participant she was in the abuse that she allegedly doled out.

We don’t know all of the evidence that the prosecution will present, but prosecutors may find themselves in a tricky situation.

If they successfully prove that the women in Raniere’s DOS program were unwilling participants and sex trafficking victims because of abuse and blackmail and brainwashing …

… Might Mack’s defense team use that to argue that she herself was also a victim?

They might also try to argue that, if Mack was capable of making her own choices, that the victims were all there of their own free will?

We’re not saying that we believe those arguments, but this is definitely a complicated case.

We’ll see how things work out.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Kristin Kreuk: I Was Never a Sex Slave Recruiter!

… and now for a sentence we did not think we’d be writing today:

Kristin Kreuk has issued a strong statement in denial of reports that she helped recruit sex slaves for a self-help group in which the actress formerly played a role.

This message from Kreuk comes days after Keith Raniere – the co-founder of a mysterious and controversial self-improvement group named “Nxivm” – was arrested in Mexico.

Known as “Vanguard” to his loyal followers, Raniere was taken into custody on a number of sex trafficking and forced labor charges.

According to the criminal complaint, the 57-year-old used his power, position and influence as the head of Nxivm to “brainwash” women into forced labor and sex, while even branding them with his initials.

We’re talking really heinous stuff here.

Where does Kreuk enter the picture?

According to Page Six, the actress (best known for having portrayed a young Superman’s love interest, Lana Lang, on Smallville) was a member of this organization.

She joined in late 2005, the newspaper writes, and helped bring Smallville co-star Allison Mack into the fold.

Mack was accused last year of luring women into the sex slave ring started by Raniere; and this report alleges that Kreuk was also considered some kind of “recruiter” within Nxivm.

Kreuk left the group in 2012, reportedly after she learned Raniere was sleeping with underage girls.

And now she’s released a statement that denies any such recruiting role in general.

“When I was about 23, I took an Executive Success Programs/NXIVM ‘intensive,’ what I understood to be a self help/personal growth course that helped me handle my previous shyness, which is why I continued with the program,” Kreuk wrote, adding in detail:

“I left about five years ago and had minimal contact with those who were still involved.”

The actress went on to shoot down talk that she had any influence within the group and was not involved in its “Dominus Obsequious Sororium” (DOS), which translates from Latin to “Master Over the Slave Woman.”

Writes Kreuk:

“The accusations that I was in the ‘inner circle’ or recruited women as ‘sex slaves’ are blatantly false.

“During my time, I never experienced any illegal or nefarious activity. I am horrified and disgusted by what has come out about DOS.”

kk statement

The women brought into this group were allegedly placed on a strict diet of about 500 to 800 calories a day in order to satisfy Raniere.

The cult leader coerced the women into having sex with him and doing menial chores for “masters,” according to previous reports.

Concluded the actress:

Thank you to all the brave women who have come forward to share their stories and expose DOS; I can’t imagine how difficult this has been for you.

I am deeply disturbed and embarrassed to have been associated with NXIVM. I hope that the investigation leads to justice for all of those affected.

Kreuk also starred as the lead character on Beauty and the Beast and appeared on multiple episodes of Chuck.

Mack is expected to be arrested in the near future, Page Six writes.

What a weird and horrifying story all around.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Larry King Says the Second Amendment Was Created to Fight Off Slave Uprisings

Larry King has an interesting tidbit for why the Second Amendment should be repealed — and it’s got to do with what he says is the real reason it was created … to fight off slaves. We got the ex-talk show host Wednesday at E. Baldi in Bev Hills,…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

R. Kelly Accused of Training 14-Year-Old to Be His Sex Slave

When we learn new things about how R. Kelly allegedly keeps women in a sex cult and trains them as “pets,” the new information is never pleasant.

This time, it’s no exception.

One of R. Kelly’s exes has come forward to reveal that, by his own admission, the singer allegedly began “training” at least one woman when she was as young as 14.

R. Kelly is infamous for his long history of reports of sexual misconduct, interest in minors, and the reports that he keeps women in a “sex cult.”

At this point, the fact that he ever makes music is sort of an afterthought

Multiple women have come forward with horror stories about how R. Kelly allegedly grooms and abuses women, sometimes beginning when they are minors.

He offers them money to quit their old lives, using his charisma and fame to seduce them into wanting a life with him.

From there, things get a lot scarier.

R. Kelly reportedly uses physical violence and other abuses, such a the use of starvation as a punishment and cutting off any access to the outside world.

The idea of this happening to adults is a nightmare. But one of the women who has now escaped from R. Kelly’s world says that he begins this treatment on some “pets” when they are still children.

In a new BBC3 documentary, one of R. Kelly’s exes who has bravely come forward with her horrifying story describes how his alleged grooming begins when girls are very young.

The woman, Kitti Jones, describes when she realized this.

“I saw that she was dressed like me, that she was saying the things I’d say, and her mannerisms were like mine.”

She says that there was much more to it than R. Kelly just having a type.

“That’s when it clicked in my head that he had been grooming me to become one of his pets. He calls them his pets.”

Kitti says that R. Kelly had this woman “crawl on the floor towards me and perform oral sex on me, and he said, ‘This is my f–king pet, I trained her.’”

She says that he eventually bragged to her that he had “trained” this girl since she was just 14.

The shocking accusations about R. Kelly surfaced in 2017, but have so far come from adult women — and from their concerned families.

Abusers and cult leaders alike know that it’s important to isolate their victims from their families as much as possible and to encourage total dependence upon them.

That’s one of many factors, in addition to gradual grooming, that helps them maintain control.

That is precisely what R. Kelly is accused of doing. Unfortunately, sometimes law enforcement feels that their hands are tied when victims are adults, because they are likely to tell police that they’re there of their own free will.

Yes, even if they’re being starved as punishment for some perceived slight.

However, the victimization and sexual exploitation of minors might be easier for law enforcement to address … but, like everything else that R. Kelly is accused of doing to these women, may be very difficult to prove after-the-fact.

But this is not in any way the first stomach-churning story that the world has heard about R. Kelly and underage girls.

R. Kelly illegally married Aaliyah in 1994, when she was only 15. He had met her when she was only 12.

Then, in 2002, a video surfaced that allegedly showed R. Kelly having sex with and then urinating upon an underage girl.

When his property was searched by authorities, they recovered multiple images of an underage girl on a camera that was stashed away.

In at least some of the images, R. Kelly was allegedly engaged in sex acts with this underage girl. It was reported that this young woman was the same who appeared in the video tape that had surfaced.

Ultimately, the charges were dropped, as it was determined that the search warrants had lacked probable cause, rendering all of the findings fruit of the poisonous tree in the eyes of the courts.

And, in the end, R. Kelly was found not guilty over charges from the original video.

Will any of these charges against R. Kelly be proven?

It’s hard to say. The more people who come forward, the better the chances are.

It’s worth noting that when the sex cult accusations first came out during the summer of 2017, this was months before the #MeToo movement.

Perhaps the positive cultural shift against victim-blaming has opened people’s eyes enough that sex monsters can be brought to justice.

But it’s hard to imagine how someone groomed to be a sex slave since she was just 14 years old could ever truly recover.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Ozzy Osbourne Suing AEG: You"re Making Me a Slave to Staples Center

Ozzy Osbourne is suing AEG, claiming the entertainment group is essentially blackmailing him to perform at the Staples Center … or else. Ozzy is scheduled to perform at the O2 Arena in London, but AEG has a giant string attached … they won’t let…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

TMZ Live: Ed Westwick Fights "Sex Slave" Allegations

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Ed Westwick Made Me His Sex Slave, Former Stylist Alleges

Ed Westwick has once again been accused of rape.

The former Gossip Girl star, who was first alleged to have committed this heinous act back in November, now faces allegations from a woman named Haley Camille Freedman.

Per TMZ, Freedman writes in a new lawsuit that she attended a gathering at Westwick’s home in 2014.

She was among a large group of people at the time, but remained behind after everyone else left for the evening.

Freedman acknowledges that she and the actor started having consensual sex, but that she grew hesitant when he asked her to strangle him, spit on him and slap him.

After she refused to do so, Freeman says Westwick did these things to her.

And that’s not all…

Freedman goes on to explain that she fell asleep after this awkward encounter and spent the night at Westwick’s residence.

She was taking a shower in the morning when Westwick entered the bathroom and forced himself upon her sexually.

The legal documents detail how Freedman was groggy and out of it for two days, stranded at Westwick’s house and unsure where she was.

She says she did not have cell phone service.

Westwick allegedly promised to drive Freedman to her car, but then kept delaying this favor so that he could keep having sex with her, resulting in bruising and bleeding, according to the lawsuit.

But here’s where things get even weirder…

Freedman is NOT suing Westwick.

Her legal beef is with ex-business partner who she says cut her off as an aspiring stylist because she wanted to make these allegations public three years ago.

Freedman claims she even gave an interview to a media outlet, but Westwick’s team managed to stop it from being published.

How so?

By painting her, via a series of text messages as “unstable, disturbed, jealous and promiscuous.”

She adds in the lawsuit that Westwick threatened to sue her, alleging he had proof she was lying because he had loved ones in town visiting his house at the time she claims she was being held captive.

It’s a weird story, to be sure.

But it’s actually the third time now that a woman has come out with sexual assault allegations against the actor.

He is under investigation for at least one of these incidents and said the following after the second charge was leveled, by an actress named Aurélie Wynn:

“I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on a woman. I certainly have never committed rape.”

We’ll update this story when/if more news breaks.


Ed Westwick, Stylist Claims She Was a Sex Slave and Hollywood Turned Against Her

Ed Westwick is at the center of a lawsuit — though not named as a defendant — by a woman claiming he held her hostage as a sex slave for 48 hours.  Sources connected with Westwick tell TMZ the woman is delusional and was trying to get her…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Allison Mack: Accused of High Rank in Self-Help Slave Cult

Well, this is completely bonkers. But also a pretty serious 

Do you remember that story about the self-help group having a cult where women are branded with the cult leader’s initials?

Well, Smallville actress Allison Mack is now accused of being one of the highest ranking members of that cult. Which is actually super serious.

Allison Mack is an actress whom you probably recognize.

She was a main character on Smallville, the Superman prequel TV series that ran for, and this is neither a joke nor an exaggeration, ten seasons.

Before she played Chloe, Clark Kent’s high school classmate and friend, Allison Mack started off doing commercials as a child.

She got her first big break as an actress when she played a teenager on the Christian family drama 7th Heaven, portraying a self-injuring teenager.

(That 7th Heaven thing involves a weird coincidence and we’ll come back to that)

More recently, Allison Mack had a recurring role on Wilfred. She’s also done voice work for DC animated films, just in the past several years.

The fact that she’s a familiar face to so many makes these accusations against her shocking.

When the NXIVM story broke, there was zero mention of Allison Mack.

The New York Times published a stunning expose of NXIVM and their alleged sex cult.

A woman interviewed described how she had left the organization, which is ostensibly a self-help group (and has been characterized as a pyramid scheme in the past), after being held down and branded.

Yes, branded — like the thing that they do to cattle-thieves in cowboy movies. The thing with a hot iron. being pressed into someone’s skin until the burn is so thorough that the mark is permanent.

(In the case of NXIVM, a doctor is accused of giving the brands with a cauterizing tool … which, to be clear, is not better)

The brands, by the way, are of the cult founder’s initials.

So, yes, we’d leave and tell everything, too — even though this alleged sex cult apparently forces all of its members to sign non-disclosure forms and requires inductees to turn over nude, potentially embarrassing photos that could be used as blackmail.

There are an estimated 16,000 members of NXIVM, but most of them are involved in the self-help side of things. They take “success classes,” which basically sounds like the sort of “give us money and obey us and you’ll succeed” nonsense that you’d expect from the Church of Scientology.

But NXVIUM allegedly has a dark side — a sex cult known as DOS (believed to stand for the Latin phrase, dominus obsequious sororium, meaning “master over the slave women”).

Within this cult, these “slaves” each report to their “master” in a pyramid reaching up to NXIVM’s founder, Keith Raniere.

The women within this hierarchy are said to go on starvation diets, take cold showers, and send their “masters” regular nudes. As part of this, they leave friends and even family behind and devote themselves to this cult.

These serious allegations involve a lot of brainwashing, folks. Also, corporal punishment inflicted upon women who fail to meet expectations.

Reportedly, Allison Mack is part of this cult.

And she is very near the head of it, reporting directly to Keith Raniere.

According to these reports, women who fail to obey Allison Mack are beaten with a paddle, and she is responsible for selecting Keith’s sexual partners as well as doing “normal” recruiting for the cult.

But it’s not all fun and dominion for Allison Mack, who is described as “both perpetrator and victim.”

She, too, has to stay as thin as possible — consuming as little as 500 to 800 calories per day and running 40 miles a week.

It is believed that she was a prize addition to Raniere’s cult because, as a celebrity, she added a degree of polish to Raniere’s image and to his organization.

No one accuses Allison Mack of setting out to do all of this, though — it’s believed that she was brainwashed, just like the many other victims.

Allison Mack’s representative is “passing” on responding to questions, which is … really not a good thing.

These are damning accusations … but we have to bring up something that immediately jumped out at us.

Andrew Keegan is known for being a cult leader. Before that, though, he was an actor — he was in 10 Things I Hate About You and had a recurring role on 7th Heaven.

And we all know what 7th Heaven‘s lead actor, Stephen Collins, has been accused of.

So we have to ask … why is the common point for a cult leader, a high-ranking cult member, and an accused child-molester the same TV series?

And how did Jessica Biel turn out so normal?


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Common Says Jerry Jones Has "Slave Owner Mentality" with Threat to Bench Players

Common believes Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones is exhibiting a “slave owner mentality” by saying he’d bench any player who “disrespects the flag” … making HIM the unpatriotic one. “It’s an owner mentality,” Common tells TMZ Sports…


Friday, May 5, 2017

Britney Spears" VMAs "Slave 4 U" Costume Hits eBay, Plus 6 Others (PHOTO GALLERY)

Britney Spears’ old costumes are about to net one of her superfans $ 1 million … or at least that’s the hope of the collector who’s unloading 7 vintage Brit looks. The crown jewel of Dana Proctor’s collection is the iconic outfit Brit wore…


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Britney Spears Makes "Bachelorette" Star Josh Murray Her Dance Slave (VIDEO)

Britney Spears might be taken but that’s not stopping her from picking famous, freshly single bachelors out of the crowd at her Las Vegas show. “Bachelor in Paradise” star Josh Murray, who also won Andi Dorfman’s ‘Bachelorette’ season,…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Florida Woman: Yes, I Tried to Impregnate My Slave with My Boyfriend"s Sperm

Here is a story you don’t read about everyday:

A Florida woman has pleaded guilty to paying $ 3,000 in order to have a Mexican woman smuggled into the United States…

… prior to holding this woman captive for two years and attempting to impregnate her with syringes containing her boyfriend’s sperm.

According to actual court documents (obtained by People Magazine), 47-year old Esthela Clark confessed to a single count of forced labor during an appearance in federal court Monday morning.

The Jacksonville native faces 20 years in jail at her sentencing next month.

Clark paid the aforementioned sum to a group of men (known as “coyotes”) in 2012 for bringing a 22-year-old woman across the border.

The victim was apparently promised $ 4,000 to serve as a surrogate for Clark and her boyfriend.

However, the legal papers indicate she told authorities she was told the process would be overseen by medical professionals, as is often the case in these kinds of situations.

The victim has not been unidentified.

But she explained to federal agents how Clark forbade her from leaving her one-bedroom condominium in Jacksonville, telling her quasi slave that the neighborhood was dangerous and that she “would most likely be killed” if she went outside.

Clark warned this victim that she read Tarot cards and told her that if she ever tried to hide anything, “Clark would find out,” the documents read.

Things get even more disturbing from there.

Other takeaway from the legal documents include:

  • The woman was forced to sleep on a mattress in the dining room.

  • A week after arriving in the United States, the woman alleges that Clark tried to inseminate her with syringes containing sperm, which had been retrieved from used condoms.

  • According to court filings, Clark and her unnamed boyfriend would have sexual intercourse and she would later extract semen from the contraceptive.

We’ll give you a few moments to pick your jaw up from off the floor and/or to go deposit your latest meal in the toilet…

The woman told police that Clark would occasionally inject her three to four times a day with these syringes.

After nine months of impregnation failure, the woman said Clark grew physical and psychologically abusive, forcing her to perform “domestic labor.”

The documents detail this labor as such chores as looking after Clark’s dog and cleaning her residence.

From there, the victim says Clark began rationing her food because she believed her captive was too fat and that her difficulty getting pregnant stemmed from her excessive weight, according to the documents.

The woman was fed only beans and lost 65 pounds.

“Clark isolated the victim from her family,” a statement from federal prosecutors reads. “She also attempted to collect from the victim’s family the cost she had paid to the ‘coyotes,’ with interest.”

Oh, and then there’s this:

Clark forced the woman “to have sex with two complete strangers through threats of force and coercion,” authorities state on the record, saying she threatened to hurt her family if she ever attempted to escape

A.t one point, Clark made the woman to work in local restaurants … but kept all of her earnings.

After an acquaintance of the victim learned what was going on, she contacted authorities with various sordid, illegal details.

Clark was indicted in 2015 on charges of bringing in and harboring aliens, sex trafficking of children, forced labor and furthering slave traffic.

Neither her nor anyone on he legal team has spoken out on this horrific accusations.
