Showing posts with label Kreuk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kreuk. Show all posts

Friday, March 30, 2018

Kristin Kreuk: I Was Never a Sex Slave Recruiter!

… and now for a sentence we did not think we’d be writing today:

Kristin Kreuk has issued a strong statement in denial of reports that she helped recruit sex slaves for a self-help group in which the actress formerly played a role.

This message from Kreuk comes days after Keith Raniere – the co-founder of a mysterious and controversial self-improvement group named “Nxivm” – was arrested in Mexico.

Known as “Vanguard” to his loyal followers, Raniere was taken into custody on a number of sex trafficking and forced labor charges.

According to the criminal complaint, the 57-year-old used his power, position and influence as the head of Nxivm to “brainwash” women into forced labor and sex, while even branding them with his initials.

We’re talking really heinous stuff here.

Where does Kreuk enter the picture?

According to Page Six, the actress (best known for having portrayed a young Superman’s love interest, Lana Lang, on Smallville) was a member of this organization.

She joined in late 2005, the newspaper writes, and helped bring Smallville co-star Allison Mack into the fold.

Mack was accused last year of luring women into the sex slave ring started by Raniere; and this report alleges that Kreuk was also considered some kind of “recruiter” within Nxivm.

Kreuk left the group in 2012, reportedly after she learned Raniere was sleeping with underage girls.

And now she’s released a statement that denies any such recruiting role in general.

“When I was about 23, I took an Executive Success Programs/NXIVM ‘intensive,’ what I understood to be a self help/personal growth course that helped me handle my previous shyness, which is why I continued with the program,” Kreuk wrote, adding in detail:

“I left about five years ago and had minimal contact with those who were still involved.”

The actress went on to shoot down talk that she had any influence within the group and was not involved in its “Dominus Obsequious Sororium” (DOS), which translates from Latin to “Master Over the Slave Woman.”

Writes Kreuk:

“The accusations that I was in the ‘inner circle’ or recruited women as ‘sex slaves’ are blatantly false.

“During my time, I never experienced any illegal or nefarious activity. I am horrified and disgusted by what has come out about DOS.”

kk statement

The women brought into this group were allegedly placed on a strict diet of about 500 to 800 calories a day in order to satisfy Raniere.

The cult leader coerced the women into having sex with him and doing menial chores for “masters,” according to previous reports.

Concluded the actress:

Thank you to all the brave women who have come forward to share their stories and expose DOS; I can’t imagine how difficult this has been for you.

I am deeply disturbed and embarrassed to have been associated with NXIVM. I hope that the investigation leads to justice for all of those affected.

Kreuk also starred as the lead character on Beauty and the Beast and appeared on multiple episodes of Chuck.

Mack is expected to be arrested in the near future, Page Six writes.

What a weird and horrifying story all around.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Allison Mack Was Recruited into Sex Cult by Smallville Costar Kristin Kreuk!

Has anybody else been having weird cult nightmares since hearing that Allison Mack is a “master” in a self-help sex cult? It’s only been a week and I’ve had two such dreams. Two.

The thing is that while we sort of understand how Allison Mack slid up the ranks to allegedly become the second- or third-in-command of DOS, we’ve never really had a clear picture of how she got started in it.

As it turns out, she was recruited … by Smallville costar Kristin Kreuk.

Allison Mack is reportedly either the second or third in command of a master-slave sex cult called DOS.

According to an alarming expose by The New York Times, DOS is a cult that operates within NXIVM

NXIVM is a “self-help” organization that features programs that allegedly promote female empowerment … in exchange for a large chunk of money. Oh, and recruiting new members.

Based upon descriptions and reports, one might think of NXIVM like what would happen if the Church of Scientology had a baby with a more run-of-the-mill pyramid scheme.

At some point, certain women start going on starvation diets (seriously — no reputable doctor would recommend this) and taking only cold showers … and submitting incriminating photos that could later be used against them as blackmail.

And then these women are required to submit to branding, having Keith Raniere’s initials branded into their pubic region. They are “slaves,” each serving a “master,’ all the way to the top.

Brainwashing and corporal punishment are reportedly standard fare for these members of DOS.

And while Raniere is at the head of this alleged cult, Allison Mack is said to be right below him. Having undergone brainwashing herself, Mack is described as “both a perpetrator and a victim” of the cult’s abuse.

But how did she get started with all of this?

That’s where Kristin Kreuk comes in.

Kreuk is best known for her work on Smallville, playing Clark Kent’s adolescent romantic interest, Lana Lang. She was eventually written out of the series in a particularly goofy way.

Kristin Kreuk also starred on Beauty and the Beast, the 2012 series, which … was not a great show and finally came to an end in 2016.

And it’s now reported that she was the one who first recruited Allison Mack to NXIVM.

A woman named Susan Dones told HollywoodLife about Kristin Kreuk’s involvement with the cult.

“Yes Kristin Kreuk and Allison Mack were members of Nxivm. Kristin recruited Allison.”

Dones herself was a member.

Before you worry, it doesn’t sound like Kristin Kreuk has anybody’s initials branded near her genitals.

“But Kristin left shortly after I left in 2009. She got out before it became really bizarre and wasn’t involved with anything sexual.”

Dones speaks about when and why she left:

“I joined in 2000 and left in 2009 when I found out that Keith Raniere was manipulating women into having sex with him. He wouldn’t approach the women for sex directly. He would send one of the women working for him, a woman named Pat, on his behalf.”

It sounds like a precursor to Allison Mack’s current job.

“Pat would say to the chosen woman, ‘Keith wants to spend some one on one time with you.’”

And when you’re in a cult, you want to spend time with the leader.

“Whatever they were doing with their lives, whether it was acting or business or a sport they were good at, they would be told Keith can help you if you spend some one on one time and she could set that up. He would meet them and do his seduction thing.”

We don’t care to imagine what Keith Raniere’s alleged “seduction thing” looks like.

These days, Allison Mack is still submitting to Keith Raniere’s will.

She reportedly eats only 500 to 800 calories per day, which is absolutely not enough food.

She is also said to run 40 miles a week.

All of this is to keep herself incredibly thin, per DOS’ requirements. With authority comes very high standards.

Women within DOS who fail to obey Allison Mack’s orders are reportedly paddled as punishment, reinforcing Keith Raniere’s will.

As for Allison’s particular responsibilities?

Why, she’s allegedly in charge of selecting women to be Keith’s sex partners.

All the while, Allison Mack continues to praise NXIVM and recruit more “slaves” to the cause.

There is, unfortunately, no part of this story that isn’t gross an alarming.

So both women were recruited while filming Smallville in Vancouver.

Kristin apparently got into it because her boyfriend was part of NXIVM. There are a few men involved in the organization, but it sounds like DOS is made up entirely of women.

And Keith Raniere.

We’re glad that Kristin got out as early as she did, but so saddened that Allison Mack did not.

We can’t imagine how Kristin or any other former recruiter must feel, knowing what they got other women into. Even if they had no idea, it’s a lot to live with.

And we can’t help but wonder how many other familiar faces might be part of the organization.
