Showing posts with label Stylist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stylist. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Offset Allegedly Ignores Stylist"s Lawsuit, Stylist to Seek Default Judgment

Offset’s time is up to pay back a stylist for allegedly stiffing him, so the stylist plans to ask the judge to order the rapper to fork over the money … sources close to the case tell TMZ. The Migos rapper was sued in late June in Fulton County,…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Ed Westwick Made Me His Sex Slave, Former Stylist Alleges

Ed Westwick has once again been accused of rape.

The former Gossip Girl star, who was first alleged to have committed this heinous act back in November, now faces allegations from a woman named Haley Camille Freedman.

Per TMZ, Freedman writes in a new lawsuit that she attended a gathering at Westwick’s home in 2014.

She was among a large group of people at the time, but remained behind after everyone else left for the evening.

Freedman acknowledges that she and the actor started having consensual sex, but that she grew hesitant when he asked her to strangle him, spit on him and slap him.

After she refused to do so, Freeman says Westwick did these things to her.

And that’s not all…

Freedman goes on to explain that she fell asleep after this awkward encounter and spent the night at Westwick’s residence.

She was taking a shower in the morning when Westwick entered the bathroom and forced himself upon her sexually.

The legal documents detail how Freedman was groggy and out of it for two days, stranded at Westwick’s house and unsure where she was.

She says she did not have cell phone service.

Westwick allegedly promised to drive Freedman to her car, but then kept delaying this favor so that he could keep having sex with her, resulting in bruising and bleeding, according to the lawsuit.

But here’s where things get even weirder…

Freedman is NOT suing Westwick.

Her legal beef is with ex-business partner who she says cut her off as an aspiring stylist because she wanted to make these allegations public three years ago.

Freedman claims she even gave an interview to a media outlet, but Westwick’s team managed to stop it from being published.

How so?

By painting her, via a series of text messages as “unstable, disturbed, jealous and promiscuous.”

She adds in the lawsuit that Westwick threatened to sue her, alleging he had proof she was lying because he had loved ones in town visiting his house at the time she claims she was being held captive.

It’s a weird story, to be sure.

But it’s actually the third time now that a woman has come out with sexual assault allegations against the actor.

He is under investigation for at least one of these incidents and said the following after the second charge was leveled, by an actress named Aurélie Wynn:

“I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner, on a woman. I certainly have never committed rape.”

We’ll update this story when/if more news breaks.


Ed Westwick, Stylist Claims She Was a Sex Slave and Hollywood Turned Against Her

Ed Westwick is at the center of a lawsuit — though not named as a defendant — by a woman claiming he held her hostage as a sex slave for 48 hours.  Sources connected with Westwick tell TMZ the woman is delusional and was trying to get her…


Friday, July 8, 2016

Paige Sanderson: Stylist Sues Kim and Kyle Richards For Pitbull Attack

This is not good.

Kim Richards’ pitbull, Kingsley has attacked yet another person, this time stylist Paige Sanderson.

According to E! News, Sanderson is suing Richards, her sister, Kyle, and her son, Chad, who let Kingsley out of a room despite allegedly saying that “someone would be bitten if they did not leave.”

Kim’s attorney, Bruce London is also being sued.

Sanderson was over at Kyle’s house to help Kim with a fitting ahead of a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills appearance.  Kyle is being sued because the attack took place on her property.

Sanderson stated in court documents that the pit bull “had an extremely vicious and unusually dangerous nature and a propensity to attack, bite, and severely injured people without provocation.”

Once Davis let Kingsley out of the room, the dog “lunged at [Sanderson] and bit and held onto her lower abdomen and crotch, tearing off her leggings and underwear and ripped out portions of flesh between her legs and genitalia.”

To make matters worse, “Kim refused to call 911 unless Sanderson lied to EMT’s by blaming the attack on a stray dog,” a plan devised by both her and London.

Sanderson is suing for “negligence, emotional distress, battery, assault and strict liability.”

Kingsley is responsible for at least three previous attacks.  He bit Kyle’s daughter, Alexia, an 80-year-old woman, and his trainer.

Kim and Kyle came to blows during a reunion special in April 2015, when Kim accused Kyle of sharing Instagrams from inside Alexia’s hospital room while she underwent surgery.

“Kim was upset, because I had posted pictures from the hospital. Like I said at the reunion, I NEVER said her dog bit Alexia. Never mentioned her OR her dog,” Kyle wrote on her blog after the episode aired.

“TMZ ended up finding out that it was Kim’s dog, and she blamed me, because I posted the pictures from the hospital. I did not do that to hurt my sister in any way or to ‘get Instagram followers,’ like she suggested.

“With all of my family coming and going at the hospital, people were bound to find out and talk.”

A source told Radar Online that after the attack occurred, Kim accepted “absolutely no responsibility for the dog biting incident, which makes Kyle absolutely nuts.”

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian to Kanye: You"re FIRED as My Stylist!

It’s no secret that Kim Kardashian has taken style tips from her husband Kanye West over the past few years, even though his talent for fashion is sometimes questionable.

In fact, many seem to think Kim serves as Yeezy’s life-sized, big-bootied Barbie whose outfits he must approve on a daily basis.

But now, amid rumors that their marriage is on the rocks, Kim refuses to allow her husband to dress her for this year’s illustrious Met Gala, an annual fundraiser better known as the biggest fashion spectacle in the universe.

“Kim doesn’t want to do anything risky,” an insider told Radar Online. “She wants to wear something classic and elegant. Nothing like that floral print dress Kanye persuaded her to wear in 2013.”

Oh yeah, the maternity monstrosity that prompted many a “Who Wore It Better?” meme that compared Kim to their grandma’s couch.

“Kanye thinks he can totally push the envelope and have Kim in something very avant garde and unique,” said the insider. “The theme plays to Kanye’s strengths as a fashion designer, and it’s very frustrating that Kim isn’t falling in line.”

As a fashion designer, Kanye’s creations haven’t always been well-received. Media Takeout described his Yeezy collection as “a bunch of torn rags for $ 2,000.”

“Kanye is very vocal about Kim’s fashion choices and is hyper-critical when he doesn’t agree with how she is presenting herself,” said the source.

“They are fighting non-stop over this, and it has just gotten ridiculous.”

Apparently, Kim isn’t thrilled with the way Kanye is presenting himself either. Sources say she’s tired of his Twitter tirades and public meltdowns and wants him to get a grip.

We haven’t always loved some of Kim’s getups, but she’s a grown woman and can dress herself without the help of her child-husband. Or at least hire an actual stylist to dole out expensive red carpet advice.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Lamar Odom Is Khloe Kardashian"s New Stylist, Because OF COURSE!

The man suffered a near-fatal overdose, but he’s still got his sartorial wits about him!

So says a report about Khloe Kardashian’s temporary roommate and estranged husband, Lamar Odom.

Earlier this week, Hollywood Life claimed that Kardashian moved Odom into her home after he was discharged from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.  

Odom has been hospitalized since October 13th, when he was found unconscious at a Nevada brothel.

Kardashian is currently promoting her new FYI series, Kocktails with Khloe in New York, and girlfriend needs someone to give her the green light on style.

It was up to Odom, not Kardashian’s stylists, to approve of her wardrobe for the press trip.

“While Lamar’s relearning how to walk among other things, he’s still got an eye for Khloe and what looks best on her,” a source told Hollywood Life.

“Before she did press here in LA and even before she left for NYC, Khloe tried on an array of outfits in front of Lamar and asked him what she looked best in.

“He was lying in her bed and gave her the thumbs up with a huge smile on his face if he liked it and two thumbs down if he didn’t approve.”

As Peter Cetera once declared, Odom is the “inspiration.”  Behind her outfit choices.