Friday, July 8, 2016

Paige Sanderson: Stylist Sues Kim and Kyle Richards For Pitbull Attack

This is not good.

Kim Richards’ pitbull, Kingsley has attacked yet another person, this time stylist Paige Sanderson.

According to E! News, Sanderson is suing Richards, her sister, Kyle, and her son, Chad, who let Kingsley out of a room despite allegedly saying that “someone would be bitten if they did not leave.”

Kim’s attorney, Bruce London is also being sued.

Sanderson was over at Kyle’s house to help Kim with a fitting ahead of a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills appearance.  Kyle is being sued because the attack took place on her property.

Sanderson stated in court documents that the pit bull “had an extremely vicious and unusually dangerous nature and a propensity to attack, bite, and severely injured people without provocation.”

Once Davis let Kingsley out of the room, the dog “lunged at [Sanderson] and bit and held onto her lower abdomen and crotch, tearing off her leggings and underwear and ripped out portions of flesh between her legs and genitalia.”

To make matters worse, “Kim refused to call 911 unless Sanderson lied to EMT’s by blaming the attack on a stray dog,” a plan devised by both her and London.

Sanderson is suing for “negligence, emotional distress, battery, assault and strict liability.”

Kingsley is responsible for at least three previous attacks.  He bit Kyle’s daughter, Alexia, an 80-year-old woman, and his trainer.

Kim and Kyle came to blows during a reunion special in April 2015, when Kim accused Kyle of sharing Instagrams from inside Alexia’s hospital room while she underwent surgery.

“Kim was upset, because I had posted pictures from the hospital. Like I said at the reunion, I NEVER said her dog bit Alexia. Never mentioned her OR her dog,” Kyle wrote on her blog after the episode aired.

“TMZ ended up finding out that it was Kim’s dog, and she blamed me, because I posted the pictures from the hospital. I did not do that to hurt my sister in any way or to ‘get Instagram followers,’ like she suggested.

“With all of my family coming and going at the hospital, people were bound to find out and talk.”

A source told Radar Online that after the attack occurred, Kim accepted “absolutely no responsibility for the dog biting incident, which makes Kyle absolutely nuts.”