Friday, July 8, 2016

Johnny Depp Posts Drunk Instagram Video, Remains Heavily Accessorized

These days, when he’s not busy altering ill-advised tattoo tributes to former flames, Johnny Depp can be seen playing guitar for the Alice Cooper-fronted supergroup the Hollywood Vampires.

And from the looks of this promotional video uploaded to Instagram today, Depp is having no trouble fitting into the rockstar lifestyle:

Now, obviously Depp’s not as sloshed as when he slurred his way through a speech at the Hollywood Film Awards last year.

He’s got more of a “probably should’ve filmed this two or three beverages ago” tipsy thing going on here.

Perhaps it’s all the news about his divorce from Amber Heard or his well-publicized struggles with booze, but we feel like we can smell the liquor emanating from our screens when we hit play here.

We’re starting to think “Where’s the rum?” has ceased to be just a cute Captain Jack catchphrase and is now Depp’s standard reply when someone says “good morning.”

Fortunately, Johnny hasn’t let his love of the sauce interfere with his true passion…

Yes, we’re talking about his accessories.

Maybe Depp is taking recent comments about his appearance to heart and covering himself with as much fabric as he can at all times.

Or maybe he just feels personally responsible for keeping our nation’s scarf and costume jewelry suppliers in business.

Either way he looks like someone stole a mannequin from Hot Topic, brought it to life and got it drunk.

We’re not saying the guy isn’t entitled to few dozen drinks or necklaces, but you’d think with all the recent controversy surrounding his fondness for inebriants, he’d make an effort to be a bit more alert when recording a video that’s likely to be seen by millions.

Hey, we guess even the biggest A-listers aren’t above the occasional drunk social media mistake.

Celebrities – they’re just like us … but with more bracelets.